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Abhisit Ready To Answer Summons On Red-Shirt Crackdown


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- sniper -

i suggest you're either trolling, you need to read back on the thread or you truly don't understand that we're talking about being voted in by general election.... edit - as PM

Nurofiend, that sucking noise coming from your computer is the sound of another TVF, Black-Hole, Denial-of-the-Obvious thread trying to suck the life-energy from you. Jump ship now !

Where is Phiphidon ? He has a great explanation of the phenomena ...


You make quite a pair.

One who doesn't understand how voting works and one who fails to grasp the meaning of the word "majority".

I can see how you would side with the reds.

you're funny


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"2200 sniper bullets " how are sniper bullets different than ordinary bullets..Oh and were is your source for this?

Sniper bullets are usually boat-tailed for high accuracy over long distance, but in this case it is probably more about the modus operandi (the use of sniper techniques) than bullets. Snipers don't use RPGs (normally), so I guess RPGs must be relatively harmless compared with all those "sniper bullets".

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- sniper -

i suggest you're either trolling, you need to read back on the thread or you truly don't understand that we're talking about being voted in by general election.... edit - as PM

Nurofiend, that sucking noise coming from your computer is the sound of another TVF, Black-Hole, Denial-of-the-Obvious thread trying to suck the life-energy from you. Jump ship now !

Where is Phiphidon ? He has a great explanation of the phenomena ...


You make quite a pair.

One who doesn't understand how voting works and one who fails to grasp the meaning of the word "majority".

I can see how you would side with the reds.

you're funny


your not, Being outwardly biased against pretty good honest ex P.m doesn't make you look good, in fact the bitter defending of this regime makes you look rather pathetic, why not look at things as they are, in reality, but thats late in the day now, wouldn't want you to lose face, This ex p.m. is doing what is ordered of him, and has little to fear, not like your other HERO. Honesty is the best policy, unless your a red.

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- sniper -

Nurofiend, that sucking noise coming from your computer is the sound of another TVF, Black-Hole, Denial-of-the-Obvious thread trying to suck the life-energy from you. Jump ship now !

Where is Phiphidon ? He has a great explanation of the phenomena ...


You make quite a pair.

One who doesn't understand how voting works and one who fails to grasp the meaning of the word "majority".

I can see how you would side with the reds.

you're funny


your not, Being outwardly biased against pretty good honest ex P.m doesn't make you look good, in fact the bitter defending of this regime makes you look rather pathetic, why not look at things as they are, in reality, but thats late in the day now, wouldn't want you to lose face, This ex p.m. is doing what is ordered of him, and has little to fear, not like your other HERO. Honesty is the best policy, unless your a red.

Gingag - go on as you like.

Most people here forget that I don't think Thaksin is a friend of democracy, nor someone of integrity and honesty. But since I am not an off-the-chart-right-wing-venom-spitting-nutter, I get labeled a red apologist.

As for reality, your pretty good ex PM did some pretty nasty things in order to become PM, and I remember that as well as the stunts that Thaksin pulled.

And this "regime" is the current elected government of Thailand. For all it's faults, it is a government chosen by the people of Thailand and not by the military and the judiciary. Just because I don't call them 'thugs', 'incompetent', 'criminals', and 'terrorists' at every opportunity, doesn't mean I am defending them - as if they need defending on TVF anyway...


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Gingag - go on as you like.

Most people here forget that I don't think Thaksin is a friend of democracy, nor someone of integrity and honesty. But since I am not an off-the-chart-right-wing-venom-spitting-nutter, I get labeled a red apologist.

As for reality, your pretty good ex PM did some pretty nasty things in order to become PM, and I remember that as well as the stunts that Thaksin pulled.

And this "regime" is the current elected government of Thailand. For all it's faults, it is a government chosen by the people of Thailand and not by the military and the judiciary. Just because I don't call them 'thugs', 'incompetent', 'criminals', and 'terrorists' at every opportunity, doesn't mean I am defending them - as if they need defending on TVF anyway...


A Mr 'I Don't Like Thaksin But' is back. A red apologist for all the protestations. One protesteth too much. Hardly convincing.

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you should expect that response, yes, obviously people are going to bring up the fact that his election promises didn't make much difference to the public because of the fact that he wasn't voted for in a GE by the public.

If he wasn't voted for, how did he become an MP?

i suggest you're either trolling, you need to read back on the thread or you truly don't understand that we're talking about being voted in by general election.... edit - as PM

Nurofiend, that sucking noise coming from your computer is the sound of another TVF, Black-Hole, Denial-of-the-Obvious thread trying to suck the life-energy from you. Jump ship now !

Where is Phiphidon ? He has a great explanation of the phenomena ...


I'd already jumped ship about 10 posts ago.........

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your not, Being outwardly biased against pretty good honest ex P.m doesn't make you look good, in fact the bitter defending of this regime makes you look rather pathetic, why not look at things as they are, in reality, but thats late in the day now, wouldn't want you to lose face, This ex p.m. is doing what is ordered of him, and has little to fear, not like your other HERO. Honesty is the best policy, unless your a red.

Gingag - go on as you like.

Most people here forget that I don't think Thaksin is a friend of democracy, nor someone of integrity and honesty. But since I am not an off-the-chart-right-wing-venom-spitting-nutter, I get labeled a red apologist.

As for reality, your pretty good ex PM did some pretty nasty things in order to become PM, and I remember that as well as the stunts that Thaksin pulled.

And this "regime" is the current elected government of Thailand. For all it's faults, it is a government chosen by the people of Thailand and not by the military and the judiciary. Just because I don't call them 'thugs', 'incompetent', 'criminals', and 'terrorists' at every opportunity, doesn't mean I am defending them - as if they need defending on TVF anyway...


You don't know how relieved I was when you said it was a government chosen by the people of Thailand, wait a moment, no, it wasn't all the people of Thailand, it wasn't a m...............................................look, just forget I said anything, right coffee1.gif

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your not, Being outwardly biased against pretty good honest ex P.m doesn't make you look good, in fact the bitter defending of this regime makes you look rather pathetic, why not look at things as they are, in reality, but thats late in the day now, wouldn't want you to lose face, This ex p.m. is doing what is ordered of him, and has little to fear, not like your other HERO. Honesty is the best policy, unless your a red.

Gingag - go on as you like.

Most people here forget that I don't think Thaksin is a friend of democracy, nor someone of integrity and honesty. But since I am not an off-the-chart-right-wing-venom-spitting-nutter, I get labeled a red apologist.

As for reality, your pretty good ex PM did some pretty nasty things in order to become PM, and I remember that as well as the stunts that Thaksin pulled.

And this "regime" is the current elected government of Thailand. For all it's faults, it is a government chosen by the people of Thailand and not by the military and the judiciary. Just because I don't call them 'thugs', 'incompetent', 'criminals', and 'terrorists' at every opportunity, doesn't mean I am defending them - as if they need defending on TVF anyway...


You don't know how relieved I was when you said it was a government chosen by the people of Thailand, wait a moment, no, it wasn't all the people of Thailand, it wasn't a m...............................................look, just forget I said anything, right coffee1.gif

Tiansford #304

Please tell me and every non biased person what pretty nasty things Kun Abhisit did to become P.M. as he was chosen to the post, until elections could take place, I have an open book unlike you, and I've said before I bash when needed, you speak about not defending the regime, but your posts contradict that, you bash the army for clearing up a terrible situation, why wouldn't you call the siege of bkk wrong-or a good percentage of reds criminals, I think by not crying them down for their deeds-you are condoning them. Stunts Thaksin pulled--is that why he ran because of stunts Ha ha ha.--So with you being an honest and outspoken unbiased person I look forward to some good posts from you regarding any wrongs that you notice in the near future, regarding the red brigade.

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your not, Being outwardly biased against pretty good honest ex P.m doesn't make you look good, in fact the bitter defending of this regime makes you look rather pathetic, why not look at things as they are, in reality, but thats late in the day now, wouldn't want you to lose face, This ex p.m. is doing what is ordered of him, and has little to fear, not like your other HERO. Honesty is the best policy, unless your a red.

Gingag - go on as you like.

Most people here forget that I don't think Thaksin is a friend of democracy, nor someone of integrity and honesty. But since I am not an off-the-chart-right-wing-venom-spitting-nutter, I get labeled a red apologist.

As for reality, your pretty good ex PM did some pretty nasty things in order to become PM, and I remember that as well as the stunts that Thaksin pulled.

And this "regime" is the current elected government of Thailand. For all it's faults, it is a government chosen by the people of Thailand and not by the military and the judiciary. Just because I don't call them 'thugs', 'incompetent', 'criminals', and 'terrorists' at every opportunity, doesn't mean I am defending them - as if they need defending on TVF anyway...


You don't know how relieved I was when you said it was a government chosen by the people of Thailand, wait a moment, no, it wasn't all the people of Thailand, it wasn't a m...............................................look, just forget I said anything, right coffee1.gif

Tiansford #304

Please tell me and every non biased person what pretty nasty things Kun Abhisit did to become P.M. as he was chosen to the post, until elections could take place, I have an open book unlike you, and I've said before I bash when needed, you speak about not defending the regime, but your posts contradict that, you bash the army for clearing up a terrible situation, why wouldn't you call the siege of bkk wrong-or a good percentage of reds criminals, I think by not crying them down for their deeds-you are condoning them. Stunts Thaksin pulled--is that why he ran because of stunts Ha ha ha.--So with you being an honest and outspoken unbiased person I look forward to some good posts from you regarding any wrongs that you notice in the near future, regarding the red brigade.

Re: Abhisit + nasty - wow, wish I had that much free time. But one example which sticks out always in my mind was his visit to the PAD protesters in 2008 with a general and Madame Bangkok Bank in the middle of the court sanctioned dispersal operation by the police. The police had been waiting (weeks?) for the court order. The action had been proceeding well up to his arrival (note, police can do crowd control / dispersal operations correctly in Thailand). The three, with others, arrived, the dispersal was halted as they entered the G-House, spoke with the PAD for about 20 minutes, came out, spoke with the police for a minute and left. After their departure, the PAD broke out of the G-house, pushed back the police, and with the violence, the court rescinded the dispersal order (surprise!). End of dispersal, the occupation continued, and as you are all aware, led later to the airport occupation and the eventual decree from the courts to dissolve the PPP. When the PAD situation risked being peacefully resolved, Abhisit stepped in - in a very obvious, personal manner. This is an example where Abhisit was not only very active in the push to bring down the government, he was a personally present, visible, actor in the events.

The govt/army and 2010 - yes, I feel they not only made bad choices - the use of lethal force and escalation of the violence, but I also feel that they failed to properly execute their (IMO) poor choices.

As for other protests, red/yellow, I and others have often condemned, not condoned, the violence. But I am sure you are already aware of that, are you not? And although a favored tactic for putting words in the mouths of others on this forum, not crying down every action done by a group is not actually a statement of approval or agreement. Sorry about that. Such logic is used often here, but it is still wrong.

As for looking forward to my future posts, thank you. But I assure you that the content will be based on my perspective rather than your expectations. wink.png

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tiansford #317

Same sort of boring reply, all that waffle re Abhisit -nasty deeds. Maybe better spend your free time in drawing up a list of wrongs, 1 page for Abhisit, and another 1 for Thaksin,

(how many pages of his bending the rules) convicted on so many counts, and may be a lot more to come.

For you to say you have often condemned the red brigade-and the present elected government, is a joke OFTEN ?? haha your the one that is writing tripe. The brutal force by the army on (unarmed peaceful law abiding expenses paid mob-pillaging-burning red terrorist run movement.)

Escalation of the violence, Who was causing that????

I do not expect anything other than your stance, you smooth over the bad and magnify the good. take your blinkers off-then your perspective will improve. most posters try what we call constructive criticism, as for you condemning that because it hurts your perspective ??

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amazing how resilient the "I'm no fan of Thaksin, however..." fans are.

Equally interesting perhaps is the belief of the implacable haters and apologists for the reactionary right (the usual suspects for short) to accept that the movement for which Thaksin was certainly a catalyst is in fact nothing but a platform for fools and opportunists to advance the interests of the Great Demon himself.By this logic if Thaksin was to disappear from the scene - which he will one day - nothing would be left of the movement he led.Thais would on this happy occasion eagerly return to the blissful past where each man knew his place, feudalists and generals were top of the heap with the help of compliant businessmen.

Granted these people are not the most articulate of propgandists but their crudely expressed view is in fact quite widely shared, particularly among the the middle class.It rests on a historically ludicrous notion of Thai exceptionalism.The more intelligent critics of Thaksin do more openly accept the changes in political culture that Thaksin introduced and accept that many were of positive value.They go on to say of course that Thaksin himself was disastrous - arrogant, corrupt, intolerant of democratic and human rights standards.Immediately this kind of intelligent argument demands attention.

But as far as our forum is concerned you can be certain that any nuanced comment on Thaksin and his influence will be met by one of the usual suspects piping up..well you get my drift.

I'm always amazed by the simplistic thinking that tries to label this split in Thai politics as a "Left" vs. "Right" divide. The fact of the matter is that there isn't a single party in Thailand that wouldn't come down a bit right of center. That said, it was the previous government that tried to launch policies that were remeniscent of LBJ's "Great Society". The government in power currently, despite their multitude of promises has only accomplished to lower corporate tax rates and is looking to dispense with taxes on dividends. Who's the Right Wing again? It's a sham, criminal cabal government which used 21st century media practices to delude an electorate whose thinking hasn't progressed past the 19th century. If you can't see that you are either delusional or your posts here are a serial of lies.

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I'm always amazed by the simplistic thinking that tries to label this split in Thai politics as a "Left" vs. "Right" divide. The fact of the matter is that there isn't a single party in Thailand that wouldn't come down a bit right of center. That said, it was the previous government that tried to launch policies that were remeniscent of LBJ's "Great Society". The government in power currently, despite their multitude of promises has only accomplished to lower corporate tax rates and is looking to dispense with taxes on dividends. Who's the Right Wing again? It's a sham, criminal cabal government which used 21st century media practices to delude an electorate whose thinking hasn't progressed past the 19th century. If you can't see that you are either delusional or your posts here are a serial of lies.

While your views on the left-right divide in Thailand are reasonable enough if somewhat commonplace , I'm afraid they are irrelevant to the discussion.Those who believe in a rigid feudal order enforced if necessary with violence, an untouchable military ready to interfere in politics, and all the time retaining a deep fear of popular democracy - are generally known as right wing reactionaries.If the label offends you I am sure I could come up with a suitable alternative.

I'm not sure that most people would recognise Abhisit's govenment as the Thai version of LBJ's Great Society:in fact it's a ludicrous suggestion .Most commentators maintain however that the policy was simply to copy Thaksin's populist policies though on a greater scale - not that it made any difference to the Thai electorate who kicked them out of office.

I'm not commenting on the last two sentences of your post.In the first you have simply "lost it" -criminal cabal government !- so a rational response is pointless.Your second sentence is a flame which I shall overlook on this occasion as normally your posts are more temperate, though obviously I can't speak for the mods.

Edited by jayboy
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tiansford #317

Same sort of boring reply, all that waffle re Abhisit -nasty deeds. Maybe better spend your free time in drawing up a list of wrongs, 1 page for Abhisit, and another 1 for Thaksin,

(how many pages of his bending the rules) convicted on so many counts, and may be a lot more to come.

For you to say you have often condemned the red brigade-and the present elected government, is a joke OFTEN ?? haha your the one that is writing tripe. The brutal force by the army on (unarmed peaceful law abiding expenses paid mob-pillaging-burning red terrorist run movement.)

Escalation of the violence, Who was causing that????

I do not expect anything other than your stance, you smooth over the bad and magnify the good. take your blinkers off-then your perspective will improve. most posters try what we call constructive criticism, as for you condemning that because it hurts your perspective ??

"Same sort of boring reply"

- good that I didn't expend more effort in responding to you, then.

"your (sic) the one that is writing tripe"

- please brush up on your reading comprehension skills & you will find fewer people are writing tripe. I was very clear about condemning the violence. Other posters are the same.

Almost ready to open the thread parachute again, .... B)

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amazing how resilient the "I'm no fan of Thaksin, however..." fans are.

Equally interesting perhaps is the belief of the implacable haters and apologists for the reactionary right (the usual suspects for short) to accept that the movement for which Thaksin was certainly a catalyst is in fact nothing but a platform for fools and opportunists to advance the interests of the Great Demon himself.By this logic if Thaksin was to disappear from the scene - which he will one day - nothing would be left of the movement he led.Thais would on this happy occasion eagerly return to the blissful past where each man knew his place, feudalists and generals were top of the heap with the help of compliant businessmen.

Granted these people are not the most articulate of propgandists but their crudely expressed view is in fact quite widely shared, particularly among the the middle class.It rests on a historically ludicrous notion of Thai exceptionalism.The more intelligent critics of Thaksin do more openly accept the changes in political culture that Thaksin introduced and accept that many were of positive value.They go on to say of course that Thaksin himself was disastrous - arrogant, corrupt, intolerant of democratic and human rights standards.Immediately this kind of intelligent argument demands attention.

But as far as our forum is concerned you can be certain that any nuanced comment on Thaksin and his influence will be met by one of the usual suspects piping up..well you get my drift.

I'm always amazed by the simplistic thinking that tries to label this split in Thai politics as a "Left" vs. "Right" divide. The fact of the matter is that there isn't a single party in Thailand that wouldn't come down a bit right of center. That said, it was the previous government that tried to launch policies that were remeniscent of LBJ's "Great Society". The government in power currently, despite their multitude of promises has only accomplished to lower corporate tax rates and is looking to dispense with taxes on dividends. Who's the Right Wing again? It's a sham, criminal cabal government which used 21st century media practices to delude an electorate whose thinking hasn't progressed past the 19th century. If you can't see that you are either delusional or your posts here are a serial of lies.

regarding policies, I thought I had read that the minimum wage was being rolled out already - that was coupled with the corporate tax reductions (which I don't agree with - the tax reductions are too crude a method of compensation to businesses impacted by the minimum wage gain - in reality, I think it was just a way to buy-off the business lobby). Did the first time buyer programs get canned, too? I haven't seen any info on that myself, but haven't been looking too hard either.

As for taxes, a couple of governments have come and gone without even talking about reinstating a capital gains tax. That is (1) losing a valuable revenue source, and (2) providing a *huge* give-away to the people who can afford to contribute a little bit more to society.

As for parties in Thailand, from my limited vantage point, they do not seem to line up at all left/right as parties in the west. PTP with populist programs + Shinawatra - the family of ultra-capitalists, as an example. The military as a main actor in politics skews everything in a different direction as well.

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tiansford #317

Same sort of boring reply, all that waffle re Abhisit -nasty deeds. Maybe better spend your free time in drawing up a list of wrongs, 1 page for Abhisit, and another 1 for Thaksin,

(how many pages of his bending the rules) convicted on so many counts, and may be a lot more to come.

For you to say you have often condemned the red brigade-and the present elected government, is a joke OFTEN ?? haha your the one that is writing tripe. The brutal force by the army on (unarmed peaceful law abiding expenses paid mob-pillaging-burning red terrorist run movement.)

Escalation of the violence, Who was causing that????

I do not expect anything other than your stance, you smooth over the bad and magnify the good. take your blinkers off-then your perspective will improve. most posters try what we call constructive criticism, as for you condemning that because it hurts your perspective ??

"Same sort of boring reply"

- good that I didn't expend more effort in responding to you, then.

"your (sic) the one that is writing tripe"

- please brush up on your reading comprehension skills & you will find fewer people are writing tripe. I was very clear about condemning the violence. Other posters are the same.

Almost ready to open the thread parachute again, .... cool.png

" I was very clear about condemning the violence." BUT ALSO " (note, police can do crowd control / dispersal operations correctly in Thailand)."

Don't you think that the use of very nasty tear gas canisters, which caused one death and several people to lose limbs, worthy of condemnation, or is that your idea of correct dispersal operations?

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You are all arguing just as childish as the Thais. He did it no he started it. You have to realize he/she who has the power is not guilty. He/she who has lost the power is guilty, regardless of the evidence and or proof. Btw it hilarious reading farangs(who cant vote or have a say in Thai politics)sit here and argue about there own biased,confused,and of course slightly outlandish OPINIONS. Those that can vote argue away but until u recieve your housing registration and your genuine national thai ID card, your just farting in the wind. I bet the dear leader reads these posts for $hits and giggles....as i do. Lol

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Hypothetical for you:

If you were back in your home country, and came across a group of Thai people who had been living and working, and raising families for many years, in your country, and they were discussing local politics even though they were unable to vote, would you think it a positive thing that they had an interest, or would you laugh at them and tell them how stupid they were for having an opinion?

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Its positive but at the same time its somewhat of a waste of time. Especially in lof... ;P this yellow vs red thing is and will be a never ending argument best left to whoever (unfortunatly)was or would be elected democraticly by the people who have the right to vote. Cheers to your interest but its best left to those with the power to turn their opinion into an action, ie. Voting.

damned if you do, damned if you dont.

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For many of us expats in Thailand our wives CAN vote, and consider our opinions also,

not just theirs because we are FAMILY, they hold the family vote locally.

My wife appreciates that I do look at the issues

and not just sit and ignore the reality around me.

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For many of us expats in Thailand our wives CAN vote, and consider our opinions also, not just theirs because we are FAMILY, they hold the family vote locally. My wife appreciates that I do look at the issues and not just sit and ignore the reality around me.
There is a bit of a difference between showing an interest and the first handful of posts in this thread

Yingluck calls on the young to be wise, disciplined

For example......did your wife read it with you and comment on how pleasing it was to observe

Edited by 473geo
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For many of us expats in Thailand our wives CAN vote, and consider our opinions also, not just theirs because we are FAMILY, they hold the family vote locally. My wife appreciates that I do look at the issues and not just sit and ignore the reality around me.
There is a bit of a difference between showing an interest and the first handful of posts in this thread

Yingluck calls on the young to be wise, disciplined

For example......did your wife read it with you and comment on how pleasing it was to observe

Im also asking the above question. Btw the family vote is normally only a mere reflection of the head of the villages decision, there are exceptions, but im just saying. And again that vote is not yours and your voice is only an opinion(fart in the wind)as you cannot make the opinion become an action without manipulation and or persuasiveness on one who can vote. Sorry but you dont count.

damned if you do, damned if you dont.

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Its positive but at the same time its somewhat of a waste of time. Especially in lof... ;P this yellow vs red thing is and will be a never ending argument best left to whoever (unfortunatly)was or would be elected democraticly by the people who have the right to vote. Cheers to your interest but its best left to those with the power to turn their opinion into an action, ie. Voting.

damned if you do, damned if you dont.

Nobody comes on here thinking that by discussing things, things will change, because that is not the point. People come on here wanting to discuss and debate something in which they are interested. It is what is commonly known as a past-time, and i see it as no more a waste of time than watching TV, listening to the radio or kicking a ball around.

What do you think you are achieving by telling people that they shouldn't have a political opinion and they shouldn't share it?

If you want to talk about wasteful ways to spend one's time, you actually seem to have nailed it better than anybody.

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My point exactly. Sitting here arguing is a waste of time i suppose arguing about arguing isnt any better either, but im just trying to say its a waste of time in general. Cheers to pointing that out. Its family day im off to the park.

damned if you do, damned if you dont.

Edited by zachlsd
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tiansford #317

Same sort of boring reply, all that waffle re Abhisit -nasty deeds. Maybe better spend your free time in drawing up a list of wrongs, 1 page for Abhisit, and another 1 for Thaksin,

(how many pages of his bending the rules) convicted on so many counts, and may be a lot more to come.

For you to say you have often condemned the red brigade-and the present elected government, is a joke OFTEN ?? haha your the one that is writing tripe. The brutal force by the army on (unarmed peaceful law abiding expenses paid mob-pillaging-burning red terrorist run movement.)

Escalation of the violence, Who was causing that????

I do not expect anything other than your stance, you smooth over the bad and magnify the good. take your blinkers off-then your perspective will improve. most posters try what we call constructive criticism, as for you condemning that because it hurts your perspective ??

"Same sort of boring reply"

- good that I didn't expend more effort in responding to you, then.

"your (sic) the one that is writing tripe"

- please brush up on your reading comprehension skills & you will find fewer people are writing tripe. I was very clear about condemning the violence. Other posters are the same.

Almost ready to open the thread parachute again, .... cool.png

" I was very clear about condemning the violence." BUT ALSO " (note, police can do crowd control / dispersal operations correctly in Thailand)."

Don't you think that the use of very nasty tear gas canisters, which caused one death and several people to lose limbs, worthy of condemnation, or is that your idea of correct dispersal operations?

I am guessing that you are aware that you have jumped to a different event from the dispersal event I mentioned above. Just to be clear for the other readers.

You are probably also aware of the details regarding how it came to be that the Chinese tear-gas canisters came to be used by the police and you should also be aware of the fact that the police did not know at the time that the canisters were not the normal tear-gas canisters used for crowd control.

Since you are probably aware of these details already (or maybe not, but I know that they have been posted here on TVF before), then I would turn the question back to you and ask who should be held responsible for that, or condemned for that?

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Who's responsible for the deaths?

Well you try to overthrow the government by holding the city hostage like a bunch of thugs. If you get killed when the government pushes back then you have yourself to blame.

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