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Nakhon Sawan Chinese New Year


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The city is awash with figurines, arch's, dragons and stages, hosting the 2nd biggest Chinese business community in Thailand its no wonder its the 2nd biggest Chinese New Year festival in Thailand. KPP eat your heart out!

For the last 2 days we have had F16 Fighting Falcons swooping over the town and a formation of 4 of the agricultural survey aircraft from Nakhon Sawan International Airport, known as area 51, Thailand's answer to the Bermuda Triangle ( its rectangular) where people just disappear often on a baht bus!

Well it all kicks off on the 16th and officially ends on the 27th with actual big day on the 23rd.

"Its like the Olympics, the World Cup, Songkran, Pattaya and Bangkok all rolled into one and then some" said an official who did not want to be named, think he may live near KPP. "This makes even Big C look small!", he went on "KPP has nothing on this."

So there you have it, there is only one place to be for the few couple of weeks, the Riverside in Nakhon Sawan, come on down.

My cheque is in the post!

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Yes yes we have the Chinese new year in K.P.Phet. And don't remind me what go's on Firework's from morning to dusk, what with the noise and Smoke it's no wonder peep's get lost with all the extra crap that floating around in N/S.

How the Buddha peep's can see there on a bright day boggle's me.

I can See/Hear the stage's in full swing as I tap. Overly made up Thai peep's screeching at the top of their voice's. D J's banging it out only using their base speaker's. Oh what joy. I'll ask around and see it there's anyone here that might like to do a detour. But don't hold you breath. Breath in N/S now there's a thought.

Tip book your table under the unnamed official, motor past the restaurant if it's empty, sure thing if you ask me, then at least it'll save you a few BT. If he has any sense he will be in the vicinity of K.P.Phet. Ware all will I've no doubt be very Civilised/Upmarket bow tie's and all that.

Just looked at the Riverside's menu on the Internet I see that they have got Petrol Pork, Cough Cough Chicken, fumed Fish, and the local delicacy Diesel smoked veg. You just enjoy it all sound's Delish. Even if we get a very large cheque I don't think it will change our mind's. We will cash it of course and put it in our fund's. Under the listing Bribe's.

Eliot Ness

For and on behalf of


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No sense of adventure you folks in KPP! NS is not for the faint hearted, its mans place and the place will have a great atmosphere although you will probably mistake it for fog, too many Tigers eh?

As I write this I can hear the local budding singers practicing and have to admit there is a long way to go, maybe 2013.

Well I hear the rumble of convoys of happy merrymakers staring up all over the central plains and heading for the Heavenly city, parking will certainly be at a premium, inflation is a terrible thing. The throb of music system and treble bass fitted transport will soon be filling the air, not to mention the fairground attractions I hear KPP has a ducking stool and thats your lot, penguin suited locals queuing up to have a go.

What exactly is wrong with diesel soup, throw enough chilli in and a whole new dish has been created plus you can probably do 50 to the gallon!

No sun today, strange.

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No sense of adventure you folks in KPP! NS is not for the faint hearted, its mans place and the place will have a great atmosphere although you will probably mistake it for fog, too many Tigers eh?

As I write this I can hear the local budding singers practicing and have to admit there is a long way to go, maybe 2013.

Well I hear the rumble of convoys of happy merrymakers staring up all over the central plains and heading for the Heavenly city, parking will certainly be at a premium, inflation is a terrible thing. The throb of music system and treble bass fitted transport will soon be filling the air, not to mention the fairground attractions I hear KPP has a ducking stool and thats your lot, penguin suited locals queuing up to have a go.

What exactly is wrong with diesel soup, throw enough chilli in and a whole new dish has been created plus you can probably do 50 to the gallon!

No sun today, strange.

That's funny we have SUN & BLUE SKY'S. And we are only a few well 100km away. Now let me think.... are yes got it now maybe you cant see the sun because of the halo that abound's there 24/7.

We have always had the ducking stall first put in in 1943 for the outside Peep's that wont leave after their day visa has expired. N/B don't get to excited not everyone get's a hole one day visa. That's by the way 8 hour's. You have to be in the know.

Re the parking. May I suggest they park along the river road that's if there is any part of it left after the FLOOD'S. Rumour has it it's still slightly buggered along with the bypass. As you are well aware K.P.Phet didn't get any of that Nasty Putrid water. Has your's all gone now or are there still some trace's left, in the very large pot hole's that abound in N/S.

Good idea of your's about putting load's of chilli in the food, now why didn't I think of that..... are don't have to do it here as the food taste's of what it supposed to be. Not one hint of Petrol in any of it. Tip don't light up a cigarette when you sit down to have your meal as I bet not one place there has "Read cant get" fire insurance.

Fair ground attraction's A well I never, what ever next a coconut shy.

We still have what the butler saw thingy's, all of the naughty bit's blanked out of course.


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I take it wont be coming to down to the greatest show on earth then?

As said it all kicks off tomorrow when I make a truimphant bicycle entry into the city to my bike serviced at the Chinese bike shop just up from Vitteethep. There already is an abundance of bunting and I am told that all the local kids will be out waving Thai flags and the local bands will be trying to keep in tune with "Rule Britannia" and other well known tunes popular with locals "When the Saint goes marching in" (Only he will riding)

All in all a cracking start to the planets biggest event of the year. Plenty of souvenir gas masks, water purifying kits for the needy to take back to the adjacent provinces.

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I take it wont be coming to down to the greatest show on earth then?

As said it all kicks off tomorrow when I make a truimphant bicycle entry into the city to my bike serviced at the Chinese bike shop just up from Vitteethep. There already is an abundance of bunting and I am told that all the local kids will be out waving Thai flags and the local bands will be trying to keep in tune with "Rule Britannia" and other well known tunes popular with locals "When the Saint goes marching in" (Only he will riding)

All in all a cracking start to the planets biggest event of the year. Plenty of souvenir gas masks, water purifying kits for the needy to take back to the adjacent provinces.

Sorry for the delay in posting I was trying to think up a good excuse not to come to N/S that sounded half plausible. At last have got it NO. The big day here is the 23rd I think, that's because you told me it was, haven't heard yet but if this one go's the same as the last several have, day time I shall be going to a Chinese Thai friend of mine as he has a buffet lunch at his restaurant. At about 4.30pm "not normal" I shall be phoning my Mother as it's her Birthday after that we the G/L and I will be taken out for a meal by another Chinese Thai friend of our's and the last place he would go is N/S even though he has a shop there. But the good news well for you is that I'm still going to have to come there to get the G/L a passport it's either that or I will have to go to C/M even though it's a 4+ hour run and I would have to pay for a Hotel over night it came a very close second. But and this is a big BUT I might have to go to Pattaya EEEEEEEK on the 18th of Feb: I do believe that some N/S peep's might be there at about that date, I have some friend's that are arriving that day for a two month stint. They are proper peep's so I cant just say No to them, am working on it though last time it was I cant get there as N/S was flooded TRUE. I could of course say that I got lost in N/S due to the fog haze they would believe that more than say a broken leg.

Be careful on your way in to N/S tomorrow as it's a Holiday (Kid's day) I believe so there'll be hundred's of the little bugger's around I got them yesterday in P/Lok Robinson's fatal error. Tip as you will more than likely know but don't ware anything white or light coloured while your on your bike as it will be buggered, grey, black even "short time" back to Pattaya again.


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But when I were nobbut a lad defending Great Britain against the Chinese hordes down in Singapore we used to have a reet good time at Chinese New Year with Chinese opera on every street corner, stings of fire crackers going up to the roof of the Mandarin hotel and back down again.

Chinese taxi dancing girls at the New World, proper Chinese food not the mucked about Thai version and as much draft Tiger as you could drink without falling into a monsoon drain.

A bottle of Gold Cock brandy was the price of 2 litres of coca cola and the lady who sold it used to bottle it freshly for the tin bath out the back.

Ah the good old days.

You could always go for tiffin at the Raffles the a few of us got kicked out of the Hilton one morning at breakfast after the staff actually had the temerity to ask us to show the room keys that we were ordering breakfast on.

After a night on the tiles around Bugis and Albert street you needed a good breakfast and the RAF Mess at Tengah didn't quite pass muster.

Enjoy yourselves my little chickadees while I relax in my palatial mansion out in the jungle where men are men, women are women and there are stranger one than that around.

I must see if I can find my solar topee.

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Well now that we are all wound up ready for festivities to begin I see that England are playing Pakistan in Dubai on the 17th guess who is opening the batting for Pakistan jolly old T. Shinawattra!

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Well now that we are all wound up ready for festivities to begin I see that England are playing Pakistan in Dubai on the 17th guess who is opening the batting for Pakistan jolly old T. Shinawattra!

Where did you get that from???? I thought that Pakistan had stopped playing because of all the agro, Shooting's ect.
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Keep waving the flag Nong, these peasants north of our border don't understand what it is to enjoy a good party! partytime2.gif

He hasn't stopped for month's waving the flag that is, but us Gentry up north are not falling for it. By the way if you would like to really party may I suggest you visit K.P.P late September when we have the Banana festival you might with a bit of luck meet Miss Banana. The best thing since sliced bread. Allegedly.
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But when I were nobbut a lad defending Great Britain against the Chinese hordes down in Singapore we used to have a reet good time at Chinese New Year with Chinese opera on every street corner, stings of fire crackers going up to the roof of the Mandarin hotel and back down again.

Chinese taxi dancing girls at the New World, proper Chinese food not the mucked about Thai version and as much draft Tiger as you could drink without falling into a monsoon drain.

A bottle of Gold Cock brandy was the price of 2 litres of coca cola and the lady who sold it used to bottle it freshly for the tin bath out the back.

Ah the good old days.

You could always go for tiffin at the Raffles the a few of us got kicked out of the Hilton one morning at breakfast after the staff actually had the temerity to ask us to show the room keys that we were ordering breakfast on.

After a night on the tiles around Bugis and Albert street you needed a good breakfast and the RAF Mess at Tengah didn't quite pass muster.

Enjoy yourselves my little chickadees while I relax in my palatial mansion out in the jungle where men are men, women are women and there are stranger one than that around.

I must see if I can find my solar topee.

And if you tell the Youngster's today and they would never believe you.
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W.C.Fields is alive and living in central Thailand!

Elvis Presley at karaoke event in Nakhon Sawan, I think his voice has gone.

Lord Lucan living in a banana tree near KPP, will the Chinese New Year tempt him into town?

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W.C.Fields is alive and living in central Thailand!

Elvis Presley at karaoke event in Nakhon Sawan, I think his voice has gone.

Lord Lucan living in a banana tree near KPP, will the Chinese New Year tempt him into town?

Where's Shergar?

I thought he was on the menu in NakWan.

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But when I were nobbut a lad defending Great Britain against the Chinese hordes down in Singapore we used to have a reet good time at Chinese New Year with Chinese opera on every street corner, stings of fire crackers going up to the roof of the Mandarin hotel and back down again.

Chinese taxi dancing girls at the New World, proper Chinese food not the mucked about Thai version and as much draft Tiger as you could drink without falling into a monsoon drain.

A bottle of Gold Cock brandy was the price of 2 litres of coca cola and the lady who sold it used to bottle it freshly for the tin bath out the back.

Ah the good old days.

You could always go for tiffin at the Raffles the a few of us got kicked out of the Hilton one morning at breakfast after the staff actually had the temerity to ask us to show the room keys that we were ordering breakfast on.

After a night on the tiles around Bugis and Albert street you needed a good breakfast and the RAF Mess at Tengah didn't quite pass muster.

Enjoy yourselves my little chickadees while I relax in my palatial mansion out in the jungle where men are men, women are women and there are stranger one than that around.

I must see if I can find my solar topee.

And if you tell the Youngster's today and they would never believe you.

I have tried to explain to my wife and her friends that I have worked in more dountries than they have ever been to and worked for more years than any of them have been alive.

It is a concept that they can't seem to get their heads around.

I left school in 1959 and had 3 dead end jobs in 6 months, did 25 years in the RAF, 4 years as a civil servant and another 21 years in the mobile phone business.

I tell them that and its like, you don't understand as you aren't Thai.


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But when I were nobbut a lad defending Great Britain against the Chinese hordes down in Singapore we used to have a reet good time at Chinese New Year with Chinese opera on every street corner, stings of fire crackers going up to the roof of the Mandarin hotel and back down again.

Chinese taxi dancing girls at the New World, proper Chinese food not the mucked about Thai version and as much draft Tiger as you could drink without falling into a monsoon drain.

A bottle of Gold Cock brandy was the price of 2 litres of coca cola and the lady who sold it used to bottle it freshly for the tin bath out the back.

Ah the good old days.

You could always go for tiffin at the Raffles the a few of us got kicked out of the Hilton one morning at breakfast after the staff actually had the temerity to ask us to show the room keys that we were ordering breakfast on.

After a night on the tiles around Bugis and Albert street you needed a good breakfast and the RAF Mess at Tengah didn't quite pass muster.

Enjoy yourselves my little chickadees while I relax in my palatial mansion out in the jungle where men are men, women are women and there are stranger one than that around.

I must see if I can find my solar topee.

And if you tell the Youngster's today and they would never believe you.

I have tried to explain to my wife and her friends that I have worked in more dountries than they have ever been to and worked for more years than any of them have been alive.

It is a concept that they can't seem to get their heads around.

I left school in 1959 and had 3 dead end jobs in 6 months, did 25 years in the RAF, 4 years as a civil servant and another 21 years in the mobile phone business.

I tell them that and its like, you don't understand as you aren't Thai.


I gave up the ghost year's ago trying to explain to the local's all Farang are not wealthy. Waste of time.

Funny enough I do have a Lord Lucan look alike working in the cow shed, and he won't mix with the rest of the peasant farmer's I employ on my Palatial Estate, now there's a thought. Is there still a reward????

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If thais as so god as business and making money how is it they are not rich and all farang are? This is a real stumper of a question, try it out.

Follow up are all rich thais really farang? Next one if you travel outsife of Thailand you may also see the road to riches, one rainbow ends in Dubai.

England versus Pakistan tomorrow in UAR. You can catch it on www.vipbox.net I will be!

Shergar apparently according to local folk lore was on the spit in 1982. missed that one!

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If thais as so god as business and making money how is it they are not rich and all farang are? This is a real stumper of a question, try it out.

Follow up are all rich thais really farang? Next one if you travel outsife of Thailand you may also see the road to riches, one rainbow ends in Dubai.

England versus Pakistan tomorrow in UAR. You can catch it on www.vipbox.net I will be!

Shergar apparently according to local folk lore was on the spit in 1982. missed that one!

1982 was before my time too.

It must have benn a big spit is all I can say.

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Been confined to barracks for a while with the sore throat and running nose, put away those hankies for last night I went "DOWNTOWN"! The festivities were in full flow, the place was heaving!

This year some real fairgound rides on the riverside just east of the market, 2 of them I wouls not go near but the queues were enormous, I settlerd for a chang. One of them stood about higher than the new town houses and was a like a giant catapult which propelled you even higher whilst trying toavoid death in small metal( hope it was ) cage 500bts for 2 for 4 minutes I heard! Another was also suspended like a 4 cornered bell which again through all over the place as the Hollies used to say " Just one Look." Where do they get the money from to ride these things.

The Beach is not large enough to be in use this year due to the floods not receeding enough.

Well everyone seemed to having a good time and I am required to attend again tonight but I think to different part, so all you black and white minstrels from KPP come on down, there is no charge to cross the border for this event and you take back a can of "Les Fummuer."

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Been confined to barracks for a while with the sore throat and running nose, put away those hankies for last night I went "DOWNTOWN"! The festivities were in full flow, the place was heaving!

This year some real fairgound rides on the riverside just east of the market, 2 of them I wouls not go near but the queues were enormous, I settlerd for a chang. One of them stood about higher than the new town houses and was a like a giant catapult which propelled you even higher whilst trying toavoid death in small metal( hope it was ) cage 500bts for 2 for 4 minutes I heard! Another was also suspended like a 4 cornered bell which again through all over the place as the Hollies used to say " Just one Look." Where do they get the money from to ride these things.

The Beach is not large enough to be in use this year due to the floods not receeding enough.

Well everyone seemed to having a good time and I am required to attend again tonight but I think to different part, so all you black and white minstrels from KPP come on down, there is no charge to cross the border for this event and you take back a can of "Les Fummuer."

I'm ashamed to see that I will be venturing south to the festivities on Monday.The missus shanghaied me into it in a moment of weakness.She doesn't care about the north-south divide.

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Been confined to barracks for a while with the sore throat and running nose, put away those hankies for last night I went "DOWNTOWN"! The festivities were in full flow, the place was heaving!

This year some real fairgound rides on the riverside just east of the market, 2 of them I wouls not go near but the queues were enormous, I settlerd for a chang. One of them stood about higher than the new town houses and was a like a giant catapult which propelled you even higher whilst trying to avoid death in small metal( hope it was ) cage 500bts for 2 for 4 minutes I heard! Another was also suspended like a 4 cornered bell which again through all over the place as the Hollies used to say " Just one Look." Where do they get the money from to ride these things.

The Beach is not large enough to be in use this year due to the floods not receeding enough.

Well everyone seemed to having a good time and I am required to attend again tonight but I think to different part, so all you black and white minstrels from KPP come on down, there is no charge to cross the border for this event and you take back a can of "Les Fummuer."

I'm ashamed to see that I will be venturing south to the festivities on Monday.The missus shanghaied me into it in a moment of weakness.She doesn't care about the north-south divide.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but several post have disappeared from this column!!!! oh well plod on. If you are going O/G on the 23rd Monday on your head be it you wont be able to park within 20 mile of the place. Up to you as they say. Give an update on how you get on. I have still got my gas mask unused by the way you could pick it up on your way through K.P.P. N/B only have one so you will have to share.

Just had a word with the G/L and asked her if she wanted to go, reply FOR WHAT.

Dave 500bt for a go are you sure that's more than they charge in Blighty.

Right the sore throat now why am I not surprised, Penicillin that's the thing pop along to one of the 2,000 or so Hospital's they have there just dealing with chest throat problem's 4 week's in an ICU room and bingo sorted.

I believe last year that they were not on the festivities that is, it was because of the amount of water that was still there so the G/L tell's me. Also the so called beach is still buggered A no problem's here with our BLUE FLAG one.

Here's a thought maybe you can spend a week or two having you convalescents in K.P.P CLEAN air don't you know.

Now why can you buy Les Fumier in N/S does that not tell you something.

O/G Tip take a packed lunch WELL wrapped try and eat at least 20km out side N/S as they might still be tasty. Don't what ever you do eat in N/S unless your into Petrol pork the local delicacy. If you send a PM to Dave he would I've no doubt tell you where the nearest Hospital is handy to know when you go down with your coughing spate's. Anyway you just enjoy I shall be thinking of you all while I'm out with my Thai Chinese chum's for my free alfresco meal.

The B/W minstrels at least my white bit's will still look good at the end of the night.

Mr Sparkle. AKA White Tide Man.


Edited by fredob43
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The prices of the rides has come down, I think they over priced them, but stiil over the top for me, each to his own, have a look its free!

The cols continues despite 2 bottles or red round at Fritz's place, no need for gas masks in the Toc! Well got to dash have to prepare for the evening trip into the smoke, its jolly hard being a superstar dont you know!

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The prices of the rides has come down, I think they over priced them, but stiil over the top for me, each to his own, have a look its free!

The cols continues despite 2 bottles or red round at Fritz's place, no need for gas masks in the Toc! Well got to dash have to prepare for the evening trip into the smoke, its jolly hard being a superstar dont you know!

I thought you were Dying now it's out time. Make up you mind. How's the parking???
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Been confined to barracks for a while with the sore throat and running nose, put away those hankies for last night I went "DOWNTOWN"! The festivities were in full flow, the place was heaving!

This year some real fairgound rides on the riverside just east of the market, 2 of them I wouls not go near but the queues were enormous, I settlerd for a chang. One of them stood about higher than the new town houses and was a like a giant catapult which propelled you even higher whilst trying to avoid death in small metal( hope it was ) cage 500bts for 2 for 4 minutes I heard! Another was also suspended like a 4 cornered bell which again through all over the place as the Hollies used to say " Just one Look." Where do they get the money from to ride these things.

The Beach is not large enough to be in use this year due to the floods not receeding enough.

Well everyone seemed to having a good time and I am required to attend again tonight but I think to different part, so all you black and white minstrels from KPP come on down, there is no charge to cross the border for this event and you take back a can of "Les Fummuer."

I'm ashamed to see that I will be venturing south to the festivities on Monday.The missus shanghaied me into it in a moment of weakness.She doesn't care about the north-south divide.

I don't know if anyone has noticed but several post have disappeared from this column!!!! oh well plod on. If you are going O/G on the 23rd Monday on your head be it you wont be able to park within 20 mile of the place. Up to you as they say. Give an update on how you get on. I have still got my gas mask unused by the way you could pick it up on your way through K.P.P. N/B only have one so you will have to share.

Just had a word with the G/L and asked her if she wanted to go, reply FOR WHAT.

Dave 500bt for a go are you sure that's more than they charge in Blighty.

Right the sore throat now why am I not surprised, Penicillin that's the thing pop along to one of the 2,000 or so Hospital's they have there just dealing with chest throat problem's 4 week's in an ICU room and bingo sorted.

I believe last year that they were not on the festivities that is, it was because of the amount of water that was still there so the G/L tell's me. Also the so called beach is still buggered A no problem's here with our BLUE FLAG one.

Here's a thought maybe you can spend a week or two having you convalescents in K.P.P CLEAN air don't you know.

Now why can you buy Les Fumier in N/S does that not tell you something.

O/G Tip take a packed lunch WELL wrapped try and eat at least 20km out side N/S as they might still be tasty. Don't what ever you do eat in N/S unless your into Petrol pork the local delicacy. If you send a PM to Dave he would I've no doubt tell you where the nearest Hospital is handy to know when you go down with your coughing spate's. Anyway you just enjoy I shall be thinking of you all while I'm out with my Thai Chinese chum's for my free alfresco meal.

The B/W minstrels at least my white bit's will still look good at the end of the night.

Mr Sparkle. AKA White Tide Man.


Thanks for the advice,Fred.I intend to take all precautions.However,on the night of the 23rd.,if you see a bright glow in the dark staggering back to the oasis that is KPP,you'll know that I've succumbed to the toxic waste there.

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The giant capapult hordes have driven from the scene! I watched a couple being propelled into the heavens last night, why anyone would want to do this is beyond me!

Yesterday it was too much for one "rider"? If reports are to be believed went into shock and ended up hospital!

Parking is desperate as you might expect and today everyone is shopping like mad, tomorrow as well, then stay off the roads for a few days until the fluid levels in the head have returned to a more normal level.

Personally I will stick to English Breakfast Tea ( Crabtree and Evelyn) , you dont get that up KPP do you? Well I will stick with that until, oh its past mid day, time to get the G and T's out!

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Top tip for Chinese new year if you own a dog. Keep them indoors when all the fire crackers/bangers go off. One of my dogs goes banana,s now at the merest hint of a firework being launched.

She hasn't got over new year yet.ph34r.png

Know what you mean, not much consideration for anyone or anything so long as YOU are having a good time. You wont ever see any of my money going up in smoke!
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