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Jehovah'S Witnesses In Chiang Mai


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You've inspired me ( or it might have been a revelation). I now have the ambition to be the first Professor of Teaology. All sects would be allowed ( I'm tolerant, not bigoted). We could have the Assam sect from India, a Ceylon sect, a Kenyan sect and if anyone want to start a sect based on rose petals I wouldn't mind!

so....are you gonna go "door to door" spreading this "good message" ??crazy.gif

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You've inspired me ( or it might have been a revelation). I now have the ambition to be the first Professor of Teaology. All sects would be allowed ( I'm tolerant, not bigoted). We could have the Assam sect from India, a Ceylon sect, a Kenyan sect and if anyone want to start a sect based on rose petals I wouldn't mind!

so....are you gonna go "door to door" spreading this "good message" ??crazy.gif

No I'll offer cups of tea. If the residents are coffee drinkers then I'll do my best to convert them

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Its quite well known that JW's do not believe in hell, they preach that large part of humanity will live in Paradise on earth and yes, they believe they have the truth! Would it be much of a believer of any faith, if he or her did not think they had the "truth"?

Would you hire a salesman for your company who had say 50% believe in your product? Perhaps offered your competitors work as well on his sales trips? How about if he simply had no faith in your product, offered it to nobody..... it sure would be convenient to lots of people to be relevied of the pestering salesman. At least he could then think he wasn't bothering anyone, not upsetting your competitor and making everyone happy!

What happens to the rest? where do they go? Where is the evidence for such a claim?

so religion is akin to selling soap powder?

Can I go door to door telling everyone about Russell's teapot, claim it is a religion and demand respect and expect tax cuts? If people said it was absurd would they be bigoted?

According to JW's believe the likes of Pol Plot, Anders Brevik, Stalin and Jack the Ripper will not be invited to attend the "paradise" party on earth. Is that an absurd believe?

This is perhaps what this whole thread is about, yes you are free to go door to door with the message of the whole teapot. The day we as a society lock our doors for all and any intrusion, we will be like reversed jail. The price of this freedom is that sometimes we might need to get of our bony a*** and either accept or dismiss who ever is on our doorstep, good, bad or ugly.

Final note..... respect is not demanded, it is earned.

Yes it is an absurd belief and in fact JW's do not believe this and have never said it as far as I know. As I said before I am not an apologist for this nasty religion but I think if posters want to post unsavoury facts about them, make them true facts and not just utter nonsense. And, in fact, if I am mistaken and they do believe this perhaps the poster could give me a reference as to where they have posted/published this. I look forward to his reply.

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Can't someone put an end to this?

The OP should be made to walk in penance barefoot up Doi Sutep for his foolish complaint and subsequently starting such a humourless, mindless, and at times nasty thread.

If I did that I would be admitting to visiting the sins of the sons onto the Father - lucky you are not my judge but certainly a JW apologist

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What an absurd post (and in bold which is a form of shouting and against forum rules).

I am the OP and the thread was started to highlight farang coming to Thailand and door knocking to find 'converts'. I could not care less if they were JW's, Muslims or the local Coven.

I'm confused here. Aren't the ones doing the knocking Thai JW's??? They are the ones that I have seen and whom came to my house. Never seen farangs doing the knocking here; although it would not surprise me.

nope - they were farang in nice ties :P

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nope - they were farang in nice ties tongue.png

Well, they at least need complimenting on their language skills (what if mostly Thai's answer the door)?

It can't be easy explaining The Revelation of St John the Divine in Thai.....most people can't make sense of it in English.blink.png

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nope - they were farang in nice ties tongue.png

Well, they at least need complimenting on their language skills (what if mostly Thai's answer the door)?

It can't be easy explaining The Revelation of St John the Divine in Thai.....most people can't make sense of it in English.blink.png

Ah but it's likely the Thais will smile, nod and agree and everyone will be happy. ( Then carry on as usual)

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nope - they were farang in nice ties tongue.png

Well, they at least need complimenting on their language skills (what if mostly Thai's answer the door)?

It can't be easy explaining The Revelation of St John the Divine in Thai.....most people can't make sense of it in English.blink.png

haha I had not thought of that :) there are many farang in my Moobaan so probably it's 'targeted JW marketing'

Maybe their Thai magazine is not called 'Watch Tower' here? maybe 'Wat Tower'?

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Can't someone put an end to this?

The OP should be made to walk in penance barefoot up Doi Sutep for his foolish complaint and subsequently starting such a humourless, mindless, and at times nasty thread.

If I did that I would be admitting to visiting the sins of the sons onto the Father - lucky you are not my judge but certainly a JW apologist

Your sin of prolonging this blasphemous thread leaves me no other choice but to pass judgement on you in the name of all that is Holy.

In addition to the penance already imposed upon you of walking up Doi Sutep barefoot, you are hereby ordered, upon arrival at the top, to look closely at the scene spread out below you.

If you were here over thirty years ago you will remember what it looked like then. A sea of green, a real garden city. The prominent features being the orange tile roofs of the temples and the chedis of all sizes with their gilt finials. No highrises, with the exception of Poy Luang Hotel, and that was way out on the Super, a two lane highway then, so it didn't spoil the view. All in all a really beautiful sight.

Nowadays you could just as well be looking at some concrete jungle in California. It has changed out of recognition from what it was.

What brought this about? A destruction as total as what the Allies did to Dresden.

Get down on your knees now. It's time for some serious reflection.

Could it be punishment because Thais embraced Mammon and western ways? And who inflicted that punishment? Was it...

No, I won't take this any farther on the open forum.

After you have performed your penance and had a chance to think all this over, some friends of mine will be knocking on your door to invite you to partake of a Feast of Pure Reason.

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This is where people here straddle on religious bigotry. Just because someone believes something that you do not believe does not make them a moron. If that were the case then the entire world becomes moronic, which it seems to be some days, but not because of beliefs. Look, I am an a-theist, I don't believe in any invisible man in the sky. But most of my friends do not share my thoughts as they believe in some sort of theistic deity associated with one myth or another, and the last thing I would call these people are morons. On the contrary, they are for the most part good, caring people, especially the Mormons I have met.

to believe in the absurd is moronic

It is not a subtle difference between the usage of the adjective moronic and the usage of the noun moron. The implication of calling the person who believes what you do not as a "moron" is unjustified and is indeed a sign of bigotry.

OK I'll change the word from 'moronic' to idiotic' or 'daft' if that helps. The point is that JWs believe in something that is not verifiable and is a joke to many people. If they kept quiet I'd be happy, it's the knocking on doors etc I don't like. equally if find it offensive that Mormons spend lots of money trying to convert hill tribe children to their way of believing. ( don't get me started on Scientology!!). There is a great deal of money, mainly from the US supporting these outfits. Somehow, absurd beliefs, because they are labelled 'religion' escape from normal criticism and debate.

No region is verifiable. If religious people could be argued with there would be no religious people. But the point is that they have the right to believe anything they want, and also the right to tell you or me about it ad nasuem. I'm an atheist, but I'd never want to live in a place where people were not allowed to promote their views, religious or otherwise.


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OK I'll change the word from 'moronic' to idiotic' or 'daft' if that helps. The point is that JWs believe in something that is not verifiable and is a joke to many people. If they kept quiet I'd be happy, it's the knocking on doors etc I don't like. equally if find it offensive that Mormons spend lots of money trying to convert hill tribe children to their way of believing. ( don't get me started on Scientology!!). There is a great deal of money, mainly from the US supporting these outfits. Somehow, absurd beliefs, because they are labelled 'religion' escape from normal criticism and debate.

No region is verifiable. If religious people could be argued with there would be no religious people. But the point is that they have the right to believe anything they want, and also the right to tell you or me about it ad nasuem. I'm an atheist, but I'd never want to live in a place where people were not allowed to promote their views, religious or otherwise.

No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

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No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

That's were you're entirely wrong. It's a slippery slope to outlaw thought & speech. One man's asshol_e is another man's sage, and once society outlaws one or the other we are in trouble. As far as I can tell, in Thailand, as in most of ther countries, the JW have the right to bore you silly and you have the right to slam the door in their face. But you don't have the right to prohibit their speech.

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No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

That's were you're entirely wrong. It's a slippery slope to outlaw thought & speech. One man's asshol_e is another man's sage, and once society outlaws one or the other we are in trouble. As far as I can tell, in Thailand, as in most of ther countries, the JW have the right to bore you silly and you have the right to slam the door in their face. But you don't have the right to prohibit their speech.

ah but you are prohibited to talk about................ whoops I cannot talk about that because of the Le Majeste laws

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No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

That's were you're entirely wrong. It's a slippery slope to outlaw thought & speech. One man's asshol_e is another man's sage, and once society outlaws one or the other we are in trouble. As far as I can tell, in Thailand, as in most of ther countries, the JW have the right to bore you silly and you have the right to slam the door in their face. But you don't have the right to prohibit their speech.

100% right and many countries ) Mali, Greece etc) have sanctioned JW's because of the beliefs. Free Speech is an important human right and should be respected. If you don't want them at your door, next time one calls ask them to note in their records that you do not want them to visit ever again.

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Can't someone put an end to this?

The OP should be made to walk in penance barefoot up Doi Sutep for his foolish complaint and subsequently starting such a humourless, mindless, and at times nasty thread.

If I did that I would be admitting to visiting the sins of the sons onto the Father - lucky you are not my judge but certainly a JW apologist

Your sin of prolonging this blasphemous thread leaves me no other choice but to pass judgement on you in the name of all that is Holy.

In addition to the penance already imposed upon you of walking up Doi Sutep barefoot, you are hereby ordered, upon arrival at the top, to look closely at the scene spread out below you.

If you were here over thirty years ago you will remember what it looked like then. A sea of green, a real garden city. The prominent features being the orange tile roofs of the temples and the chedis of all sizes with their gilt finials. No highrises, with the exception of Poy Luang Hotel, and that was way out on the Super, a two lane highway then, so it didn't spoil the view. All in all a really beautiful sight.

Nowadays you could just as well be looking at some concrete jungle in California. It has changed out of recognition from what it was.

What brought this about? A destruction as total as what the Allies did to Dresden.

Get down on your knees now. It's time for some serious reflection.

Could it be punishment because Thais embraced Mammon and western ways? And who inflicted that punishment? Was it...

No, I won't take this any farther on the open forum.

After you have performed your penance and had a chance to think all this over, some friends of mine will be knocking on your door to invite you to partake of a Feast of Pure Reason.

can I 'offset' this grievous sin? bit like 'carbon offsetting'? (sin offsetting?) ph34r.png JW's would accuse me of being in league with His Luciferic self maybe? shock1.gif

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No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

That's were you're entirely wrong. It's a slippery slope to outlaw thought & speech. One man's asshol_e is another man's sage, and once society outlaws one or the other we are in trouble. As far as I can tell, in Thailand, as in most of ther countries, the JW have the right to bore you silly and you have the right to slam the door in their face. But you don't have the right to prohibit their speech.

100% right and many countries ) Mali, Greece etc) have sanctioned JW's because of the beliefs. Free Speech is an important human right and should be respected. If you don't want them at your door, next time one calls ask them to note in their records that you do not want them to visit ever again.

ok let me (as the OP) make the point again - this was never an anti-JW thread. It's against ANY arrogant fool who knocks on my door believing:

1/ I am worth saving

2/ they can save me

It's an arrogance beyond belief - they can believe Santa will save them for all I care - but do NOT BUG ME was my point

and ONLY the JW's do it - I have made that point several times. I would be the same about Rasta's, Santa's and Hobgoblins!

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don't like it - don't read it cowboy.gif

200 posts means people are interested in the issue.

Much more interesting than 'where can I buy a bicycle' or 'what's the best fish and chip restaurant' or 'can you recommend some Thai food' or even 'I'm a JW can you tell me where best to knock on some doors' tongue.png

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No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

That's were you're entirely wrong. It's a slippery slope to outlaw thought & speech. One man's asshol_e is another man's sage, and once society outlaws one or the other we are in trouble. As far as I can tell, in Thailand, as in most of ther countries, the JW have the right to bore you silly and you have the right to slam the door in their face. But you don't have the right to prohibit their speech.

You live in a place where we do not have free speech so how do you reconcile that?

Anyway I disagree. I'd rather live in a place where people have the RIGHT to believe whatever they want and to talk openly about it and share between those of like minds - but not uninvited (no Buddhist door knockers as far as I know).

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You live in a place where we do not have free speech

Interesting you say that.


We veer off-topic but it's true. I only raised it as a poster was raising the issue of JWs and 'free speech' (which I TOTALLY agree with) and, to be accurate, we live in a highly censored society hence the debate in the article you posted. Anyway my thread was about imposing on others - they can believe what they like and do what they like but leave me alone :P

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No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

That's were you're entirely wrong. It's a slippery slope to outlaw thought & speech. One man's asshol_e is another man's sage, and once society outlaws one or the other we are in trouble. As far as I can tell, in Thailand, as in most of ther countries, the JW have the right to bore you silly and you have the right to slam the door in their face. But you don't have the right to prohibit their speech.

You live in a place where we do not have free speech so how do you reconcile that?

Anyway I disagree. I'd rather live in a place where people have the RIGHT to believe whatever they want and to talk openly about it and share between those of like minds - but not uninvited (no Buddhist door knockers as far as I know).

ER??? I've never said I want to prohibit their freedom of speech, and of course they can believe what they want, but please don't speak to me, it's silly!. I think I'll start believing on the flying spaghetti monster, but please don't lock me up if you see me spouting off. ( I will become a Pastafarian, just like that guy in Austria)

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You live in a place where we do not have free speech

Interesting you say that.


We veer off-topic but it's true. I only raised it as a poster was raising the issue of JWs and 'free speech' (which I TOTALLY agree with) and, to be accurate, we live in a highly censored society hence the debate in the article you posted. Anyway my thread was about imposing on others - they can believe what they like and do what they like but leave me alone tongue.png

Clearly a misunderstanding, we agree ( except about the indoctrination of hill tribe kids). what was it a Jesuit said? 'Give me a child until it's seven and it's mine for life'? I am not sure of the exact quote but it's something like that. That is why I do not like 'missionaries' converting hill tribe kids.

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Why are you reading it?

(PS the caps lock is usually on the left side of the keyboard, be careful not to press it)

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No problem with the first part of this sentence but they do not have the right to bore me silly. Nor do I think it is right to convert young hill tribe kids.

That's were you're entirely wrong. It's a slippery slope to outlaw thought & speech. One man's asshol_e is another man's sage, and once society outlaws one or the other we are in trouble. As far as I can tell, in Thailand, as in most of ther countries, the JW have the right to bore you silly and you have the right to slam the door in their face. But you don't have the right to prohibit their speech.

You live in a place where we do not have free speech so how do you reconcile that?

Anyway I disagree. I'd rather live in a place where people have the RIGHT to believe whatever they want and to talk openly about it and share between those of like minds - but not uninvited (no Buddhist door knockers as far as I know).

ER??? I've never said I want to prohibit their freedom of speech, and of course they can believe what they want, but please don't speak to me, it's silly!. I think I'll start believing on the flying spaghetti monster, but please don't lock me up if you see me spouting off. ( I will become a Pastafarian, just like that guy in Austria)

no I know you didn't say that I was just commenting on the fact we do not have free speech here in Thailand (in all areas)

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