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Tony Blair 'Very Confident' About Thailand's Future


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It is always very galling to see Tony Blair anywhere in the World. He is just a constant reminder of how the United Kingdom has been brought to it's knees by his actions while Prime Minister.

I cannot see any part of our society that was improved under the New Labour government. On the contrary, New Labour has left behind a nation in depression.

High unemployment, creaking transport systems, immigration and the benefit system out of control, the highest number of teenage pregnancies in Europe, the shoplifting capital of Europe, exorbitant fuel and energy prices, the National Health service in crisis, dreadful care of the elderly, high levels of illiteracy, irresponsible drinking and associated violence, yawning gap between rich and poor, 'sink' estates in most towns and cities, lack of housing, overcrowded prisons etc etc.

Tony Blair was only interested in self aggrandisment while in office, and now he is only interested in the acquisition of wealth and adding to his burgeoning property portfolio.

I am disappointed that any country would invite Tony Blair to speak on any subject. Thailand didn't need to be addressed by this charlatan. Better fit that they invited someone of real substance such as Richard Branson.

Yes, England is like that, isn't it? Wait a min: you WERE describing England, right? Not Thailand?

Branson-- full of hot air. A balloon waiting to be punctured. Probably Blair's best friend....

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It is always very galling to see Tony Blair anywhere in the World. He is just a constant reminder of how the United Kingdom has been brought to it's knees by his actions while Prime Minister.

I cannot see any part of our society that was improved under the New Labour government. On the contrary, New Labour has left behind a nation in depression.

High unemployment, creaking transport systems, immigration and the benefit system out of control, the highest number of teenage pregnancies in Europe, the shoplifting capital of Europe, exorbitant fuel and energy prices, the National Health service in crisis, dreadful care of the elderly, high levels of illiteracy, irresponsible drinking and associated violence, yawning gap between rich and poor, 'sink' estates in most towns and cities, lack of housing, overcrowded prisons etc etc.

Tony Blair was only interested in self aggrandisment while in office, and now he is only interested in the acquisition of wealth and adding to his burgeoning property portfolio.

I am disappointed that any country would invite Tony Blair to speak on any subject. Thailand didn't need to be addressed by this charlatan. Better fit that they invited someone of real substance such as Richard Branson.

Nearly all of what you say is true but it would be fair to include the idiot Gordon Brown in the culprit list when talking about the economic aspects. Blair never seemed to have much of a grasp of or interest in economics and seemed to give Brown too much independence as chancellor. The rest is history.

Branson is too busy running real businesses for this sort of thing, whereas this is Blair's business.

Edited by Arkady
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Nice little unoffensive fireside chat, pass me the port will you there is a good chap! Cheque is in the post jolly good show, been a very rewarding little trip to your neck of the woods, already thinking about a follow up. Thinks " I could become a mediator in your reconciliation!" Does not matter if takes forever, still getting paid by the hour. Lifes is a beach and you should know you have some great ones here, difficult to turn down some of the wonderfully lucrative offers I have had since retiring from PM, it seems I just get richer and richer and all I do is talk a load of bull, do hope no one realizes!

Well written post.

I used to have great respect for Tony Blair, until he believed Bush about WMDs and then admitted that religion played a part in his decision making. He kept quiet about how religious he was whilst in office, then converted to Catholiscism after leaving his post as Pime Minister.

Do you think he kept his religion quite due to the peace process in Ireland. How far would he of got if he changed whilst being in talks.

No, he wasn't that important- the "peace process" was successful because Bush declared war on terrorists. The IRA realised that the Americans might start shooting them rather than giving them money. So, let's have peace and carry on the drug dealing and protection rackets. McGuiness and Adams would probably say "Tony who"?

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It is always very galling to see Tony Blair anywhere in the World. He is just a constant reminder of how the United Kingdom has been brought to it's knees by his actions while Prime Minister.

I cannot see any part of our society that was improved under the New Labour government. On the contrary, New Labour has left behind a nation in depression.

High unemployment, creaking transport systems, immigration and the benefit system out of control, the highest number of teenage pregnancies in Europe, the shoplifting capital of Europe, exorbitant fuel and energy prices, the National Health service in crisis, dreadful care of the elderly, high levels of illiteracy, irresponsible drinking and associated violence, yawning gap between rich and poor, 'sink' estates in most towns and cities, lack of housing, overcrowded prisons etc etc.

Tony Blair was only interested in self aggrandisment while in office, and now he is only interested in the acquisition of wealth and adding to his burgeoning property portfolio.

I am disappointed that any country would invite Tony Blair to speak on any subject. Thailand didn't need to be addressed by this charlatan. Better fit that they invited someone of real substance such as Richard Branson.

Nearly all of what you say is true but it would be fair to include the idiot Gordon Brown in the culprit list when talking about the economic aspects. Blair never seemed to have much of a grasp of or interest in economics and seemed to give Brown too much independence as chancellor. The rest is history.

Branson is too busy running real businesses for this sort of thing, whereas this is Blair's business.

Yes - good old Gordon. I remember his proudly saying "the days of economic feast and famine were over". He could probably get a job over here writing scripts for some of the politicians with his insighful predictions.

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Nice little unoffensive fireside chat, pass me the port will you there is a good chap! Cheque is in the post jolly good show, been a very rewarding little trip to your neck of the woods, already thinking about a follow up. Thinks " I could become a mediator in your reconciliation!" Does not matter if takes forever, still getting paid by the hour. Lifes is a beach and you should know you have some great ones here, difficult to turn down some of the wonderfully lucrative offers I have had since retiring from PM, it seems I just get richer and richer and all I do is talk a load of bull, do hope no one realizes!

Well written post.

I used to have great respect for Tony Blair, until he believed Bush about WMDs and then admitted that religion played a part in his decision making. He kept quiet about how religious he was whilst in office, then converted to Catholiscism after leaving his post as Pime Minister.

Do you think he kept his religion quite due to the peace process in Ireland. How far would he of got if he changed whilst being in talks.

No, he wasn't that important- the "peace process" was successful because Bush declared war on terrorists. The IRA realised that the Americans might start shooting them rather than giving them money. So, let's have peace and carry on the drug dealing and protection rackets. McGuiness and Adams would probably say "Tony who"?

If you are going to make statements at least make factually correct ones. Go and speak to real irish people and most will tell you the have a great respect for TB and what he did to bring peace to Ireland. Instead of being a typical labour basher) try finding out the truth.

Tony Blair was probably the most important non-Irish person in achieving peace in Ireland.

As for others spouting forth about Labour ruining Britain. What absolute tosh. Labour were left a mess by the Tories and when trying to fix it along comes the world-wide recession, most probably caused by the world banks/investment companies. Did TB and labour make mistakes...sure they did. However, the did at least attempt to fix the mess that was left them.

Unfortunately TB was duped into war by GWB, a mistake that has cost him dear but remember this, Thatcher took GB into 2 wars, both of which had no relevance except her own political arrogance.

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If anyone listens to Blair they are bonkers. He was largely ( not totally ) responsible for the economic problems in Britain. He has just spouted what the Thais wanted to hear, pocketed his fee and said ' I am Tony Blair get me out of here '. He is an arrogant, self serving disgrace to the UK.

Edited by Maverell
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What does Blair know about Thailand?, Being polite when he says he's "confident about it's future". A PM who achieved very little in International affairs, unless you count "Iraq and Afghanistan" as achievements.

PS. actually briefly met the guy during the 1997 election campaign in the UK

Edited by KKvampire
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Tony Blair was "duped", hahah ask Blair if he was duped? He even says today he doesnt regret going to war in Iraq . "Even on a false premise" He would do exactly the same. hmmmm.

As far as economy goes, Blair inherited a healthy economy from the Major government , Then he was even more a free marketer and loosened the financial controls,or his mate G. Brown. Having 10 or 13 years in government and still blaming the previous lot doesnt wash I'm afraid

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when he was gung-ho for UK to join the Euro.

When was that?



Is that the best you can do?

The government, repeated Mr Blair, is in favour of joining a “successful” euro “in principle”. But whether Britain will join the single currency will still depend on a referendum, most probably after the next election.


The second article is an op-ed piece (though not identified as such) and contains no relevant direct quotes.

May I enquire as to your definition of the phrase 'gung-ho'? Or shall we just forget that any of this happened?

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Tony Blair has a lot of experience with these things. He spent his career as George W. Bush and Maggie Thatcher's junior british small fry sidekick. The two big people would attach a bib to his neck to keep him from drooling all over the desk as he rubber stamped the regime's paperwork.

So when Tony Blair says it's ok he means everything is ok according to whatever corporate paymaster or powerful bureaucrat is holding his leash at this moment. giggle.gif

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Nice little unoffensive fireside chat, pass me the port will you there is a good chap! Cheque is in the post jolly good show, been a very rewarding little trip to your neck of the woods, already thinking about a follow up. Thinks " I could become a mediator in your reconciliation!" Does not matter if takes forever, still getting paid by the hour. Lifes is a beach and you should know you have some great ones here, difficult to turn down some of the wonderfully lucrative offers I have had since retiring from PM, it seems I just get richer and richer and all I do is talk a load of bull, do hope no one realizes!

Nice post 'Exeter' I NEARLY Throw UP when I saw Tony Blair in THAILAND whilst flicking through the TV channels...but Hey he must be a really nice, Caring & most of all a sincere person, Why? Well because he was appointed 'Middle East Peace Envoy Ambassador' yes...pass the sick bag! bah.gif

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Tony Blair? What's the Thai for "has-been"?



Oh bugger! I just watched him interviewed on ThaiPBS - he actually made sense. I hate him even more now! I guess that now he doesn't have the union paymasters pulling his strings, he can show his true Conservative roots.

Edited by JetsetBkk
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