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Nakhon Sawan Chinese New Year


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Have to admit Fred, I dont go down for the parade, I tried it the first time I came here, arrived in cavalcade with the 4th Generals regiment!

The parade came so fast I thought time had gone into reverse and everytime the BIB cleared the road and things moved forward all the parents jumped in the road to take more pictures of their off spring! As I had by this time eaten my packed lunch I decided to bail out. So since this introduction to crowd control I have now decided that I am best of dreaming about in bed, surrounded by KPP's finest "CLASSIC"

Hope things are nice and tranquil up there in the colonies, sipping lemonade and supping Earl Grey in the morning and eyeing the Bombay Sapphire for the afternoon tea break, for me today I have to go to Big C for a photo shoot and this afternoon I am giving a talk on the perils of crossing the KPP border to 49th motorized perambulators division at the local army camp, you will miss that if you take the by pass. There is no truth in the rumour that they are planning to absorb KPP into Nakhon Sawan, what is the point! So you can all go back to sleep for a while, cricket starts at 1300 on www.webcric.com and so far putting up a much better show.

Toodle pip!

Well at least you haven't lost the plot completely. Right the Cricket I'm going to try and have a go using your www. bit to see what come's up update on that later.

Update I'm not going to watch the cricket anymore in the last hour we lost Cook Petersen Morgan disaster. For bugger all run's. Only one thing could be worse and that's a night in N/S.
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THe cricket was going great whilst moving new earth which arrived fro the garden, 5 mins in the garden, 2 overs on the pc, 155-1 when I switched off. Look for 100+ runs lead will make it interesting and they have no reviews left.

The parades went down big time yesterday so reports come in from the metropolis, you will never have seen anything like where you are even if you have good visibility, suppossed to finish today but now going on until sunday owing to public demand and the lines of buses entering or approaching the vicinity, some if not most of the vehicles coming from the north with KPP plates have been belching fumes like you would not believe, do they not service they machines over the border? I begin to think that all the fumes and bad visibility you go on about must be coming from KPP modes of transport and yours in particlular as you always seem to be in the worst place, If I were you I would have it checked out maybe be scrapped for the sake of peeps in N/S.

Now just so you know what to look out for, the BIB have been sent to the northern border to look for smoke plumes heading south.

The grey trees that have been mentioned by the way are silver birch.

Showaddywaddy are back in town to re release their 70's hit "Heavenly" which of course refers to the Heavenly City of Nakhon Sawan.

Not available in KPP.

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I went down to NakWan yesterday on me motorbike (built in smog mask) to do a 90 day report.

In and out inside 4 minutes and very helpful ladies.

Then up to the big market to look for a bakery supply shop which didn't have much so I went to another one 2 streets across fro LotusTesco at Fairyland.

Everybody was diverted around the back streets due to the parades and there were some really tasy girls there in the parade as I found out later trying to find a parking place to get to the second shop.

I found it after crossing a street ful of girls and while in the shop looking 4 or 5 Chinese gong bashers came in and scared the crap out of me.

I got my bits and left snaking throught the parade and went up to BigC to the Kbank who couldn't help me and then to some exotic international cuisine (KFC) that was full of Thais and the queue out of the door. I met Nong 38 briefly but he was in a rush to get home and look at some dirt.

Back to Fairyland again which was easy to get to and the policeman let me through the barrier but I still couldn't get anywhere near to park so back to BigC and the same problem at KFC.

I ate in the food court, pork steak and chips at 50 baht, then I went to global house and couldn't find what I wanted, up to Salok Bat to Lotus Tesco and home.

The fog and crap was all cleared away by Salok Bat which oddly enough is the border between the North, KamPhet and NakWan in the South.

For all its faults the girls in NakWan are far more beautiful than their Northern sisters.

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I went down to NakWan yesterday on me motorbike (built in smog mask) to do a 90 day report.

In and out inside 4 minutes and very helpful ladies.

Then up to the big market to look for a bakery supply shop which didn't have much so I went to another one 2 streets across fro LotusTesco at Fairyland.

Everybody was diverted around the back streets due to the parades and there were some really tasy girls there in the parade as I found out later trying to find a parking place to get to the second shop.

I found it after crossing a street ful of girls and while in the shop looking 4 or 5 Chinese gong bashers came in and scared the crap out of me.

I got my bits and left snaking throught the parade and went up to BigC to the Kbank who couldn't help me and then to some exotic international cuisine (KFC) that was full of Thais and the queue out of the door. I met Nong 38 briefly but he was in a rush to get home and look at some dirt.

Back to Fairyland again which was easy to get to and the policeman let me through the barrier but I still couldn't get anywhere near to park so back to BigC and the same problem at KFC.

I ate in the food court, pork steak and chips at 50 baht, then I went to global house and couldn't find what I wanted, up to Salok Bat to Lotus Tesco and home.

The fog and crap was all cleared away by Salok Bat which oddly enough is the border between the North, KamPhet and NakWan in the South.

For all its faults the girls in NakWan are far more beautiful than their Northern sisters.

I know that you can send your visa update by post so why Oh why are you going to N/S Ok you like a drive but did you know that all this rushing form pillar to post is taking year's of you life Bill. Last time you got run over by some old dear that couldn't see through the Fog/Haze. Take it easy come to K.P.P (A world heritage site) to the new post office pop in your bit's then orrrf round to my place for a beer or two. So Dave is now a budding P Thrower Id like to ask what he's going to grow Grey flower's or veg that he wont be able eat unless he spend's several day's in an ICU room being detoxed.
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KPP a world heritage site? Good lord the only heritage bit is that is populated by the geriatrics, Zimmer frame land I think KPP is called, if the Chang Brewery colapsed so would the local economy, they woulkd no doubt then want a union with NS or to put it simply to be bailed out. You may not like it bu NS is a HUB in Thailand and you should be lucky to be in the spin, why are there so many happy people in the NS? Why have a lot of them arrived from the north, escaped over the border to a city flowing with milk, honey, Chang and noodles, the proverbial end of the Rainbow, even Dick Whittington came to NS as do all the famous, why would anyone want to be seen dead in KPP? Well only the dead, they go there to die not to live like the folks in the electric city of NS! ( just checking the cheque is in the post- sure?)

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Tomorrow all the high jinks come to and end, the racy chicks return to their day jobs, black arm bands will abound and the pace of life in NS returns to its more gentle pace of coffee mornings at Fairyland, lunch time sessions in the BIG C emporium ( M-W-F/12-2pm). Croquet in the park about 1030am, deck chairs and ice creams on the beach, now if you think that sounds a bit like Montevedao, south america you would be right that is just the atmosphere. The latin beat takes over from the gong/pan bashing and as they in south america, particlulary Montevedao "Lifes a Beach I'm going to Nakhon Sawan."

England need 2 quick wickets.

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KPP a world heritage site? Good lord the only heritage bit is that is populated by the geriatrics, Zimmer frame land I think KPP is called, if the Chang Brewery colapsed so would the local economy, they woulkd no doubt then want a union with NS or to put it simply to be bailed out. You may not like it bu NS is a HUB in Thailand and you should be lucky to be in the spin, why are there so many happy people in the NS? Why have a lot of them arrived from the north, escaped over the border to a city flowing with milk, honey, Chang and noodles, the proverbial end of the Rainbow, even Dick Whittington came to NS as do all the famous, why would anyone want to be seen dead in KPP? Well only the dead, they go there to die not to live like the folks in the electric city of NS! ( just checking the cheque is in the post- sure?)

I will start a big thank you to Dave for the cricket info.

Now If you want to see parade's you should come to K.P.P for the Banana festival I can assure you that you wont have your ear's buggered by peep's bashing on a bit of tin. Do you read my post's??? I have on several occasion's mentioned Limo's they are not the sort of thing's you get there they if you look on the Internet they are upper crust peep's motor's.

Silver Birch never heard of such twaddle. And to cap it all you have started to twist Bill's mind, in an earlier post he has admitted to eating Petrol pork in your Big C that could be fatal don't you know.

Come on then what are you going to grow with all this new earth you've had delivered ??? I await with bated breath "Don't liken that to your shortness of breath"

To bring you all up to date don't know why I bother really K.P.P. IS A World Heritage site look it up, or if you care to venture further North you will see the sign " Cant miss it as it go's right over the road about 20km after the N/S smog clear's" you are now entering the province of K.P.P. A World Heritage Town. It's all to do with the fact that it used to be the old capital of Thailand known then by the name the Diamond CITY and we still have lot's of the old ruin's here. Unlike the so call HUB that please correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't that mean lot's of very large road's all converging in the same place, very large road's converging mean's lot's of traffic, lot's of traffic in Thailand mean's lot's of fume's. I rest my case.

I did like Exeter's use of word's To-Wit spin I think you'll find that the only time your going to spin there is when you lot get light headed due to the lack of oxygen, and eating all the infected food. The end of the rainbow indeed more like the end of the world as we know it. And it does flow I'll give you that, why only a few month's ago it flowed big time no not the traffic that never flow's, but with flood water. Beach back yet???

It's now not N/S "Nefarious Sh/t" it's now known as the electric city so called because you have to turn ALL your light's on during the day just to see where your going.

Dick Whittington. Got it now isn't that some sort of Pantomime. For the peep's that don't know what a pantomime is it's Fairy Tail, a bit like all the peep's in E/C are living.

Master of the Hunt.


World Heritage Site.

Edited by fredob43
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Tomorrow all the high jinks come to and end, the racy chicks return to their day jobs, black arm bands will abound and the pace of life in NS returns to its more gentle pace of coffee mornings at Fairyland, lunch time sessions in the BIG C emporium ( M-W-F/12-2pm). Croquet in the park about 1030am, deck chairs and ice creams on the beach, now if you think that sounds a bit like Montevedao, south america you would be right that is just the atmosphere. The latin beat takes over from the gong/pan bashing and as they in south america, particlulary Montevedao "Lifes a Beach I'm going to Nakhon Sawan."

England need 2 quick wickets.

Good new's about England.

Black arm band's, deck chair's on the beach (What beach got washed away didn't it) Ice cream's with grit in them. Croquet in the park??? The only park's there are car park's. I have got to find out the S/P on this Fairy Land place and what twit came up with a name like that. Lunch time's at Big C's so called "food" hall, coffee at F/L I did notice that all these place's mentioned by you are inside now why am I not surprised, followed by a trip to the local doctor's for the usual Jab and three different colour tablet's. I see that we all haven't been informed yet of what's going to be planted in your market garden not illegal is it. Yes that will be it as you lot are definitely high on something.


Hunt Master.

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I went down to NakWan yesterday on me motorbike (built in smog mask) to do a 90 day report.

In and out inside 4 minutes and very helpful ladies.

Then up to the big market to look for a bakery supply shop which didn't have much so I went to another one 2 streets across fro LotusTesco at Fairyland.

Everybody was diverted around the back streets due to the parades and there were some really tasy girls there in the parade as I found out later trying to find a parking place to get to the second shop.

I found it after crossing a street ful of girls and while in the shop looking 4 or 5 Chinese gong bashers came in and scared the crap out of me.

I got my bits and left snaking throught the parade and went up to BigC to the Kbank who couldn't help me and then to some exotic international cuisine (KFC) that was full of Thais and the queue out of the door. I met Nong 38 briefly but he was in a rush to get home and look at some dirt.

Back to Fairyland again which was easy to get to and the policeman let me through the barrier but I still couldn't get anywhere near to park so back to BigC and the same problem at KFC.

I ate in the food court, pork steak and chips at 50 baht, then I went to global house and couldn't find what I wanted, up to Salok Bat to Lotus Tesco and home.

The fog and crap was all cleared away by Salok Bat which oddly enough is the border between the North, KamPhet and NakWan in the South.

For all its faults the girls in NakWan are far more beautiful than their Northern sisters.

Bill,the reason why the women "are far more beautiful than their Northern sisters" is because they're not the real thing! The female population were exterminated during the The Great Toxic Waste Disaster which left them infertile........ever see the film The Stepford Wives?

By the way, Nong38 had to 'rush off to look at some dirt' because his oxygen tank was running low....that big grey thing strapped to his back and,believe or not,looking at dirt is they're idea of a good time.

Edited by oldgit
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Well the garden project only started just before the great downrush of water from your place and others like it, but had to be shelved until the water went to BKK. So far we have a banana tree, new leaf every week, obviously loves the area, mango tree doing well but a way to go before fruit appears, pomegranite had fruit but still only a young tree, somello came up be bus from Pattaya, the locals looked at me as if I was from another planet when we both asked here!, We have 2 on the go and Lime tree and the most recent member is a Papaya which is slo breathing well, so there you have it, not Kew gardens but when we have moved the earth and got the turf down, it will be like Lords ( in the tropics ).

Look 3/4 of an hour before the cricket and have to go to 7-11 so we need 2 or more quick wickets to get inot the tail of the opponents, so thats all for today. Visibility 20 miles and a gentle breeze, looks good, you should all get your wheel chairs out and watch it in the garden!

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I went down to NakWan yesterday on me motorbike (built in smog mask) to do a 90 day report.

In and out inside 4 minutes and very helpful ladies.

Then up to the big market to look for a bakery supply shop which didn't have much so I went to another one 2 streets across fro LotusTesco at Fairyland.

Everybody was diverted around the back streets due to the parades and there were some really tasy girls there in the parade as I found out later trying to find a parking place to get to the second shop.

I found it after crossing a street ful of girls and while in the shop looking 4 or 5 Chinese gong bashers came in and scared the crap out of me.

I got my bits and left snaking throught the parade and went up to BigC to the Kbank who couldn't help me and then to some exotic international cuisine (KFC) that was full of Thais and the queue out of the door. I met Nong 38 briefly but he was in a rush to get home and look at some dirt.

Back to Fairyland again which was easy to get to and the policeman let me through the barrier but I still couldn't get anywhere near to park so back to BigC and the same problem at KFC.

I ate in the food court, pork steak and chips at 50 baht, then I went to global house and couldn't find what I wanted, up to Salok Bat to Lotus Tesco and home.

The fog and crap was all cleared away by Salok Bat which oddly enough is the border between the North, KamPhet and NakWan in the South.

For all its faults the girls in NakWan are far more beautiful than their Northern sisters.

I know that you can send your visa update by post so why Oh why are you going to N/S Ok you like a drive but did you know that all this rushing form pillar to post is taking year's of you life Bill. Last time you got run over by some old dear that couldn't see through the Fog/Haze. Take it easy come to K.P.P (A world heritage site) to the new post office pop in your bit's then orrrf round to my place for a beer or two. So Dave is now a budding P Thrower Id like to ask what he's going to grow Grey flower's or veg that he wont be able eat unless he spend's several day's in an ICU room being detoxed.

I quite like keeping in touch with immigration as they do my visa extension every year and being a hansum man helps a lot.

Another reason is that I have no idea where to find a bakery supplies shop in KPP.

I am thinking of designing an airconditioning system connected to my motorbike which feeds cool air to the inside of my helemt, down inside the jacket and trousers and out the bottoom.

The biggest problem is getting an efficient smog filter and the rest will be easy I think.

Petrol pork is no problem as after 20 odd years eating military food plus Bobbies chili stew with beef in Singapore my digestive system works well enough to covert it into fertiliser for the garden.

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THe heritage sign, yes I have seen it its says "Closed- please hurry along to the next province9 or go back to the "Promised land"mfr_closed1.gif

Got a couple of palm trees in the garden doing my bit for the planet and we have successfully levelled the lot, so 2 thai workmen, when they remember to come will be short of cash when they leave!

You know whenever I thing of KPP I think of NUTS, do you have a KP nut factory there or is it Ki Ora you have to keep people in work?

I am surprised you have limo's up there, I was thinking yesterday why would anyone want to run a limo here, lets face it the roads are not top hole are they? Now you might have some top bits of track but what is the point of driving up and down your drive all day long to avoid the pot holes, peeps here soon caught on have pick ups, 2 sorts the most popular is the one that picks up the bits that have fallen off the one in front and thats usually a Toyota.

Well the cricket was a b/ disaster, 1and 1/2 days to get 145 and they clearly all wanted to get down to the beach and buy some t shirts, disgraceful as is their wicket keeper appeals for anything, make a good beggar on the Underground. Well the day can only get better, just a final thought if KPP had the DRS you could be all out as well, might have to come south of the border, be careful, never know who's listening.

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Well the garden project only started just before the great downrush of water from your place and others like it, but had to be shelved until the water went to BKK. So far we have a banana tree, new leaf every week, obviously loves the area, mango tree doing well but a way to go before fruit appears, pomegranite had fruit but still only a young tree, somello came up be bus from Pattaya, the locals looked at me as if I was from another planet when we both asked here!, We have 2 on the go and Lime tree and the most recent member is a Papaya which is slo breathing well, so there you have it, not Kew gardens but when we have moved the earth and got the turf down, it will be like Lords ( in the tropics ).

Look 3/4 of an hour before the cricket and have to go to 7-11 so we need 2 or more quick wickets to get inot the tail of the opponents, so thats all for today. Visibility 20 miles and a gentle breeze, looks good, you should all get your wheel chairs out and watch it in the garden!

Let me put you right yet again, the down rush of water did not come from K.P.P it came from the dam at Tak bypassed K.P.P. a world heritage site as it would do and then on to N/S E/C what ever it's called now and you copped it big time, just like you have done for the last several year's on the trot. Not as bad as this year must admit but you just wait till Oct: this year and you'll have it yet it again. Update there I was last night having a romantic meal overlooking the Ping and noticed it was up more than 1.5mt due to water released from Tak yet again, so in a day or so what ever is left of the so called beach there will be a goner.

Banana tree's. Tip as we had several outside our place now gone don't what ever you do plant them near any water pipe's as their root's will bugger metal pipe's short time. And once you have them they are one hell of problem to get rid of. I don't know if you know but once they have born fruit they will die but don't worry they will push up several new shoot's for the next generation pull out some because if you don't they will take over. Mango's have two of the bugger's in the garden now 15 foot + high 12 feet wide they also grow big time no problem but plant them well apart. Papaya great have three of those and this year have had at least 15+ on each one Delish getting near the end now more's the pity. Somello also get big the Pomegranate not to bad sizes wise. The one's next door to us are about 5' wide but only 6' or so high. I would ask you to send a few sample's up here but my constitution is not as strong as Bill's.

Bill what sort of Bakery supplies do you want let me know as I might be able to help you out.

Sorry Bill but have got to get back to Dave's latest post he just won't go away, I blame that on you as you have gone there and even met up with him now he's got above his station.

Why have Limo's had a Vigo 4x4 before and even though it was high up not classy enough for the Master of the hunt and other than N/S the road's near us as they would be are now sorted. Talking about that how's the Bypass going. Ki Ora that remind's me do you remember Jubbly same sort of thing but with a triangular sort of pack my dad told me about those. But I'm sure you had them first hand. Orrrf now as my brunch has arrived via my Stepford G/L.

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Thanks for the gardening tips. I remember the Kia Ora lady coming out at the interval at the pictures but everything was 6p very expensive, when you are at school, so sometimes I used take fish ad chips in a plastic bag, with lashings of salt and vinegar made the back row very aromatic but most enjoyable non the less. Do you have cinemas that far up country?I have not been here as most of the English/American films seem to have the wrong soundtrack on cant understand a thing, I did call ther manager over and point all this out to him, after a while he came back with a bus ticket to KPP, what is the use of that?

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Thanks for the gardening tips. I remember the Kia Ora lady coming out at the interval at the pictures but everything was 6p very expensive, when you are at school, so sometimes I used take fish ad chips in a plastic bag, with lashings of salt and vinegar made the back row very aromatic but most enjoyable non the less. Do you have cinemas that far up country?I have not been here as most of the English/American films seem to have the wrong soundtrack on cant understand a thing, I did call ther manager over and point all this out to him, after a while he came back with a bus ticket to KPP, what is the use of that?

Up in KPP the people are multi lingual (spelling?) and can speak English, Thai and I know several who can speak German as well. Of cousre there is always one who can speak Essex and has a sticker on the windscreen that says Fred and what was our name again but fortunate it is only the one.

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Well the garden project only started just before the great downrush of water from your place and others like it, but had to be shelved until the water went to BKK. So far we have a banana tree, new leaf every week, obviously loves the area, mango tree doing well but a way to go before fruit appears, pomegranite had fruit but still only a young tree, somello came up be bus from Pattaya, the locals looked at me as if I was from another planet when we both asked here!, We have 2 on the go and Lime tree and the most recent member is a Papaya which is slo breathing well, so there you have it, not Kew gardens but when we have moved the earth and got the turf down, it will be like Lords ( in the tropics ).

Look 3/4 of an hour before the cricket and have to go to 7-11 so we need 2 or more quick wickets to get inot the tail of the opponents, so thats all for today. Visibility 20 miles and a gentle breeze, looks good, you should all get your wheel chairs out and watch it in the garden!

Let me put you right yet again, the down rush of water did not come from K.P.P it came from the dam at Tak bypassed K.P.P. a world heritage site as it would do and then on to N/S E/C what ever it's called now and you copped it big time, just like you have done for the last several year's on the trot. Not as bad as this year must admit but you just wait till Oct: this year and you'll have it yet it again. Update there I was last night having a romantic meal overlooking the Ping and noticed it was up more than 1.5mt due to water released from Tak yet again, so in a day or so what ever is left of the so called beach there will be a goner.

Banana tree's. Tip as we had several outside our place now gone don't what ever you do plant them near any water pipe's as their root's will bugger metal pipe's short time. And once you have them they are one hell of problem to get rid of. I don't know if you know but once they have born fruit they will die but don't worry they will push up several new shoot's for the next generation pull out some because if you don't they will take over. Mango's have two of the bugger's in the garden now 15 foot + high 12 feet wide they also grow big time no problem but plant them well apart. Papaya great have three of those and this year have had at least 15+ on each one Delish getting near the end now more's the pity. Somello also get big the Pomegranate not to bad sizes wise. The one's next door to us are about 5' wide but only 6' or so high. I would ask you to send a few sample's up here but my constitution is not as strong as Bill's.

Bill what sort of Bakery supplies do you want let me know as I might be able to help you out.

Sorry Bill but have got to get back to Dave's latest post he just won't go away, I blame that on you as you have gone there and even met up with him now he's got above his station.

Why have Limo's had a Vigo 4x4 before and even though it was high up not classy enough for the Master of the hunt and other than N/S the road's near us as they would be are now sorted. Talking about that how's the Bypass going. Ki Ora that remind's me do you remember Jubbly same sort of thing but with a triangular sort of pack my dad told me about those. But I'm sure you had them first hand. Orrrf now as my brunch has arrived via my Stepford G/L.

I am looking to buy whole wheat flour to make whole wheat bread. Perhaps Mike at the pizza place might know.

What I bought in NS was whole wheat mix which actually doesn't turn into bread at all.

Even I am not perfect all the time.

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Thanks for the gardening tips. I remember the Kia Ora lady coming out at the interval at the pictures but everything was 6p very expensive, when you are at school, so sometimes I used take fish ad chips in a plastic bag, with lashings of salt and vinegar made the back row very aromatic but most enjoyable non the less. Do you have cinemas that far up country?I have not been here as most of the English/American films seem to have the wrong soundtrack on cant understand a thing, I did call ther manager over and point all this out to him, after a while he came back with a bus ticket to KPP, what is the use of that?

Ah yes, the good old days.Saturday morning pictures,Lone Ranger and Tonto,nutty logs,sherbet dabs,those mile long shafts of liquorice,jumpers for goalposts,sculleries and my uncle wearing braces AND a belt.I'll have myself sobbing in my pina colada soon.Confutius once said "Man with long memory is boring bastard".But what does he know,tosser.

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Well the garden project only started just before the great downrush of water from your place and others like it, but had to be shelved until the water went to BKK. So far we have a banana tree, new leaf every week, obviously loves the area, mango tree doing well but a way to go before fruit appears, pomegranite had fruit but still only a young tree, somello came up be bus from Pattaya, the locals looked at me as if I was from another planet when we both asked here!, We have 2 on the go and Lime tree and the most recent member is a Papaya which is slo breathing well, so there you have it, not Kew gardens but when we have moved the earth and got the turf down, it will be like Lords ( in the tropics ).

Look 3/4 of an hour before the cricket and have to go to 7-11 so we need 2 or more quick wickets to get inot the tail of the opponents, so thats all for today. Visibility 20 miles and a gentle breeze, looks good, you should all get your wheel chairs out and watch it in the garden!

Let me put you right yet again, the down rush of water did not come from K.P.P it came from the dam at Tak bypassed K.P.P. a world heritage site as it would do and then on to N/S E/C what ever it's called now and you copped it big time, just like you have done for the last several year's on the trot. Not as bad as this year must admit but you just wait till Oct: this year and you'll have it yet it again. Update there I was last night having a romantic meal overlooking the Ping and noticed it was up more than 1.5mt due to water released from Tak yet again, so in a day or so what ever is left of the so called beach there will be a goner.

Banana tree's. Tip as we had several outside our place now gone don't what ever you do plant them near any water pipe's as their root's will bugger metal pipe's short time. And once you have them they are one hell of problem to get rid of. I don't know if you know but once they have born fruit they will die but don't worry they will push up several new shoot's for the next generation pull out some because if you don't they will take over. Mango's have two of the bugger's in the garden now 15 foot + high 12 feet wide they also grow big time no problem but plant them well apart. Papaya great have three of those and this year have had at least 15+ on each one Delish getting near the end now more's the pity. Somello also get big the Pomegranate not to bad sizes wise. The one's next door to us are about 5' wide but only 6' or so high. I would ask you to send a few sample's up here but my constitution is not as strong as Bill's.

Bill what sort of Bakery supplies do you want let me know as I might be able to help you out.

Sorry Bill but have got to get back to Dave's latest post he just won't go away, I blame that on you as you have gone there and even met up with him now he's got above his station.

Why have Limo's had a Vigo 4x4 before and even though it was high up not classy enough for the Master of the hunt and other than N/S the road's near us as they would be are now sorted. Talking about that how's the Bypass going. Ki Ora that remind's me do you remember Jubbly same sort of thing but with a triangular sort of pack my dad told me about those. But I'm sure you had them first hand. Orrrf now as my brunch has arrived via my Stepford G/L.

I am looking to buy whole wheat flour to make whole wheat bread. Perhaps Mike at the pizza place might know.

What I bought in NS was whole wheat mix which actually doesn't turn into bread at all.

Even I am not perfect all the time.

Bill I am told there is an Italian eatery up near the town hall who apparently does real pizza ( but at Thai prices!) He also does steaks, real ones so I am told, we will be going to try out the steaks at the end of next month I think after the holidays, he may have the flour you are looking for, I will have a look on the local maps and see if I can pinpoint the place for you. Ok got the map out see if you bring this up.

Along Kosi (li ?) Road running east to north there is a river bridge but just before there on the left is road called Than Withi Road go to the top and turn right, its on the right, bit of parking on the left and then traffic joins the road or leaves to go to the municipallity. My guess about 50 yards after the turn and I think its next to a computer shop.

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Thanks for the gardening tips. I remember the Kia Ora lady coming out at the interval at the pictures but everything was 6p very expensive, when you are at school, so sometimes I used take fish ad chips in a plastic bag, with lashings of salt and vinegar made the back row very aromatic but most enjoyable non the less. Do you have cinemas that far up country?I have not been here as most of the English/American films seem to have the wrong soundtrack on cant understand a thing, I did call ther manager over and point all this out to him, after a while he came back with a bus ticket to KPP, what is the use of that?

Ah yes, the good old days.Saturday morning pictures,Lone Ranger and Tonto,nutty logs,sherbet dabs,those mile long shafts of liquorice,jumpers for goalposts,sculleries and my uncle wearing braces AND a belt.I'll have myself sobbing in my pina colada soon.Confutius once said "Man with long memory is boring bastard".But what does he know,tosser.

o you must also remember Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Black Hawk etc then what you could get for 6p!
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Well the garden project only started just before the great downrush of water from your place and others like it, but had to be shelved until the water went to BKK. So far we have a banana tree, new leaf every week, obviously loves the area, mango tree doing well but a way to go before fruit appears, pomegranite had fruit but still only a young tree, somello came up be bus from Pattaya, the locals looked at me as if I was from another planet when we both asked here!, We have 2 on the go and Lime tree and the most recent member is a Papaya which is slo breathing well, so there you have it, not Kew gardens but when we have moved the earth and got the turf down, it will be like Lords ( in the tropics ).

Look 3/4 of an hour before the cricket and have to go to 7-11 so we need 2 or more quick wickets to get inot the tail of the opponents, so thats all for today. Visibility 20 miles and a gentle breeze, looks good, you should all get your wheel chairs out and watch it in the garden!

Let me put you right yet again, the down rush of water did not come from K.P.P it came from the dam at Tak bypassed K.P.P. a world heritage site as it would do and then on to N/S E/C what ever it's called now and you copped it big time, just like you have done for the last several year's on the trot. Not as bad as this year must admit but you just wait till Oct: this year and you'll have it yet it again. Update there I was last night having a romantic meal overlooking the Ping and noticed it was up more than 1.5mt due to water released from Tak yet again, so in a day or so what ever is left of the so called beach there will be a goner.

Banana tree's. Tip as we had several outside our place now gone don't what ever you do plant them near any water pipe's as their root's will bugger metal pipe's short time. And once you have them they are one hell of problem to get rid of. I don't know if you know but once they have born fruit they will die but don't worry they will push up several new shoot's for the next generation pull out some because if you don't they will take over. Mango's have two of the bugger's in the garden now 15 foot + high 12 feet wide they also grow big time no problem but plant them well apart. Papaya great have three of those and this year have had at least 15+ on each one Delish getting near the end now more's the pity. Somello also get big the Pomegranate not to bad sizes wise. The one's next door to us are about 5' wide but only 6' or so high. I would ask you to send a few sample's up here but my constitution is not as strong as Bill's.

Bill what sort of Bakery supplies do you want let me know as I might be able to help you out.

Sorry Bill but have got to get back to Dave's latest post he just won't go away, I blame that on you as you have gone there and even met up with him now he's got above his station.

Why have Limo's had a Vigo 4x4 before and even though it was high up not classy enough for the Master of the hunt and other than N/S the road's near us as they would be are now sorted. Talking about that how's the Bypass going. Ki Ora that remind's me do you remember Jubbly same sort of thing but with a triangular sort of pack my dad told me about those. But I'm sure you had them first hand. Orrrf now as my brunch has arrived via my Stepford G/L.

I am looking to buy whole wheat flour to make whole wheat bread. Perhaps Mike at the pizza place might know.

What I bought in NS was whole wheat mix which actually doesn't turn into bread at all.

Even I am not perfect all the time.

Bill I am told there is an Italian eatery up near the town hall who apparently does real pizza ( but at Thai prices!) He also does steaks, real ones so I am told, we will be going to try out the steaks at the end of next month I think after the holidays, he may have the flour you are looking for, I will have a look on the local maps and see if I can pinpoint the place for you. Ok got the map out see if you bring this up.

Along Kosi (li ?) Road running east to north there is a river bridge but just before there on the left is road called Than Withi Road go to the top and turn right, its on the right, bit of parking on the left and then traffic joins the road or leaves to go to the municipallity. My guess about 50 yards after the turn and I think its next to a computer shop.

That is the place I went to on Thursday and sadly he didn't have any whole wheat flour.

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Thanks for the gardening tips. I remember the Kia Ora lady coming out at the interval at the pictures but everything was 6p very expensive, when you are at school, so sometimes I used take fish ad chips in a plastic bag, with lashings of salt and vinegar made the back row very aromatic but most enjoyable non the less. Do you have cinemas that far up country?I have not been here as most of the English/American films seem to have the wrong soundtrack on cant understand a thing, I did call ther manager over and point all this out to him, after a while he came back with a bus ticket to KPP, what is the use of that?

Ah yes, the good old days.Saturday morning pictures,Lone Ranger and Tonto,nutty logs,sherbet dabs,those mile long shafts of liquorice,jumpers for goalposts,sculleries and my uncle wearing braces AND a belt.I'll have myself sobbing in my pina colada soon.Confutius once said "Man with long memory is boring bastard".But what does he know,tosser.

o you must also remember Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Black Hawk etc then what you could get for 6p!

Flash Gordon, just like that tv drama , 70 years of progress!
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Thanks for the gardening tips. I remember the Kia Ora lady coming out at the interval at the pictures but everything was 6p very expensive, when you are at school, so sometimes I used take fish ad chips in a plastic bag, with lashings of salt and vinegar made the back row very aromatic but most enjoyable non the less. Do you have cinemas that far up country?I have not been here as most of the English/American films seem to have the wrong soundtrack on cant understand a thing, I did call ther manager over and point all this out to him, after a while he came back with a bus ticket to KPP, what is the use of that?

Ah yes, the good old days.Saturday morning pictures,Lone Ranger and Tonto,nutty logs,sherbet dabs,those mile long shafts of liquorice,jumpers for goalposts,sculleries and my uncle wearing braces AND a belt.I'll have myself sobbing in my pina colada soon.Confutius once said "Man with long memory is boring bastard".But what does he know,tosser.

o you must also remember Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Black Hawk etc then what you could get for 6p!

Flash Gordon,Flesh Gordon (an acquired taste,that one),Buck Rogers......I have the box set of season 2 at Oldgit Towers which is <deleted> because they made it too family orientated i.e Princess Ardalla was binned after season 1.

Here's one for you,Dave,Space Patrol 'starring' Larry Dart.Unless you are particularly old and decrepid like me,you won't remember this one.It was before the forerunner of Thunderbirds et al.

If I got 6p off my old grandma,I thought I was Rockefeller.

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Thanks for the gardening tips. I remember the Kia Ora lady coming out at the interval at the pictures but everything was 6p very expensive, when you are at school, so sometimes I used take fish ad chips in a plastic bag, with lashings of salt and vinegar made the back row very aromatic but most enjoyable non the less. Do you have cinemas that far up country?I have not been here as most of the English/American films seem to have the wrong soundtrack on cant understand a thing, I did call ther manager over and point all this out to him, after a while he came back with a bus ticket to KPP, what is the use of that?

Ah yes, the good old days.Saturday morning pictures,Lone Ranger and Tonto,nutty logs,sherbet dabs,those mile long shafts of liquorice,jumpers for goalposts,sculleries and my uncle wearing braces AND a belt.I'll have myself sobbing in my pina colada soon.Confutius once said "Man with long memory is boring bastard".But what does he know,tosser.

o you must also remember Flash Gordon, Buck Rogers, Black Hawk etc then what you could get for 6p!

Flash Gordon,Flesh Gordon (an acquired taste,that one),Buck Rogers......I have the box set of season 2 at Oldgit Towers which is <deleted> because they made it too family orientated i.e Princess Ardalla was binned after season 1.

Here's one for you,Dave,Space Patrol 'starring' Larry Dart.Unless you are particularly old and decrepid like me,you won't remember this one.It was before the forerunner of Thunderbirds et al.

If I got 6p off my old grandma,I thought I was Rockefeller.

Buddha this forum has gone to the dog's the way it's going one day we might all be chum's and that would never do. Steady on O/G your dad must have told you about Flesh Gordon I'm sure your mile's to young to remember him yourself. Well anyway you look young not unlike Bill and myself. Must be the clean air.

Reply do we have a kinema in K.P.P. two in fact, never been reason they don't have any hunting film's on, one's like Murder at the Gallop, don't know if they have English sub title's never looked.

Bill Mike bake's all his own bread, got some soda bread from him last week and Delish it is to. I think he get's all his stuff from BKK but if you ask him I've no doubt he'll sell you some flour. He get's lot's of different bit's for us German smoked ham Sausage's ect.

Ok I'll own up I used to get 2s 6d every Saturday 9d up stair's at the flick's 1s 6d for steak and kidney pudding the 3d left over for apple crumble and custard, the bizz. And you tell the youngster's today there'll never believe you.

Edited by fredob43
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I was lucky in Mansfield we had 4 cinemas for the kids in the morning and the Rock in the afternoon, then down to the park to re enact the main show again, bag of chips for 4p, bag of scraps for 2p. Swimming at local baths 4p. Football ground used to open the gates at half time so free to go in and the only farangs you saw were from Ireland, Scotland and Wales! We had 2 bus routes to Nottingham and 2 rail routes, I think Mansfield must have been a bit like a preview for Nakhon Sawan. So Fred I guess you are from mmmmmmmmm Brentwood. I read a book once called the Essex Files, excellent book, do you remember Southend, not the Kursal but Never never Land? Some say it was a message to allien space craft and then there was the length of the pier why 1 and 1/4 miles long? The escalator up the cliff, stairway to the stars or stairway to Debenhams?

Do you have a never never land at KPP? I would not be surprised, seems like you have some rum people up there, maybe they came from the stars, unlike me who is just a starintheclub.gif (Flash Gordon never wore a raincoat )

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I was lucky in Mansfield we had 4 cinemas for the kids in the morning and the Rock in the afternoon, then down to the park to re enact the main show again, bag of chips for 4p, bag of scraps for 2p. Swimming at local baths 4p. Football ground used to open the gates at half time so free to go in and the only farangs you saw were from Ireland, Scotland and Wales! We had 2 bus routes to Nottingham and 2 rail routes, I think Mansfield must have been a bit like a preview for Nakhon Sawan. So Fred I guess you are from mmmmmmmmm Brentwood. I read a book once called the Essex Files, excellent book, do you remember Southend, not the Kursal but Never never Land? Some say it was a message to allien space craft and then there was the length of the pier why 1 and 1/4 miles long? The escalator up the cliff, stairway to the stars or stairway to Debenhams?

Do you have a never never land at KPP? I would not be surprised, seems like you have some rum people up there, maybe they came from the stars, unlike me who is just a starintheclub.gif (Flash Gordon never wore a raincoat )

So you can read A maybe you should have read a book on N/S before you moved there. I glanced through it once took About 1 min: Other than where it was situated 4 line's the other 2 line's just said hundred's of very large Road's, traffic, smoke, fume's, Hospital's, die young, Bypass go Rapid. Never got the last bit until I went through N/S the first and only time.

Essex Essex I'll have you know I come from East London on the edge of Epping forest that's where I learn't to hunt never realised how handy it would become in later life. If my memory serve's me right I must admit I did go to Southend but only once. All the peep's had kiss me quick hat's ate rock, most of them had made their way down from the Mansfield aria and had a strange dialect, some even ate scrap's allegedly.

Yes we do have a Never Never clause in K.P.P. it mean's Never go to N/S Never invite N/S peep's here, Or even be nice to them as they come from lower down in Thailand they have to look up to us and it would Never Never do to let N/S peep's get above their station.

Hunt master.

World Heritage City.

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I was lucky in Mansfield we had 4 cinemas for the kids in the morning and the Rock in the afternoon, then down to the park to re enact the main show again, bag of chips for 4p, bag of scraps for 2p. Swimming at local baths 4p. Football ground used to open the gates at half time so free to go in and the only farangs you saw were from Ireland, Scotland and Wales! We had 2 bus routes to Nottingham and 2 rail routes, I think Mansfield must have been a bit like a preview for Nakhon Sawan. So Fred I guess you are from mmmmmmmmm Brentwood. I read a book once called the Essex Files, excellent book, do you remember Southend, not the Kursal but Never never Land? Some say it was a message to allien space craft and then there was the length of the pier why 1 and 1/4 miles long? The escalator up the cliff, stairway to the stars or stairway to Debenhams?

Do you have a never never land at KPP? I would not be surprised, seems like you have some rum people up there, maybe they came from the stars, unlike me who is just a starintheclub.gif (Flash Gordon never wore a raincoat )

So you can read A maybe you should have read a book on N/S before you moved there. I glanced through it once took About 1 min: Other than where it was situated 4 line's the other 2 line's just said hundred's of very large Road's, traffic, smoke, fume's, Hospital's, die young, Bypass go Rapid. Never got the last bit until I went through N/S the first and only time.

Essex Essex I'll have you know I come from East London on the edge of Epping forest that's where I learn't to hunt never realised how handy it would become in later life. If my memory serve's me right I must admit I did go to Southend but only once. All the peep's had kiss me quick hat's ate rock, most of them had made their way down from the Mansfield aria and had a strange dialect, some even ate scrap's allegedly.

Yes we do have a Never Never clause in K.P.P. it mean's Never go to N/S Never invite N/S peep's here, Or even be nice to them as they come from lower down in Thailand they have to look up to us and it would Never Never do to let N/S peep's get above their station.

Hunt master.

World Heritage City.

Sorry Fred,nostalgia got the better of me for a moment.Don't let my youthful appearance fool you,plenty of spare parts been added over the decades although definitely no Grecian 2000.The original colour remains."2s 6d EVERY Saturday?".No wonder you're Master of the Hunt.I would have been lucky to get a clip round the ear off the old man.But if you tell the youngsters today,they'll never believe you.

Agreed,us upper class peeps can't get too friendly with the riff raff down south but a quick toussle of their barnet keeps their spirits up.

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What a bunch of snobs you lot up there are, still like types seem to be drawn together, I would not be surprised if you all came over on the same plane or Airship as a job lot! I think you must spend all days looking through each others ears to see if there is a blockage, smoke or clear view ( all the way to N/S)!

Zimmerframe racing, wheechair hunting, Bingo for beginers (what was the last number), underwater wrestling just some of the unusual passtimes for strange folk of KPP, of course you dont think they are a rum lot, think they normal because "rum lot" is is the norm in KPP.

I can remember being in Pattaya once and a policeman said to me "see that gentleman over there he is from KPP." "how do you know that?" I retorted?" "Well he has his trousers on back to front, see?" "Yes a rum lot from up there, we have to give them a lot of leeway on the dress code, all those single shoes you see on the roads, tell me a inhabitant of KPP has passed by, often see them hopping about or with odd shoes on!"

Edited by nong38
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What a bunch of snobs you lot up there are, still like types seem to be drawn together, I would not be surprised if you all came over on the same plane or Airship as a job lot! I think you must spend all days looking through each others ears to see if there is a blockage, smoke or clear view ( all the way to N/S)!

Zimmerframe racing, wheechair hunting, Bingo for beginers (what was the last number), underwater wrestling just some of the unusual passtimes for strange folk of KPP, of course you dont think they are a rum lot, think they normal because "rum lot" is is the norm in KPP.

I can remember being in Pattaya once and a policeman said to me "see that gentleman over there he is from KPP." "how do you know that?" I retorted?" "Well he has his trousers on back to front, see?" "Yes a rum lot from up there, we have to give them a lot of leeway on the dress code, all those single shoes you see on the roads, tell me a inhabitant of KPP has passed by, often see them hopping about or with odd shoes on!"

Pattaya A Say No More. Well at least the police man said see that GENTLEMAN. Have never had my trousers on back to front, well might have in yesteryear but that's another story. I did lose a shoe once, was on a train doing the tourist bit here, sitting on the step's 'no door's' and low and behold one of my flip flop's fell orrrf buggered was not the word, as luck would have it at the destination there was a shoe shop, but the only thing they had in my size were lime green and pink one's. Did I look the part you had better believe it. They wouldn't even let me into Big C in N/S just show's you how rough I looked.

Have been trying all day to get Blighty TV on the comp got it once but for some reason it's now gone down, my IT chappy is coming round tomorrow to sort it out if it all goes well I'll give you mob the SP on what system it is.

Master of the Hunt.

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So Fred, morning, how can you be an East Ender and be from near Epping Forest, sounds like you might be a gypsy! So come on are a Cockernee, could you hear Bow Bells or was the ringing from the night before? People need to know are you a pearly King or Queen? Do you eat eels in liquor or in sandwiches? Pies and Mush? Have you ever appeared in "Mary Poppins." If you really are an eastender have you been to the Eastenders set at Borehamwood and got any autographs or are you from the better part of the East End, Roneo corner, Romford?

That should keep you going most of the day! Bit early for a Tiger but bit of information for you around Sawan Park (the Heavenly Park) same side as the hospital but more in the direction of the Super Highway there is restaurant called "San Savoy" you gain access to it by steps, several of them on the left hand side, parking for cars on the left, motorbikes on the front. They sell Tiger in there but its a tad expensive and cheapskates like me dont go, maybe you should have it moved to KPP!

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