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Cold Spell Disater Zone Declared


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I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's a cold "disaster". I'm sitting here at 7pm with the fan on and in a singlet - but perhaps other areas out of the city are colder?

23c here in Hang Dong area. No shirt and a cool beer is the order of the evening.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say that it's a cold "disaster". I'm sitting here at 7pm with the fan on and in a singlet - but perhaps other areas out of the city are colder?

Are you okay? do you need someone to come round and light a fire for you?

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Try camping in the mountains. Temperatures drop at night, especially higher up. Chiang Mai is a province, not just a city......

Thank you so much - I had never realised before. You may have saved lives here with your post.

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Lots of negativity on a post that is suspicious to begin with. It could well be a monthly paper. And yes it is cooler in the mountains. Just because some people were born with a silver spoon in their mouth they take that as a reason to believe every one is like them. Stick your head out the window and notice the number of Thais wearing coats here in the city. The mountain villages are not the same. My friend lives past MOJO University and tells me there is three degrees difference between his place and the city.

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Average night time temperature in January on Doi Intanon which is in Chiang Mai is 5.5 degrees C so all you heat sufferers can just pop up there for a week in your shorts and singlets and be sure to take your fans.

Last time I was up there, there weren't many houses. Houses generally tend to be built at slightly lower altitude.

It does get cold, but at the moment its not at all. The best i can assume is that this is news from a couple of weeks ago when it was cold.

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One measure of the general warm temps is that this winter, I've only had to wear socks and long pants for a couple of weeks last month, compared with previous years where I had to wear them for 2-3 months and still felt chilly. I'm hoping for another little cool spell before the summer blast of heat slams us hard and heavy. I love the winters here!!

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When does it start to get hot? Thats when im outta here.

First jump is early March. Then the major jump to temperatures up to / around the 40 degree C mark you get towards the end of March.

The graph below (and most of the ones I see) seems to average out the highs across the whole month, so you don't get to see the 38-42 super-highs that last a couple days, up to a week or two, usually in April.


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