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If you have a 30 or 40 or 50 year old gf who is taking care of you and not working you will have to pay for everything. So what is the difference ???

The length of the relationship?

And girth.

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That's quite an age gap.

Your age of 54 is not that old, but what do you talk about with a 20 year old Thai girl? I'm assuming you have to come down to a very basic level of communication? Almost child like in language and topic.

I wish you the best. I really do, but I think you should be preparing yourself for the inevitable breakup. Eventually she will find her place in life and want to be with people her own age. You will be a burden and it could get ugly.

Enjoy the fantasy while you can.

I have had a few long relationships with Thai ladies. I find that the young educated girls have a much better idea of what is going on in the world than the older girls. This is perhaps due to the computer age and sometimes a higher degree of education. My gf, though young, has a much better idea about what is going on than any other girl I have met in Thailand and perhaps that is one of the reasons I am attracted to her. She finished high school and is on the internet many hours every day.....games, facebook, looking up all kinds of things, learning English etc etc... she one sharp girl ! perhaps too sharp. So what do we talk about...almost everything as long as it is positive. Her nor I want to be pulled down ....smile smile smile smile.png

No one will you believe u. they are all married to hookers, they think your dreaming. lol marrying a normal girl is veryyyyyyyyyyy hard in thailand )

For old guys


Go for it mate, it won't be long and she could be looking for a trade-in, you are not getting any younger but she is getting wiser... Oh, and for what it's worth I think she is probably too embarrassed to take you to her 'village'(why do they all come from villages?), for all I know you could be a young looking athletic male but I'm guessing not!

The world is full of missed match relationships so don't feel out of place, people will judge you and be jealous but that's what you want and why you posted this topic on here, isn't it?


Most of you guys sound like you have never been to Thailand before. I am by far not the only guy who stays with a young girl. 34 years difference in age in America or England may be a little silly but here it is not a problem. I met this girl when she was 19 ( will be 21 soon) and have been seeing her off and on for the last 1 and half years. As I had a gf in the village for many years this one was my Geek. Her and I decided that we would give it a shot and see if we can live together. So far a little over a month with a few little problems but for the most part we get along great. We have lots of fun together, movies, bowling, dinner, computer games, the beach, cooking, cards( 500 rummy), etc etc.... She nor I smoke or drink much and we enjoy hanging out together. I am a young 54...sometimes people think 40 and she looks young but is very smart for her age. Sure, she does not work so I am her support, so what ! She tells me she loves me and I care greatly for her. Loves my money maybe but also I think she really cares. One more bit of info....about one year ago we tried to stay together but it did not work out as I was traveling to much. So my question was basically, if they don't invite you to the village do they really care.

We've been here long enough not to pick a nerdy one. jap.gif


That's quite an age gap.

Your age of 54 is not that old, but what do you talk about with a 20 year old Thai girl? I'm assuming you have to come down to a very basic level of communication? Almost child like in language and topic.

I wish you the best. I really do, but I think you should be preparing yourself for the inevitable breakup. Eventually she will find her place in life and want to be with people her own age. You will be a burden and it could get ugly.

Enjoy the fantasy while you can.

I have had a few long relationships with Thai ladies. I find that the young educated girls have a much better idea of what is going on in the world than the older girls. This is perhaps due to the computer age and sometimes a higher degree of education. My gf, though young, has a much better idea about what is going on than any other girl I have met in Thailand and perhaps that is one of the reasons I am attracted to her. She finished high school and is on the internet many hours every day.....games, facebook, looking up all kinds of things, learning English etc etc... she one sharp girl ! perhaps too sharp. So what do we talk about...almost everything as long as it is positive. Her nor I want to be pulled down ....smile smile smile smile.png

What's her relationship status, how many photos of you and her together are on it and how many accounts does she have ? That will most likely answer your doubts.


Most of you guys sound like you have never been to Thailand before. I am by far not the only guy who stays with a young girl. 34 years difference in age in America or England may be a little silly but here it is not a problem. I met this girl when she was 19 ( will be 21 soon) and have been seeing her off and on for the last 1 and half years. As I had a gf in the village for many years this one was my Geek. Her and I decided that we would give it a shot and see if we can live together. So far a little over a month with a few little problems but for the most part we get along great. We have lots of fun together, movies, bowling, dinner, computer games, the beach, cooking, cards( 500 rummy), etc etc.... She nor I smoke or drink much and we enjoy hanging out together. I am a young 54...sometimes people think 40 and she looks young but is very smart for her age. Sure, she does not work so I am her support, so what ! She tells me she loves me and I care greatly for her. Loves my money maybe but also I think she really cares. One more bit of info....about one year ago we tried to stay together but it did not work out as I was traveling to much. So my question was basically, if they don't invite you to the village do they really care.

Computer games next you'll be saying you enjoy watching the catoooooons together. Maybe you have the same mental age of 12 as I really can't think of any 21 year old girls that would enjoy hanging out with a 54 year old farrang for anything other than to get money and give it to her Thai bf for his motorbike or whisky drinking habit.

So my question was basically, if they don't invite you to the village do they really care.

Why is going to the village, so important for you, but not for her?

As you have been to villages many times already ---- sorry ---- perhaps you have some sort need to see a village or something.

Thailand is changing rapidly, and in my experience there are huge differences between 40, 30, and 20 year old women.

Younger people ignore a lot of the superstitious norms. Younger women are much more computer literate than their older sisters. Perhaps she has no interest in showing you off to the village, and has less interest in what they all think. Perhaps she wants to live her own life, without Mama telling her what to do.

Going or not going to the village is hardly the end of the world?


As some other posters mentioned, bringing you to the village would create expectations of permanancy/marriage. (On the part of her family and also the villagers).

She and her family later loose face if this does not materialize. And, her reputation in the village, if now good, would be considerably damaged to have it known she had had an older foreign bf she did not later marry.

Whether or not she cares about you I certainly have no way of knowing but I would not take the lack of an invitation to the village as an indication either way given that, from what you say, the relationship has not progressed to the point of a permament commitment.

Indeed in the case of a Thai woman of good reputation I would strongly urge you not to accept any invitations to the village unless you expected to make the relationship permanent as you could inadvertently hurt her and her family in the long run. "Face" is everything in Thailand.


Men age like wine.

Women age like milk.

Thought it was the other way around that women age like wine.

Men age like milk. And turn into soft cheese.



I do not disagree that money is a factor. Sure it is. It's not like I give her a million dollars.... She can make a ton more money working in a bar...for sure ! I take care of her and give her enough to have a little something to put in the bank. You pay no matter who you are with. If you have a 30 or 40 or 50 year old gf who is taking care of you and not working you will have to pay for everything. So what is the difference ???

My GF is one year younger than me, When she was working, she never asked me for any money, I asked her to quit as I didn't like staying in BKK waiting for her to travel somewhere on the weekend. It took her a while to decide but she finally did quit. I still don't give her any money and she isn't putting any "little something" in her bank account. She has access to my accounts (Thai and Canada) and is free to use any money she wants. Here is the difference.


A couple weeks ago you were saying that you had planted crops on the family farm and the locals were stealing all the food from the trees in the night, and even stole the shiny cds you hung up to scare away the elephants from the mango trees. whistling.gif


Not to mention his other topic


How to get ex-customers contacing his girlfriend.

Troll or incredibly stupid.

This guy's a real piece of work, isn't he? Wonder what his story is. Craves attention? Psychopath? TV seems to attract these types of guys all too often. Hard to figure out who's credible anymore.

There is no requirement one print the truth on forums, or even one remain within one' own personality, to expect such is sure to disappoint.

I submit this poster merely seeks negative reactions for whatever reason.

I shall use the post to air my view it is highly unlikely his, or any other's gf of some 30 years younger of age has any genuine affection.

He is amongst the legion of utterly P whipped sex pats who have devoted their entire existence to having the gonads administered to by low income women who have little choice within the society for meaningful advancement, so seek security by offering themselves as sex/ house servants to highly detested foreigners.

Then they teach the offspring to do the same.


Does anybody here seriously suggest a 50 years old man should have a girlfriend of similar age?

You should get some clue how nature works.

Men age like wine.

Women age like milk.

I was 56 when i met my wife, then 52.

The sex is something you cannot imagine in your wildest dreams.

I stopped dating schoolgirls just after i left school myself.



Does anybody here seriously suggest a 50 years old man should have a girlfriend of similar age?

You should get some clue how nature works.

Men age like wine.

Women age like milk.

I was 56 when i met my wife, then 52.

The sex is something you cannot imagine in your wildest dreams.

I stopped dating schoolgirls just after i left school myself.


I’m in favor of continuing education.

My GF is 27 years younger than I. She has two degrees. I learn things from her every day. It also keeps me young and in better shape. If I have a minor ache or pain I don’t mention it so I imagine I am better company too. I dress better, not wanting to look out of date. I study Thai daily, not wanting to embarrass her with her friends and to keep me alert.

I am taking guitar lessons after a 40 year lapse because she likes to sing at parties while I play.

I have pretty much stopped hanging around bars and brothels because of her. She can’t stand smoke and I have cut down on my smoking as a result. I eat better because she cooks with a lot of vegetables.

I watch the old guys at the pub eating faggots, mushy peas and mashed and I kind of miss it but looking at it from a purely selfish point of view I am a better person for being with her.


Does anybody here seriously suggest a 50 years old man should have a girlfriend of similar age?

You should get some clue how nature works.

Men age like wine.

Women age like milk.

I was 56 when i met my wife, then 52.

The sex is something you cannot imagine in your wildest dreams.

I stopped dating schoolgirls just after i left school myself.


I’m in favor of continuing education.

My GF is 27 years younger than I. She has two degrees. I learn things from her every day. It also keeps me young and in better shape. If I have a minor ache or pain I don’t mention it so I imagine I am better company too. I dress better, not wanting to look out of date. I study Thai daily, not wanting to embarrass her with her friends and to keep me alert.

I am taking guitar lessons after a 40 year lapse because she likes to sing at parties while I play.

I have pretty much stopped hanging around bars and brothels because of her. She can’t stand smoke and I have cut down on my smoking as a result. I eat better because she cooks with a lot of vegetables.

I watch the old guys at the pub eating faggots, mushy peas and mashed and I kind of miss it but looking at it from a purely selfish point of view I am a better person for being with her.

For the record...I like women of all ages. Younger women however keep you young. When I am with them I take care of myself much better. I stay in shape, be careful what I eat, don't drink too much, try to dress sharp, etc etc....


try to dress sharp, etc etc....

he he he - no fool like an old fool coffee1.gif

I must have missed something. Are you making a point of some kind? I went to lunch by myself today, cargo shorts, sandals and a polo shirt. If GF was going I would have worn long pants, a sport shirt (ironed) and leather shoes and socks.


try to dress sharp, etc etc....

he he he - no fool like an old fool coffee1.gif

I must have missed something. Are you making a point of some kind?

No I don't think you did - my comment above was more on the OP's postings, than on the fashion sense of older males with very much younger partners.


try to dress sharp, etc etc....

he he he - no fool like an old fool coffee1.gif

I must have missed something. Are you making a point of some kind? I went to lunch by myself today, cargo shorts, sandals and a polo shirt. If GF was going I would have worn long pants, a sport shirt (ironed) and leather shoes and socks.

Never come to Chonburi city. You will stick out like a sore thumb. giggle.gif


No I don't think you did - my comment above was more on the OP's postings, than on the fashion sense of older males with very much younger partners.

I like how they tuck their shirt into their shorts. :D


try to dress sharp, etc etc....

he he he - no fool like an old fool coffee1.gif

I must have missed something. Are you making a point of some kind? I went to lunch by myself today, cargo shorts, sandals and a polo shirt. If GF was going I would have worn long pants, a sport shirt (ironed) and leather shoes and socks.

Obviously she is in charge. What else does she tell you to do, roll ower,play dead etc... rolleyes.gif


Most of you guys sound like you have never been to Thailand before. I am by far not the only guy who stays with a young girl. 34 years difference in age in America or England may be a little silly but here it is not a problem. I met this girl when she was 19 ( will be 21 soon) and have been seeing her off and on for the last 1 and half years. As I had a gf in the village for many years this one was my Geek. Her and I decided that we would give it a shot and see if we can live together. So far a little over a month with a few little problems but for the most part we get along great. We have lots of fun together, movies, bowling, dinner, computer games, the beach, cooking, cards( 500 rummy), etc etc.... She nor I smoke or drink much and we enjoy hanging out together. I am a young 54...sometimes people think 40 and she looks young but is very smart for her age. Sure, she does not work so I am her support, so what ! She tells me she loves me and I care greatly for her. Loves my money maybe but also I think she really cares. One more bit of info....about one year ago we tried to stay together but it did not work out as I was traveling to much. So my question was basically, if they don't invite you to the village do they really care.

It`s not a question anyone can answer.

What you do with this girl is at your discretion and deciding whether she is sincere and serious regarding the relationship is down to your judgment.

Only you know the girl and what she’s like, we don`t, so how can we answer your questions or give you advice on what to do next?

If you accept that this girl may become a rent a wife, than that’s fine, or you prefer to live in a world of make believe, than that’s also fine.

As a rule of thumb, most of these wide age gap relationships are about money, but if you consider this girl as different from all the others, than good luck and to all who sail in her.

If you consider this relationship as perfectly OK, than why are you trying to justify it to us? The person you need to convince is yourself.

I for one am not able to answer your questions or want to dictate what you should do with your life. I’m not even sure why you are asking on a public forum, what do you really expect from us?

<deleted> or bust, you`re the driver and what happens next is up to you.


try to dress sharp, etc etc....

he he he - no fool like an old fool coffee1.gif

I must have missed something. Are you making a point of some kind? I went to lunch by myself today, cargo shorts, sandals and a polo shirt. If GF was going I would have worn long pants, a sport shirt (ironed) and leather shoes and socks.

Obviously she is in charge. What else does she tell you to do, roll ower,play dead etc... rolleyes.gif

Besides obviously being a red-card offence in Simple Semper's world, what's wrong with a fella wanting to look presentable for his girl?


OP you honestly sound like a simpleton and I would worry more about keeping your money than if your make believe gf wants to parade you around in some backwater Isaan shithole.


I met my GF parents 3 years ago and still live next door to them. Her dad invited me to his brothers funeral, oh and yes I am 6 years older than her.



The reason the girl hasnt invited you to meet the folks is simple IMO.

She doesnt see it as a permenant relationship for whatever reason, only you can answer. Could be lack of commitment by you, the age difference.


I do not disagree that money is a factor. Sure it is. It's not like I give her a million dollars.... She can make a ton more money working in a bar...for sure ! I take care of her and give her enough to have a little something to put in the bank. You pay no matter who you are with. If you have a 30 or 40 or 50 year old gf who is taking care of you and not working you will have to pay for everything. So what is the difference ???

My GF is one year younger than me, When she was working, she never asked me for any money, I asked her to quit as I didn't like staying in BKK waiting for her to travel somewhere on the weekend. It took her a while to decide but she finally did quit. I still don't give her any money and she isn't putting any "little something" in her bank account. She has access to my accounts (Thai and Canada) and is free to use any money she wants. Here is the difference.

violin.gif fantastic ...clap2.gif


what about it? The way I trust her? Perhaps you you're one of the guys who gives his wife with his kid a 20,000 baht a month living allowance and keeps the rest in his overseas bank? Yup that's how a family should exist... Bravo

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