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If Money Wasn't An Object, Would You Stay In Los


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If money was not a factor LOS would be my second choice to Hawaii. I must say though, LOS is a quater of price to hawaii. There is nothing negative about Hawaii other than price. Prople are always friendly, the food is good and the weather is always near perfect.

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Well if i was loaded like that bird that won £85 million on the euro lottery, then i reckon i would throw The king of Thailand a few mill to let me have one of his islands. I would then declare independance and i would become king of my island.

Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

I would also spend 5 or 10 years travelling the world, just to see what else was around.

I find it funny when they interview these people that have won the lottery, and they always say they are going to keep working. WHY? for fcuks sake you have just won milllions and you still want to work. I think these people should give their winnings to me and i would show them how to spend it properly. :o

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Well if i was loaded like that bird that won £85 million on the euro lottery, then i reckon i would throw The king of Thailand a few mill to let me have one of his islands. I would then declare independance and i would become king of my island.

Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

I would also spend 5 or 10 years travelling the world, just to see what else was around.

I find it funny when they interview these people that have won the lottery, and they always say they are going to keep working. WHY? for fcuks sake you have just won milllions and you still want to work. I think these people should give their winnings to me and i would show them how to spend it properly. :D

LOL, :o


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:D  If money is not an issue I would probably stay here for a while then bring my mom to the holy land where she always wish to go. Then, I'll go to Paris and see if its true that Paris is a romantic place to be at. :o

I hate France and french but Paris really is a romantic city.

But maybe any city is romantic with millions?


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I enjoy Thailand but live in the real world and recognize money is a big factor in choices.

If I had unlimited money, I would probably do as many such others do, buy large houses in several locations, staff them up, and move around at whim and season.

Currently, some of those locations would be New York (or London, not both), somewhere in Thailand, a beach resort in Brazil, Vancouver (a penthouse overlooking Stanley Park), a beach resort in Mexico, and maybe someplace in Eastern Europe, Budapest or Dubrovnik maybe.

Edited by Thaiquila
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Considering the general sense of negativity that some complain of, perhaps we should ask:

"If you had millions, would you stay away from Thailand?"

I for one frequently day-dream at work (when not posting) about winning the lottery, calling travel agent and booking the next 1st class seat to Thailand!


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But money is the object, and much of what we view as great about Thailand is only accessible to us because we have money.

If you have an income of ten times that of an average Thai, and enjoy life in Thailand, think then what life would be like if you had an income of ten times that of an average Brit and you where living in London, or ten times that of an average Yank and lived in New York.

Edited by GuestHouse
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Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

i love the naked ladies plan but how to get it past the missus :o

i would keep my base here but i do like the south of france (except for the froggies and the cloggies, they bring the whole place down).

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Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

i love the naked ladies plan but how to get it past the missus :o

before i moved here i used to work for a guy called Jim Clark. He founded Silicon Graphics, Netscape and a bunch of other companies and made billions of $$$$$$s.

I managed his pet computer project, luxury yacht, house, etc.

He was quite a ladies man, and it always perplexed me that he never did anything like daleyboy suggests. he got more fun flying around the world yelling at people and been pissed of about everything. the rich are f*$king wierd.

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Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

i love the naked ladies plan but how to get it past the missus :o

before i moved here i used to work for a guy called Jim Clark. He founded Silicon Graphics, Netscape and a bunch of other companies and made billions of $$$$$$s.

I managed his pet computer project, luxury yacht, house, etc.

He was quite a ladies man, and it always perplexed me that he never did anything like daleyboy suggests. he got more fun flying around the world yelling at people and been pissed of about everything. the rich are f*$king wierd.

Ohh i would do that as well but i would have lots of naked ladies following me everywhere i went. As for the wife she wouldnt mind naked ladies as well if you know what i mean :D

Edited by daleyboy
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Considering the general sense of negativity that some complain of, perhaps we should ask:

"If you had millions, would you stay away from Thailand?"

I for one frequently day-dream at work (when not posting) about winning the lottery, calling travel agent and booking the next 1st class seat to Thailand!


Different strokes for different folks for SURE. London or New York would be the absolute LAST places I would want to live. I'm not wealthy by any means and if I were I doubt I'd leave Thailand. New Zealand is a beautiful country to visit but I wouldn't care to live there. Maybe if money were no object I'd take extended vacations there.

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3 months in Thailand(autumn)

3 months in Brazil...Rio, Sao Paolo, Recife, Salvador da Bahia(winter)

3 months in Europe....Nice, Cannes, Paris, Montreux Switzerland (summer)

3 months in USA....Arizona, New Mexico, California(spring)

To reply to the question, I would definetely still stay some of the year in Thailand, but there are so many other places to see and appreciate.....Having just come back from Nepal 2 days ago.....I am really in Love with Thailand at the moment... :o ....

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If money really wasn't an issue I don't think I would stay in any particular place, but have houses/villas/apartments in a various locations. Those that come to mind are: Thailand (of course) New Zealand (never been, but looks amazing) Buenos Aires, somewhere in Brasil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, China, St. Petersburg and Moscow, Budapest, Dubrovnik, Barcelona Switzerland/Austria, somewhere in Italy and New York, oh, of course my home town Newcastle. Don't quite know what I would do once I'm there, I'm afraid I'm not quite as imaginative as Daleyboy :o

Edited by Davey
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If money really wasn't an issue I don't think I would stay in any particular place, but have houses/villas/apartments in a various locations.  Those that come to mind are: Thailand (of course) New Zealand (never been, but looks amazing) Buenos Aires, somewhere in Brasil, Peru, Chile, Bolivia, China, St. Petersburg and Moscow, Budapest, Dubrovnik, Barcelona Switzerland/Austria, somewhere in Italy and New York, oh, of course my home town Newcastle.  Don't quite know what I would do once I'm there, I'm afraid I'm not quite as imaginative as Daleyboy  :o

Thats just the start of things mate, i could go on for about 10 pages about how i would have a go kart track round my island or how i would have plasma tvs in every room of my 20 bedroom mansion that change to differtnt picture when i walk in or the pool tables and snooker tables in my library with the fancy open fire place, or the very larger swimming pool with waterfalls, and obviously the different cars i would own, but they would be on the mainland as i would be using my golf buggies to get round the island.

I have even thought about the architecture of the building, and for anyone that has driven past the rac building on the m5 at almondsbury, thats what i would like my house to look like. And for those that have never seen it here is a picture.Obviously i wouldnt have the rac written on my house but i like the idea of the pod at the top, i reckon that would make a great bedroom.


Believe me i have given this some very serious thought. And just latley i have decided if money was no object i would fly all the members of TV to my island from wherever they were in the World for one serious pissup. :D

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  • 1 month later...

So anyway, next weeks Euro Lottery is for a bleeding stupid £100 Million.

Thats the kind of money most of us can never even dream about but, seriously you could buy a nice pad in nearly every major city. Properly live like a lord everywhere and anywhere....!

I'd have to find the perfect Bangkok penthouse of course. With obligatory heli-pad to whisk me to the airport (pref not the one with the cracks please). Or on down to islands to share a Tequila Sunrise at sunset overlooking the Andaman/Gulf of LOS or The South China Sea.

With that amount of cash I wouldn't stay in LOS forever but, I'd find it da*n hard to not come back. Same as now then really.... :o

All that stands between you and that cash, are few little numbers.

Sick init. :D


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Money being no object and me being the worlds biggest lottery winner, I would be known as "Mr Money."

I would travel all over Thailand, find a beautiful, voluptuous, non-inhibited, sex-crazy girl, with long fingernails that can rip the skin off my back during the heights of passion. She would be known as "Miss Evil."

I would then buy a one bedroom apartment with a huge padlock on the front door. I would lock the door and have my wicked way with Miss Evil.

Why ???

Because Mr Money is the root of all Evil. :o

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Well if i was loaded like that bird that won £85 million on the euro lottery, then i reckon i would throw The king of Thailand a few mill to let me have one of his islands. I would then declare independance and i would become king of my island.

Build a <deleted> great big house, and have it staffed by naked ladies. I would move all my friends over from the uk and into luxury houses i had built on the island, and we would party hard.

I would also spend 5 or 10 years travelling the world, just to see what else was around.

I find it funny when they interview these people that have won the lottery, and they always say they are going to keep working. WHY? for fcuks sake you have just won milllions and you still want to work. I think these people should give their winnings to me and i would show them how to spend it properly. :o

Winning a large sum of money in the lottery can be a very mixed blessing indeed.

There are quite a few stories of people who won a lot, used the money to change their lives, and found that their new life was not anywhere near as good as their old one. Why? Various reasons. They lost their old friends, and couldn't make genuine new ones. They had a degree of self-respect based on their old occupation, but now that was gone. And quite a few just lose it all on poor investments and so on, and end up far worse than they were before.

I teach kids scripture at the local primary school (near Sydney, Australia). One day I was talking to the kids about how money doesn't make people all that happy. One of the kids (10 years old) said, "You are right". His family had won $5 million Aussie dollars and it had caused all sorts of problems, destroyed his parents' marriage, and broken the relationship between his father and his grandmother.

A couple of weeks later I was in the fruit and vegetable shop, telling one of the girls about the story. A man standing next to us pulled out his wallet, and inside was a Lotto stub for a win of half a million. He said, "a couple of days after winning this, my wife was diagnosed with leukemia. She is in hospital now at death's door". He went on to say that winning the money had meant absolutely nothing to the family.

So, I would recommend concentrating on the important things in life, especially relationships with those you love, and who love you. It is definitely better to have a bit too much money, than not enough. But money cannot buy anyone lasting, true happiness.

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Money Isn't everything..... it -

Can buy a house, but not a home.

Can buy a bed, but not sleep.

Can buy a clock, but not time.

Can buy a book, but not knowledge.

Can buy food, but not an appetite.

Can buy position, but not respect.

Can buy blood, but not life.

Can buy medicine, but not health.

Can buy sex, but not love.

Can buy insurance, but not safety.

You see, money is not everything.

Therefore, if you have too much,

please send it to me immediately.

Well, money cant buy you happiness,

but poverty cant buy you anything!

Mighty mouse, it's not money, but the love of money that is the root of all evil.

:o 1t610

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But,,, for most of us this is only ever going to be in a dream and, in dreams things are nice.

Certainly when I dream of winning £100 million, no-one ever gets leukemia, and while I feel sorry for this man if he was skint before I am certain that although he never wished this on his wife, and neither would I. That half a million is helping in some way.


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Red sell up everything you have and put it all on United to win the treble this year!!!

Well, you gotta start somewhere, and your LUCK is gonna change this year!

Me, I would stay here, and use the extra money to help those NOT as lucky as me, becuase if I got any more dosh, that would certainly be a stroke of luck, and I don't see it happening and I am more than happy with the hand life has dealt me. 4 wives means its been up and down but I wouldn't change the path that led me here. Plus I have been blessed with 3 great children, one of whom lives here too

I think I have been most places I ever wanted to go (oh except Manchester-never been there, or Liverpool for that matter)

I am happy in Thailand



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