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30th November St Andrews Day


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30th November St Andrews Day

National Saints day of Alba,Russia and Greece and now celebrated in 41 countries.

Believe the British and American Embassys are having a wee do tonight...would be nice tae gang..but ner" mind.

Just goat-a invite tae hae a hauf wi ra Mayor the nicht in the Toon Ha.....so to everyone who is celebrating our National Day (Today) whether ye be in New York,Athens,Moscow,Bangkok or up the Glen in Chiang Mai...

Slange.. an Arra Best ...R

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Tha a’ Ghàidhlig air a bhi ga bruidhinn ann an Alba airson còrr ‘s 1500 bliadhna, bhon a thugar a-nall à Eirinn i le na fògarraich a thathaich ann an Dail Riata, mòrthir cuimsach coltach ri mar a tha Earra Ghàidheal an-diugh. Bhon an toiseachadh seo, sgaoil a’ Ghàidhlig a-mach troimh’n a’ mhor chuid dhen dùthaich agus gu Innse Gall, ag gabhail àite nan Cruithneach agus na treubhan Ceilteach eile a bha san tìr. Cha do dh’ fhuirich taobh a-muigh “Alba Ghàidhealach” seo ach a-mhàin Gallaibh, fìor earra dheas na dùthcha, agus na h-eileanan aig tuath. Leis a sin, bi a’ Ghàidhlig air a bhi air a bruidhinn, aig àm air choireagain, sa mhor chuid dhen dùthaich agus tha i air dìleab fhàgail ann an ainmeanan na dùthcha.

Also used to be known as Dalriada..long time ago.....easy innit :D

Had a great night with a couple of glasses of uisge beatha’, or as its better known as ‘usquebaugh’ :D to round things off...Slange.... :o

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Who was St. Andrews and what kind of horse did he ride in on?

If you are into religon an aw that krub you will find that he was a mate of the origional "big Yin" and spent his (B.Y.that is) last night on earth getting plastered with 11 other punters round a table exercising their wallies on a meal of bread and wine sarnies.

The old story..next day the as said B.Y. got picked up by a bunch of squaddies and to use an old expression was left "high & dry"

A couple of years down the line old Andrew (nick-Andy) suffered similar consequences (so they say) and was strung out sidaways ..since been disputed.

Follow up suggests yet another mate called Regus(regular fun sort of bloke) went on the equivilent of an away day cruise but the boat got sunk and the bag of bones that he was carrying got washed up near a golf course. :o on Alba.

Yea... you have guessed it the bones were Andys.

Life goes on much the same.....but dont know anything about any horse? :D

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