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The Loss Of Status


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I came to Oz with just my personal affairs.

3 years later I bought an apartment with a stunning harbour views.

Knew nobody there, just work and did it well.

Could that have happened in Thailand?

What about getting to know people, just relax and doing well?

Could that have happened in Australia? :D:o


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One wonders where the OP found the time to bless us with his musings regarding our collective squandered potential here in the land of special opportunities for the white man, what with his working four jobs, hobnobbing with hi-sos and beautiful people at elite social gatherings, skin diving in the South, and fending off the hordes of lovestruck young Thai women who have fallen under his spell...



PS - nice posts Mighty and Tippy

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I take my hat off to Tippaporn......hang on a minute, I don't wear a hat..........for taking the time to present a very level headed review of the topic thus far.

Tippaporn, you possess an astute analytical mind and an abundance of good old fashioned common sense. I wouldn't mind betting that your profession/experience is in the field of psychology.

I look forward to reading further contributions from you.

Perhaps somebody would be kind enough to rattle the tin and wake Pudgimelon up. He seems to have slept in. Where is his response?

As this is Saturday, perhaps he is conducting his English lessons for the kids living in his complex..................and fleecing them of their 20 baht pocket money for the privilege of listening to his rantings and ravings. :o

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I take my hat off to Tippaporn......hang on a minute, I don't wear a hat..........for taking the time to present a very level headed review of the topic thus far.

Tippaporn, you possess an astute analytical mind and an abundance of good old fashioned common sense. I wouldn't mind betting that your profession/experience is in the field of psychology.

I look forward to reading further contributions from you.

Perhaps somebody would be kind enough to rattle the tin and wake Pudgimelon up. He seems to have slept in. Where is his response?

As this is Saturday, perhaps he is conducting his English lessons for the kids living in his complex..................and fleecing them of their 20 baht pocket money for the privilege of listening to his rantings and ravings.  :D

Thanks, Mighty Mouse. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed reading your many quality posts, and those of so many others. Again I prefer to defer ovations to all of those who have come before me and worked with great astuteness to keep Pudgy on his heels. Bravo! :o

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...I'm offering examples where there are individuals that break your stereotypes hopefully showing that there is a large grey area and its all not as black and white as you may think, or have been led to think.

No. That is NOT what you were doing.

You were explicitly making those statements as examples of the NORM, not some nebulous "grey area".

If someone chooses to live on the fringe of society in the "grey area" between right and wrong, that's their business, but they shouldn't try to project their values as examples of the way people in "normal society" behave.

...In fact have you ever seen one of these business meetings fall apart or one party not agree to do business with the other because of the amount of notches on that party's bed post?

What a silly question.

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Now dont think that Im having a dig at you personally but on first reading of some of your replies, although you may not mean it, but you sound so full of self-importance, someone who, at some point arrived in thailand - as did everyone else and thought wow - the weather, the culture, the beauty of the country and its women.... but has since climbed up into an ivory tower to contemplate yours and every other farrangs position in this new land.

as a farrang with a thai gf/wife youre gonna be judged... ... and i think its far worse back in  your native country.

IMHO  :o

My writing style is what it is, and I don't think I should have to "dumb down" my vocabulary just to sound "less snobby". If some people interpret my remarks as "self-important" simply because I use polysyllabic words, that's not my fault.

And as for being judged back in my home country, I doubt it. I could walk around the streets of New York with my wife for years and nobody would give us a second glance.

Other than that, good points, I agree with what you're saying.

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Now dont think that Im having a dig at you personally but on first reading of some of your replies, although you may not mean it, but you sound so full of self-importance, someone who, at some point arrived in thailand - as did everyone else and thought wow - the weather, the culture, the beauty of the country and its women.... but has since climbed up into an ivory tower to contemplate yours and every other farrangs position in this new land.

as a farrang with a thai gf/wife youre gonna be judged... ... and i think its far worse back in  your native country.

IMHO  :o

My writing style is what it is, and I don't think I should have to "dumb down" my vocabulary just to sound "less snobby". If some people interpret my remarks as "self-important" simply because I use polysyllabic words, that's not my fault.

And as for being judged back in my home country, I doubt it. I could walk around the streets of New York with my wife for years and nobody would give us a second glance.

Other than that, good points, I agree with what you're saying.

Fair enough, like i said i wasnt having a dig just voicing an observation...

as for new york... well i wouldnt know about that - maybe people there are a bit more broad minded, sadly not always the case in England... or by experience anyway.

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...I'm offering examples where there are individuals that break your stereotypes hopefully showing that there is a large grey area and its all not as black and white as you may think, or have been led to think.

No. That is NOT what you were doing.

You were explicitly making those statements as examples of the NORM, not some nebulous "grey area".

If someone chooses to live on the fringe of society in the "grey area" between right and wrong, that's their business, but they shouldn't try to project their values as examples of the way people in "normal society" behave.

Perhaps the "grey area" is the norm, and 100% black or white the 'fringe'? :D

Seems like you are trying to project your values as the norm! :o

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...I'm offering examples where there are individuals that break your stereotypes hopefully showing that there is a large grey area and its all not as black and white as you may think, or have been led to think.

No. That is NOT what you were doing.

You were explicitly making those statements as examples of the NORM, not some nebulous "grey area".

If someone chooses to live on the fringe of society in the "grey area" between right and wrong, that's their business, but they shouldn't try to project their values as examples of the way people in "normal society" behave.

Perhaps the "grey area" is the norm, and 100% black or white the 'fringe'? :D

Seems like you are trying to project your values as the norm! :o

Well some more of my Thai education, Our land lord showed up today we are helping to rent the place because we are moving to out new home and they have been good to us. When we first rented the house, we rented for the owners Mia Noi, not knowing that, he signed all the lease docs. Later on his real wife came into the picture asking that rent be paid to her, Of course the Mia Noi wanted the rent paid to her. We paid the guy and left it at that. Today he shows up explaining that the Mia Noi got him with his girlfriend so he needed to change the number on the sign. Now he has moved back in with the real wife. Hey what can you expect from a bar owner. Surprise Surprise he is the Principal of a local school, about 40 Kms form here, well respected in the community. So Pudgy this is where my thoughts come from. From what I see, not in a bar or a brothel.

Can I present a better image no problem, Heck I can't keep up with him!

Edited by ray23
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...I'm offering examples where there are individuals that break your stereotypes hopefully showing that there is a large grey area and its all not as black and white as you may think' date=' or have been led to think.[/quote']
No. That is NOT what you were doing.

You were explicitly making those statements as examples of the NORM, not some nebulous "grey area".

Nope, that is exactly what I was doing, I have no reason to lie to you Pudgie, it doesn't benefit me or the discussion.
...In fact have you ever seen one of these business meetings fall apart or one party not agree to do business with the other because of the amount of notches on that party's bed post?

What a silly question.

Not really, since you say that it happens, wondered where you got your information from. I assume you had previous experience of it. Obviously not. :o

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I can't even be bothered to sort out my quotes in the last post, I was called a liar and my question was considered to silly for Pudgie to answer.

Pudgie you really need to learn how to respect people and show some basic politeness. Its people like you that bring any society down, not just this Thai one we all live in.

In fact as a fellow farang I would say you are casting a bad light on me if you act that way with others, your superior attitude is foolish and lets you down and others down.

I have to say I have treated you with utmost politeness and respect throughout this whole discussion despite your constant snide comments at me starting with your patronising 'am I speaking Spanish' and continuing on from there.

If your parents didn't teach you how to deal with other people in your home country or you didnt work it out yourself, then I would have hoped that when you came to Thailand, a country that gives extra emphasis to polite behavior, you may have learned it here.

Obviously you reserve that only for the Thai people.

Your a married man, with a good job. I would have expected you to have got to the level where you could hold a polite conversation by now. I only hope that in future you will learn some manners.

Until then perhaps its best not to judge other people's actions before you know how to act yourself.

Edited by bkkmadness
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Now dont think that Im having a dig at you personally but on first reading of some of your replies, although you may not mean it, but you sound so full of self-importance, someone who, at some point arrived in thailand - as did everyone else and thought wow - the weather, the culture, the beauty of the country and its women.... but has since climbed up into an ivory tower to contemplate yours and every other farrangs position in this new land.

as a farrang with a thai gf/wife youre gonna be judged... ... and i think its far worse back in  your native country.

IMHO  :o

My writing style is what it is, and I don't think I should have to "dumb down" my vocabulary just to sound "less snobby". If some people interpret my remarks as "self-important" simply because I use polysyllabic words, that's not my fault.

And as for being judged back in my home country, I doubt it. I could walk around the streets of New York with my wife for years and nobody would give us a second glance.

Other than that, good points, I agree with what you're saying.

For Gods sake man, he didn't ask you to dumb down your volcabulary, he said you "you sound so full of self-importance". He was commenting on what you said, not the words you chose to say it with. :D

I don't know if you assume someone has written something just so you can attack or defend against it, or you really aren't intelligent enough to understand what people are saying. :D

In a discussion you always need to be prepared to have your views changed, otherwise whats the benefit to you in having the discussion, the ego trip of it?

I discuss things to learn more myself, and am always prepared to take on anothers point of view if I decide that after deliberation it's more valid than mine.

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Don't bother BKK - Pudgi's a waste of time I think Neeranam got it right early on when he said......
Self-righteous anger at other farangs due to their own feelings of inadequacy

Agreed, the man couldnt hack it in his own country so he went to one where he doesnt speak the language where his making 15k puts him in the Middle Class.

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