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Selling Technique, Thai Style


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I was in Central World today and popped into the relatively newly re-opened Zen. I stopped at a counter on the 4th floor which had various gagets for iPads and computers generally. Within nano seconds three sales staff appeared and rather than the usual inane comments on irrelevant discount prices, they proceeded to natter amongst themselves, and in the case of one of them, start playing with one of the items for sale, which necessitated standing between me and the display shelf. <deleted> is the matter with these people? I immediately walked off, but that didn't appear to bother them.

I'm sorry, I was having "one of those days", and I normally try and overlook these rather eccentric tactics (?) employed by sales staff in department stores, but it is not an unusual attitude. The other one, apart from the 20% or whatever discount, is following you around as if you are an habitual shoplifter. The last time that occurred I shouted at the shop assistant to get out of my way, so that i could look at the cooking utnesils (in that particular case, in Emporium...as in: do I look as though I'm going to stuff a wooden spoon down my trousers?

OK, rant over. Carry on.

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Oh god yes. I'm guessing you're English as well. We like to have to drag the assistants out from behind the till looking like they'd wish we'd drop dead rather than do business with them. Funnily enough I still prefer it, something about being able to take my time. My wife and I adopt tag-team tactics. The person who isn't shopping in that particular shop diverts the attention of the shop assistants whilst the other one browses leisurely.

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I hear you…..One of my pet hates is being followed by a personal shopper, the second I cross the shop thresh hold, I find myself, very quickly no longer really shopping but trying to out run and out maneuver my new friend. I’ve tried to tell them I don’t need help, in Thai, but I might as well be talking Swahili. Sometimes if I have the devil in me I will try and start a ‘Benny Hill’ type chase…….No takers yet, but will keep trying.

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I hear you…..One of my pet hates is being followed by a personal shopper, the second I cross the shop thresh hold, I find myself, very quickly no longer really shopping but trying to out run and out maneuver my new friend. I’ve tried to tell them I don’t need help, in Thai, but I might as well be talking Swahili. Sometimes if I have the devil in me I will try and start a ‘Benny Hill’ type chase…….No takers yet, but will keep trying.

Best tactic start asking as many questions as you can in anything but Thai language, they soon scamper off............................sometimes to return with an English speaking person where I tell them................Im only looking!!!

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Everyone hates this including my Thai missus. She counters by asking so many questions, demands etc that I am happy to stand back quietly suppressing a smirks as I see them try to ease themselves away. She can scare the shit out of me and she actually has feelings for me (ok she can tolerate me.... Big Win!)

Poor Bastards haven't a clue what they are letting themselves in for when they start their spiel.

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Retail sales people [even supervisors] make an about-face when dealing with another monster that doesn't include a prosective sale and needlessly shadowing you..

Ever tried to return or exchange an item....?? For whatever reason.

It's as they don't know what him them.

I know Thais [as a rule] don't take things back when appropriate. A little kreng jai mentality is involved - don't upset the apple cart. This mind set casts itself amongst commercial retail employees of every sort, as they don't know how to remedy a simple purchase/exchange.

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Ever notice, it's never a pretty girl that follows you? I had this one guy who insisted on picking his face following me and another time a kid on a telephone. I can't stand it. And now for a confession, I try to pass gas, but only in the vicinity of other clients and staff. If done well, you can make a discreet exit into the wind leaving the vapour trail of noxious fumes behind and the group looking at each other. I've done this a couple times and pulled it off. The only danger is that sometimes its hard not to start laughing. My friend caught me once and boy did I get in trouble.

I would like to add a friendly note of warning here to the untrained ‘crop duster’…….Before you try and lay that ‘cloud of doom’ best try a few test shots first, the combo of trying to drop that…’special brew’ mixed with Thai food, (especially if not used to Thai food) could end up with a ‘negligent discharge’……Not to smooth a move, especially in shorts!

Take heed my fellow novices to this wise man's words of advise.

I too have suffered the perils of discharing an unplanned "cloud of doom" to an unsuspecting antogonist without calculating the "cause & effect".

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So it is not just me that hates this. Good; a support group is forming called "let me shop in peace". Actually the real reason of course, especially in Emporium, is that they work mostly on commission or in others have a target of number of sales, and desperately want to be with you at purchase time to have their bar code scanned.

I am afraid though that I am getting a little rude now after a couple of "just looking", and say "Go away" and will stand there saying "go away" until they do. If they do not leave after that, I will continue my shopping, ignore them 100%, and when I am ready to buy what ever it is, I take my goods up to a sales person that has not harassed me, and give that person my trade as a reward. I had a couple of occasions where the stalker tried to stop this, but I just made it very clear that I was not buying anything at all if that person got some reward. Literally to the point one time where having priced up the bed linen I was buying, and the stalker rushed in to bleep his tag, I said I changed my mind, made them unscan all the items. Then took the sales person I had selected to give the purchase to back around the store to get the same items again, rescan, and off I go. No, I was not in a rush, but as I get older it becomes a point of principal.

By the way, I ignore everyone in Home Pro now. They do not even warrant a grunt acknowledgement.

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i'm still adjusting to people just staring at you everywhere you go like your a monkey in zoo.

there are plenty of westerners here, plenty on tv, when will they stop acting like your the very first westerner they have ever seen.

Maybe its just you.. or your over sensative. I live here in a gated community and am the only foreigner. Even when i go shopping around here i don't have that problem. They do fear it if you have something to ask them (about a product). Though when i start talking to them in basic Thai they seem to relax.

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So it is not just me that hates this. Good; a support group is forming called "let me shop in peace". Actually the real reason of course, especially in Emporium, is that they work mostly on commission or in others have a target of number of sales, and desperately want to be with you at purchase time to have their bar code scanned.

I am afraid though that I am getting a little rude now after a couple of "just looking", and say "Go away" and will stand there saying "go away" until they do. If they do not leave after that, I will continue my shopping, ignore them 100%, and when I am ready to buy what ever it is, I take my goods up to a sales person that has not harassed me, and give that person my trade as a reward. I had a couple of occasions where the stalker tried to stop this, but I just made it very clear that I was not buying anything at all if that person got some reward. Literally to the point one time where having priced up the bed linen I was buying, and the stalker rushed in to bleep his tag, I said I changed my mind, made them unscan all the items. Then took the sales person I had selected to give the purchase to back around the store to get the same items again, rescan, and off I go. No, I was not in a rush, but as I get older it becomes a point of principal.

By the way, I ignore everyone in Home Pro now. They do not even warrant a grunt acknowledgement.

I have no such problem in my local supermarket.

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i'm still adjusting to people just staring at you everywhere you go like your a monkey in zoo.

there are plenty of westerners here, plenty on tv, when will they stop acting like your the very first westerner they have ever seen.

You in Amnat Charoen?

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Its the same in every country - they're either following you around like a limpet, or impossible to find.

Personally, I love the way so many HomePro employees follow me around and are only too willing to answer questions. Admittedly, if I ask anything difficult they go running off to find someone else - but 'someone else' always turns up to answer my questions smile.png !

Edit - the bit I hate about shopping here is the way it takes about an hour of filling in forms if you have to get something delivered...

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however, how successful are you at getting things delivered, for free, in the other dimension, especially same day? after years of living here in the same house, I can rattle of a map with my feet a 4 year old could follow.

i think delivery here is actually much easier to arrange and has the added benefit that the delivery guys will also assemble or setup your purchases. In the recent past I have had beds, office equipment and even a very large fish tank all delivered and assembled.

Edited by nocturn
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when my wife and I had finished building our home, we went to buy furniture. we entered the large store and began looking around. the lady kept following us everywhere. i like to have a look around first so asked the wife to tell the lady could she wait and we will call her if needed. lady said ok. started to walk again and the lady followed once more.

eventually we called her over and explained if she continued to follow we would leave and not buy anything. the lady agreed again and stopped.

we ventured on deeper into the store. no sign of the lady. good i though, we can browse in peace.

then i caught a glimpse of the lady 3 rows over. still following but at a distance.

i looked at the wife, she looked at me and we both burst out laughing.

we turned on our heels and walked out and spent 120,000 else where that day.

It was as if the lady in the shop couldn't help herself. it was like she was programmed and just could stop even when asked to do so 3 times. even the warning that we would walk out didnt work.

Funny as hell. clap2.gif

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however, how successful are you at getting things delivered, for free, in the other dimension, especially same day? after years of living here in the same house, I can rattle of a map with my feet a 4 year old could follow.

i think delivery here is actually much easier to arrange and has the added benefit that the delivery guys will also assemble or setup your purchases. In the recent past I have had beds, office equipment and even a very large fish tank all delivered and assembled.

Lucky you! Living on Phuket I have never had something delivered the same day as purchase (never mind how expensive) and providing the map is not the bit that takes the time... its the staff filling in all the dam_n forms!

I agree though, the delivery guys are great and only too happy to lug it wherever you want it (and assemble it) - unlike the UK.

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when my wife and I had finished building our home, we went to buy furniture. we entered the large store and began looking around. the lady kept following us everywhere. i like to have a look around first so asked the wife to tell the lady could she wait and we will call her if needed. lady said ok. started to walk again and the lady followed once more.

eventually we called her over and explained if she continued to follow we would leave and not buy anything. the lady agreed again and stopped.

we ventured on deeper into the store. no sign of the lady. good i though, we can browse in peace.

then i caught a glimpse of the lady 3 rows over. still following but at a distance.

i looked at the wife, she looked at me and we both burst out laughing.

we turned on our heels and walked out and spent 120,000 else where that day.

It was as if the lady in the shop couldn't help herself. it was like she was programmed and just could stop even when asked to do so 3 times. even the warning that we would walk out didnt work.

Funny as hell. clap2.gif

Presumably the sales woman relied on commission to pay her a decent wage?

She was sensitive enough to move away when you asked, but you were still annoyed that, although keeping her distance, she cared enough to keep you in sight?

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my wife assured her on 3 occasions that we would come get only her if needed, not to worry, because like you, i seen she was keen and that was to be commended. however she wouldnt stop so we left. i am entitled to this as a consumer and should never be made to feel obligated to a sales person no matter what his/her circumstances are. what she was doing was 'pressure selling' which is regarded in the sales profession as combative and totally unnecessary. a simple agreement by the sales lady to wait until called was all that was asked.

it didnt happen, we felt uneasy so we left.

thanks for your question. wai.gif

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i'm still adjusting to people just staring at you everywhere you go like your a monkey in zoo.

there are plenty of westerners here, plenty on tv, when will they stop acting like your the very first westerner they have ever seen.

Maybe its just you.. or your over sensative. I live here in a gated community and am the only foreigner. Even when i go shopping around here i don't have that problem. They do fear it if you have something to ask them (about a product). Though when i start talking to them in basic Thai they seem to relax.

probably is me because im so god dam_n handsome, so people here keep telling me, lol

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giggle.gif That;s happened to me also.

Yes it's rude, but you need to at least understand what their point of view is...especially in Central world or Zen.

The staff there are paid a straight salary.

If you buy something they get nothing more than if you buy nothing.

So what do they care?

I'm not condoning it, but I'm just trying to explain it from their viewpoint.

So (on the assumption that you are male) reach for the item you wanted while casually placing your arm around the youngest and pretiest female there.

Now either she will immeadiately pull away and let you reach the item...or she won't.

Either way, you're ahead.


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