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True Smtp


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Hello all,

Have my own website with mail of course, using True's SMTP to send via Outlook. Prefectly normal.

Started to have some problems a month ago, only for several hours.

This is for all their SMTP's: mail.truemail.co.th, mail.asianet.co.th and classic.asianet.co.th

“452 Too many recipients received this hour” is what I get...

Anybody have same experiences ? Solutions ?

Yesterday it continued for 7 hours. Of course Customer "Service" do not answer the phone, and when they did once they told me to change it to one of the other 3. Did also not work of course. They are ignorant and lie.

At 6:00 PM finally someone answered my (7th) email of the day explaning me: We would like to inform you about we had check Network and error because customer use server SMTP over quota now normally.

Well....that was not the case.

Finally at 7:00 PM last night it was fine. Problem occured again at 9:00 AM today.

I have gmail accounts, so I can continue to email, but it's far from ideal...


I LOVE Thailand, but when do they get ISP's to be RIGHT ?

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At my workplace we have a True ADSL small business connection and use the classic.asianet.co.th mail server to send mail. There are 6 PC's here and we send out probably 200 emails a day and I haven't seen this problem. Although we did have some problems with connections to the mail server a few months back.

The error message your seeing sounds like some Spam control policy on their mail server. The only thing I can think of is the possibility you might have a virus or trojan on a PC spamming out a ton of emails through their mail servers. Have you done a virus / spyware scan on your systems?

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Thanks CV. Don;t have Yahoo, but as I wrote Gmail works (with Gmail's SMTP of course...) You mean Yahoo with True SMTP ? Won't work either as True's SMTP is the problem (too many mails for their mailserver). This is a potential disaster if they do not upgrade. Same as with the (international) speed issues...

BTW, It's working again. True fixed it tfaster today then yesterday only 2 hrs instead of 7....

I think if you have yahoo with pop3 you can use their smtp server. Check it out and see.


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Thanks Simmo. Yes, have virus/spyware on both computers, which are absolutely clean. So....it wasn't me. Actually True already acknowledged the problems are with them and their mailservers...


At my workplace we have a  True ADSL small business connection and use the classic.asianet.co.th mail server to send mail. There are 6 PC's here and we send out probably 200 emails a day and I haven't seen this problem. Although we did have some problems with connections to the mail server a few months back.

The error message your seeing sounds like some Spam control policy on their mail server. The only thing I can think of is the possibility you might have a virus or trojan on a PC spamming out a ton of emails through their mail servers. Have you done a virus / spyware scan on your systems?

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Thanks Ian. I understand from Simmo it could be a so called range of IP's causing the problems (we could be on the same one or close or something like that).

Somebody within the range is spamming (or has a virus/spyware spamming) and causes this for all the others....

And True can not take care of this.

Never had this problem in any of the (many) other countries in worked in.

I had the same problem as well today - Outlook “452 Too many recipients received this hour” error

Working now though

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  • 1 year later...

Can i reactivate this topic.

I put an e-newsletter out on thailand constrcution, goes out to over a 1000 recipients. Been doing it for almost 18 months never had a problem.

Used to send (slowly) as 3 emails of +350 via my loxinfo dial-up account and through Outlook.

Then used the office computer and their high-speed server (sorry don't know what it is they use) and Outlook.

Recently got TOT ADSL and send using my loxinfo account using a TOT ADSL SMTP and Outlook (receive using the loxinfo POP3). No problem for sending emails to one recipient (how many before the problem starts i do not know - a colleague suggested he has a problem beyond 25 receipients though i don't know any of his sending technical details). Started receiving the following message from the system administrator to the first (+350 recipient) email sent:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: FW: Thailand Construction News No 45.

Sent: 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'[email protected]' on 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

452 #4.5.3 Too many recipients.

and then to the subsequent emails i receive:

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

Subject: FW: Thailand Construction News No 45.

Sent: 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

The following recipient(s) could not be reached:

'[email protected]' on 2/19/2007 6:26 PM

452 Too many recipients received this hour

I've tried resending by smaller emails of 66 recipients but the same thing happens.

Tried calling TOT. They didn't know the problem or the answer. They suggested i tried a different SMTP they gave me (same problem). They stated that they do not have a limit on recipients for any email.

Can anybody help / know what this is all about. Do the emails ever get through, i.e. are they being blocked permanently or temporary?

Edited by Bredbury Blue
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Hi Wimster, I received this message from True on 15 Feb, could this be your problems that affected your out going email.

Dear Truemail Subscriber

Subject Mail Server relocation

We would like to inform you that to enhance our mail service and system, we will need to relocate mail server from True Tower to a new location, Muang Thong Thani in order to expand service areas and increase our mail server capacity and efficiency. Please see the time schedule as follows:

Date Task Start End

February 18, 2007

- Unable to send/receive e-mail

00.00 a.m.

01.30 a.m.

- Able to send/receive e-mail. Old mail in mailbox will disappear for a while until process finished.

01.31 a.m.

09.00 a.m.

- Able to send/receive e-mail as usual

09.00 a.m. on ward

We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your continuing support. Should you have any queries, please call our 24-hours Call Center at 02 900 9000

Yours sincerely,

Customer Service

True Internet Co., Ltd.

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