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Driver's license required?

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My Thai wife and I live in the US most of the time, but we do visit Chiang Mai 3 to 4 times a year, where we own a house, car, and motorcycle (all in her name). I have a Virginia drivers license and -- until I read some of the posts here -- thought that was all I needed to drive during our extended visits. (Maybe I got this idea because before owning the car, the rentacar agencies didn't require an International Drivers License, only my valid US driver's license. ) Anyway, my question is: Does the law say I must have either a Thai license or an Int'nl Drivers License? And if affirmative, how "gray" is this area, i.e., has anyone been seriously fined and/or hauled off to jail? Any info greatly appreciated.
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I have always rented a car at Avis terminal 2 BKK.(20 times or more) On their desk it states driving licence must be International. (I have never had one) but that does not seem to matter with Avis.

Last month I was stopped twice in 2 days by the "boys in brown” First time in Korat Town, and to be honest I did do a U turn on a No U Turn section of road. Policeman pulled me over and didn’t speak any English but translated everything though my Thai GF. He took my UK licence and held it and told me to go to the police box just about 100 metres up the road and pay a fine of 200thb. I drove the car there and sent my GF in to sort it out. Well I tell you, one of the Big Numbers came out to the car, and within 30 seconds the Policeman who pulled me over also showed up. The Big Number was so polite and asked me if I agreed with the policeman, and of course I said yes, and was given back my licence. (No Mention of International Licence) Then I was asked where I was going, they realised I was facing the wrong way on duel carriageway, and without further a’ do they stopped "heavy traffic" in both directions so it would be easy for me to continue my journey. I must state that this was the first time I had ever been stopped by the Thai Police, and I was guarded with all the horror stories one reads about the  (Falang motorist and the Thai Police) Well it was almost like they were apologising for giving me a justified fine. Full marks go to the police in Korat in my mind.

Two days later on my return back to BKK, well this is a totally different story to be told. After the long drive back to BKK  I always take the pay toll as soon as it starts (believe me for the 10 &  20 baht toll its worth it) Anyway as I slipped of the Toll way to join the main section before the entrance to the airport the Boys in Brown where doing some sort of check on those overloaded pickups. As I tried to join the traffic flow one Police Office spotted me and pulled me over. First thing he said “Fine Drive Dangerously” “being tired I said how much, expecting to hand over 200thb” He replied with how much you give Thai Police, pointing at all his bloody mates about 8-10 them, knowing dam well he wanted a bucket load of cash. So me being smug about my Korat police adventure tried to get him to justify his accusation of Dangerous Driving, this seemed to rattle his cage and then he started on about International Driving Licence, so I showed him my UK licence. Well that was it, he started on about the law on International Licence and how that now my fine was 5000thb. My Thai GF, well she went ######ing mental at him “in Thai” and after about 5 minutes she basically threw a 100baht note at him and he told me to drive to the police officer at the end. I was instructed to get out of the car and open the boot, well they searched that car everywhere “I thought shit they will plant something” My GF told me not to talk to any of them and let her sort it out. Well a big number came over after awhile and seemed to be very amicable towards me, he explained about the need for an International Licence and enquired when I was due to return the car to Avis. I showed him the rental agreement and it showed I had 2 hours left before I picked up another days rental at 1800 per day. He gestured that if he kept me at the roadside for this time it would cost me money, so perhaps a 1000thb fine would conclude the situation “for not having a Int Licence” So I shelled it out and went on my way. (All I can tell you is, that maybe just maybe 5000thb is the discretionary amount if you don’t have one but for sure we will never find out what the fine is set at by the police commission)

By the way they are not know as a Licence, they are known as International Driving Permit when you have to apply for one.

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You can drive on an international or Thai driving license in Thailand (I think Malaysian and Singapore licenses are acceptable too). However, the small print in you car insurance might say that the insurance is not valid unless you have a Thai driving license. As you probably can't read Thai, and your wife may not be that well educated or not able to understand complex Thai legal jargon, it will be difficult to access whether you are properly covered. Thus, it makes sense to get a Thai driving license, which you can also use as an ID card. You can easily get this if you have a Non-im visa (easy as your married to a Thai), which is valid for a year, and when it expires you can renew it within 365 days after it expires. Cost is 105 baht, and you need a letter from your embassy stating where you live (photocopy this and reuse it every year to get your renewal; give the copies to the land transport dept).
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Many thanks for the replies. Looks like I should get a Thai driving license -- which leads to another question:

One of the criteria in getting one is showing proof of medical soundness. Just how do I do this? Is there a specific form? And will just being sober, ambulatory, and heated up to only 98.6F qualify, or do I need a physical of some sort?

Thanks in advance.

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Any doctor, clinic, hospital will know what it is and issue if you meet the criteria you gave.  Very little cost.  Believe you will need to be on a non-immigrant visa to obtain license but mine is from 30 years ago so not up on current requirements.  Believe most police will accept any license that is in English or Thai but they now seem to 'define' English as International Permit when asked.

If you spending most of the time in USA would just obtain International Permit myself.

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I've been driving for almost 4 years on a british licence and have minimal trouble from either police or my insurance company. I did give a copy of my UK licence to the insurance company when I took out the insurance, just in case.
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Hi Khun Jayenram !

I am very interested in what you wrote.

Surely the important point is - are you holding

valid insurance while using a UK licence.

Just because you gave your Insurance a Copy of your UK licence - I would not be satisfied that they would pay out a claim - they could easily "Lose" for example.

A claim from a third party injured seriously could ruin you if the Insurance is invalid.

I would suggest that it is essential to know that your Insurance Policy mentions which Driver's Licence is valid for the policy to be effective.

I would be very interested to hear if you are able to determine this. Is your Policy in Thai ?

I could be in a similar position - but I do not yet have a vehicle or Insurance.


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I've had one accident where my insurance company was involved. The assessor was a little hesitant about accepting my UK licence but his head office gave the "all clear". Admittedly, the damage cost was only Bht 5,000.00.

I agree that having a thai driving licence is prudent and I intend to apply for one (when I can get my arse into gear!).

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Only licenses valid in Thailand are Thai ones, International driving licenses and possible Malaysian and Singaporian licenses. All others are invalid, and while you might get a policeman who bends the laws, you would want to be legal, right?
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The superb thaivisa.com website is your friend here,

some links:

Apply for Thai driver's licence:


Where to apply for a Thai drivers license:


How to renew a Thai driver's license:


Note that if you have had a Thai license for two consecutive years, you can have a life time license, but you must apply for your life license before May 1, 2003!! After that the LAnd Department will NOT issue Life time licenses anymore.

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