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Five Killed In Crash Resulting From Drive-By Shooting In Bangkok


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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

it's hardly unique to thailand... in the US they call lost of face disrespect. and if u start a fight ppl don't even think of using their fists...they automatically assume you wanna shoot it out. that's why its best to not even open your mouth or let things escalate unless you're ready for what might follow.

Are you] trying to equivocate Bloods & Crips and other gang bangers to what is seen in Thailand?

Are you indicating that these Thais were members of some gang?

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Oh I don't understand how this happened because the Thai govt censors guns on tv with a blur so....

It's a little man who grabs a gun. I hope they are caught and sent away for a long time but this is Thai so maybe 2-3 years in prison tops? And of course a high speed chase with shooting going on and no police around eh. Think this would happen in Singapore?

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The reports are inconsistent on the types of guns recovered. They variously mention, a 9mm pistol, a .38 pistol and a 6.35mm rifle. As far as I know there are no 6.35mm rifles commonly produced but 6.35mm in imperial measurement is .25 which as .25 ACP is a small Saturday night special like the .25 Beretta used by a nifty unidentified assailant to kill the police sergeant at the Emerald Hotel disco right in front of Chalerm's son. The second gun was thus either a .25 Saturday night special or possibly a .22 rifle, following Thai police's habit of translating common calibre into an approximate metric equivalent, e.g. .45 pistols are commonly reported as being 11mm pistols.

A Saturday night special would be consistent with the tendency of pub owners to allow patrons to bring guns freely into their venues in the believe that a man with a gun will spend more. On the other hand .25 ACP is less readily available in Thailand (like the .40 calibre used recently to murder a politician) and thus more expensive and more traceable. Therefore my money would be on the fact that it was actually a .22 rifle, probably kept in the car. Not a very powerful weapon but much more accurate than a pistol and more useful from a moving vehicle. The ammunition is also dirt cheap and very commonly available in Thailand.

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Violence is on the up everywhere because sentencing is just inadequate. Parole and amnesties to let people out before they have been properly punished all means crime pays. Prisons in the West are even worse because they offer too many benefits to prisoners - just too lax to be a proper deterrent.

In Thailand even if the police do get up off their arse to make an arrest, maybe often they want to be paid to even do that, the criminals are let out on paltry bail, run away or disappear. If all else fails they dump them in prison and then every 5th December a load are released.

I don't see how society will get less violent with less crime if punishment becomes weaker and weaker. Of course this is a product of Thai culture, the same as football hooliganism is a product of Western cultures

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Let's see...

The pub is supposed to close at 1 am... but it's allowed to stay open until 2 am... But on this occasion, these folks are leaving the pub (perhaps at closing time) around 4 am.... Good job, police guys....

They had just got done mopping all the floors and washing all the glasses. closedeyes.gif

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Has some change occurred in Thai society ?? 12 years ago I sure do not remember very many anger based gun incidents. Now they seem to be a regular fixture of the news...... Another crack in the jai yen yen crap that is carefully taught to new farangs. Note to self : do not drink in pubs with Thai men. Oh wait, I have always done that and never had a problem.

It's always happened in Thailand, it just wasn't reported in the English-language press.

And it some Western countries it might not even be reported at all, because it is too common there.

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The common denominator amongst young men, whether here in Thailand or young British men/women, Poles, Lithuanians and Latvians on a Friday night out in, Cardiff, Glasgow, Darlington, Peterborough etc., seems to be an excess of alchohol and an expectation of respect no matter what their behaviour. When I was growing up in one of the less desirable parts of London you only had to be perceived to be looking at someone the wrong way in the pub to end up being challenged by some knuckle dragger - the common parlance being "oo yew screwin` mush?" A lot of people come here having only had access to the airbrushed holiday brochure version of Thailand and it comes as a shock when they see that some Thais are the equal of the thugs back home.

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Oh I don't understand how this happened because the Thai govt censors guns on tv with a blur so....

It's a little man who grabs a gun. I hope they are caught and sent away for a long time but this is Thai so maybe 2-3 years in prison tops? And of course a high speed chase with shooting going on and no police around eh. Think this would happen in Singapore?

Have you been outside The Sand's or Sentosa lately? There are many teenage street gangs on LKY's little traffic island. Check out the HDB ghetto's in Hougang, Ang Mo Kio or Woodlands. The only difference so far is,- they fight with Parrangs and baseball clubs! It is odd to promote Hitler's little paradise here as we all know how they modify their crime rate figures.

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There are plenty of good fighters here,but they dont often get the chance to win honorably.How so? Because every fight i have seen whether Thai against westerner or Thai against Thai,others join in.There is never a freind of a participant who says "its between them,stay out of it".What so often happens is basically a lynching.Sadly a westerner has to walk away if he wishes to avoid every Thai in the vicinity joing their compatriot and badly beating him.There is never any reasoning along the lines of whose in the wrong here.A factual example,your Thai GF has her bag ripped from her shoulder by a motorbike snatch thief,you the westerner run after the guy and around a corner,you pull him of his bike and are on top of him.No locals have a clue what your doing,very soon you ll here bad words coming from all directions and almost certainly a stomp or two will escalate in to a vicious beating.And anyone who says im wrong definetly doesnt know what their talking about.

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QUIETMAN......do you live here? Have you ever fought a thai man from patani or yala down south.? Probably not. If you had he would of knocked your head of with one hit

Having spent time in both those provinces and seen locals squaring up to each other I can confirm that they don`t breed a man there that is harder than your average Thai.
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Bangkok bar fight leads to road shooting, 5 deaths

The Nation


Five were killed when their pick-up truck hit a tree during their efforts to flee from a car chasing and shooting at them early Friday, police said.

A teenager, who was in the chasing Honda car, turned himself to police later in the day but denied that he drove the car and took part in the shooting.

Police said Somchai Sonthipong, 20, Worawut Wichupanyapong, 23, Arom Saelao, 23, Chawal Thongpradit, 18 and Natee Iamsa, 19, were killed after their truck hit the tree at the Mahaisawan Intersection at 4 am.

A survivor told police that a tire of the truck was shot at, causing the vehicle to lost control. The impact of the crash sent the five victims and another man flown out of the back of the truck. The other one was severely injured.

Later on at 10 am, Ekkarin Nilbai, 19, turned himself at the Ratburna police station, saying he was among the passengers of the chasing car but he did not shoot at the truck.

Ekkrain said the car belonged to his father but he claimed he did not drive it.

Ekkarin said the chasing and shooting occurred after the two groups quarreled in a bar.


-- The Nation 2012-01-20

Just another typical night out on the town, coming home at 4:00 AM all sober & straight

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Has some change occurred in Thai society ?? 12 years ago I sure do not remember very many anger based gun incidents. Now they seem to be a regular fixture of the news...... Another crack in the jai yen yen crap that is carefully taught to new farangs. Note to self : do not drink in pubs with Thai men. Oh wait, I have always done that and never had a problem.

Pretty well every one of the daily Thai TV soaps has at least one shoot-out. Strangely, it's not very often anyone is hit, so youngsters think it's cool to shoot but never see the consequences beforehand.

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Curious - why is it when something similar happens in Phuket, everyone piles on with the "Phuket cesspool" comments and when it's Bangkok, not so much?

Because........Bangkok is a typical large city with all the resultant problems, just like other large cites around the world. Phuket is promoted as a idyllic island paradise, and a wonderful place to take your family on vacation. No one expects to be shot or stabbed on vacation there. So crime there gets a lot more airtime....

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Has some change occurred in Thai society ?? 12 years ago I sure do not remember very many anger based gun incidents. Now they seem to be a regular fixture of the news...... Another crack in the jai yen yen crap that is carefully taught to new farangs. Note to self : do not drink in pubs with Thai men. Oh wait, I have always done that and never had a problem.

Pretty well every one of the daily Thai TV soaps has at least one shoot-out. Strangely, it's not very often anyone is hit, so youngsters think it's cool to shoot but never see the consequences beforehand.

bang on ,.... thais believe everything on TV , a commercial ad is a good investment here,....so nieve !

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There are plenty of good fighters here,but they dont often get the chance to win honorably.How so? Because every fight i have seen whether Thai against westerner or Thai against Thai,others join in.There is never a freind of a participant who says "its between them,stay out of it".What so often happens is basically a lynching.Sadly a westerner has to walk away if he wishes to avoid every Thai in the vicinity joing their compatriot and badly beating him.There is never any reasoning along the lines of whose in the wrong here.A factual example,your Thai GF has her bag ripped from her shoulder by a motorbike snatch thief,you the westerner run after the guy and around a corner,you pull him of his bike and are on top of him.No locals have a clue what your doing,very soon you ll here bad words coming from all directions and almost certainly a stomp or two will escalate in to a vicious beating.And anyone who says im wrong definetly doesnt know what their talking about.

Adding to the above, the girl friend doesn't protest or attempt to voice off the attackers and clear it up. She watches, helpless, Thai, because she is afraid to stand up for what is the right thing. But more, she has in her DNA the fact that anything THais do is okay especially if it is ganging up on a foreigner, even when the Thai was at fault and assaulted her own bag. She may make a half hearted effort to retrive her bag in the middle of the fight, but only if it had money, camera, or other valuables. Sad, but Thai culture is Thai culture.

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There are plenty of good fighters here,but they dont often get the chance to win honorably.How so? Because every fight i have seen whether Thai against westerner or Thai against Thai,others join in.There is never a freind of a participant who says "its between them,stay out of it".What so often happens is basically a lynching.Sadly a westerner has to walk away if he wishes to avoid every Thai in the vicinity joing their compatriot and badly beating him.There is never any reasoning along the lines of whose in the wrong here.A factual example,your Thai GF has her bag ripped from her shoulder by a motorbike snatch thief,you the westerner run after the guy and around a corner,you pull him of his bike and are on top of him.No locals have a clue what your doing,very soon you ll here bad words coming from all directions and almost certainly a stomp or two will escalate in to a vicious beating.And anyone who says im wrong definetly doesnt know what their talking about.

Adding to the above, the girl friend doesn't protest or attempt to voice off the attackers and clear it up. She watches, helpless, Thai, because she is afraid to stand up for what is the right thing. But more, she has in her DNA the fact that anything THais do is okay especially if it is ganging up on a foreigner, even when the Thai was at fault and assaulted her own bag. She may make a half hearted effort to retrive her bag in the middle of the fight, but only if it had money, camera, or other valuables. Sad, but Thai culture is Thai culture.

"No good deed goes unpunished." - Clare Boothe Luce

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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

That's a little harsh but in the decade I've lived here, I've never, not once, seen a "fair fight" when a Thai is involved. It's either a gang jumping on 1 guy, or CHASING another gang who is usually RUNNING AWAY, usually with weapons of some kind, or a gang of Thais jumping on a foreigner. But never once have I seen just two guys going hand to hand. I can't say it is because they are cowards, as they do some pretty bold, if not totally stupid, things, but I think it's the pack mentality that is common around poverty and lack of education, and often mixed with drugs and/or alcohol. It seems to be the same everywhere in the world when you mix those variables. And yes, if they do lose, they come back and try to kill the person later with a gun or knife of some kind, because they lost face.

The last time I was in Pattaya (stellar group of people there) I watched three boys from 7-11 (employees) chase after one boy who was alone. All the 7-11 boys had small poles and sticks to beat on this one unarmed boy. The boy of course ran away and returned with friends who ALL had rifles about 20 minutes later. The 7-11 boys then fled like cowards, not so tough now. Nothing else happened and the police came and arrested the boys with guns. I couldn't help but think to myself what a sad state the world is in now. When we were kids, if we had a situation, we'd just fight it out and whoever got their ars kicked, got his arse kicked, and that was the end of that.

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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

What an idiotic comment! I rarely hear of fights in my homeland, UK, being settled by Marquess of Queensberry rules - rather it is a man or a gang which dishes out punishment with a gun or a knife, or maybe beats a lone man to death. "Haven't met a Thai man yet who would stand and fight" Good grief man, how many Thai men have you challenged to a fight?

The Quietman - Champion of the Thai Visa Forum!

Well said. Its also idiotic to under estimate Thai men. I've seen a few Farangs try to box with Thai bouncers at various night spots and they usually come off worse because they just see a small guy and dont realise how efficiently somebody trained in Muay Thai can drop a guy with a kick to the Achilles tendon. Personally I've never had a Thai man try to fight me but in UK random violence can descend on you for no reason in any large town or city centre. I feel much safer in Thailand

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QUIETMAN......do you live here? Have you ever fought a thai man from patani or yala down south.? Probably not. If you had he would of knocked your head of with one hit

Having spent time in both those provinces and seen locals squaring up to each other I can confirm that they don`t breed a man there that is harder than your average Thai.

Well said Roj - back in the late sixties, early seventies we had a 'orientation booklet' showing an obvious american pointing at a group of poor Isan villagers commenting "Look at these people, they don't care f they live or die" With an SF Soldier telling them "Yeah, go over there and try to kill one of them" says it all...........{:>)

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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

What an idiotic comment! I rarely hear of fights in my homeland, UK, being settled by Marquess of Queensberry rules - rather it is a man or a gang which dishes out punishment with a gun or a knife, or maybe beats a lone man to death. "Haven't met a Thai man yet who would stand and fight" Good grief man, how many Thai men have you challenged to a fight?

The Quietman - Champion of the Thai Visa Forum!

you will have to forgive my parents, they brought me up like this, the incompetent fools. in my country home town, no one and i mean no one has died as a result of a knife fight or gun fight. if there is a problem between 2 people a fight (fists ect) occurs and theres plenty of those. if others try to jump in, they are promtly pulled away but if they insist on meddling then its acceptable for an equal number of friends to join also. doesnt happen that often, its a small town and Parental values are strong and most of the kids are generally good.

even If i had a gun, it would never occur to me to use it to settle an argument.

this boils down to parental guidance and control which there is a huge lack-of in the land of smiles.

shipping your son off to his grandparents or aunt will mean a poor parenting experience for the child and a different set of values.

It doesnt help either that they let their young sons do what he wants and get what he wants. when he gets older, he expects it and if he doesnt get it, he looses 'face.' then the violence with guns starts.

As regards - thequietman, Champion of TV - you better believe it, I will kick your cyber ass. however in real life, don't know how I would get on.Still Champion in a make believe world is to be commended. Thanks. licklips.gifwai.gif


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QUIETMAN......do you live here? Have you ever fought a thai man from patani or yala down south.? Probably not. If you had he would of knocked your head of with one hit

Do you mean with a bomb or perhaps a gun ?

Anyway he's Malay not Thai. drunk.gif

Edited by thequietman
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Typically Thai behaviour???? Last week in a major city in Australia......9 drive by shootings, seemingly unrelated incidents.

Is this the Thai Visa forum or what ? if it was the Whole World Visa forum, then I would generalise. Asit is, this is the Thai visa forum and so my opinions will be directed towards Thai's. ko chi mi ? cowboy.gif

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There are plenty of good fighters here,but they dont often get the chance to win honorably.How so? Because every fight i have seen whether Thai against westerner or Thai against Thai,others join in.There is never a freind of a participant who says "its between them,stay out of it".What so often happens is basically a lynching.Sadly a westerner has to walk away if he wishes to avoid every Thai in the vicinity joing their compatriot and badly beating him.There is never any reasoning along the lines of whose in the wrong here.A factual example,your Thai GF has her bag ripped from her shoulder by a motorbike snatch thief,you the westerner run after the guy and around a corner,you pull him of his bike and are on top of him.No locals have a clue what your doing,very soon you ll here bad words coming from all directions and almost certainly a stomp or two will escalate in to a vicious beating.And anyone who says im wrong definetly doesnt know what their talking about.

Were you on Acid when writing it? You shouldn’t watch so many Thai soap operas and all will be okay soon.

And if anyone says I’m wrong, just tell them that it was you who didn’t know the truth. jap.gif

Edited by sirchai
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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

What an idiotic comment! I rarely hear of fights in my homeland, UK, being settled by Marquess of Queensberry rules - rather it is a man or a gang which dishes out punishment with a gun or a knife, or maybe beats a lone man to death. "Haven't met a Thai man yet who would stand and fight" Good grief man, how many Thai men have you challenged to a fight?

The Quietman - Champion of the Thai Visa Forum!

Well said. Its also idiotic to under estimate Thai men. I've seen a few Farangs try to box with Thai bouncers at various night spots and they usually come off worse because they just see a small guy and dont realise how efficiently somebody trained in Muay Thai can drop a guy with a kick to the Achilles tendon. Personally I've never had a Thai man try to fight me but in UK random violence can descend on you for no reason in any large town or city centre. I feel much safer in Thailand

And that explains them fighting in packs then how?

Is it a refection of their character or their lack of character?

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ah......... the famous thai temper and loss of face.

what ever happened to talking it out or a good ol fist fight. winner is the one still standing

havent met a thai man yet who would stand and fight. even if they do and get beaten, they go get a gun.

cowards the lot of them and this incident reinforces that. angry.png

What an idiotic comment! I rarely hear of fights in my homeland, UK, being settled by Marquess of Queensberry rules - rather it is a man or a gang which dishes out punishment with a gun or a knife, or maybe beats a lone man to death. "Haven't met a Thai man yet who would stand and fight" Good grief man, how many Thai men have you challenged to a fight?

The Quietman - Champion of the Thai Visa Forum!

Think you are wrong and a lot to learn. wink.png.

Yes i think to, but it's an english and everyone known english are peacfull people isnt it (except for some huligan of course, don't he rememer Heysel in Belgium?)
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Several posts mentioning football hooliganism being a Western Cultural phenomenon while seemingly completely unaware of the regular violence and shootings that go on at Thai football grounds, including attacks on the referees and other officials in the Thai Premier League.

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