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No More Explicit Love Scenes On Thai Channel 3 Soaps

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No More Explicit Love Scenes on Channel 3 Soaps

Channel 3 soap opera fans will no longer get to see any kissing scenes as the big boss of the channel is now only allowing love scenes to feature kissing on the cheeks and foreheads and hugging and embracing.

Channel 3 is moving ahead to become a family-friendly station with more children programs.

Executive Prawit Maleenont has given the no-no for kissing in soap operas and told soap producers to go the traditional Thai love scene route with only kisses on the forehead and cheek and hugging and embracing.

Production executive for Channel 3 Somrak Narongwichai says this year's soap will reflect social problems and will be more realistic in that characters will have occupations and careers instead of past soap operas where characters are not portrayed while working.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-23


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What about the "funny" "soundeffects"???

By the way:

Prawit should have a look at the amount of domestic violence on his TV channel. Kissing is forbidden, but slapping people / family members around is OK for kids- suitable "family entertainment"?

Spot on!

We had a discussion about what to allow on TV (Germany) in the 80's- I always found it strange, that "sex and violence" were mentioned together.

Something as beautiful as "sex" in the same drawer as "violence"...weired way of thinking!

Wait a minute....EXPLICIT??????

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The problem is the kids grow up watching this tripe, and mostly copy the tripe that it portrays...... no wonder there are so many heart broken westerners posting stories in the PUB section

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They also demean the Thais by making the women look like, well anyway.... and the Thai men look like imbeciles and incapable of having any brains.. And the Thais laugh at these stupid things, and the kids watch the violence day after day. Then the Vocational school studnets go out and kill each other school fight. Then the Thai people wonder how they have failed their children. Next, out come all the Government departments trying to set policies and procedures to do something. Then 6 months later, back to normal.


They really should pass a law about the sheer volume of these soaps.

It isn't that a little bit isn't ok, but when they take up the entire prime time, on every channel, every night, is it no wonder that the men are all out on the p**s chasing birds while the wives are at home? They talk about wanting to save the "culture" of the country, but it seems to me that the culture of the country is to turn every teenage girl into a raving screaming maniac bitch, and every man into a schemer who talks to himself in the corner.

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It makes me laugh how they will blur out cigs in movies, a glass of alcohol or any sign of a breast, yet violence goes absolutely uncensored. I went in the Toyota garage the other day just waiting for my car to be finished, and in the nice coffee area there were a load of kids sat round the TV watching the Thai equivalent of the Texas chain saw massacre, with lots of screaming and dismembering going on (2pm), parents sat in blissful ignorance as the kids ranging from age 2 to 10 sat wide mouthed in horrific silence.....until.............big bad GentlemanJim went over and flicked to channel 34...Junior Disney. Parents glanced up in a "why didn't we do that" sort of look and the kids kind of complained till i gave them a grimacing stare and they all fell into submission and were then quite happy watching Chuggington and Special Agent Oso.

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Those explicit 'kissing on the lips' scenes will be the downfall of Thailand...

totster biggrin.png

Not sure what you mean by this, perhaps a bit of plain speaking is needed, instead of trying to be a cunning linguist !


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OMG, it just dawned on my that I am constanly being obscene in front of my children. I have this nasty habit of kissing my wife on her lips on front of my children. Imagine what a bad influence I am having on my kids! Tender love and affection, all day long! This has got to stop!

May be I should switch to shouting and slapping, that's much more "Thai - like", right? jap.gif

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They really should pass a law about the sheer volume of these soaps.

It isn't that a little bit isn't ok, but when they take up the entire prime time, on every channel, every night, is it no wonder that the men are all out on the p**s chasing birds while the wives are at home? They talk about wanting to save the "culture" of the country, but it seems to me that the culture of the country is to turn every teenage girl into a raving screaming maniac bitch, and every man into a schemer who talks to himself in the corner.

It has always seemed strange to me that in terms of commercial television here, it's pretty much only music videos, silly comedy skits, celebrity interview shows and soap operas... lakorns...

My Thai wife watches the lakorns at home after she comes home from work, so I see a lot of them around the house... Lots of seemingly impossibly rich people who never seem to work but live in elegant, mansion-like houses and drive ridiculously expensive sports cars. And the invariably bitchy women characters screaming at each other ad nauseum...

And I've thought from time to time... geez.... no drama shows.... nothing resembling anything about real life for most Thai people. Nothing showing people actually working for a living. No doctors and nurses... no police officers or detectives investigating crimes, no court shows.... Well... then I thought about that last part, and I realized, well, maybe there's some reasons they don't want to show that on Thai TV... ph34r.png


Once again the elites running the show in Thailand. Can the soaps on all channels in Thailand and replace them with family fun that does not have to rely on sex,violence,drugs,smoking,alchol etc etc to keep "actor and actress's" employed.


The hypocritical faux prude mentality is beyond contempt.

Shoot them, but mustn't kiss them.

And with little doubt the moron minister in charge of these

regulations of social morality has a mia noi on the side,

and some fluff besides here. And would steal from the common man

to feather his nest and reinforce his status.

  • Like 2

No kissing on the lips. Shock horror.

No chance of them showing Spartacus Blood and sand, then?

All that nudity, shagging, kissing, lesbian sex, the blood, guts and general mayhem (for those not watching it).


I can't stand Thai drama's. My girlfriend occasionaly watches Thai drama, All i hear is shouting and screaming, i got so fed up with those annoying drama bitches i bought my girlfriend a wireless headphone. She has to wear the dramaphones every time she wants to look a Thai drama show, otherwise no TV!

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No kissing on the lips. Shock horror.

No chance of them showing Spartacus Blood and sand, then?

All that nudity, shagging, kissing, lesbian sex, the blood, guts and general mayhem (for those not watching it).

God forbid they showed Thailands actual, historically correct, general mayhem and clothing styles.

If they told the real truth rather than attempt clueless social engineering,

then it ALL would have to be on pay per view cable.

They are not training the Thai children to be loving, caring and productive citizens,

but to be violent, jealously avaricious, backstabbing, social climbers.

Who reproduce solely by osmosis from adjoining bedrooms.

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My wife was watching one of her thai soaps one day and suddenly she burst out laughing hysterically,I looked to see what was so funny,it was a wedding scene and a man pulled out a gun and started to shoot at the guests!! she thought this extremely hilarious,good job the bride and groom were not kissing at the time or it might have been cut.


[quote name=

timestamp=1327325659' post='5000435]

How old is your gf?

I can't stand Thai drama's. My girlfriend occasionaly watches Thai drama, All i hear is shouting and screaming, i got so fed up with those annoying drama bitches i bought my girlfriend a wireless headphone. She has to wear the dramaphones every time she wants to look a Thai drama show, otherwise no TV!

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