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Government To Cut The Number Of Drug Addicts By 400,000 In 2012

Lite Beer

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Good luck with that.

When you live in a country where you probably have no real promising future, have little to do, and have drugs and booze at your disposal, it's an easy choice to stay under the influence. Add to this a serious lack of education or care for tomorrow and you have a serious problem on your hands.

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Nice attempt to take the focus off more important issues, and sweep blunders and mistakes under the carpet. How about just focusing on delivering all those campaign promises, you red shirt failed politicians???

" more important issues", frankly I think drugs and alcohol abuse ARE important issues, a serious attempt to tackle them would solve many other serious issues, even make some campaign promises no longer necessary..

No longer necessary? If they can't deliver on their promises, then the administration is no longer necessary in office.

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Cut with 400,000...by a gun or by rehabilitation?

I have helped 3 in the vicinity quit one of the worst drugs around. I am not declaring victory since people with a personality of turning to these kind of things are often in constant risk of turning to them again in the future if they are returned to the same group of friends and situations - but sofar all good.

So...I guess that makes me more successful than Mr T.

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Nice attempt to take the focus off more important issues, and sweep blunders and mistakes under the carpet. How about just focusing on delivering all those campaign promises, you red shirt failed politicians???

" more important issues", frankly I think drugs and alcohol abuse ARE important issues, a serious attempt to tackle them would solve many other serious issues, even make some campaign promises no longer necessary..

No longer necessary? If they can't deliver on their promises, then the administration is no longer necessary in office.

I guess you are so wrapped up in your hatred of the PT that you cannot understand simple English. Does not the word "even" alter the sense of what I wrote, away from the sense you choose to import to my comment?

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Nice attempt to take the focus off more important issues, and sweep blunders and mistakes under the carpet. How about just focusing on delivering all those campaign promises, you red shirt failed politicians???

" more important issues", frankly I think drugs and alcohol abuse ARE important issues, a serious attempt to tackle them would solve many other serious issues, even make some campaign promises no longer necessary..

They have no intention of making a serious attempt.

The way to tell when they are making a serious attempt is to watch them and see how many of them go into these miracle programs that they are going to set up.

I can just see it now Thailand the hub of recovery from drug addiction.

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As someone who worked for over 25 years as a drug rehabilitation professional, I find this latest government program nothing less than a farce. First of all, someone has to admit that he or she has a drug problem and voluntarily seeks treatment. This will not happen if ones environment offers no attractive alternative to using drugs. If someone doesn't have a job or other activity which is desirable, then using drugs looks pretty good. The reason that so many people use drugs, and this includes alcohol, in the first place is that drugs work in temporarily alleviating the discomfort of a bad living situation. If you don't change that situation, you won't give the addict a better choice than using drugs.

" One aims to promote solutions to drug problems and prevent drug addiction. It provides drug dependents with chances to become good citizens, while promoting family values and education among young people."

In what environment were these drug dependents raised? They WERE surrounded by "family values". Unfortuanately, many family values have the father leaving as soon as his girlfriend gets pregnant, getting drunk on a regular basis, beating his girlfriend/wife, and being less than honest in making a living. Ask yourself: How many of the "37 million members across the country" use alcohol, take tea money, beat or cheat on their spouses and do not take responsibility for their actions?

If Thai society and family values as we know them today do not change, there will be no change in the use of drugs. As long as there is a demand for drugs, there will always be someone willing to supply them...Period.

Well I have to agree with you for most addicts what you say is true. But

There is still a percentage of users who do not suffer from lack of any thing. The American Medical Association calls Alcoholism a disease. If you were able to look at the whole picture you would notice there is a great many people who use and do not have all the problems you speak of. For those people they must seek help out side of the professional field. This is where Alcohol Anonymous Narcotics Anonymous Cocaine Anonymous and many other Anonymous programs step in also religions seem to work for some. For these people professional help is a great help to begin with but it takes more than that to do the job.

I believe that even in the professional field it is recommended that after leaving treatment the patient get in touch with one of the Anonymous programs.

As you say it starts when a person admits they can not control it and accepts it. That is not a popular thing in a land where saving face is more important than help.

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How? Does it intend to shoot them as in previous 'drug wars'?

My thoughts exactly. Would make Thaksin's eradication appear tame.

why not reduce the no of supliers by 400,000 as well.

Well, there is the matter of tea money being made by those allowing the trafficking to take place in their jurisdiction.

It is a nice idea to say you will reduce drug problem by 80% in one year

but anyone with half a brain cell left will know this is not realistic.

Are we seeing a pattern here? Disengage brain, open mouth, say something to gain face, no matter how ridiculous it sounds.

It's a pretty sad statement and a clear indication of the IQ of the people who made this decision and announcement.

see above.

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Drug addiction is often the result of a desire to escape from harsh reality, the truth. Thailand has collectively been trying to avoid the truth for years, perhaps facing up to the truth would be the first step to curing addiction.

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As is usual, the government has Forgot to engage the Brain befor opening its mouth !!

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Can they instate a program to reduce the # of whiskey drinkers in Parliament by a significant %?

The overwhelming number of drug deaths are alcohol-related. Same for drug-related harm in general (women beatings, auto crashes, etc) - the lion's share stems from alcoholic drinks.

Apart from that, more people die from pharmaceutical drugs each year, than from illegal drugs.

Not to say illegal drugs are ok (though some are, like hemp), but government officials need to understand what they're dealing with before setting out mandates.

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I used t work with drug addicts back in Europe for quite a long time. Users of "soft" drugs do not need any sort of rehabilitation, but alcohol addicts are causing more problems than all drug addicts together. But it's accepted in almost all societies.

To send 800,000 "addicted" people to rehabilitation centers wouldn't even work in more developed countries. Many years ago heroin, cocaine and speed addicts could go to a long rehabilitation up to one year with a following integrating program to find a job, a place to live etc.


Many heroin addicts coming back from rehabilitation shot their first-and last- heroine on the same day they left centers. We had "specialists" working there who did not know the difference between heroine and cocaine, nor side affects and the whole problems coming with it.

Now being familiar with Thai society I know for a fact that any pressure on drug addicts will be helpful, as they'll have to understand that they're doing something wrong.

As long as it's accepted drinking yourself stupid with all sorts of alcohol, in most villages the deadly Lao Khao, not knowing that this is the worst drug at all, nothing can and will be changed.

How should any volunteers know what it's all about? Most doctors are not even qualified enough to know what to do to help druggies.

It all comes back to the Shinawatra government to let people know that they're doing something, but they don't.

It will again make it easier to start an Anti drug campaign, where many innocent people will get killed. Seems to me that Thaksin has never left the game.

Forgive them cause they don't know what they do...................jap.gif

Edited by sirchai
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people seem to be saying that alcohol is the worst.

i know i'd rather meet a drunk up a dark alley on my own than someone tweaked off their face on crystal.

not that i want to meet anyone up a dark alley on my own...

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First of all, I think this is complete and utter bullsh@t!

More developed countries as Thailand, with more resources, more educated doctors and therapists, wouldn't get a number like that in YEARS, let alone in one year!

Secondly, this is turning a blind eye on several other problems.

F.e. if you compare the actual number of "drug addicts" to the number of alcoholics, you might see one problem.

But as in so many countries, alcohol is not seen as a "drug" compared to heroine, crack or the likes.

Same goes for nicotine.

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First of all, I think this is complete and utter bullsh@t!

More developed countries as Thailand, with more resources, more educated doctors and therapists, wouldn't get a number like that in YEARS, let alone in one year!

Secondly, this is turning a blind eye on several other problems.

F.e. if you compare the actual number of "drug addicts" to the number of alcoholics, you might see one problem.

But as in so many countries, alcohol is not seen as a "drug" compared to heroine, crack or the likes.

Same goes for nicotine.

exactly, alcohol is just a socially acceptable drug but addiction is pretty much as bad to the individual as any other drug.

here's an interesting doc about how the war on drugs itself causes more of the negative issues associated with drugs than it does preventing them, well worth a watch...

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When I saw this one up my first thoughts were some smarty is sure to say shoot them.

Obviously those who think that's good idea would be useless at running a country or a business for that matter.

They may not have noticed but there is a wordwide economic crisis going on and every penny counts.

They should drown them it's more humane and cheaper jap.gif

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First of all, I think this is complete and utter bullsh@t!

More developed countries as Thailand, with more resources, more educated doctors and therapists, wouldn't get a number like that in YEARS, let alone in one year!

Secondly, this is turning a blind eye on several other problems.

F.e. if you compare the actual number of "drug addicts" to the number of alcoholics, you might see one problem.

But as in so many countries, alcohol is not seen as a "drug" compared to heroine, crack or the likes.

Same goes for nicotine.

exactly, alcohol is just a socially acceptable drug but addiction is pretty much as bad to the individual as any other drug.

here's an interesting doc about how the war on drugs itself causes more of the negative issues associated with drugs than it does preventing them, well worth a watch...

What a damaging video.

It's all well and fine some rich guy saying it's harmless but Thais are generally poor as are many many other people in other countries who couldn't afford to pay for the drugs

so even if they sold it over the counter it is so addictive junkies would still steal off their own mother to get a fix.

If someone cant afford cigarettes they get by, give someone heroin and take it away and they would kill you for a fix.

Supplying it over the counter wouldn't help because the dealers would still exist praying on the poor and selling them bad gear cheaply.

If you have ever seen someone who's hooked and cant afford a fix you would know it's hundred time worse than an alky who cant afford a beer.

Comparing alcohol or cigarettes to Heroin is a complete joke

Edited by Tanlic
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First of all, I think this is complete and utter bullsh@t!

More developed countries as Thailand, with more resources, more educated doctors and therapists, wouldn't get a number like that in YEARS, let alone in one year!

Secondly, this is turning a blind eye on several other problems.

F.e. if you compare the actual number of "drug addicts" to the number of alcoholics, you might see one problem.

But as in so many countries, alcohol is not seen as a "drug" compared to heroine, crack or the likes.

Same goes for nicotine.

exactly, alcohol is just a socially acceptable drug but addiction is pretty much as bad to the individual as any other drug.

here's an interesting doc about how the war on drugs itself causes more of the negative issues associated with drugs than it does preventing them, well worth a watch...

What a damaging video.

It's all well and fine some rich guy saying it's harmless but Thais are generally poor as are many many other people in other countries who couldn't afford to pay for the drugs

so even if they sold it over the counter it is so addictive junkies would still steal off their own mother to get a fix.

If someone cant afford cigarettes they get by, give someone heroin and take it away and they would kill you for a fix.

Supplying it over the counter wouldn't help because the dealers would still exist praying on the poor and selling them bad gear cheaply.

If you have ever seen someone who's hooked and cant afford a fix you would know it's hundred time worse than an alky who cant afford a beer.

Comparing alcohol or cigarettes to Heroin is a complete joke

Comparing alcohol or cigarettes to Heroin is a complete joke..........................

Please read that and rethink the situation. It's a fact that we're all so used to get our booze, people beat up their wives, kill others in road accidents and loads of them die due a liver cirrhosis.... Here's the link: jap.gif



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Most Thais would support another Thaksin shoot 'em solution. However the focus there is usually eliminating those competing with the BiB, I doubt they would want to actually eliminate a large proportion of their customers.

Effective drug-prevention education and rehabilitation stand as much chance as effective sex education or actually raising English speaking standards outside the elite classes.

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people seem to be saying that alcohol is the worst.

i know i'd rather meet a drunk up a dark alley on my own than someone tweaked off their face on crystal. .....

You can choose your comparisons. The best of one group (alcoholics) vs the worst of the other group (crystal addicts). Yet, reality speaks louder than dramatizations. By any yardstick, alcohol addiction causes more harm, in more ways, than other types of drugs. There are even substances deemed illegal, yet which cause absolute zero harm whatsoever. Example: hemp.

Countries like The Netherlands and Switzerland have shown how druggies can be dealt with humanely. Countries like Thailand show how druggies can be shot and killed extra-judicially. Thai authorities don't even shoot stray problem dogs in the streets, but they've been known to shoot suspected drug users in that manner.

Obviously, Thai authorities have little real comparative knowledge of drugs, nor how to deal with the issue, and they certainly don't want to face the issue of the most all-around harmful drug of all - a drug from that group is used (actually, it's essentially required) to sweeten bribes with government officials. Namely: Johnny Walker Whiskey.

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people seem to be saying that alcohol is the worst.

i know i'd rather meet a drunk up a dark alley on my own than someone tweaked off their face on crystal. .....

You can choose your comparisons. The best of one group (alcoholics) vs the worst of the other group (crystal addicts). Yet, reality speaks louder than dramatizations. By any yardstick, alcohol addiction causes more harm, in more ways, than other types of drugs. There are even substances deemed illegal, yet which cause absolute zero harm whatsoever. Example: hemp.

Countries like The Netherlands and Switzerland have shown how druggies can be dealt with humanely. Countries like Thailand show how druggies can be shot and killed extra-judicially. Thai authorities don't even shoot stray problem dogs in the streets, but they've been known to shoot suspected drug users in that manner.

Obviously, Thai authorities have little real comparative knowledge of drugs, nor how to deal with the issue, and they certainly don't want to face the issue of the most all-around harmful drug of all - a drug from that group is used (actually, it's essentially required) to sweeten bribes with government officials. Namely: Johnny Walker Whiskey.

i'm not sure what point your making, i never said alcohol doesn't cause more harm than other drugs...

i was pointing out that alcohol is not the worst, and that meth amphetamine addiction is worse and i feel people are more dangerous on meth than on alcohol.

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First of all, I think this is complete and utter bullsh@t!

More developed countries as Thailand, with more resources, more educated doctors and therapists, wouldn't get a number like that in YEARS, let alone in one year!

Secondly, this is turning a blind eye on several other problems.

F.e. if you compare the actual number of "drug addicts" to the number of alcoholics, you might see one problem.

But as in so many countries, alcohol is not seen as a "drug" compared to heroine, crack or the likes.

Same goes for nicotine.

exactly, alcohol is just a socially acceptable drug but addiction is pretty much as bad to the individual as any other drug.

here's an interesting doc about how the war on drugs itself causes more of the negative issues associated with drugs than it does preventing them, well worth a watch...

What a damaging video.

It's all well and fine some rich guy saying it's harmless but Thais are generally poor as are many many other people in other countries who couldn't afford to pay for the drugs

so even if they sold it over the counter it is so addictive junkies would still steal off their own mother to get a fix.

If someone cant afford cigarettes they get by, give someone heroin and take it away and they would kill you for a fix.

Supplying it over the counter wouldn't help because the dealers would still exist praying on the poor and selling them bad gear cheaply.

If you have ever seen someone who's hooked and cant afford a fix you would know it's hundred time worse than an alky who cant afford a beer.

Comparing alcohol or cigarettes to Heroin is a complete joke

he's not saying it's harmless.. he say's it's extremely addictive

what he is saying is that when you hear of the harms caused by it, such as ODing and people getting limbs removed due to badly cut heroin... it's because of the criminality

he's not talking about selling it over the counter.... he's talking about it being included in the healthcare services, so for poor people they would get free prescriptions.

so the crime levels would go down.

i know heroin is harder to withdraw from than alcohol... although alcohol withdrawal is more dangerous.

but what i actually said is that alcohol addiction is pretty much as damaging to the individual, ie - their health and quality of life.

don't know where you get damaging video from.. damaging to who???

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