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Experiences With Ghosts Here In Thailand


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My girlfriend here in glorious Pattani claims to be able to see ghosts.

She is very serious about this. And everyone takes her very seriously. And yes -- I'm being serious, too.

About two weeks ago I took a pair of underpants into the bathroom in order to wash them. I threw them onto the floor, but then got distracted and went back into the bedroom to fiddle around with the computer.

Then ........ when I went back into the bathroom .......... my underpants had gone.

I've searched this house everywhere. EVERYWHERE. But I can't find them. And what pisses me off most is that they were actually quite expensive.

Now -- slowly but surely -- I find myself drawn irrevocably to the conclusion that a ghost has stolen my underpants.

I wonder if any of you fine and exquisitely talented gentlemen have had similar, ghost-like experiences here in Thailand.

Oh -- and in case you're wondering, everything I've just written is completely serious.

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I was five minutes late joining the morning joggers on Pattaya's Beach Road last week, normally we meet near the Amari Hotel around 5:30am but they had all set off on the run before I arrived so I rushed my warm up and started my jogging alone - it is of course dark at that time of the morning.

I'm not a believer in ghosts, to my mind, the evidence is not yet conclusive that they exist or do not exist, I take the view then, that while I don't believe in ghosts, I'd rather not meet one.

I've now modified that to 'I'd rather not meet one again', though I'm sure the OP's g/f will confirm that there are more things than just ghosts in the spectral dimension, so it might not have been a Ghost that I saw as I jogged alone along the Beach Road past the end of Soi 6.

Just as I approached the large spirit house that sits on the Beach Side of the road, and which I've passed hundreds of times without a thought of ghosts, spirits or ghouls, a horrible, or rather ghastly apparition stepped out from behind a tree and offered to "Put the Willies up me".

Edited by GuestHouse
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The OP might consider the following advice:

Underpants that wander off from where they were cast upon the floor may not be evidence of ghosts, but an indication that he needs to change them more frequently.

More seriously, beware a g/f that believes in Ghosts turning into a wife that has a direct and private line to the spirit world form which she (and only she) receives, daily, hourly or even constant advice on what is the right and wrong action for every detail of your life together. I'd suggest getting rid of her now, she will by her own admission not be lonely without you.

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I have a ghost story, (I may have posted this before) some time ago, where I now live an old lady who lives on the edge of the village was creating a right kafuffle, she claimed that one night she could not sleep and was out on porch of her house, around 10 pm. While looking out across the field she saw a figure ‘floating’ towards her house from the far corner, she ran into her house terrified. Anyway terrified or not she went out every night for a week and saw this figure, roughly at the same time, most nights….From the same direction, She only managed to look till the figure got within 50 meters before running inside her house.

After a week the police and Temple got involved, a monk along with the local copper carried out a top of the line investigation. After lots of interviews with the entire villager and high level consultations with the village elders. The old lady would tell everyone she meets how this figure would float and weave from side to side and moan, laugh and it appeared to be talking to someone. But funny enough no one would go to the field at 10 pm and have a look themselves!

Eventually the monk and police gave details of their findings. Apparently the figure in the field must be a spirit, a dead relative of the old lady! As to why, well after asking around, apparently she, the old lady, is the only one to see this figure, so it must be connected to her alone. This point was driven home by the fact that one of her neighbors, an elderly single man has never seen this figure and he, funny enough comes home most nights……….Though the very same field……Around 10 pm from the local Bar! The advice given to the old lady; keep your spirit house in order; go to the ‘Wat’ more often, donate what you can to the new structure being built in the ‘Wat’.

Edited by metisdead
Font again!
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Never had any experience with ghosts and simply believe I never will. IMHO "ghosts" do not exist, but please prove me wrong.

I had to cancel a trip to Khao Lak with one of my former gf's though, after her friends told her about the Tsunami and all the ghosts there...

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Once upon a time when I was a young man I became acquainted with the white jockey shorts cult in Chiang Mai and Kilo Sip in Thailand. There may have been other branches of the cult but my experience was confined to those areas. There were only 8 Americans stationed in Chiang Mai during the 1960's and none at Kilo Sip except it was the bar and massage port for the airmen who flew out of U Tapao. The US Army normally issues od green underwear to combat troops with the exception of Green Berets who are too tough to wear any underwear. But some of us with cushy jobs such as a General's aide-DE-camp or brothel “towel boys” wore white jockey shorts.

The women who made up the “White Jockey short cult” were for some reason obsessed with white jockey shorts and would go to any lengths to posses them. Mostly they grabbed them off of the clothesline when they were drying. Afterwards they were wrapped in silk and stored in the family shrine usually next to the toilet. These heirlooms were passed from generation to generation down to the present day. If your missing shorts were white jockey shorts I would look for them in Kilo Sip as it is my understanding the cult is still going strong in that area thanks to “Operation Cobra Gold.”

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Just as I approached the large spirit house that sits on the Beach Side of the road, and which I've passed hundreds of times without a thought of ghosts, spirits or ghouls, a horrible, or rather ghastly apparition stepped out from behind a tree and offered to "Put the Willies up me".


They do seem to creep up on you, although they are usually in teams. " Hey Mister, come here"

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When Thais talk about spirits and ghosts they are often the object of ridicule from Westerners in particular. When people openly discuss the possibility of life on other planets they are held up to scorn. (yet we are but one small planet in one galaxy --- there are over 500 bilion galaxys) not unreasonable to assume there must be some other form of life out there. Perhaps a planet where dirty underpants are used as a fuel source.

But I digress - talk of spirits/ghosts/aliens all leave people open to ridicule. Yet billions of people believe that some omnipotent being created the universe some 6,000 years ago. These people are considered normal. Its a strange world we live in.

Now where did I put my undies and where's my medication. giggle.gif

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Interesting topic....

My partner is an avid antique Thai vernacular furniture collector.

Every time that she is able to acquire a valuable piece: she is calling the abbot from our local temple to make a ceremony and take the spirits out of it.

As she was educated in Switzerland, she is always pretending that she is not believing into that bs ; and doing this only to be "gren jai" for the neighbors...

Which I doubt!

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many rainy seasons ago i saw a ghost in Africa. the morning after attending a native festivity with lots of home brew i went to the bathroom for a shower and a shave. when i looked into the mirror i saw that ghost. strangely the ghost did not look African but more European... sort of... kinda... anyway he looked so horrible that i dropped my shaver and hid in the bedroom.

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Do you have a dog? Mine had a fondness for bras. Be grateful it was undies. Do you know embarrassing it is to try and buy a bra if you are a guy, particularly when you are holding up leftover fabric the dog shredded and the sales lady is looking at you as if she is deciding whetehr to call the cops or a supervisor.

I once had my pants swiped by a monkey when we were in the bush. (Yes, I did take my pants off to dry as we waded through muck.) I got in a lot of trouble for that idiot move.

There are no ghosts. If she still believes tell her that in your culture, that it is believed one way to get rid of ghosts is to engage in behaviour the ghosts would find offensive and would then leave. Suggest that you undertake a panty party with some of the local ladies. I think your g/f may then advise that the ghost left on its own.

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Do you know embarrassing it is to try and buy a bra if you are a guy

Why would he want to buy a new bra? unsure.png


Never been married?

Then you don't know what fun it can be to be waiting in a queue at the checkout counter in Tesco/Lotus as a 63 year old man with your 15 year old grand daughter and a basket full of a combination of obviously male products (shaving cream, men's roll on deoderant, etc.) and "feminine sanitary" products for your wife's use. And all the time your 15 old grand daughter is standing in front of you with her Thai schoolbooks in her arms and keeps addressing you as "Grandpa".

Been there.


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What I have never been able to understand about ghosts is why people fear them. From what I can gather and what I can see on movies, ghosts generally float about moaning and such, but they cannot touch the living nor do anything to them. So if something cannot touch you, why be afraid? If the ghost moans at me all night and I can't sleep, well, maybe be angry, but afraid?

As a young man, I had a very romantic evening in a secluded park with a girl in Taiwan. When I wanted to go back with her a couple of nights later, she refused to go to the park as it was now the month of ghosts. I asked her what the ghosts could do to us, and she admitted that they couldn't affect us. But she said we still needed to be afraid because they were, well, ghosts!

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Little 'rakers isn't scared of ghosts, her mother is however.

Mrs 'rakers is particularly afraid of ghosts in the wardrobe and becomes scared if the door is ajar. Little 'rakers knows this and opens the door ajar to tease her mum. I've even received phone calls when I'm out because my little'un is scaring the beejaysus out of the misses. Much to my amusement, of course and I wholeheartedly encourage such antics.

Edited by Moonrakers
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I was five minutes late joining the morning joggers on Pattaya's Beach Road last week, normally we meet near the Amari Hotel around 5:30am but they had all set off on the run before I arrived so I rushed my warm up and started my jogging alone - it is of course dark at that time of the morning.

I'm not a believer in ghosts, to my mind, the evidence is not yet conclusive that they exist or do not exist, I take the view then, that while I don't believe in ghosts, I'd rather not meet one.

I've now modified that to 'I'd rather not meet one again', though I'm sure the OP's g/f will confirm that there are more things than just ghosts in the spectral dimension, so it might not have been a Ghost that I saw as I jogged alone along the Beach Road past the end of Soi 6.

Just as I approached the large spirit house that sits on the Beach Side of the road, and which I've passed hundreds of times without a thought of ghosts, spirits or ghouls, a horrible, or rather ghastly apparition stepped out from behind a tree and offered to "Put the Willies up me".

yoiu mean they had more than one? Amazing Thailand?

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You may have fallen victim to underpants gnomes (Google it).

Seriously though, love magic, as practiced by shamans in in the South and across the border in Malaysia (and undoubtedly elsewhere in SEA), often focuses on the sexual organs. A woman may squat (exposed) over steaming rice that she feeds to her husband (nasi kangkang in Malaysia, could someone please tell me some Thai, or other equivalents?), or she may "borrow" his underwear to have it imbued with a charm. Not saying this is what happened, just that certain personal objects can be used -- whether you believe it or not -- by others for their own motives.

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