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That's 2000 US$ or possibly more of income earned in Th without taxes being paid on it and without a work permit. Highly illegal.



He's run that site for several years and, considering the subject matter of some of his musings, it's almost certain he's legal.

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having read it once or twice, my guess is it's flying under the radar of legality, so has not been tested at any point. If someone really wanted to, I could bet they could cause a major problem with him just because proving that everything is done legally is a PITA, but anyhow he's some middle aged mid income bloke who runs ads for agogos and writes for an audience of expats, english teachers and sex tourists with IIRC some bloke called Dana whose prose were the world's most pessmistic, negative commentary on living in Thailand.....I doubt any of them want to cause problems with him.

$2000 USD a month is a pitance.


Earnings probaly went up with the publicity he has gotten over the past days. Surpised he's not on here promoting/defending his vemture like a certain language school owner does. Look for an Avitar with somone with their arms crossed!


Jeez guys, at what stage do we lynch him and his web site? I bet none of you guys ever met him, but still feel free to slag him off and ask silly questions about work permits and tax. I haven't met him, but have read his column from time to time, and just let him get on with it. No skin off my nose if he makes a few bucks.

I wonder why TV is populated with so many pompous, jealous know alls?

Because Australia is no longer a penal colony.


Jeez guys, at what stage do we lynch him and his web site? I bet none of you guys ever met him, but still feel free to slag him off and ask silly questions about work permits and tax. I haven't met him, but have read his column from time to time, and just let him get on with it. No skin off my nose if he makes a few bucks.

I wonder why TV is populated with so many pompous, jealous know alls?

Exactly !! What a sad bunch of tossers !

The guy's site is totally harmless and, for me at any rate, provides some useful information and a chuckle here and there. Even if this wasn't the case, there's still no way in hell I'd be on here suggesting the guy might be evading tax or working. illegally.



How much time you reckon he puts into the site?

2000/month ain't bad for a 1-4 hrs work.

10 minutes, 10 hours, who really gives a monkeys?


I read his site from time to time but found that it put me in a foul mood and then stopped. Thai Visa also has a lot of negativity but I guess the positive voices make it a bit more bearable.


He is legal as an English teacher. The rest is "off radar".

And you know because?????

He stopped teaching a few years ago. Is this news to you?


Check the perv with the camera. Probably has a pocket full of 20's too.

Since Stickman's publication is free to all, I suppose he deserves a break every now and then.


That's 2000 US$ or possibly more of income earned in Th without taxes being paid on it and without a work permit. Highly illegal.


Please tell us how you KNOW he doesn't have a work permit.


Stickmanbangkok says “It is the most widely read online expat column in Thailand.” It ranks 3087th in Thailand and ThaiVisa ranks 25th. The general demographics are similar to ThaiVisa with men with graduate degrees over 65 being overrepresented and females being underrepresented. Data from Alexa.

not quite sure where the 3087th figure came in. when I check Alexa it says

Stickman Bangkok ranks 1239 in Thailand

Stickman weekly ranks 3204 in Thailand

so presumably added together it is in the top 1000.

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