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Thai Police Arrest Brutal Pakistani Stepfather For Abusing 5-Year-Old To Death


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It fortunately never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, small minded, bigoted people take an abhorrent and despicable event and try to turn it into some kind of commentary on different religions.

You're very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people. To use it as an opportunity to build hate and animosity towards people is truly one of the lowest forms of human behavior.

How do you expect people to act when we hear of a DISGUSTING crime like this--- OR ARE YOU MUSLIM too.


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Violent societies & practices in raising kids lead to physical child abuse. So sad.

I feel it's unnecessary to throw curses & bad wishes at the perpetrator as obviously his future does not look good at this point.

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It fortunately never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, small minded, bigoted people take an abhorrent and despicable event and try to turn it into some kind of commentary on different religions.

You're very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people. To use it as an opportunity to build hate and animosity towards people is truly one of the lowest forms of human behavior.

There is a Sanskrit proverb saying: "To that ruler those people." (eta raja tada praja). This proverb can be reversed. Therefore a people reflect the religion they follow. And a religion reflects its followers.

Pakistan means "the land of the pure" and it sends preachers and proselytizers to many countries. I understand the comments you so sternly judge and demean. I guess it would be different if their religion was low key and Pakistanis would keep their spirituality to themselves. But there is a history of religious pride preceding citizens of that overtly religious country.

I do not approve of a "lynching atmosphere" created by reckless comments, and I agree with you on that side, but I neither approve of excessive political correctness that can only contribute to stifling self-criticism among Muslims.

You can delete my comment and call me inflamatory. it doesn't make what I said any less true. There are no shortage of these abuses towards women and girls, particularly against what are considered lower people. How many Indo maids are on trial for witchcraft in Saudi right now? The nanny who went home with nails in most of the bones in her body? Yes, every culture has abberations, my point was, this is not an abberation, this is an accepted practice. Shining light on a problem cures it. Political correctness is empowering for the this type of behavior.



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Well I tell you, I have a Daughter and step daughter and NOBODY touches them not even their mother or grandmother, I dont allow any physical punishment of my kids, but it seems its a common occurance here in Thailand to beat your kids, and many a time I have had to control myself as I hear screams of the kids coming from my next door neibours, as the kids are screaming while being abused, but after my run in with the law and the WHACKED out result, I now stay well clear of any confrontation although its hard when you hear the distress a 5 year old is in and they dont stop.

As sad as it is I have to close my doors and windows to deaden the noise of the screams and crying.


... my God, DK ... in the report above, the highly respected Royal Thai Police did nothing when this poor child's abuse by this soulless, viscious animal was initially reported ... in your case, calling in the esteemed Royal Thai Police apparently created a threat to you.

... my experience here in cases of domestic abuse is that the internationally admired Royal Thai Police stay clear, claiming it is a "family matter" ... i.e. beating and abusing children and wives is a long-practiced Thai cultural value ... this common practice is not dissimilar to how male animals have the right to kill the cubs of the former dominant sire.

... the Thai judicial system treats these attacks no differently ... these cases never see a judge.

... this Thai brutality happens openly to Thai step-children, which is why so many Thai children are abandoned by their mothers to grandparents and others ... the man will accept the women as his wife, but not her children by a prior marriage ... so, she abandons them ... nice, huh?

... but this ... if there was ever an argument for quiet, sure vigilante justice, a "Star Chamber", the abuse and murder of an innocent Thai child is it ... have Thais no sense of guilt?... outrage?

... who will protect helpless Thai children from being brutalized to death? ... if not men and women of conscience and compassion (for which there is an absence in the venerable Royal Thai Police), then who?

... maybe a first step would be to remove the word "Royal" from the official name of the intractably corrupt and incompetent thugs Thais call police ... how outrageous that they are given any such association ... shameful.

... this deeply disturbing practice is not exclusive to religious practices, but is in my view more about about Thai cultural values ... please, I want to hear no more of Thai values ... they are inferior.

Edited by swillowbee
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It fortunately never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, small minded, bigoted people take an abhorrent and despicable event and try to turn it into some kind of commentary on different religions.

You're very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people. To use it as an opportunity to build hate and animosity towards people is truly one of the lowest forms of human behavior.

There is a Sanskrit proverb saying: "To that ruler those people." (eta raja tada praja). This proverb can be reversed. Therefore a people reflect the religion they follow. And a religion reflects its followers.

Pakistan means "the land of the pure" and it sends preachers and proselytizers to many countries. I understand the comments you so sternly judge and demean. I guess it would be different if their religion was low key and Pakistanis would keep their spirituality to themselves. But there is a history of religious pride preceding citizens of that overtly religious country.

I do not approve of a "lynching atmosphere" created by reckless comments, and I agree with you on that side, but I neither approve of excessive political correctness that can only contribute to stifling self-criticism among Muslims.

You can delete my comment and call me inflamatory. it doesn't make what I said any less true. There are no shortage of these abuses towards women and girls, particularly against what are considered lower people. How many Indo maids are on trial for witchcraft in Saudi right now? The nanny who went home with nails in most of the bones in her body? Yes, every culture has abberations, my point was, this is not an abberation, this is an accepted practice. Shining light on a problem cures it. Political correctness is empowering for the this type of behavior.



So being muslim makes it RIGHT-- BULLSHIT.

No excuse what so ever for this evil crime.

I hope the BASTARD is brutally assaulted by Thai prisoners while he is in jail.

And then ROTS in HELL.

Then we will see if his muslim religion saves him.


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For these types of crimes , only the death penalty will suffice. And even that should not be made easy!

that is why I'm against the death penalty , it is too easy... this guys should get a LIFE of suffering and not an easy way out by death.

Whilst I would imagine the perpetrator here will have a hard time in a Thai jail, and may well not survive, in a European jail, and especially in the UK, he would likely have an easy life, and all the do-gooders would be trying to have him released after 10 years.

Sure the death penalty as we know it today is too easy for him. He should be hung, drawn and quartered or as others have said, suffer the same punishment as he meted out.

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Your very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Millions of Muslim women live with no rights, fractionally better than slaves and under constant threat of violence in most (if not all) Muslim countries. Domestic violence is encouraged in the Koran and is not a crime under Sharia laws and a Muslim man is allowed to kill his wife or children. Yet what bothers you, are the hurt feelings and potential for violence from the religion of peace when their proven violent tendencies against women, children (and everyone else for that matter) are criticized as evil.

I could say the same of the bible by misinterpreting the old testament .... all the religious books if misinterpreted lead to violence ... and no, I'm not muslim

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RIP little girl, such a tragic loss of a young life. Hope that he gets his pay back every day while in jail. The mother should also be charged for allowing this abuse to happen in the first place, seems that this was not the first time that the little girl suffered at the hands of this man

You should withhold judgement against the mother because you don't know what she had to endure in the home at the hands of an abusive husband. It may come out later that she was able to do more but I also know that abuse robs you of the power to think or act rationally. That is why so many people remain in an abusive situation rather than leave. The feeling of powerlessness and the fact that no one wants to get involved makes it very hard for the abused person to leave or stand up for themself.

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I lived many years in Asian Muslim countries before and I am glad I am living here now. I am convinced that, despite all the shortcomings, the basic philosophies prevailing here in Thailand make better and gentler people.

You obviously have not lived in Malaysia or Indonesia. The muslims there are very good people.

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Surely the police who received the previous report on the abuse of this girl must share the blame for this horrible death.

Will the policeman who investigated it be blamed at all?

I doubt it.

...and then there was a mother who was not aware of the previous abuse???

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I lived many years in Asian Muslim countries before and I am glad I am living here now. I am convinced that, despite all the shortcomings, the basic philosophies prevailing here in Thailand make better and gentler people.

You obviously have not lived in Malaysia or Indonesia. The muslims there are very good people.

They both are human rights abusers to non members of their theocracy.

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Has anybody contacted Human Rights Watch http://www.hrw.org/ yet?

Most Western societies have a little thing called mandatory reporting. Doctors, teachers and other proffesional groups are required by law to contact police/authorities if they have any suspicion that a child is the subject of abuse both physical and emotional (lack of proper care etc). It is an offence not to report. Given that this child was 5, I would assume she was in school of some kind and the teachers must have noticed something. I can only pressume there is no such thing as mandatory reporting in Thailand

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Well, I hope this paki vermin suffers in hell after it dies and I hope this paki meat worm lives long enough to be tortured by in-mates in the way it deserves to be tortured. I wish I could legally get my hands on the paki pubic louse, I would enjoy torturing it myself.

Edited by Debothai
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RIP little girl, such a tragic loss of a young life. Hope that he gets his pay back every day while in jail. The mother should also be charged for allowing this abuse to happen in the first place, seems that this was not the first time that the little girl suffered at the hands of this man

You should withhold judgement against the mother because you don't know what she had to endure in the home at the hands of an abusive husband. It may come out later that she was able to do more but I also know that abuse robs you of the power to think or act rationally. That is why so many people remain in an abusive situation rather than leave. The feeling of powerlessness and the fact that no one wants to get involved makes it very hard for the abused person to leave or stand up for themself.

I'm sorry I don't agree with you. She knew what was going on She knew he was an illegal immigrant so it would have been easy enough to contact the police and get rid of him.

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I obviously don't know from personal experience, but I understand that child abusers are treated very badly in US prisons by the inmates. May his fate be the same in a Thai prison.

Same in Australia and offenders are segregated for thier own protection.

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Horrific story - may the liitle girl RIP.

Sadly, stories like this are too common. Several similar cases in the UK spring to mind. I don't know about Thailand but in the UK police are reluctant to become involved in family matters, and social services responsible for childrens' welfare have often been woeful and inept.

As for this scum bag - I hope he get's the same treatment in a Thai jail that he would in a UK prison; or even worse!! If he could be sentenced to death by hanging, I'd quite happily tie the knot and make sure the "drop" made him suffer. Hope he rots in hell.

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The anti muslim sentiment of tv posters is rather sickening,most of the posts on this topic relate to the man being a muslim not on the awfull death of a child,woulld you all be posting such imflamatory remarks if the man was jewish christian or buddhist,the fact is it doesnt matter what religion you belong to violence against childen an women is sickening,the muslim faith does in no way encourage violence or murder ESPECIALLY against women an childen,muslim are not allowED to kill the same as christians its in the koran an the bible I SHALLT NOT KILL.

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I obviously don't know from personal experience, but I understand that child abusers are treated very badly in US prisons by the inmates. May his fate be the same in a Thai prison.

Same in Australia and offenders are segregated for thier own protection.

Yea, great.

Protect wrong doers.

That's a great way to get people to stop.

I say kill the killers and castrate the rapists !

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The anti muslim sentiment of tv posters is rather sickening,most of the posts on this topic relate to the man being a muslim not on the awfull death of a child,woulld you all be posting such imflamatory remarks if the man was jewish christian or buddhist,the fact is it doesnt matter what religion you belong to violence against childen an women is sickening,the muslim faith does in no way encourage violence or murder ESPECIALLY against women an childen,muslim are not allowED to kill the same as christians its in the koran an the bible I SHALLT NOT KILL.

And you know that only applies to their own members. The founder of islam killed and had many killed.

Same with moses.

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Maybe if an eye for an eye were instituted here in Thailand the crime rate would go down a bit.

The more likely result would be an increase in the blind and toothless population. The only punishment that will stop a criminal from committing criminal acts is capital punishment. And that means the execution of that punishment, not the threat.

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