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Samsung Galaxy 3Gs... Errr.. Ace Plus


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New from Samsung: The Samsung 3GS Galaxy Ace Plus, coming in Q1 2012!


Design remind you of something? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, isn't it.

I actually think this is pretty sad. Samsung has lots of kick-ass technology and they were doing cool phones way before the iPhone... but somehow, somewhere, somebody at Samsung loves Apple products just a little bit too much...

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This is the second version of the hugely popular Cooper/Ace, which sold for 8,990 baht. It looks like a great, affordable, mid-range phone. The screen is a bit bigger than an iPhone, and of course you can add a uSD card, play AVIs and even change the battery. Yes, I realize Apple have a patent on anything "thin and rectangular". dry.png

Competition is usually a good thing, but I suspect Apple is concerned about Android's success, and that of the hardware manufacturers like Samsung.

Edited by lomatopo
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Thats kind of what I was thinking. Its a rectangle. Its black.

Looks like a nice phone -- haven't made the android jump yet tho. Wouldn't waste my money on an Iphone, heard waaay too many stories. Not alot of them good

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Let's think... yeah how could a phone possibly look different from an iPhone? Nothing comes to mind! Blank! I guess that's exactly what Samsung's thinking these days.

How quickly people forget! Here's what Android was supposed to look like Pre-iPhone:


By the way to answer the question: The iPhone 4 looks very different from a 3GS, and from the above Samsung KIRF of it. Plenty of other Android devices also manage to not look exactly like an iPhone 3GS. It's not that hard - if you try a bit wink.png

ROFL Samsung.

By the way it really makes you wonder... Samsung isn't one of those no name Chinese copy shops. Why are they doing this? I've read somewhere that it's cultural - as in Korea companies think nothing of copying a competitor's product. A western company simply wouldn't be caught dead doing a blatant rip-off like this.

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personally I think its in the hope that Apple Sue them again so that they can get loads of free advertising. also here Thais call every touch screen phone an iPhone anyway 555.

I like it. pity its not quad band 3g though.

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I've read somewhere that it's cultural - as in Korea companies think nothing of copying a competitor's product. A western company simply wouldn't be caught dead doing a blatant rip-off like this.

Hmmm, "I've read somewhere....". The classic xenophobic/racist vague reference/rant. You do realize how silly your comments sound? Western companies never infringe on each others' patents nor copy each other now do they?happy.png

There seems to be a 'fringe-ish' element of Apple devotees who can't seem to understand the need for alternatives in price, performance, color, features, functionality. They seem to think that everyone should drink the iOS Kool-Aid, and seem to have an irrational fear of alternatives. Instead of championing the benefits of their preferred 'ecosystem' they feel the need to attack and disparage the competition. I guess their fear causes them to fall "fight or flight" mode?

Anyway, thanks for alerting everyone to this new model, which looks to be a step up from the original Ace/Cooper. This is definitely a model which will be successful here in Thailand.

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"Recall that, in October, U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh waved two tablets in the air and asked Samsung’s attorney if he could tell which was the Galaxy and which was the iPad. The attorney replied “not at this distance, your Honor.” News agencies soon suggested the episode meant Apple had gained the upper hand in its global tablet fight with Samsung which it has accused of “slavishly copying” its designs.

It turns out the tablet-waving episode may not matter after all. According to Christopher V. Carani, who is chair of the American Bar Association’s Design Rights committee, the crucial moment at the hearing came later when Judge Koh referred to a Knight-Ridder tablet from 1994 and remarked “I think that invalidates” the Apple patent. He set out his thoughts in an article (embedded below) that is circulating widely among intellectual property lawyers: http://paidcontent.o...-ridder-tablet/

As a long-time AAPL (happy) shareholder I would prefer the Company continue to innovate and introduce new products, rather than spend money on lawyers to obstruct the competition.

Malcom Gladwell's New Yorker article from May 2011 explores the "Creation Myth" and Apple in part. An interesting read, http://www.newyorker...a_fact_gladwell

And, this is an example of a "Chinese Copy", http://www.theregist...l_legal_action/

Roger Fidler's team at Knight-Ridder foresaw the tablet in 1994. http://allthingsd.co...-in-1994-video/

Even in popular culture we saw a tablet in 1968 in "2001: A Space Odyssey", and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

and Deep Space 9

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