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Good Internet Service Providers In Chiang Mai?


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there are 100 of threads regarding this however i didnt get much smarter out of it,

so here the issues i have:

i have a 10 mbps DSL plan on TOT, from the 10 mbps in the plan i can actually be glad if i reach 2 of them, however its annoying that quite a few sites are blocked / redirected from thai goverment


i have a 20 bmps True Internet Cable plan, form the 20 mbps i can be super glad when i can use 2 of them as well, + it annoys me that true internet are actually cheating scumbags, for the fact that they cheat insanly on all speedtest on the net

on the speedtest they give me a 18ms ping with full speed to miami florida, which is technically just not possible, and just to make that clear, i have 18ms ping to everywhere in the word whith the cheating speedtest true internet does,

the real internet is .. actually worse then the 10 mbps TOT line, skype is not really possible on True Internet Cable plan, and as if that would not be worse enough, they block a thousand more sites then TOT did,

so atm i am switching depending on what i need to from TOT to Tru, since i still have both lines running, however just for the monies i need to cancel one of them, .... or even both when i find a better alternative

tbh, i am a bit pissed with True that they outright and very obviously cheat on their customers

i tried to get around the blockings with VPN networks, and own proxies, however that doesnt seem like a good solution as well

my own proxy is located in Miami, FL over my dedicated box there

the VPN i access is in SF, CA - and unfort. way too slow to get anything done ever

sooo is there anything really good, it basically doenst matter how much it is, just no dumb blocking the whole web, good and quick support, and i am fine with a with a small 5 mbps line when i get the full speed of it,

there is not point in having a 10 or 20 mbps line, when the max download speed of a single file is 200 KB

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All of the ISP's are good and horrible. Really depends on where you are and what kind of infrastructure you are using. I use the TRUE cable 10Mbs service at one location and get the full 10Mbs down and up to 1.5Mbs UP(better than advertised). At this location both TOT and 3BB adsl services were horrible. At another location I use 3BB adsl and am very very happy with it. TOT and TRUE adsl are horrible and TRUE cable is not available.

The only good advice out there is the ask you neighbors. They can give you a real idea of who can offer what.

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I use True Cable as well. But I have the cheaper 10Mbit package... Did a speedtest to Miami as thats what you mentioned. Works perfectly fine for me.


Are you sure your setup at home, wifi and all, is in order. Strange that both ISPs give you such bad results.

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Use firefox and a add on program called stealthy you can change the countries which proxy you want .

Tried this today and it doesn't work even though it states it's given me a UK address, tried others and they work better but not for the National Lottery site. The only one that I've come across that works for this particular site costs £5 per month or another 5 lines!!


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