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Experiences With Ghosts Here In Thailand


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i will give you one million if you can show me the centre of the earth, you can't, but it still exists.

I can prove the existence of the center of the earth, but you will never be able to prove any superstitious beliefs (ghosts, gods, whatever).

Edited by Heimdallr
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many thai believe ghosts can hurt you,even kill you.

If some Thais have told you that, fine. But I have discussed this with at least a dozen Thais, all who believe in ghosts, and not one thought a ghost could actually physically harm them (except for possibly scaring a person to death.)

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many thai believe ghosts can hurt you,even kill you.

If some Thais have told you that, fine. But I have discussed this with at least a dozen Thais, all who believe in ghosts, and not one thought a ghost could actually physically harm them (except for possibly scaring a person to death.)

Funny then that they would not dream of moving into a house where someone has died...

Anyway, ghosts obviously exist as a while ago my external water pump was taken and, more recently, the painted 'top' to my sewer was moved.

Edit - the ghost must have been v disappointed to realise it was only the top to my sewer.

Edited by F1fanatic
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many thai believe ghosts can hurt you,even kill you.

Back in the Stone Age when I was knee igh ta grassopper, I was staying at an Uncle’s house, sharing a bed with my cousin. We were both about 7 years old at the time.

During the night a shadow suddenly appeared to move on the wall. Probably caused by a tree being blown about by the wind that was directly outside of the bedroom window. But our child imaginations made us believe it was a real ghost.

We both became scared and called for my Uncle to come and rescue us from the demon in the room. After checking the room my Uncle convinced us that the tree outside of the open window caused the shadow and then he told us something that I have never forgotten. Uncle said; always remember that the dead can never do you any harm, it`s only the living that can hurt you and if you have never done any harm to anyone, are basically a good person and have no guilty conscience about anything, than you have nothing to fear.

Never have truer words been spoken.


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I've offered 1 million baht for any Thai that can show me a ghost yet no one has even tried, I wonder why.

I've done the same offer to westerners, if they could show me God. So far nothing. rolleyes.gif

Show me your money....but make it in $ crazy.gif

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Ghosts definitely exist. However they are the product of the minds of people that believe in them. If a group of people together share the same beliefs then the appropriate beings will manifest. The human mind is a powerful thing.


Cowardly Lion: I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I *do*!

Wicked Witch of the West: Ah! You'll believe in more than that before I'm finished with you.

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Ghosts definitely exist. However they are the product of the minds of people that believe in them. If a group of people together share the same beliefs then the appropriate beings will manifest. The human mind is a powerful thing.


Bravo BigJohnny, succinct and exact.

The world of thoughts may be not visible as the material world, but undoubtedly existing.

Cowardly Lion: I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks. I do, I do, I do, I *do* believe in spooks, I *do* believe in spooks, I do, I do, I do, I *do*!

Wicked Witch of the West: Ah! You'll believe in more than that before I'm finished with you.

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Curiously, most human beings believe in something that seems irrational to others who do not share their belief. A case in point, the Christians belief in the Holy Ghost, the Buddhists belief in samsara (sentient reality), the Muslim belief in efreets and djinns....the list is quite long.

A funny point, the movie "Ghostbusters", written by, in part, Bill Murray, who is a member of the ASPR (the American Society for Psychic Research)...used the weird terminology in the movie from the ASPR textbooks. The most well-documented scientific case of a ghost/apparition/non-corporeal being became a movie called "The Entity". The documentation in the case was thorough, the films and photos examined by numerous experts and the creators of the data to this day invite any specialist to examine the originals. If you want to get mind-bendingly boggled, read the case.

Of course, there are thousands of hoaxes, but just because something can be hoaxed does not prove the phenomena does not exist. Actors hoax murders for a living, as well as special effects artists, but that does NOT prove that murders do not occur at all.

I teach science, and the illogical attempt at disproving something by creating a hoax is amusing at best. I teach science. I withhold creating an opinion until there is proof of one kind or another. I disprove of religious extremism, it prevents critical thinking and leads to war, but people need to believe in something...even if that belief is having no belief at all. I am a bit of a skeptic about anything I see, read, hear, or even know; but am also a tad Pantheist and fervantly hope that the universe will always hold an element of mystery.

For example, I want to believe that the vanished underwear that began this post is quite probably is in some enormous heap on the planet Trafalgar (where all of my vanished socks over the last fifty years have also gone).


Edited by FangFerang
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Curiously, most human beings believe in something that seems irrational to others who do not share their belief.

I teach science, and the illogical attempt at disproving something by creating a hoax is amusing at best. I teach science.

The above is a verbatim quote. Note how the guy repeats ........... "I teach science".

Now that is spooky!

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Curiously, most human beings believe in something that seems irrational to others who do not share their belief.

I teach science, and the illogical attempt at disproving something by creating a hoax is amusing at best. I teach science.

The above is a verbatim quote. Note how the guy repeats ........... "I teach science".

Now that is spooky!

What's illogical or irrational might be the demand to harness [through a scientific model, of course] matters that we don't understand nor care to explore. So naturally, we invent logic and manufacture rationality [science again] to justify our claims towards items that we don't want to know about....or can explain.

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Demonic possession? it has a common name or names in English - Psychosis and Schizophrenia, and is caused by over consumption , over a lengthy period of time , of the dreaded Lao Khao. Originally , Southern Isarn was Hindu , With the death of Hinduism , came Animism - spirit worship, which also some connection with China. , which seems to have spread over most of Thailand. Technically, this country is Buddhist, but in reality Animism is still very much alive and well and in many areas , is the main belief system. So,practically , spirit worship, which really means belief in ghosts, is paramount, now. The wind blew an open door shut, the cry is " Pi ma lao, ", that means the ghost(s) shut the door, not the wind. The belief in the presence of ghosts is frightengly real, and they will brook no argument. There is nothing you or I could say that would prove to them, that there are no ghosts

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Demonic possession? it has a common name or names in English - Psychosis and Schizophrenia, and is caused by over consumption , over a lengthy period of time , of the dreaded Lao Khao. Originally , Southern Isarn was Hindu , With the death of Hinduism , came Animism - spirit worship, which also some connection with China. , which seems to have spread over most of Thailand. Technically, this country is Buddhist, but in reality Animism is still very much alive and well and in many areas , is the main belief system. So,practically , spirit worship, which really means belief in ghosts, is paramount, now. The wind blew an open door shut, the cry is " Pi ma lao, ", that means the ghost(s) shut the door, not the wind. The belief in the presence of ghosts is frightengly real, and they will brook no argument. There is nothing you or I could say that would prove to them, that there are no ghosts

I rest my case regarding the vacancy of understanding and knowledge.

Western scientific rationality wins over and is repeated....until truisms occur - or what we fashion as logical reality. We [as superior Euro-types] know nothing. Sad.

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Dunno about the OP's problem, but my wife believes in that stuff, and requires me to go with her if she needs to go outside at night, because of the "goat" ( she means ghost, but can't say it in English ).

Always gives me a chuckle when she says that.

She's scared of the goat so she brings an old one with her?!?!biggrin.png

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I'm not a believer in ghosts, to my mind, the evidence is not yet conclusive that they exist or do not exist, I take the view then, that while I don't believe in ghosts, I'd rather not meet one.

Not conclusive? How about there is zero evidence for ghosts.

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