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Lamai One Way Street

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I am confused. I don't go to Lamai often so I really do not understand.

Is it a one way street or isn't it?

I am not flaming here, but I am trying to work out what the average tourist sees and does. Is it clearly signposted as one way or not? How do they react? It is all well and good us 'locals' saying it works fine, but that is because we have experience of the system. But what about the tourist who doesn't? They must make up a large percentage of the traffic.

Thankfully it would seem that whilst the situation is confusing, or frustrating, at least it doesn't appear to be too dangerous. But is that luck or judgement?

Confusingly, it is apparently still legally one way; however, entering Had Lamai 1 from the ring road, there is NO notification of such a law AT ALL, the fist drivers or riders see, is the 'permanent' sign near the concrete block turning left at the Outback bar intersection.

Even more confusingly, as of right now, one of the five movable a-frame signs (which are placed on the footpath from the Had Lamai 1 (Outback Bar) intersection to as far as the boxing stadium) is facing the wrong way - so, the first sign riders & drivers see - today - coming the "right" way is a No Entry sign at the boxing stadium!

And even more confusingly than that: on the back of these a-frame signs is another remnant of a long-forgotten law which no one posting in this thread has mentioned yet - the no standing on the right side road (coming the "right" way) on ODD days, and no standing on the left side of the road (again, coming the "right" way) on EVEN days law. In fact, there are more of these signs on the road than there are signs advising on the one way 'law', and most of them are permanent! Not only this, but the signs on each side of the road are facing the opposite way! i.e the ODD day No Standing signs are facing the drivers coming from the bridge, and the EVEN day No Standing signs are facing the drivers coming from the Outback Bar...

Can anyone explain which set of signs became redundant first? Or was the original intention of the Lamai one way system that it alternated directions each day?

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...how about pedestrians crossing the street not counting on some local driving the wrong way?...

mistake of pedestrian actually, 'cause we are in Thailand and someone can come out of nowhere everywhere here. That is part of the traffic system of this country, like many other traffic circumstances you don't have in the West.

Turning left against a red light is legal as long as it does not disturb traffic, get a Thai driving license.

not always

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at least if you run them over then u r not wrong. i just drive through barging them all out the way. as they say in Thailand Up 2 you.

Drive the wrong way but they already know they are wrong so at there own risk.

problem is that to go just a short distance down the road to do it the legal way would mean riding all the way round the ring road. people being tight with gas and the ring road being dangerous there probably is not much difference dager wise.

i have very occasionally drive a moped the wrong way down the road

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i use that road all the time never seen cars go down it just bikes?

Yep, it's only the occasional mistaken tourist that tries to go down the "wrong" way in a car. Same with the previous claim of bikes parked on both sides of the road, it only happens very occasionally that one sees bikes on the wrong side - but maybe it only happens on 'Even' days and they're the only ones doing it right?!?

at least if you run them over then u r not wrong. i just drive through barging them all out the way. as they say in Thailand Up 2 you.

Drive the wrong way but they already know they are wrong so at there own risk.

problem is that to go just a short distance down the road to do it the legal way would mean riding all the way round the ring road. people being tight with gas and the ring road being dangerous there probably is not much difference dager wise.

i have very occasionally drive a moped the wrong way down the road

I can say for a fact that "being tight with gas" is not an issue in my case, nor is the fact that the ring road is dangerous; the fact that the Had Lamai 1/ring road intersection is one of the most dangerous in Samui (especially for right-turners) is the major contributing factor in my choice to ride the "wrong" way. Perhaps if 'they' installed traffic light at this intersection, we wouldn't be so averse to using it.

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i use that road all the time never seen cars go down it just bikes?

You do see the odd car going the wrong way but few and far between. As for the people saying the junction outside the Outback is a deathtrap, it was much much worse when it was 2 way and the Outback was called Lugano club.


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i use that road all the time never seen cars go down it just bikes?

You do see the odd car going the wrong way but few and far between. As for the people saying the junction outside the Outback is a deathtrap, it was much much worse when it was 2 way and the Outback was called Lugano club.


Not the junction outside the Outback, but the one at the other end of that street turning onto the ring road. Turning both ways is dangerous, but turning right is even moreso.

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James, please mate, no need to get on your high horse about this, as I said in the OP, I was pissed off because drunken falangs very nearly caused an accident with an elderly Thai lady and abused her as if she was the one in the wrong when they were the ones doing the wrong thing.

The other thing I am was not happy about were cars going the wrong way up the street.

The reason I leave very little room is so speeding bikes have to slow down when going up the wrong way, I am not trying to kill anybody and your suggestion that I am is rather childish.

By the way, I have never had anybody laugh at me when I tell them they are going the wrong way, rather the opposite actually, I usually get an apology.

Also your suggestion I am an aggressive driver or drive too fast is completely false.

By the way, I have lived in Lamai for 15 of the last 20 years, you?

So please James, you are the only one being self righteous here.

And why do I get the feeling you are exactly the type of guy that thinks he is entitled to ride where ever he wants at any speed he wants?

Go and have another chang mate and cool down.

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I guess we both made the wrong impressions - but that's what happens in the absence of body language and vocal tonality...

I've said all I need to on the subject; any more would be flogging a dead horse (although I am still curious about those ODD & EVEN day no parking signs). I'll keep an eye out for your bull bars as I'm trundling down the road at 30 km/h, sober, and wearing a helmet.

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I guess we both made the wrong impressions - but that's what happens in the absence of body language and vocal tonality...

I've said all I need to on the subject; any more would be flogging a dead horse (although I am still curious about those ODD & EVEN day no parking signs). I'll keep an eye out for your bull bars as I'm trundling down the road at 30 km/h, sober, and wearing a helmet.

Furry muff mate.

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I am confused. I don't go to Lamai often so I really do not understand.

Is it a one way street or isn't it?

I am not flaming here, but I am trying to work out what the average tourist sees and does. Is it clearly signposted as one way or not? How do they react? It is all well and good us 'locals' saying it works fine, but that is because we have experience of the system. But what about the tourist who doesn't? They must make up a large percentage of the traffic.

Thankfully it would seem that whilst the situation is confusing, or frustrating, at least it doesn't appear to be too dangerous. But is that luck or judgement?

It is clearly signposted at the Outback bar. 1 way for cars only, motorbikes can go both ways.

Cars ignore it all the time though and spend 15 minutes trying to nose their way against traffic. As a longtime resident of the outback bar this provides hours of entertainment.

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This is becoming a joke, driving down there today and there were cars as well as hundreds (ok, tens) of motorcycles going down the wrong way.

What is the point of this one way system if the BiB are not going to police it? Clearly you don't drive on the ring road much if this annoys you.

If they set themselves up at the bridge at the north end of the beach road the BiBs would make thousands of Baht for a few hours work.: They get enough from the ring road.

What pissed me off today were drunks on their bikes riding the wrong way up the road yelling abuse at an elderly Thai woman with kids on her bike as they were riding the right way down the road and turning in to Soi Nurse Pens. How did you know they were drunk? enough foul mouthed idiots sober on their bikes, either way it's more than likely she would have been driving back the wrong way later that day so couldn't care less about about anyone else doing the same.

There was very nearly a nasty accident and these idiots think they were the ones in the right! hmmm you may change you mind when you realise thais are always right when farangs have a crash

Why the hell doesn't somebody do something about it? if a farang crashes into them they have just won the daily lottery and made a few months worth of money, never known a death on that slow paced stretch of road a few bruises for big cash is worth it

how long you live in a place doesn't mean shit btw

Edited by BusyBee123
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how long you live in a place doesn't mean shit btw

I don't agree with that. There is a maturation process that occurs at different times. Being in a place for a few months gives you the overview, and a year or so gives depth to that. But then after five years or so you look back on the one-year knowledge and see that, as seasoned as you were, you still had much to learn.

I do think there is a point where a few more years does not matter (and a point where you have to ask, "What the hell is that person still doing here?").

I also think that living in Samui or KP for 10 years does not give one the same "seasoning" as someone who has lived in various parts of the country for the same amount of time.

This is not exactly about the one-way, now-defunct system, but over at the cusp between Bikini Bar and Lamai Inn 99 there is a chalkboard sign on the road that says, in English and Thai, "No Parking." Now I see that it also says, "Find (sic) 100 baht."

Interesting since the police were just there about a week ago over a complaint about parking, and the local men in brown said, as was the contention of the foreigner, "It's a public road; you can park anywhere you like."

So the 100 baht fine would be extortion.

Someone with a video camera and a friend to film should have a go. Make a great video post.

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I go to the Bikini Bar a bit, and park right outside every time I go - right in front of the chalkboard sign, but not any further down than the boundary of Bikini Bar and Lamai Inn 99. The staff and owner of the Bikini Bar see us park there all the time, and have never once mentioned anything about not parking there. If they were ever to ask me to stop, I would.

I have always assumed this unofficial sign was put there by operators of the 'parking lot' on the corner opposite the Bikini Bar, as there is no other reason why people shouldn't park there.

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I go to the Bikini Bar a bit, and park right outside every time I go - right in front of the chalkboard sign, but not any further down than the boundary of Bikini Bar and Lamai Inn 99. The staff and owner of the Bikini Bar see us park there all the time, and have never once mentioned anything about not parking there. If they were ever to ask me to stop, I would.

I have always assumed this unofficial sign was put there by operators of the 'parking lot' on the corner opposite the Bikini Bar, as there is no other reason why people shouldn't park there.

I think it just makes it hard for a car to turn into that particular area, hence the no parking sign. I also think he just put it there to pacify anyone complaining about the bikes, but he ignores implementing the request.

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I go to the Bikini Bar a bit, and park right outside every time I go - right in front of the chalkboard sign, but not any further down than the boundary of Bikini Bar and Lamai Inn 99. The staff and owner of the Bikini Bar see us park there all the time, and have never once mentioned anything about not parking there. If they were ever to ask me to stop, I would.

I have always assumed this unofficial sign was put there by operators of the 'parking lot' on the corner opposite the Bikini Bar, as there is no other reason why people shouldn't park there.

I think it just makes it hard for a car to turn into that particular area, hence the no parking sign.

Perhaps, but the unofficial nature of the sign, and the fact that the corner on the other end of this road (up past Swing Bar) has dozens of motorbikes seemingly allowed to crowd the corner leads to believe that isn't the case.

I also think he just put it there to pacify anyone complaining about the bikes, but he ignores implementing the request.

...while parking there himself. Yes, you might be right.

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i still remember many yrs ago when i got in a road rage situation as if it was 30 minutes ago. my 4x4 has has bull bars and the motor bike decided to get in a pissing contest with the wrong guy. i am laughing now as i remember the chase and ending to that bit of rage, good times like that dont come enough.

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i go on the beach there most days since we have came and its just gone up in the last couple of weeks or so and have see the sign but i just park at lamai inn 99 i thought it was cause of the have to pay to park on the corn people? 10b car 20b ?

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i go on the beach there most days since we have came and its just gone up in the last couple of weeks or so and have see the sign but i just park at lamai inn 99 i thought it was cause of the have to pay to park on the corn people? 10b car 20b ?

Yeah there's been various iterations on no parking signs there ever since I got her in September, and I have always assumed it's the "corn people" who are trying to dupe the unsuspecting. Not that I have an issue paying 10b to park my motorbike, but why park way over there when you can park at the door?

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That would be the stabbing of your tyres, ( or the completly deflating ) that happened to 5 guests of mine just before Xmas, who didn't even see any sign.

Lovely if someone didn't notice and took off quickly and tried to turn into the right angled corner 30 metres away.

All had to have new innertubes, and in a couple of cases new tyres as well.

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That would be the stabbing of your tyres, ( or the completly deflating ) that happened to 5 guests of mine just before Xmas, who didn't even see any sign.

Lovely if someone didn't notice and took off quickly and tried to turn into the right angled corner 30 metres away.

All had to have new innertubes, and in a couple of cases new tyres as well.

And don't forget that we live in paradise , LOS.!!!!!
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Went to Bikini Bar last night, and the only sign on the whole strip was a white metal a-frame sign in front of the place to the left of Bikini Bar; not surprisingly, this sign had "No Entry" on the back of it, and had obviously once stood on Lamai beach road...

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