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Appointment Of New PM's Minister Is Questionable: Thai Opinion


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Appointment of new PM's minister is questionable

The Nation


The appointment of Nalinee Taveesin as PM's Office minister will remain controversial until she can prove that US allegations of her supporting Robert Mugabe's regime are false

Newly appointed Nalinee Taveesin should do her utmost to clear her name after it was revealed that she was blacklisted for her facilitation of a number of business deals on behalf of abhorred Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe's wife Grace.

The allegation is serious. Nalinee is named on the US Treasury's Specially Designated National List under Executive Order 13469, "Blocking Property of Additional Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Zimbabwe". Her inclusion on the blacklist was authorised by then US President George W Bush.

In fact, even if Nalinee was not a government minister, she should not let this issue linger on, because it has affected her reputation. The charge should weigh heavily on her because, as Washington has made clear in a statement, the designation is imposed upon people the US deems to have engaged in activities that undermine the democratic process in Zimbabwe, or have engaged in activities to facilitate public corruption among senior officials in Zimbabwe.

The allegation does not tarnish the reputation of Nalinee alone, but also that of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and her entire government. Yingluck has often said that her administration places significance on the democratic process and that it was elected by a majority of voters.

Mugabe's regime is subject to international sanctions because of massive corruption and violence against the opposition. Having a Thai minister involved with this regime in any way can only taint the reputation of the Yingluck government.

The US Treasury Department alleges that Nalinee is "secretly supporting the kleptocratic practices of one of Africa's most corrupt regimes". According to the Treasury Department, Nalinee facilitated a number of financial, real estate and gem-related transactions on behalf of Grace Mugabe, Gideon Gono and a number of other Zimbabwean Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs).

As a result of this, it isn't clear how Nalinee will be able to fulfil her role as PM's Office Minister, especially in the context of diplomatic relations with the US. The PM's Office minister is assigned to assist the prime minister in administration work. Therefore, Nalinee will certainly have to deal with some international affairs, in whatever context, in her capacity as the minister.

It remains to be seen how Nalinee will be able to carry out her duties while she is still sanctioned by Washington. The US Treasury Department's action requires the freezing of any assets within US jurisdiction belonging to blacklisted individuals or entities. Additionally, American citizens are prohibited from conducting financial or commercial transactions with people subject to the designation list, including Nalinee.

PM Yingluck has said the appointment of Nalinee is constitutional according to Thai law. But the public perception of the minister is also important because that person will represent the government. Nalinee has been branded as one of the "Mugabe regime's cronies".

What Nalinee has said so far is that the designation was caused by a misunderstanding on the part of the US government - which is not sufficient to clarify the matter.

Mugabe is accused of leading Zimbabwe - one of Africa's most troubled nations - through violence and intimidation. The US placed sanctions on Zimbabwe in 2003 because of the regime's undemocratic practices. The international view of Mugabe is so low that Robert Amsterdam, the lawyer for fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, reportedly tries to compare former Thai prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva with Mugabe, because of Abhisit's alleged role in the bloody crackdown against red-shirt protesters. The irony is that Thaksin's sister has now assigned Nalinee to a government post.

Nalinee's supporters say that the US blacklist is a small matter. But the fate of Narong Wongwan, who was also on a US blacklist, suggests otherwise. Clearing her name is the only way for Nalinee to enjoy a dignified path as a Thai minister. In addition, clarification would restore her personal reputation, which has been severely tainted. What Nalinee has to do is to explain what happened. The public deserves to know the truth.


-- The Nation 2012-01-21

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How can she explain the hardship and death of so many blacks in Zimbabwe, so that her business and family could make more moneys... corruption and greed at others expence is common within PTP... Maybe she will be the next Thai Premier.. Seems she has the right credentials...

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How can she explain the hardship and death of so many blacks in Zimbabwe, so that her business and family could make more moneys... corruption and greed at others expence is common within PTP... Maybe she will be the next Thai Premier.. Seems she has the right credentials...

Let's hope nobody on this board tries to make a comparison between Mugabe and Abhisit again.

Amsterdam already tried that line and failed.

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Great we have a government run by a man in Dubai and now we are looking to the U S for the approval of ministers. In case any one did not know it the US approved a war for under false pretenses in Iraq.

Pretty iffy credentials for ability to approve Thai ministers.

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Great first we have a government run by a convicted crimanal in Dubai and now we are worried about what the U S thinks about one of are appointed ministers.

People remember the U S is the country that approved a war in Iraq based on false assumptions.

I am not saying I approve of her but why do we need the U S approval of a person.

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She is obviously a believer in true democracy. Red style.

If she was part of a legacy of corruption that had treated Thais the same way as it treated Zimbabweans then the Reds would hate her.

Hypocracy at it's best. Like playing football in that other bastion of deocracy, Cambodia....

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How can she explain the hardship and death of so many blacks in Zimbabwe, so that her business and family could make more moneys... corruption and greed at others expence is common within PTP... Maybe she will be the next Thai Premier.. Seems she has the right credentials...

Let's hope nobody on this board tries to make a comparison between Mugabe and Abhisit again.

Amsterdam already tried that line and failed.

He did not. Go and read the article. A writer from the Nation made the claim that he did.

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Great first we have a government run by a convicted crimanal in Dubai and now we are worried about what the U S thinks about one of are appointed ministers.

People remember the U S is the country that approved a war in Iraq based on false assumptions.

I am not saying I approve of her but why do we need the U S approval of a person.

You don't. What is germane are the allegations that the woman engaged in activities that violate the spirit and intent of sanctions put in place and agreed to by countries that Thailand considers partners or allies or good friends. Appreciably, the new minister did not break Thai law and she is indeed "kosher". However, if she wants to be able to be taken seriously and not shunned by western diplomats, she needs to address the matter. This isn't just about the USA. The UK, Canada, Scanadanavian countries, Australia etc. have a similar position on Mr. Mugabe.

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She could do the decent thing and decline to take up her new position. Then again.....a politician doing the decent thing.........

Suthep did that, well almost, in 1995, but instead the resulting Land Corruption Scandal was ultimately responsible for the downfall of the Chuan Leekpai government. He actually did resign in 2009 to avoid disqualification by the Constitutional Court but that didn't stop Abhisit from having him as Deputy PM and the rest is history.................

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Great first we have a government run by a convicted crimanal in Dubai and now we are worried about what the U S thinks about one of are appointed ministers.

People remember the U S is the country that approved a war in Iraq based on false assumptions.

I am not saying I approve of her but why do we need the U S approval of a person.

You don't. What is germane are the allegations that the woman engaged in activities that violate the spirit and intent of sanctions put in place and agreed to by countries that Thailand considers partners or allies or good friends. Appreciably, the new minister did not break Thai law and she is indeed "kosher". However, if she wants to be able to be taken seriously and not shunned by western diplomats, she needs to address the matter. This isn't just about the USA. The UK, Canada, Scanadanavian countries, Australia etc. have a similar position on Mr. Mugabe.

"allegations" Nothing to do with innocent until proven guilty.

I repeat why does she need the endorsement of the U S?

Are you sure you want them to take her seriously. They took the "allegations" of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq seriously and look at the results. Or do you approve of the results?

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She could do the decent thing and decline to take up her new position. Then again.....a politician doing the decent thing.........

Suthep did that, well almost, in 1995, but instead the resulting Land Corruption Scandal was ultimately responsible for the downfall of the Chuan Leekpai government. He actually did resign in 2009 to avoid disqualification by the Constitutional Court but that didn't stop Abhisit from having him as Deputy PM and the rest is history.................

True. Personally I like abhisit but I was not impressed with abhisit (the party) appointing suthep to such a powerful position.

That doesn't mean it's therefore OK for thaksin to appoint this woman to such a high position, she admits she is a personal friend of mugabe and his wife, and has been involved in facilitating major business deals for them. Mugabe is the lowest of the low, now a mega rich man, all from theft from his own people, the majority of the population barely surviving and in fear of the ruthless mugabe regime. Mugabe should be before the international courts for crimes against humanity, at least.

I would agree that suthep is far from lilly white, but is he connected in any way to folks who have no hesitation to murder their own people, etc? NO.

Edited by scorecard
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Great first we have a government run by a convicted crimanal in Dubai and now we are worried about what the U S thinks about one of are appointed ministers.

People remember the U S is the country that approved a war in Iraq based on false assumptions.

I am not saying I approve of her but why do we need the U S approval of a person.

You don't. What is germane are the allegations that the woman engaged in activities that violate the spirit and intent of sanctions put in place and agreed to by countries that Thailand considers partners or allies or good friends. Appreciably, the new minister did not break Thai law and she is indeed "kosher". However, if she wants to be able to be taken seriously and not shunned by western diplomats, she needs to address the matter. This isn't just about the USA. The UK, Canada, Scanadanavian countries, Australia etc. have a similar position on Mr. Mugabe.

"allegations" Nothing to do with innocent until proven guilty.

I repeat why does she need the endorsement of the U S?

Are you sure you want them to take her seriously. They took the "allegations" of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq seriously and look at the results. Or do you approve of the results?

This isn't about Iraq, nor even the USA. Yes, indeed she is innocent until proven guilty. What she needs to do is to respond to the allegations. Perhaps her dealings were all legitimate. However, the starting point is a rather steep climb up a hill for her. Z

imbabwe is subject to international sanction, although many nations do violate those sanctions (e.g. Iran, China and Russia) Most of the sanctions that the US has in place follow the EU sanctions in place. For example, EU Council Decision 2005/592 of 29 July 2005 implemented Commission Regulation No 2004/161/CFSP listing Zimbabweans subject to a travel ban and assets freeze in response to the continuation of Operation "Restore Order". The USA's OFAC order is basically a copy of this decision.

Don't lose sight of the fact that Zimbabwe is hardly a country that is acting in Thailand's best interests.


Iran does fund religious schools in Thailand's south.

However, let's get to the very heart of the matter,. Do you think that it is appropriate that that a government official be associated with Mr. Mugabe? Whatever, the failings of the Thai political ruling class may be, no one on either side of the political divide has unleashed a litany of human rights abuses or maniacal murders and mayhem as has the Mugabe regime. Thousands upon thousands of Zimbabweans died during the cholera epidemic because of Mr. Mugabe's intentional action to withold assistance to his perceived opponents.

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Great first we have a government run by a convicted crimanal in Dubai and now we are worried about what the U S thinks about one of are appointed ministers.

People remember the U S is the country that approved a war in Iraq based on false assumptions.

I am not saying I approve of her but why do we need the U S approval of a person.

You don't. What is germane are the allegations that the woman engaged in activities that violate the spirit and intent of sanctions put in place and agreed to by countries that Thailand considers partners or allies or good friends. Appreciably, the new minister did not break Thai law and she is indeed "kosher". However, if she wants to be able to be taken seriously and not shunned by western diplomats, she needs to address the matter. This isn't just about the USA. The UK, Canada, Scanadanavian countries, Australia etc. have a similar position on Mr. Mugabe.

Dear g'kid, you might like tolook at this headline (dated today):

Key Pheu Thai members want to push Nalinee out

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This isn't about Iraq, nor even the USA.

In many ways it is.............

The US is the one making the allegations.

In any court of law if one is making the allegations then their character will be scrutinized to decide first off if they are even credible.

So yes Iraq & other instances would in fact be submissible.

Yes innocent till proven guilty.... but under what jurisdiction does the US make claims against others that they have no jurisdiction over?

Is this some kind of International Mccarthyism?

If for instance the US were to look at their own TSA terrorist watch list it would show over 400,000 names.

Are each of these be blacklisted? Or only if the opportunity to slap those they wish arises?

400,000 !

The US at least when it comes to politics in other countries that are doing no harm to the US should mind their own business & tend to their own house before telling other how to clean theirs.

This is the same government that appoints a tax dodger as Secretary of the Treasury. A small offense?.. but thousands of others have been jailed for it......yet just an example of how they have no problem overlooking what suits themselves.

Or their Attorney General allowing 1800 weapons to get into Mexican drug cartels hands.

Yes mistakes by some overlooked ....others ....not so much

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"allegations" Nothing to do with innocent until proven guilty.

Yes, Mugabe has never been tried and proven guilty.

Neither was Hitler, Stalin, Gadaafi, Sadam Husein, ............ etc. All presumend inocent then?

Sadam was actually tried in court and then hanged.

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How can she explain the hardship and death of so many blacks in Zimbabwe, so that her business and family could make more moneys... corruption and greed at others expence is common within PTP... Maybe she will be the next Thai Premier.. Seems she has the right credentials...

Explanation is easy: She could be of good use as a liaison officer in a network of various corrupt systems...

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She could do the decent thing and decline to take up her new position. Then again.....a politician doing the decent thing.........

Suthep did that, well almost, in 1995, but instead the resulting Land Corruption Scandal was ultimately responsible for the downfall of the Chuan Leekpai government. He actually did resign in 2009 to avoid disqualification by the Constitutional Court but that didn't stop Abhisit from having him as Deputy PM and the rest is history.................

Yes but is that not the crux of all the arguments here, here are the new bosses, same as the old bosses. Who in the PT or the red shirts that can affect a positive change in thailand? Can you name one?

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