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Thai Police Arrest Brutal Pakistani Stepfather For Abusing 5-Year-Old To Death


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It would be wrong to generalise too much and portray this disgusting deed as being typical or normal for followers of the Muslim faith, but by it's structure with the importance of the male within the family, and the requirement for the other members to be subservient, this kind of behaviour can go unreported and unpunished. Unfortunately acts like this do, and will, continue to happen in all cultures of all creeds and religions, but the ever expanding "extremist" version of this faith does not place women and children at the same level as the male head of the household, this in itself, within the less well educated sections of the population, leave them exposed to abuse.

And quite probable that in this particular case the abuser was himself abused as a child.
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For these types of crimes , only the death penalty will suffice. And even that should not be made easy!

that is why I'm against the death penalty , it is too easy... this guys should get a LIFE of suffering and not an easy way out by death.

Those who do not agree with the death penalty should pay the cost of the "life of suffering" leaving those who believe in the death penalty free of the burden of paying to keep these scum alive and for the comforts that they inevitably receive even if it is only basic food and a roof over their heads.

Yea there is no moral victory to gain anyway, so i would rather pay his bullit then a million in Baht for his food and rooftop wich in my country will be milions a year while school and health care go down! Many prisons even create/stimulate monsters like this because the programs are useless just as the parasite in question jap.gif

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Oh Boy where do i start. How about this .. I am from Pakistan and as much as most of the people commenting here would like to generalize, am not a "Fundamentalist bearded animal from the dark ages" as normally thought.

Secondly "Aree Amudbud" is not a Pakistani name, never even heard concoction of letters ever in my life (heck most of Pakistani's would have a problem pronouncing such a name), so i am not too convinced about his Pakistani Origins.

Now on to the sad news... This bugger should be sent into the hilton for life and RIP little girl. Such events are not specific to any country or Religion. If you follow news from US you should already know this. So stop bashing Muslims or Islam. There are psychos everywhere.

Finally about Islamophobia - and there sure seems to be a lot of it here. Do some research before you post things that you read on a blog. "Islam gives the right to do whatever to women or children" - What are you crazy? The Unfortunate reality of this is

- Most of these practices are socially driven then religious

- Most of the Muslim know very little about their religion and hence attribute social practices to Religion

- Rest of the world probably would rather follow the popular belief about the perceived value system of a religion then to actually research it


"Most of the Muslim know very little about their religion and hence attribute social practices to Religion"

True. The spreading of Islam is more successful throughout the most ignorrant populations of the world.

All ideologies are idiotic, whether religious or political, for it is conceptual thinking, the conceptual word, which has so unfortunately divided man.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

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Poor kid, very sad.

Only one way to solve this, banish all organised religion, then the sickos have nothing to blame it on.

The world would be a much better place without Islam, without Christianity (all forms) et al.

They are all just based on fairy tales and used as a method of control anyway.

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I lived many years in Asian Muslim countries before and I am glad I am living here now. I am convinced that, despite all the shortcomings, the basic philosophies prevailing here in Thailand make better and gentler people.

You obviously have not lived in Malaysia or Indonesia. The muslims there are very good people.

Yes, I have not lived in Malaysia or Indonesia, but I found also very good people in Iran and in Afghanistan. It is not about people. It is about the overwhelming vibe. The problem with those societies is that the atmosphere promotes self-righteousness and a feeling that they are already alright. In such places people become judgmental about others and concentrate little on self-improvement. i don't know whether you have been in a majority Muslim community in Ramadan and experienced the prevailing mood. It is a relief to be in Thailand where people do not judge others and live and let live.

So, why are you not telling us about how non members of the theocracy are not equal to the members of the theocracy? Why are you not telling us of their apartheid dhimmi treatment under that totalitarian theocracy?

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I lived many years in Asian Muslim countries before and I am glad I am living here now. I am convinced that, despite all the shortcomings, the basic philosophies prevailing here in Thailand make better and gentler people.

You obviously have not lived in Malaysia or Indonesia. The muslims there are very good people.

Try googling Bali bombing or Indonesia beheading christian girls

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It fortunately never ceases to amaze me how ignorant, small minded, bigoted people take an abhorrent and despicable event and try to turn it into some kind of commentary on different religions.

Your very comments produce the type of atmosphere allowing violence that you are supposedly against.

Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people. To use it as an opportunity to build hate and animosity towards people is truly one of the lowest forms of human behavior.


Spot On, perfect coment

"Every culture on the planet has despicable acts against innocent people."

This theocracy celebrates doing them, sanctions them and does them as an orgaznized group, as was just done in Nigeria.

and what religion is nigeria btw ??

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Crazy SOB.... Hope he rots....

So a good citizen previously reported to police that the girl looked to have been abused -- prior to the attack that led to the death?

And what exactly did the authorities do in response to that??? Obviously not enough to keep the little girl from subsequently being killed by the same SOB....

Cigarette burns on her body until she died???? Yeesh!!!!

And how exactly did this wacky Paki enter Thailand "without permission"?

How authorities react to the "first" abuse? Nothing prob. it's very legal to abuse children physically in Thailand. Of course not killing them though. But hitting kids, most Thai do. Of course some light abuse some worse, like in most country's still sadly :(

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I hope he spends years in jail being abused by Thai prisoners for his cowardly crime.

Wait till the lifers find out he tortured a young Thai girl - no amount of religious passion will save this prick from a very long and painful retribution, at least it is hoped that will be the case, long and painful.angry.pngangry.pngangry.png

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It would be wrong to generalise too much and portray this disgusting deed as being typical or normal for followers of the Muslim faith, but by it's structure with the importance of the male within the family, and the requirement for the other members to be subservient, this kind of behaviour can go unreported and unpunished. Unfortunately acts like this do, and will, continue to happen in all cultures of all creeds and religions, but the ever expanding "extremist" version of this faith does not place women and children at the same level as the male head of the household, this in itself, within the less well educated sections of the population, leave them exposed to abuse.

WHY do women marry muslims.


Because they are the best husbands... not just because this guy is reported to be a Pakistani, although his name does not sound like a Pakistani guy, does not mean that he is a Muslim...

There are 1.5+ billions muslims and assuming around 6+ billions are men then not 6+ billions women are wrong... go figure dude...

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It would be wrong to generalise too much and portray this disgusting deed as being typical or normal for followers of the Muslim faith, but by it's structure with the importance of the male within the family, and the requirement for the other members to be subservient, this kind of behaviour can go unreported and unpunished. Unfortunately acts like this do, and will, continue to happen in all cultures of all creeds and religions, but the ever expanding "extremist" version of this faith does not place women and children at the same level as the male head of the household, this in itself, within the less well educated sections of the population, leave them exposed to abuse.

WHY do women marry muslims.


Because they are the best husbands... not just because this guy is reported to be a Pakistani, although his name does not sound like a Pakistani guy, does not mean that he is a Muslim...

There are 1.5+ billions muslims and assuming around 6+ billions are men then not 6+ billions women are wrong... go figure dude...

Is this one of those fancy trick questions?huh.png

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It would be wrong to generalise too much and portray this disgusting deed as being typical or normal for followers of the Muslim faith, but by it's structure with the importance of the male within the family, and the requirement for the other members to be subservient, this kind of behaviour can go unreported and unpunished. Unfortunately acts like this do, and will, continue to happen in all cultures of all creeds and religions, but the ever expanding "extremist" version of this faith does not place women and children at the same level as the male head of the household, this in itself, within the less well educated sections of the population, leave them exposed to abuse.

WHY do women marry muslims.


Because they are the best husbands... not just because this guy is reported to be a Pakistani, although his name does not sound like a Pakistani guy, does not mean that he is a Muslim...

There are 1.5+ billions muslims and assuming around 6+ billions are men then not 6+ billions women are wrong... go figure dude...

I guess the paki women did not get the memo on how great husbands they have.

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