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Woman Strong Symbol For Non-Violence: Yingluck


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Woman strong symbol for non-violence: Yingluck

Pana Janviroj

The Nation/Asia News Network


DAVOS: -- Woman can be a strong symbol for non-violence and will play a role in bringing political reconciliation in Thailand, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra told a gathering at the World Economic Forum.

The prime minister cited Burmese opposition leader Ang San Suu Kyi, who she recently met during an official visit to Burma, with a passion on democracy and a global non-violence symbol.

The Thai prime minister’s vision of women in society and their role is in contract to Facebook’s CEO, Sheryl Sandberg, who calls for closer ambition gap between men and women. She said parents donot usually raise their daughters to be ambition; female equality may have improved at work but not at home; and successful men are better liked while successful females are less liked.

Both were in the WEF’s session on "Women as the Way Forward along with Desmond Tutu, the South African archbishop; Michelle Bachelet from United Nation Women; and Al Zain Talal, CEO of Bahrain Mumtalakat. The session was moderated by Kristof Nicholas from the New York Times.

Yingluck took the podium to deliver an opening remark in Thai with simultaneous translation but answered questions from the floor in English. She underscored the importance of education and access to finance for women when asked by a Korean audience on her policy to stop sex tourism to Thailand.

"No women will want to hurt themselves - if we give them opportunity to better themselves," Yingluck said.

In her opening remark, the Thai prime minister said as a woman she was proud to be Thai as she had a chance to receive education, run a company and become the first female primier.

She called for a goal to end women inequity and violence in society. She added that women have positive aspects which can better the society - such as attention to details and good understanding and attention to children and the youth. Women also have ability to save, and have higher finance contribution to family raising.

Yingluck told the hundreds of WEF international audience that her government has set up a fund to support women and to promote universal education for girls.

Tutu said support for women in society is such an obvious undertaking given all positive attributes they render for the society. It is a solution to the world’s problems. Women, he added, has compassion, gentleness and caring.

Yingluck said women when have a chance to become leaders and make positive contributions to society.

She also invited the WEF members to attend the Bangkok meeting which will take place May 31-June 1 in Bangkok. The prime minister on Friday night hosted a Thai night for WEF participants.


-- The Nation 2012-01-28

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In her opening remark, the Thai prime minister said as a woman she was proud to be Thai as she had a chance to receive education, run a company and become the first female primier.


This ranks very high on my list of vacuous statements by the faux political leader of Thailand. Being female had nothing to do with it. The governing facor was the family that she was born into.

I want to see a Thailand where everybody has the same opportunities and privileges that she has had. The vast majority of Thai ladies are merely bricks in the wall.

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As someone who was almost murdered 5 or so years ago by my then HK Chinese girlfriend of 3 years, it is not only Men that commit domestic violence. As a Man, I really do feel there is prejudice that ONLY men commit domestic violence, that only men are violent and women are passive, tolerant and peace-makers. I realise that statistics show mostly dosmestic violence is comitted by Males, but perhaps because Men are afraid of the repercussions of reporting such violence, most domestic violence commited by jelous, temperamental and controlling Females goes unreported.. The perception that women are the only victims of domestic violence is absolute rubbish to the extreme IMO.

In my country, Women are often (luckily not always!) over-agressive, masculine and often difficult to deal with. It is a pleasure to find a lovely, good natured lady that is willing to share (50/50) the good with the bad, but most women here are not interested in this anymore. I often find myself treated as a tool to get a woman what she wants in life, and then disposed of when I can no longer offer her betterment in life, or she finds someone who she can get her where she wants faster.

There is a fine line between equality, and giving advantage to Females by discriminating against Men (the discrimination of women through "sexy" tv ads in Thailand are commonly paralelled here by ads which portray men as unintelegent servants and inferior to women). Yet, if such ads are portrayed against women, the feminazis are up in arms. One extreme to another, I guess.

One way around things would be that when applying for jobs etc, unless the role specifically requires it, the sex, age, religion, race should not be disclosed. There would be cases for example that a particular attribute may be important (for example a doctor in a womens sexual health clinic). It is an extreme, but would remove the extremes of feminism and maleist attitudes in both extremes of western female-bias countries, and eastern male-dominated societies.

Perhaps I am seeing things with one eye through my own experiences?

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As a victim of domestic violence, I find the feminist pfaf in the OP offensive.

As a taxi driver who witneses many acts of violence, I find the feminist pfaf in the OP offensive.

Women are human beings and as such are capable of acts of violence. They are not some divine creature incapable of agression. As leaders they start and participate in wars, remember the Fauklands and PM Thatcher?

With equality of the sexes being the default stance in the west, we are seeing that instead of a calming of violence it is simply becoming equal between the genders.

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I am most definitely not a feminist in any way, if I told women back home what "normal life" is like here regarding relations between the sexes, and my participation/taking advantage of the more traditional culture here, I'd be tar'd and feathered many times over.

However if you look at the actual evidence, much more violence and other abuse is perpetrated by men, it's a fact that women are much more likely to be the victim than the perpetrator. As a pacifist I believe the world would be a much better place if it were run by the women.

I'm not saying it would be perfect, just much improved. Even more so by picking people at random out of the population rather than having a Darwinian self-selection process based on corrupt motives.

However a final note - is this government actually run by women? Not at all.

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I would be more impressed with Yingluck's feminist position if she also pointed out the frightening, nasty and aggressive red shirted women I saw during their occupation of Bangkok! But I agree on one point: The rapid changes in Burma have come about, so I understand, because of a remarkable friendship and undertsanding between Ang Sang Suu Kyi and the wife of the Thien Sein (? spelling) the current president. So therefore women can exert an extraordinary influence over a male dominated violent society.

But off course, women (ex-wife Ami) are as capable of extreme violence, cheating and lies as men. And in fact because of the sexual power they hold over men, I would say that women could be in many cases far more dominant and powerful. The question is can they use this power responsibly? From what I've seen of Thai women the generalised answer is a firm No and many of them are downright manipulative and evil.

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Constant female nagging and screaming is emotional abuse too. In my opinion nearly all domestic violence would be avoided IF WOMEN DID NOT PHYSICALLY ATTACK FIRST.

I agree with TheaghostWithin totally, obviously men are victims of general violence much much more, but Western governments concentrate on the relatively tiny number of female victims of "domestic violence" , of course.

In societies where men are violent , the women are usually violent too. In Thailand women are so very devious and greedy .

Edited by parmo1
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Here's a woman whose education was bought by her brother, whose every job was given to her by her brother, who was put as number one on the PTP list by her brother, who was chosen for her brother's name and her womanly charms, and who plays the dumb, clueless "I know nothing" when lying on behalf of her brother, claiming to be a feminist? She's nothing but a rich man's plaything.

Glad to see that your situation is improving and you've still got most of nothing left............

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Woman strong symbol for non-violence: Yingluck

Tell that to all the guys whos members have been sliced off and fed to ducks, or have had boiling water poured over their heads while they slept. The most common house hold accident in Thailand I am told.crying.gif

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Yingluck took the podium to deliver an opening remark in Thai with simultaneous translation but answered questions from the floor in English. She underscored the importance of education and access to finance for women when asked by a Korean audience on her policy to stop sex tourism to Thailand.

That's pretty funny coming from a Korean since they have whorehouses everywhere in Korea, but they are so xenophobic some don't let foreigners in and Korean dudes get pissed off seeing foriegners screw 'their' whores. A lot of whores will simply refuse foreign customers because their Korean clients would blacklist them. However they're are happy to screw foreigners when they go to US, ALL the massage parlours where I'm from are staffed by Koreans.

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Woman strong symbol for non-violence: Yingluck

Tell that to all the guys whos members have been sliced off and fed to ducks, or have had boiling water poured over their heads while they slept. The most common house hold accident in Thailand I am told.crying.gif

By your wife ????

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Go to www.weforum.org and look for "Women as the Way Forward - Annual Meeting 2012" to see the keynote and the panel discussion - about 1 hour.

Education for girls & women was mentioned often. It has been shown that the #1 most effective action to take (by far) in order to reduce poverty and improve the health of the entire population (in any country, but the studies were for poor countries), is to increase education for women & girls. I find it very interesting that investing the same amount in education, but for men and boys, does not provide anything close to the same level of benefit as it does when a country specifically targets women and girls.

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In her opening remark, the Thai prime minister said as a woman she was proud to be Thai as she had a chance to receive education, run a company and become the first female primier.


This ranks very high on my list of vacuous statements by the faux political leader of Thailand. Being female had nothing to do with it. The governing facor was the family that she was born into.

I want to see a Thailand where everybody has the same opportunities and privileges that she has had. The vast majority of Thai ladies are merely bricks in the wall.

Is not Yinluck merely another Brick in the Thaksin wall....? and who is writing her scripts... they are terrible....

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Some of the comments are very sad. Is it any wonder that women ask for divorces, and that the children of such fathers cut off communication? My experience has been that masculine men are able to manage the vagaries of women's temperment. It's part of being a man. The man with common sense moves on or deals with the situation: He certainly doesn't wallow in self pity.

According to the commentary of some TVFers, women are violent manipulative harpes bent on exploitation. And yet, I see decent men walking about Satan's salon aka Patong, being decent husbands/partners and fathers. Yes, some women are violent nutters, but that's because they are either mentally ill or hooked up with a guy that brings out the worst.

If women are so terrible, how come there are still lots of happy men, stable family units and well cared for happy kids walking about? These nasty man hating women seem to me to be the product of families where dad was a useless nasty piece of business or where men have abused them at some point in the woman's development. As yee sow, so shall yee reap.

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Woman strong symbol for non-violence: Yingluck

Tell that to all the guys whos members have been sliced off and fed to ducks, or have had boiling water poured over their heads while they slept. The most common house hold accident in Thailand I am told.crying.gif

In the UK a Knitting Needle rammed in the ear,while the Male is asleep (drunk) is not uncommon.

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Some of the comments are very sad. Is it any wonder that women ask for divorces, and that the children of such fathers cut off communication? My experience has been that masculine men are able to manage the vagaries of women's temperment. It's part of being a man. The man with common sense moves on or deals with the situation: He certainly doesn't wallow in self pity.

According to the commentary of some TVFers, women are violent manipulative harpes bent on exploitation. And yet, I see decent men walking about Satan's salon aka Patong, being decent husbands/partners and fathers. Yes, some women are violent nutters, but that's because they are either mentally ill or hooked up with a guy that brings out the worst.

If women are so terrible, how come there are still lots of happy men, stable family units and well cared for happy kids walking about? These nasty man hating women seem to me to be the product of families where dad was a useless nasty piece of business or where men have abused them at some point in the woman's development. As yee sow, so shall yee reap.

Unfortunately GK research and studies do not back up your claims,Male and Female Violence is near more even than one would think.

Try typing in "Male and Female Violence" and see what comes up at random.

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Some of the comments are very sad. Is it any wonder that women ask for divorces, and that the children of such fathers cut off communication? My experience has been that masculine men are able to manage the vagaries of women's temperment. It's part of being a man. The man with common sense moves on or deals with the situation: He certainly doesn't wallow in self pity.

According to the commentary of some TVFers, women are violent manipulative harpes bent on exploitation. And yet, I see decent men walking about Satan's salon aka Patong, being decent husbands/partners and fathers. Yes, some women are violent nutters, but that's because they are either mentally ill or hooked up with a guy that brings out the worst.

If women are so terrible, how come there are still lots of happy men, stable family units and well cared for happy kids walking about? These nasty man hating women seem to me to be the product of families where dad was a useless nasty piece of business or where men have abused them at some point in the woman's development. As yee sow, so shall yee reap.

Unfortunately GK

Research and studies do not back up your claims,Male and Female Violence is near more even than one would think.Considering that most men find it difficult to admit that their Wife/Girlfriend injured them,or beat them. Complaining to other men means they would be called a Wimp,softy,etc,most Men have had it drilled into them not to hit a Lady,so the violent females,have Carte Blanch to do what they want with no retaliation from the attacked male.

A man with a black eye is obliged to lie and say he walked into a door, or got mugged,anything to hide the truth,and be ridiculed by his mates.

Try typing in "Male and Female Violence" and see what comes up at random. Making excuses for violent Females IMO is not the answer.

Edited by MAJIC
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Some of the comments are very sad. Is it any wonder that women ask for divorces, and that the children of such fathers cut off communication? My experience has been that masculine men are able to manage the vagaries of women's temperment. It's part of being a man. The man with common sense moves on or deals with the situation: He certainly doesn't wallow in self pity.

According to the commentary of some TVFers, women are violent manipulative harpes bent on exploitation. And yet, I see decent men walking about Satan's salon aka Patong, being decent husbands/partners and fathers. Yes, some women are violent nutters, but that's because they are either mentally ill or hooked up with a guy that brings out the worst.

If women are so terrible, how come there are still lots of happy men, stable family units and well cared for happy kids walking about? These nasty man hating women seem to me to be the product of families where dad was a useless nasty piece of business or where men have abused them at some point in the woman's development. As yee sow, so shall yee reap.

Unfortunately GK

Research and studies do not back up your claims,Male and Female Violence is near more even than one would think.Considering that most men find it difficult to admit that their Wife/Girlfriend injured them,or beat them. Complaining to other men means they would be called a Wimp,softy,etc,most Men have had it drilled into them not to hit a Lady,so the violent females,have Carte Blanch to do what they want with no retaliation from the attacked male.

A man with a black eye is obliged to lie and say he walked into a door, or got mugged,anything to hide the truth,and be ridiculed by his mates.

Try typing in "Male and Female Violence" and see what comes up at random. Making excuses for violent Females IMO is not the answer.

Very good points raised by both these posters imo. At the end of the day, it comes down to working through things or walking away. Every relationship has it's individual call on this. Luckily neither I nor my wife ever get beyond raised voices and the occasional silent treatment mellow.png .

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Unfortunately GK research and studies do not back up your claims,Male and Female Violence is near more even than one would think.

Try typing in "Male and Female Violence" and see what comes up at random.

Please tell me where these qualified studies are found. From what I see, the rate of male on female violence is at least 2X greater than female on male violence. I won't even mention male on male violence.

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Go to www.weforum.org and look for "Women as the Way Forward - Annual Meeting 2012" to see the keynote and the panel discussion - about 1 hour.

Education for girls & women was mentioned often. It has been shown that the #1 most effective action to take (by far) in order to reduce poverty and improve the health of the entire population (in any country, but the studies were for poor countries), is to increase education for women & girls. I find it very interesting that investing the same amount in education, but for men and boys, does not provide anything close to the same level of benefit as it does when a country specifically targets women and girls.

Maybe in third world countries like Thailand, but in Western countries where the whole education system has been altered to make it easier for females and where males are more and more undervalued every year, it is NOT correct. Feminists in western countries like to portray treatment of women in third world countries to be the same as how women are treated in the west. It is part of their "victimhood" to get government cash from mostly male taxpayers.

I have to say your post is NOT relevant to the thread, the thread is about "violence" and "females".

I must also ask, WHY are you defending females like this ?

As i said previously, victims of general violence are nearly always male, suicides are 80% male, 95% of workplace deaths are male, governments spend mostly male taxes on females (except jail departments, of course) , males die younger but in many countries females retire earlier.

Sexual Equality is ONLY ABOUT WOMEN and in reality violence is committed 50/50 by females, but males are stronger

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Very good points raised by both these posters imo. At the end of the day, it comes down to working through things or walking away. Every relationship has it's individual call on this. Luckily neither I nor my wife ever get beyond raised voices and the occasional silent treatment mellow.png .

Simon, first i want to say congratulations on finding a good non-violent wife (i mean it) !

Maybe you were lucky or maybe you made a good choice based on your experiences in life.

But most males grow up NOT knowing about how evil many women can be, they may have only brothers, study technical subjects with other males. Females can easily hide their REAL personalities, well for medium term anyway.

The problem is, is that the law in 1st world countries only "protects" females. This results in bad women having complete IMPUNITY (England was recently allowing "domestic violence" to be an excuse for murder). All these laws were enacted by chivalrous politicians, no doubt out of good intentions but it has all created GROSS INJUSTICE.

When my ex-wife punched me in the head while i was driving with my kids in the back of the car, i went to police, and they said, "what did you do to deserve that ?", and "it is men who do the violence here". They interviewed HER, and all she had to do was to make several false allgetaions, and SHE came out with an armful of "domestic violence" pamphlets and i got nothing. In England it has been shown that 20% of men who go to police complaining about female violence are ARRESTED themselves. In America there are VAWA laws only concerned with females and compulsory arrest laws, and it is nearly always males who are arrested.

For me, females can be more violent, and imbalanced laws allow BAD women to have almost total impunity.

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If women are so terrible, how come there are still lots of happy men, stable family units and well cared for happy kids walking about?

In Thailand the local females will be good wives as long as as your cash flows to them , their families and their friends. One-man female prostitutes will always be faithful .......... to your money................... while it lasts.

If you have not found out how bad females can be, and WORSE, you have no experence of the law and how it is loaded against males, good for you (really ) ! But many many (mostly masculine men) know better, there is a TERRIBLE growing injustice against men in the west. Men learn from their personal experience, many farang men in Thailand come here after these injustices. In US, you can now be arrested for "looking at women in the WRONG WAY", feminists want male "logic" to be classed as "domestic violence" (no joke), your unfaithful wife can throw you out of your own house just in your clothes WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER. I just give you MY experience of being a non-violent "masculine man" who has found out the hard way about these anti-male laws and about how violent some women can be and their total impunity..

To all the guys here who have had violent wives and girlfriends, i hope that you have learned a lesson and that you have learned to choose better, peaceful women. There are some good women in the world, you just must take a (long) time to find them

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I concur. I have been educated to show women respect and never get violent towards them even when they are towards me. However every female I have a relationship with has struck me. If you complain about it your considered a whimp. If you reciprocate you could be charged. I prefer to act like a male chauvinist pig. a badge I wear with pride. Same as western women take pride in being a bitch.

Edited by waza
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I concur. I have been educated to show women respect and never get violent towards them even when they are towards me. However every female I have a relationship with has struck me. If you complain about it your considered a whimp. If you reciprocate you could be charged. I prefer to act like a male chauvinist pig. a badge I wear with pride. Same as western women take pride in being a bitch.

Q: "I dont know why beyotches are always mad. They've got half the money and all thepussy" Richard Pryor

A: they want ALL the money too,,,

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Go to www.weforum.org and look for "Women as the Way Forward - Annual Meeting 2012" to see the keynote and the panel discussion - about 1 hour.

Education for girls & women was mentioned often. It has been shown that the #1 most effective action to take (by far) in order to reduce poverty and improve the health of the entire population (in any country, but the studies were for poor countries), is to increase education for women & girls. I find it very interesting that investing the same amount in education, but for men and boys, does not provide anything close to the same level of benefit as it does when a country specifically targets women and girls.

Maybe in third world countries like Thailand, but in Western countries where the whole education system has been altered to make it easier for females and where males are more and more undervalued every year, it is NOT correct. Feminists in western countries like to portray treatment of women in third world countries to be the same as how women are treated in the west. It is part of their "victimhood" to get government cash from mostly male taxpayers.

I have to say your post is NOT relevant to the thread, the thread is about "violence" and "females".

I must also ask, WHY are you defending females like this ?

As i said previously, victims of general violence are nearly always male, suicides are 80% male, 95% of workplace deaths are male, governments spend mostly male taxes on females (except jail departments, of course) , males die younger but in many countries females retire earlier.

Sexual Equality is ONLY ABOUT WOMEN and in reality violence is committed 50/50 by females, but males are stronger

Regarding the studies, they were for poor countries which I mentioned. Regarding western / wealthy countries, that is a different topic that you mention, but I think that most people understand that there is not equality between males and females anywhere, including wealthy countries.

As for thread relevance, the education theme comes directly from the presentation and the panel in which the PM participated. She herself brought out education of girls, in responding to the Korean lady's question, as one of the measures to reduce the sex-tourism in Thailand and violence against women.

"I must also ask, WHY are you defending females like this ?"

Well, it is just to point out that policies specific to women and girls make a difference in a society. Not sure that I would characterize it as "defending" them, but if one needs a reason, then I'll paraphrase Mitt Romney in stating "women are people too, my friend".

As for violence statistics, the ratio of male/female violence is all over the chart. One concrete stat that is indicative and agrees with your point about men being stronger, BTW, is that women suffer injuries from domestic violence at a much higher rate than men - 65% to 35%.

The point from the PM relies on the fact that statistically women are less violent and aggressive than men. That is generally accepted and shown in research and studies to be the case.

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