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Jehovah'S Witnesses In Chiang Mai


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I received a visit from the Jehovas Witness when I had been in my place in Sansai for only about 2 months. They came at 8:00 on a Saturday morning, just like they do in the USA and Europe. I had been out late drinking the night before and thought there was a fire or something when my bell was ringing at that time. I went downstairs half asleep and was shocked to find 5 Thai Jehovas Witness; girls and guys in their 20's. The guys wore the typical white shirts, black pants and black ties and the girls the typical plain long dresses. I couldn't believe it! One girl spoke English while the others stood there smiling. They did their sales pitch, left the usual literature in both Thai and English and I politely sent them on their way. I thought I was having a bad dream! Haven't seen them since and that was 4 years ago.

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Last time they came, I told them I was on my way to the local temple and that they really should join me, it would be good for their Karma score. When they declined, I told them to leave as much of their literature as they could spare, as my housekeeper sold it to recycling by the kilo, so they would be doing her a favour if they left a lot!

Never saw them after that! whistling.gif

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Last visit I had was mid argument with girlfriend in the UK. She was unhappy I'd stayed out late not answering calls. I invited them in, made them some tea and left them with the gf as I went for a walk.

We split up not long after.

I know of one who faked paperwork to get a job teaching English at a Chiang Mai school. Preached to the kids every lesson. Sacked after a few weeks.

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This thread's just reminded me to watch "Black Books" over again... I think it was one of the first few episodes when he was trying to avoid doing his tax returns when they turned up at the door... Funny as hell...

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Had an encounter one time on a beach in the US. I listened and then asked them what they know about Hinduism and Buddhism, and started giving them an Eastern perspective on religion. One of them became very interested, the second one realized that the first one was becoming too interested. He quickly grabbed her and left, but the seeds of doubt were sown. wai.gif

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only slightly off topic..

I had a visit from two jehovahs Witnesses (or similar) years ago in Australia.

The guy introduced himself then turned his head to introduce his female companion. "This is....I've forgotten your name" he said to her.

he looked very pissed off with her for making him forget it to!!

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bloody arrogant I'd call it

Why would that be? Would it be arrogant of a Buddhists to express their faith in say Europe or America?

The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Why don't they go to Iraq or another fierce Muslim country and try the same technique? won't be many of the infidels left after a few knocking on doors/tents or whatever tongue.png

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bloody arrogant I'd call it

Why would that be? Would it be arrogant of a Buddhists to express their faith in say Europe or America?

I am with you.... nothing arrogant about it. I simply am not interested and tell them so. They politely smile and leave.

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Christians have been coming to Thailand for hundreds of years. It is nothing new. Sharing one's faith is integreal to all faiths. And since all religions are accepted in this country it is not arrogant. It would be arrogant for them to come to one's house and not leave or keep coming back once you tell them that you are not interested. There are many Thai Christians and many become christians all the time. What is wrong with that if it makes them happy?

There are so many Christian schools in Thailand that give good education and also share their fath. I wouldn't say that it is converting but mandatory prayer is common at many of these schools. They all learn some Christian idealogy.

"The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant."

Perhaps most other religions might not go door to door but they do spread their message. I saw the Dali Lama do the same thing in Washington DC.

Just remember the bottom line is that they have faith in something. That faith tells them to help others. One way to help others is to have them have faith too.

It is not unique to Christianity. The majority of people follow a relgion or belief because they are born to it.

Though I agree with most posters and find them annoying and I don't like anyone preaching their faith. To me it is a private thing that I do not discuss. I still don't find it arrogant or wrong for missionaries to do what they feel is necessary.

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for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Huh? What are you saying? Many of them are Thais. They were here to begin with.

I would not label them "arrogant" at all .... There have been missionaries in SEA for literally 100's of years and they don't seem to be very persuasive if you look at the population. In fact, it seems that missionaries are most effective in areas with a marginalized population (hill-tribes for example) and even then they do not seem to be making any real changes in beliefs ... as animism etc are still the standard beliefs of even those that claim a conversion. Why it would bother someone that there are missionaries about simply boggles my mind.

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Why can't the foreign missionaries leave well enough alone? Yes, it is arrogant to think that one's religion is right for all people, and therefore it must be imposed on others, whether in the home country or abroad.

The Buddhists in America--I cannot speak for those in other countries--do not have a command from Buddha that requires or even hints that they should go door-to-door converting Christians to Buddhism. In fact, most Christians I know (my relatives among them) would be insulted if someone came to their door preaching a "false" religion. Many good Christians would have such folks run out of town. Turning the tables, i.e., having Christians go door-knocking or proselytizing abroad--yes, I have those in my family too--well, that's OK. God wants them to convert the world. Again, as if the unbelievers in other countries do not have a strong faith in their own religion to begin with. Where is the respect for others' beliefs?

Checking the dictionary, I think arrogance fits.


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The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Why don't they go to Iraq or another fierce Muslim country and try the same technique? won't be many of the infidels left after a few knocking on doors/tents or whatever tongue.png

Actually there have been cases where Christian missionaries have been imprisoned in Muslim countries for proselytizing. Do you consider that to be a good thing?

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Why can't the foreign missionaries leave well enough alone? Yes, it is arrogant to think that one's religion is right for all people, and therefore it must be imposed on others, whether in the home country or abroad.


This has been going on for thousands of years, to try to convert people to this or that religion (read taking care of tax money). It's all about power/money.

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I suppose if these religious groups were selling or giving advice on something useful, it wouldn't be too bad. But I do wonder at the idiotic mormon's, thinking that they can convince me that the mythical Jesus is going to come again to the new Jerusalem located somewhere in Missouri........hey Mitt Romney's a mormon. wink.png

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I suppose if these religious groups were selling or giving advice on something useful, it wouldn't be too bad. But I do wonder at the idiotic mormon's, thinking that they can convince me that the mythical Jesus is going to come again to the new Jerusalem located somewhere in Missouri........hey Mitt Romney's a mormon. wink.png

The Witnesses apparently preach the coming of a "new kingdom/government" which is going to bring everlasting peace and happiness to mankind ON EARTH (not in heaven or some new solar system....let alone rebirth as a ant or elephant), as well as removing "wicked men" and corruption. That don't sound to bad does it? cool.png

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I suppose if these religious groups were selling or giving advice on something useful, it wouldn't be too bad. But I do wonder at the idiotic mormon's, thinking that they can convince me that the mythical Jesus is going to come again to the new Jerusalem located somewhere in Missouri........hey Mitt Romney's a mormon. wink.png

One 'm' too many. ;)

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The difference is that Buddhist's DON'T go around trying to convert people who just want to be left alone in peace in their dwelling place! for them to come to a Buddhist country and try and 'convert' is bloody arrogant.

Why don't they go to Iraq or another fierce Muslim country and try the same technique? won't be many of the infidels left after a few knocking on doors/tents or whatever tongue.png

My 4 year old son, who is a Christian, has been fed a strong diet of Buddhism since day one, at his Anubaan, so I disagree with your analysis. He'll be moving at the end of this semester.i have no problem with him learning about Buddhism which is a fine lifestyle choice but I've asked them to exclude him from activities that preach Buddhism, rather than teaching it, but to be honest, they have no idea of the difference. TIT

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