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Thai Policeman Kills Six Fellow Officers After Drinking Session


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He would have gotten the death penalty anyway. No wonder he popped himself. Don't people ever think of what really happens to them after they die. Like what was this guy thinking before he killed himself? The pain with just all go away?? No,no,no,no. I'm sure the pain has just started for him. Get a clue, come back.

Feeling bad for the families though.

You're not seriously suggesting that he's burning in Hades now, are you?

If you were looking for hell and found Earth, it would certainly serve. He's gonna have quite some issues in the next life.

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First thing one should ask, what is the reason for any1 becoming a cop in Thailand?

1. Too stupid to do something else.

2. I get to shoot people, which is always fun.

3. I don't get any salary, but can make a fortune from bribes and extortion, forget about policing.

even people dead and this is the best shit this forum can come out with

no wonder Thaivisa is considered to be a joke and an absolute disgrace

Uhm... who exactly considers it a joke and a disgrace?

I have have pretty fair treatment from police in Thailand, but I do know that many police are corrupt... so I have also been involved in paying a bribe to get out of traffic fines or whatever... I know cops who take bribes for all manner of reasons. These cops are pretty nice guys, the ones I know personally... but the poster is right about their motivations to join the police in the first place. I would add 1 additional point which is: job security. Many Thais like to work for government institutions purely because it's virtually impossible to get fired, and there is very little chance of an institution like the police force being shut down (consider the industrial workers who lost jobs after the floods).

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"The gunman's body was found some 200 metres (yards) from the scene after he killed himself with the same assault rifle he used against his colleagues, Prasit said."

That's a pretty nifty little trick: shooting oneself dead with an assault-riffle . . . . . . . Maybe there's a lot more to this story: better get the CSI involved and do some serious investigating, hey ? ?

One who believes nothing he reads !

People shoot themselves with full-sized rifles all of the time.

Kurt Cobain

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He would have gotten the death penalty anyway. No wonder he popped himself. Don't people ever think of what really happens to them after they die. Like what was this guy thinking before he killed himself? The pain with just all go away?? No,no,no,no. I'm sure the pain has just started for him. Get a clue, come back.

Feeling bad for the families though.

He would have gotten the death penalty anyway. No wonder he popped himself. Don't people ever think of what really happens to them after they die. Like what was this guy thinking before he killed himself? The pain with just all go away?? No,no,no,no. I'm sure the pain has just started for him. Get a clue, come back.

Feeling bad for the families though.

I wouldn't bet the rice paddies on him getting the death penalty. More than likely he'd pretty much "beat the rap", with the judges handing down a sentence of "accidental death by alcohol", saying he was drunk at the time and didn't mean to do it.

Why, is he a HISO cop?

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Looks like they censored a few of the details since the morning news, which had pictures of the scene. It was reported with the aftermath shown that it did include booze and a dice shaker. The surviving shot up cop said the guys, all friends and workmates in their 50's (all of the low non-commissioned rank of 'jar'..... basically the peons of the police force), were drinking and playing high low. One guy was discovered to be cheating, and the guy who had lost the most up until that point went off to the guard post and came back with an HK rifle and mowed everyone down while stopping to reload once. Total spent casings was 70. The police force and all the armed forces are littered with people like this. Not everyone gets enough of a cut of the pie to last their entire lives.... plenty are wasting away on drink, know how to gamble, and most importantly still know how to operate their firearms.


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Tragic story and my condolences to the families.

What on earth are they doing drinking alcohol on Police premises even if they were off duty? We are subject to drug and alcohol testing, randomly and we definately cannot have any alcohol on the premises, even unopened.

You're being sarcastic right?

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sad but this is reality in Thailand almost all the Police believe they are the law..not there to uphold it

This will not be the last time as it is a built into the culture and Guns in the hands of immature childlike imbeciles does not help

Boys, guns and alcohol. An extreme sense of entitlement, and sensitive ego. It is really a part of the Thai psyche. Probably a small average penis size does not help.

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Not everyone gets enough of a cut of the pie to last their entire lives.... plenty are wasting away on drink, know how to gamble, and most importantly still know how to operate their firearms.

This seems to be the case for a lot of Thais, not only those in the Police force. These kinds of incidents seem to be on the rise; more shootings, more guns being brandished, more threats and violent behaviour.

Checking the news, there's at least 4 or 5 other high profile shootings today, adding to the dozens that happen daily but are of too little consequence.

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Tragic story and my condolences to the families.

What on earth are they doing drinking alcohol on Police premises even if they were off duty? We are subject to drug and alcohol testing, randomly and we definately cannot have any alcohol on the premises, even unopened.

You're being sarcastic right?

Nope. Serious

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Tragic, but this doesn't happen in Thailand only ... but let's see what the Thai bashers have to say...

ahhhh, it doesnt? Please let me know where you read a similar story jap.gif

TiT - wild wild East,

Try almost any country in the world. Do you not read world news? This blog shouldn't be called ThaiVisa, it should be ThaiBash.

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I am not in the least bit surprised this has happened. As already pointed out here these guys are worse than the criminals they pretend to chase. Years of abuse especially towards foreigners, corruption, thuggery and a total disregard for proper law and order. The majority of the thugs in brown are low life and become a policeman for all the wrong reasons.

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Behind every smile is an angry Thai.

Seems like many of them wear brown uniforms.

Thinking back to the Royal Thai Police officers who executed the backpacker in Pai, the one who executed two of them in Kanchanaburi, the one who cut off the arms of that karaoke girl, the one who executed another cop and his wife at a roadstop.... etc etc.

Very good memory and ooh so correct!!! I remember everyone of these cases. It even seems that the Kanchanaburi Policeman who shot the two tourists is just continuing to do his job as nothing has happened! Acquitted? Case dismissed? Shameless...

Men in brown, the most dangerous species in this continent! They were also the executing body in "Taksin's war against drugs", another shame for this country!

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Tragic, but this doesn't happen in Thailand only ... but let's see what the Thai bashers have to say...

Americans are not taught to suppress their anger, but deaths from guns ran to nearly 30,000 in a recent year. More broadly, about 50,000 die from any form of violence annually there.

It's convenient to take a Thai characteristic, an aversion to public displays of anger, and conclude that being raised to act politely however you may feel means the entire Thai population must all really be angry beneath the surface. There are undoubtedly some frustrated, angry Thais, but there's no reason to believe they exist disproportionately here, as opposed to in the wonderful world of farang-utopia where free expression of your every emotion is considered normal.

Forming such baseless, convenient judgements is the very definition of prejudice, i.e. pre-judging with manufactured "facts:"

a (1): preconceived judgment or opinion (2): an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b: an instance of such judgment or opinion c: an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
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Tragic story and my condolences to the families.

What on earth are they doing drinking alcohol on Police premises even if they were off duty? We are subject to drug and alcohol testing, randomly and we definately cannot have any alcohol on the premises, even unopened.

I was kind of thinking along those lines also.

Why are they allowed to carry guns into a drinking establishment?

Hopefully the police will have resources for the families of the dead officers.

May they rest in peace.

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Behind every smile is an angry Thai.

Seems like many of them wear brown uniforms.

Thinking back to the Royal Thai Police officers who executed the backpacker in Pai, the one who executed two of them in Kanchanaburi, the one who cut off the arms of that karaoke girl, the one who executed another cop and his wife at a roadstop.... etc etc.

Or the one who was with his son that threw the hot pot full of boiling broth on a whole family scorching mostly the little kid in a MK restaurant.....I cant forget THAT one.

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Tragic, but this doesn't happen in Thailand only ... but let's see what the Thai bashers have to say...

ahhhh, it doesnt? Please let me know where you read a similar story jap.gif

TiT - wild wild East,

Try almost any country in the world. Do you not read world news? This blog shouldn't be called ThaiVisa, it should be ThaiBash.

No...in most countries you don't get a policeman shooting 6 of his colleagues dead. Neither do you have them getting drunk in the police station.

Thailand is quite unique (buy not alone) in that the police are rotten to the core and most join for the pay offs, scams, protection rackets and bribery. They have murdered Thais and foreigners and goten off scott free. This is reality and not Thai bashing. Thailand has a lot of problems and the police (and lawyers and judges) are one very big one.

I can't agree with you stating this happens anywhere else in the world.

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I'm tired of hearing R.I.P. Rest in peace. Resting is boring. They had plenty of rest that night while drinking.

How about good luck in the next life. And I hope something was learned this life.

May they GLITNL?huh.png

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Behind every smile is an angry Thai.

Seems like many of them wear brown uniforms.

Thinking back to the Royal Thai Police officers who executed the backpacker in Pai, the one who executed two of them in Kanchanaburi, the one who cut off the arms of that karaoke girl, the one who executed another cop and his wife at a roadstop.... etc etc.

They are not allowed in the culture to show anger, so it stays bottled up till they get drunk, and that is the only time they are forgiving for showing negative emotions. That said some bottle up way to much, and have access to lethal weapons, like this BiB and the assault weapon.

Loss of face, pent up anger, weapons and alcohol are very dangerous combined in this culture.

Geez, I wish my girlfriend felt 'not allowed' to show anger ... she can be quite good at it, in fact. smile.png

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