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Ubon Hash Runs 42 And 43


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Meet this Saturday at the Wrong Way Bar/Cafe (Phadaeng Road) before 4pm. Alternatively meet at run site before 4:15pm. From central Ubon take the River Moon bridge that connects eastern Ubon (Ubon Rak Naonthaburi hospital area) with eastern Warin Chamrap. Immediately after the bridge the road bends right and after a further 500 meters turn right (the first right turn after the bridge). Park on the left hand side next to a reservoir about 200 meters along that side road.

It's a nice run venue with some nice river views and, of course, a beer stop!

Yes - we are a week later than usual, due to the hare (me) coming back late from the UK.


Those of you who went to Trond's Farm Stay down in the 'firing zone' on the Cambodian border (it's not that dangerous honestly!) this time last year will be delighted to know that Trond and Nok are inviting us to repeat the event on 4th February. More details to come at Hash 42 and by follow up posting here, but clear your diary now folks. We can probably arrange transport for anyone who wants it. It will probably be a mid Saturday to mid Sunday affair if you include the travel time.

New hashers, visiting hashers, girlfriends. boyfriends, hangers on, walkers, runners, beer drinkers, teetoallers all welcome to any hash event.

PM me know now if you are interested in being there.


Flash Git (Steve)

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