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New Thai Minister Nalinee On US Blacklist


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New minister on US blacklist



PM's Office Minister Nalinee sanctioned by Treasury Dept office for dealings with Mugabe regime

The Yingluck II Cabinet, announced yesterday evening, was immediately rocked by a controversy after new face Nalinee Taveesin, who was appointed PM's Office minister, was exposed as being on a United States blacklist due to her alleged business connections with Zimbabwe.

Nalinee's name was on the US blacklist of "cronies" of the much-abhorred Zimbabwean regime. The disclosure was certain to put more strain on bilateral relations after the US Embassy's recent terrorist warning on its website upset the Thai government.

Nalinee described the issue as a mix-up.

"It was a misunderstanding on the part of the US. This happened a long time ago. I didn't do anything as alleged," she told the Krungthep Turakij newspaper.

Nalinee's qualifications to be a minister attached to the Prime Minister's Office had been checked constitutionally before the Cabinet list was submitted for His Majesty the King's approval, Cabinet secretary-general Ampon Kittiampon said yesterday.

However, Ampon said he was not aware that her name was on the list of Zimbabwean Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) by the US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) in November 2008.

About two decades ago, the revelation that veteran politician Narong Wongwan was on a US blacklist all but ruined his political career. He was a prime ministerial candidate when news about the blacklist knocked him off his perch.

Robert Amsterdam, the lawyer for fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, reportedly wants to compare former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva with Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe for Abhisit's alleged role in the bloody crackdown against civil disobedience last year.

The US OFAC designated in the SDN list Nalinee Joy Taveesin, then an ordinary Thai businesswoman, for her facilitation of a number of financial, real-estate and gems-related transactions on behalf of Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's wife Grace Mugabe and other Zimbabweans on the SDN list.

"Ironically, Nalinee Taveesin has participated in a number of initiatives on corruption and growth challenges in Africa and Southeast Asia while secretly supporting the kleptocratic practices of one of Africa's most corrupt regimes," according to a OFAC statement issued on November 25, 2008.

As a consequence, American citizens or entities were prohibited from doing business with her, while her assets, if they went through a US jurisdiction, would be frozen.

Zimbabwe was sanctioned by the US in 2003 for its undemocratic practices. In 2005, an executive order by then president George W Bush expanded the list of sanction targets to include immediate family members of the designated individuals of the Zimbabwean sanctions as well as those who provide assistance to the sanctioned targets.

Nalinee said she was close to many countries' leaders, not just those governing Zimbabwe. She insisted that she did not do any illegal business overseas.

Cabinet secretary-general Ampon said he had reviewed Nalinee's |credentials for a ministerial post |and found nothing against Thai laws. Her name was submitted together with other new ministers for His Majesty's approval, and got royal endorsement yesterday evening.

If appearing on the SDN list is not against Thai law, she is still eligible to be a minister, Ampon said.

"But if such a status is against Thai law, we have to consider the matter again," he said. "At this moment, don't make any premature conclusion."


-- The Nation 2012-01-19

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Some may say that this and similar charges seem to be a rite of passage into some groups in Thailand. What with public knowledge of the various legal transgressions, just think of what has been handled in the normal way of, making it disappear thru various means.

Inmates running the prison.

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She didn't violate Thai law, so technically it's ok. But I think her reputation will have a negative effect. And everyone accused is always innocent! What do you expect from a party that lets a fugitive hold campaign rallies?

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"It was a misunderstanding on the part of the US." (A failure to understand something correctly.)

It's not Thailand's fault but that of the U.S administration? Maybe the U.S should start towing the Thai line and learn something about politics.

Not bashing the U.S so don't jump on me.

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"It was a misunderstanding on the part of the US." (A failure to understand something correctly.)

It's not Thailand's fault but that of the U.S administration? Maybe the U.S should start towing the Thai line and learn something about politics.

Not bashing the U.S so don't jump on me.

Does this mean it's Obama's fault (finally)?

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Thaksin has purchased huge Platinum concessions in Zimbabwe, if it was all successfully mined, the value in the ground is estimated to be several trillion US dollars, as quoted in an article recently about his investments in Africa. It seems like a windfall, so why hasn't anyone else shown any interest? Because dealing with the Mugabe regime or business in that country is so heavily sanctioned and risky. Of course, business and democratic morals are two different things to him. What was Nalinee's involvement, if any? And if Robert Amsterdam thinks Abhisit is comparable to Mugabe he should go back to school, it's like comparing Thaksin to Hitler.

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Thaksin has purchased huge Platinum concessions in Zimbabwe, if it was all successfully mined, the value in the ground is estimated to be several trillion US dollars, as quoted in an article recently about his investments in Africa. It seems like a windfall, so why hasn't anyone else shown any interest? Because dealing with the Mugabe regime or business in that country is so heavily sanctioned and risky. Of course, business and democratic morals are two different things to him. What was Nalinee's involvement, if any? And if Robert Amsterdam thinks Abhisit is comparable to Mugabe he should go back to school, it's like comparing Thaksin to Hitler.

Do not rely on the Nation's insinuations as Mr. Amsterdam has said nothing of the sort. Did you read the actual statements fom Mr. Amsterdam? I doubt you did. Here are the original comments.


He said there were some similarities, particularly with the actions of PAD and the role of elites. One need not be a redshirt or a yellow shirt to understand that some of the arguments presented are not too far off the mark. Mr. Amsterdam did not claim Mr. Abhisit was a Mugabe, e.g. Thailand has no single Mugabe.

I think Mr. Amsterdam raised some valid points, and the Nation's autor, needs to brush up on his english reading comprehension skills.

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"It was a misunderstanding on the part of the US." (A failure to understand something correctly.)

It's not Thailand's fault but that of the U.S administration? Maybe the U.S should start towing the Thai line and learn something about politics.

Not bashing the U.S so don't jump on me.

Does this mean it's Obama's fault (finally)?

What does President Obama have to do with this? The lady was allegedly added to the OFAC list in 2008. In case you forgot, a friendly fellow by the name of George Bush was President of the USA at the time. Here is President Bush's Executive Order and an overview of the Sanctions.


In any case, people sometimes are added to the OFAC listing under questionable terms. Perhaps, that is the case here. I doubt it, though, and at the very least the person should provide a proper explanation, even if she is not legally obliged to do so.

BTW, activities that may be subject to OFAC, can be allowed if a license is sought. For example, although Zimbabwe is subject to OFAC restrictions, it is acceptable to engage in trade related to medicines or food if the appropriate paper work is completed.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Here is the actual naming of names Press Release which is allowed to be reprinted under the use license http://www.treasury....ges/hp1295.aspx

The Washington, DC--The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated four Mugabe regime cronies and a number of entities owned or controlled by two of them. The financial and logistical support they have provided to the regime has enabled Robert Mugabe to pursue policies that seriously undermine democratic processes and institutions in Zimbabwe. "The Mugabe regime continues to resist the call of the Zimbabwean people to loosen its corrupt and violent hold on power," said OFAC Director Adam J. Szubin. "The United States supports the people of Zimbabwe in their struggle to achieve a political and economic system built on fairness and transparency rather than patronage and self-dealing." In addition, OFAC is designating Nalinee Joy Taveesin, a Thai businesswoman who has facilitated a number of financial, real-estate, and gem-related transactions on behalf of Grace Mugabe, Gideon Gono, and a number of other Zimbabwean Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs). Ironically, Nalinee Taveesin has participated in a number of initiatives on corruption and growth challenges in Africa and Southeast Asia while secretly supporting the kleptocratic practices of one of Africa's most corrupt regimes. Today's action was taken pursuant to Executive Order 13469, which targets, among others, individuals and entities who provide financial and other support to the Government of Zimbabwe and Zimbabwean SDNs. As a result of Treasury's action, any assets of the individuals and entities designated today that are within U.S. jurisdiction must be frozen. Additionally, U.S. persons are prohibited from conducting financial or commercial transactions with these individuals or entities.

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The US should return to what its forefathers preached/taught

Keep their long nose out of others business & do not go abroad in search of monsters.

Sanctions like those against Cuba for instance are silly & long overdue for a change.

US citizens not allowed to buy some product because their government has a decades old beef

with someone is silly.

Now we extend that silliness to folks who are not even US citizens & blacklist them?

insanity has no limits in these cases.

Before the usual suspects chime in with anti-USA rhetoric........

Let me say I am as patriotic a person as you will find.

I live in the USA & am proud of our heritage.

I like the fact we are a Constitutional Republic & hope we keep it

that way by protecting what out founders laid out.

These days it is changing fast as we slip down a slippery slope

And so criminals go free...? She was selling Blood Diamonds... many of them.... but whats a few diamonds between 2 old ladies....

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The US should return to what its forefathers preached/taught

Keep their long nose out of others business & do not go abroad in search of monsters.

Sanctions like those against Cuba for instance are silly & long overdue for a change.

US citizens not allowed to buy some product because their government has a decades old beef

with someone is silly.

Now we extend that silliness to folks who are not even US citizens & blacklist them?

insanity has no limits in these cases.

Before the usual suspects chime in with anti-USA rhetoric........

Let me say I am as patriotic a person as you will find.

I live in the USA & am proud of our heritage.

I like the fact we are a Constitutional Republic & hope we keep it

that way by protecting what out founders laid out.

These days it is changing fast as we slip down a slippery slope

I am also a US citizen and agree 100%. These kind of policies just hurt the average person of a foreign country. Absurd!

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Here is the actual naming of names Press Release which is allowed to be reprinted under the use license http://www.treasury....ges/hp1295.aspx

The Washington, DC--The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated four Mugabe regime cronies and a number of entities owned or controlled by two of them. The financial and logistical support they have provided to the regime has enabled Robert Mugabe to pursue policies that seriously undermine democratic processes and institutions in Zimbabwe. "The Mugabe regime continues to resist the call of the Zimbabwean people to loosen its corrupt and violent hold on power," said OFAC Director Adam J. Szubin. "The United States supports the people of Zimbabwe in their struggle to achieve a political and economic system built on fairness and transparency rather than patronage and self-dealing." In addition, OFAC is designating Nalinee Joy Taveesin, a Thai businesswoman who has facilitated a number of financial, real-estate, and gem-related transactions on behalf of Grace Mugabe, Gideon Gono, and a number of other Zimbabwean Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs). Ironically, Nalinee Taveesin has participated in a number of initiatives on corruption and growth challenges in Africa and Southeast Asia while secretly supporting the kleptocratic practices of one of Africa's most corrupt regimes. Today's action was taken pursuant to Executive Order 13469, which targets, among others, individuals and entities who provide financial and other support to the Government of Zimbabwe and Zimbabwean SDNs. As a result of Treasury's action, any assets of the individuals and entities designated today that are within U.S. jurisdiction must be frozen. Additionally, U.S. persons are prohibited from conducting financial or commercial transactions with these individuals or entities.

Pls someone pass me my glasses.

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PM confident PM's Office Minister Nalinee's blacklist by US won't affect govt's credibility; FM Surapong ready to probe issue /TANN

If the U.S is blacklisting member/s of the cabinet then surely the credibility is affected to some degree. Maybe the credibilty is at it's lowest thus it can't be affected anymore, who knows.

Edited by chooka
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The Zimbabwe investment could be a sucker move, as the mine could be taken over by 'the government' at some point, either by the current slime or a future version.

Quite true, only a fool would invest in Zimbabwe the government can sieze all your assets at a whim and there is nothing you can do about it. I am sure there are many expats who could tell a story or 2 about this.

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Democrat MP Deems Nalinee's Appointment to Cabinet Inappropriate

The Democrat MP for Songkhla has questioned the appropriateness of including Nalinee Taveesin in the Yingluck 2 Cabinet, saying she is still on the United States blacklist over her alleged connections with a former Zimbabwean dictator.

Democrat Party MP for Songkhla, Sirichok Sopha, is questioning the appropriateness of the appointment of Nalinee Taveesin as the Prime Minister's Office Minister in the first cabinet reshuffle for the Yingluck Shinawatra government, saying she is still on the United States blacklist over her alleged business connections with former Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe.

Nalinee was blacklisted by the U.S. authorities in 2008. Sirichok said Nalinee's appointment is not unlawful, but it is inappropriate because her links to the Zimbabwean dictator conflict with the Pheu Thai Party's and the red-shirt group's stance to promote democracy.

Meanwhile, the incoming minister claimed the incident was a misunderstanding, adding that her lawyer said it was merely an allegation and there was no need to pursue further legal action.

She admitted to being acquainted with Mugabe because her work has allowed her to meet with many international political figures.

However, Nalinee denied having done business with him as alleged by some, and said the kind of conflicts the African dictator was involved in is not her business.

Nalinee reiterated that she has fulfilled the qualifications set out by the Constitution, since she was appointed as a trade envoy, and said the issue was brought up to discredit her.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-19


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The US should return to what its forefathers preached/taught

Keep their long nose out of others business & do not go abroad in search of monsters.

Sanctions like those against Cuba for instance are silly & long overdue for a change.

US citizens not allowed to buy some product because their government has a decades old beef

with someone is silly.

Now we extend that silliness to folks who are not even US citizens & blacklist them?

insanity has no limits in these cases.

Before the usual suspects chime in with anti-USA rhetoric........

Let me say I am as patriotic a person as you will find.

I live in the USA & am proud of our heritage.

I like the fact we are a Constitutional Republic & hope we keep it

that way by protecting what out founders laid out.

These days it is changing fast as we slip down a slippery slope

And so criminals go free...? She was selling Blood Diamonds... many of them.... but whats a few diamonds between 2 old ladies....

They use the word "facilitated" not sold. It sounds like she (allegedly) acted as an agent. We understand agents in Thailand. It is what (allegedly, purportedly) some US companies might possibly (or not) use to get around some US laws.

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Foreign Ministry to Check If New Cabinet Member on U.S. Travel Ban List

The foreign minister says that he will verify whether newly appointed Prime Minister's Office Minister Nalinee Taweesin is on the U.S. travel ban list.

He expressed confidence that the government's image is not affected by the new Cabinet lineup.

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul said he has not received confirmation from the United States government on whether newly appointed Prime Minister's Office Minister Nalinee Taweesin is on the US travel ban list.

However, he said he is prepared to verify the report if requested.

In any case, he believes a travel ban would not affect the government's image.

Moreover, the foreign minister is planning to meet with diplomats of 18 countries that have issued warnings on travel to Thailand.

Surapong has expressed confidence in security authorities and pointed out that the Foreign Ministry's priority is to the regain international community's confidence in Thailand with correct information.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-19


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