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Child Molester


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On Aug 19, 2002 a German man, Frank Trebing, was arrested at Frankfurt airport with pornographic pictures of young boys. Information from Trebing led to the arrests of Elmar Umbach, another German man, and Jaatinen Jouko Petri, a Finnish man, in Belgium on Sept 14 last year. The two were found to be distributors of pornographic pictures of young boys.

A search of Umbach's house found lists of contacts and records of financial transactions with people in Finland, Germany, Morocco, Brazil, Mexico and Spain.

Belgian authorities charged Umbach with criminal assembly and sent Petri to Finland for legal action.

The two told Belgian and Finnish police that Pattaya was the centre for young boys for the sex trade in Southeast Asia.

Belgian and Finnish police passed the information to Thai police and asked them to watch for the arrival of four people who had connections with Umbach.

At least two of them have previously been to Thailand, police said.

One of them used to run a club in Pattaya, where he met Umbach and Trebing and other people involved in the trade in young boys for sex and pornographic pictures. The other had organised child sex tours to Thailand for about 10 years.

Umbach admitted he paid young Thai boys 200 baht each for a photo session and 400-800 baht for sex and that he had sex with as many as 85 Thai boys aged 14-16 and 40 others aged 10-14. However, photo specialists said some of the boys appeared a lot younger, possibly as young as four years.

Got this of the net after seeing the news. Today Umbach got sentenced to 10 years in jail and an aditional 10 years to be placed to the goverment's disposal.

Just thought this was important enough to put to the attention, hoping this is the start to putting an end to these practices.

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