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Thai PM Stresses Thailand Is Good Place For Investment


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Not grumbling about it, as frankly as long as I can achieve what I want to here, I really do not give a fig about the huge businesses around the world, who having dished out millions in black money, get stuffed by the Thais. It's their country and we are guests, and if they chose to remain in 3rd world status through their protectionist attitudes then that is their concern.

And for those who like me believe Yingluck is a cutie, go to 40m.40s on the video to see her talking dirty.

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With the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook on the same panel, it was disappointing that Yingluck didn't use the opportunity to bolster world understanding of her government's harassment of Facebook users and restrictions that Thailand places on the use of that company.

If anybody had ever wondered about the expression "anal rententive", look no further.

An obsessive who dislikes Yingluck - confirmed by hundreds and hundreds of posts with the same message - just can't bear to see her make a successful appearence on behalf of Thailand.

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We have "measures" , everything is under control, we are reshuffling now as we speak, Thailand remains a "hub", we have been removed from the terrorist alert on the US embassy web site, Chinese tourists are coming back in droves, we have declared "friendship" with Palestine and now recognize them, we have no fight with muslims and they promised not to do any bombs in Thailand, there are only 5,000 plus deaths in the insurrection in the muslim south, our Arab community controlling the Soi 3 area right near Bumrungrad Hospital is very happy with our progress, and we have great airport security , just ask our PAD leaders.

For all these reasons, you should see Thailand as a fabulous place to invest. There are no swindles, no corruption, virtually no crime that goes unsolved. Why just today we announced the capture of a never before reported story of an Indian currency trader being robbed of 50 million baht. Our English press is fair and objective and provides comprehensive detailed news and opinion. They follow up on every story and check facts meticulously. You may have read also that I have just appointed a US "blacklisted" business woman to Office Minister. She has only "facilitated" illegal gem, banking, and real estate deals with the Zimbabwe government and not actually "engaged" in these transactions. Everyone in the room loves Robert Mugabe right?

And rest assured, our former PM my older brother, who was removed by a military coup and who is on the run outside Thailand from charges of fraud and securities manipulation, is still pulling the strings on whatever issue we make an announcement about. The military promises that there will be no coup, and therefore, I will see you all in Davos again next year and wish you all good luck with your investments in Thailand.

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With the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook on the same panel, it was disappointing that Yingluck didn't use the opportunity to bolster world understanding of her government's harassment of Facebook users and restrictions that Thailand places on the use of that company.

If anybody had ever wondered about the expression "anal rententive", look no further.

An obsessive who dislikes Yingluck - confirmed by hundreds and hundreds of posts with the same message - just can't bear to see her make a successful appearence on behalf of Thailand.

He does bring up a very valid point.

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If anybody had ever wondered about the expression "anal rententive", look no further.

An obsessive who dislikes Yingluck - confirmed by hundreds and hundreds of posts with the same message - just can't bear to see her make a successful appearence on behalf of Thailand.

An obsessive who dislikes Buchholz - confirmed by hundreds and hundreds of posts with the same message - just can't bear to see him deride the clowns who are the Shinawatra clan, such as her pathetic participation on behalf of Thailand at the WEF.


Edited by Buchholz
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With the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook on the same panel, it was disappointing that Yingluck didn't use the opportunity to bolster world understanding of her government's harassment of Facebook users and restrictions that Thailand places on the use of that company.

If anybody had ever wondered about the expression "anal rententive", look no further.

An obsessive who dislikes Yingluck - confirmed by hundreds and hundreds of posts with the same message - just can't bear to see her make a successful appearence on behalf of Thailand.

He does bring up a very valid point.

With this poster, that matters very little compared to the opportunity to flame another member once again.


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With the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook on the same panel, it was disappointing that Yingluck didn't use the opportunity to bolster world understanding of her government's harassment of Facebook users and restrictions that Thailand places on the use of that company.

If anybody had ever wondered about the expression "anal rententive", look no further.

An obsessive who dislikes Yingluck - confirmed by hundreds and hundreds of posts with the same message - just can't bear to see her make a successful appearence on behalf of Thailand.

He does bring up a very valid point.

The validity in relation to the agenda is to say the least questionable......but I suppose, yes, Yingluck is displaying excellent networking skills with neighbouring countries, and on the world stage......... rather overrides the faint sound of barrel scraping Edited by 473geo
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There's little to no assurances even if you're a big business. Just ask that German firm who built the tollway system what happened. The German government had to step in and force the issue of payment after more than a decade of being ignored. Take a look at Carlsberg as well as the current issues over DTAC. If you want to look at smaller businesses who got cheated do a search on that guy who owned the Turkey farm. C.P. came in and basically forced him out. There have been several joint foreign/Thai agribusiness investors who got screwed too. Some of them recently like the joint Taiwanese owned plantation.

There are a lot more stories out there.

Yeah true, I think any Asian country is in the mix, my business partner is my Thai son, I leave the running in Thai to him, i keep a low profile, mainly so we don't get ripped off with the Frang flow on effect.

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Friday at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland said that Thailand remained a good place for investment, as it was a centre of and gateway to the region.

awwww, c'mon Yingluck.... you know you want to say it....

Thailand is the "hub" of good investments.

*look forward to the youtubes of her speeches... particularly the "keynote" address* ..


Amazingly miraculous hub of hubs. Believe It, Or Not

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There's little to no assurances even if you're a big business. Just ask that German firm who built the tollway system what happened. The German government had to step in and force the issue of payment after more than a decade of being ignored. Take a look at Carlsberg as well as the current issues over DTAC. If you want to look at smaller businesses who got cheated do a search on that guy who owned the Turkey farm. C.P. came in and basically forced him out. There have been several joint foreign/Thai agribusiness investors who got screwed too. Some of them recently like the joint Taiwanese owned plantation.

There are a lot more stories out there.

Not to mention they still owe Canada for the loan on the BTS in Bangkok.

I think you got your facts mixed up there.... The BTS is owned by a Japanese company... with no debts..

The BTS is still in over B40 billion to B80 Billion in debt depending on who you believe.

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra on Friday at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland said that Thailand remained a good place for investment, as it was a centre of and gateway to the region.

awwww, c'mon Yingluck.... you know you want to say it....

Thailand is the "hub" of good investments.

*look forward to the youtubes of her speeches... particularly the "keynote" address* ..


Amazingly miraculous hub of hubs. Believe It, Or Not

Considering recent events, the PM clone must be referring to gateway for terrorists to stage bombings, either locally or to other countries.

Edited by z12
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This says a lot ...

Thai Prince's plane seized in Germany... OFFICIALS say a plane being used by Thailand's Crown Prince Vajiralongkorn has been impounded in Germany as part of a long-running battle over payments for a building project in Thailand. Source

http://www.theaustra...y-1226094197681 Also look what happened to carlsberg beer a few years back too .. No Thanks

Edited by nicky1982
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I like this country, stay here for years, used to have a blind eye on many things. Good food, cheap life, good experience for someone who low profile...

But when it comes to investments, I never saw any good one unless it make money on tourists regarding bars, restaurants, guesthouses.

If anything is this country for hubs its more likely the hub of drug gangs, hub of corruption, hub of sex tourists, hub of fake products, hub of scams and ripoffs more than hub of investments for foreigners...

They have lightyears to learn from other countries about investments and dont think anything will change until this sick society goes on.

Eliminate corruption, create a technocrat government, reconciliate the issues between political parties, create a better and bigger middle class (at the moment there is nearly only richs and poors), get rid the sex tourists and welcome foreigners with better visas, investment opportunities. It will surely will develop the country and help to create better living conditions for the masses. But it's all is like a dream and never will happened because the problem with the mentality here... Goodluck with Yingluck or whatever...

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Yingluck's speech reminds me of a carnival hawker, trying to attract suckers investors to sink capital into Thailand which she knows full well that they will lose. Either through graft, corruption, theft or murder. The cardinal rule applies, never invest more in Thailand than you are willing to walk away from at any time. Same holds true in many SEA countries.

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There's little to no assurances even if you're a big business. Just ask that German firm who built the tollway system what happened. The German government had to step in and force the issue of payment after more than a decade of being ignored. Take a look at Carlsberg as well as the current issues over DTAC. If you want to look at smaller businesses who got cheated do a search on that guy who owned the Turkey farm. C.P. came in and basically forced him out. There have been several joint foreign/Thai agribusiness investors who got screwed too. Some of them recently like the joint Taiwanese owned plantation.

There are a lot more stories out there.

lol CP didn't do anything to the turkey farmer, that guy was just an idiot and everything was owned by his wife. It's not CP's fault the guy was a fool and screwed by his 'wife'. The german tollway firm only owned less than 10% of a concession to RUN a tollway, when the parent company went bankrupt the creditors didn't want to wait for a return on their investment and sought to liquidate everything using legal means to immediately get their money rather than wait two decades. They were being payed through operating the tollway concession, there was no refusal to pay and they were compensated for the lower toll rate with an extension ofthe contract, the creditors just wanted it NOW as they did not want to operate a business. Neither of these are really good examples. And it's not like business back in America isn't just as cutthroat and willing to use lawyers, money, and sleazy means to get what they want.

the very reason why nobody should invest in thailand ,........you have just told us he got srewed by his wife ,.......and what nationality was she ??

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she was there to bolster investment and the Thailand brand

With the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook on the same panel, it was disappointing that Yingluck didn't use the opportunity to bolster world understanding of her government's harassment of Facebook users and restrictions that Thailand places on the use of that company.


Not disappointing to those able to accept there may have been slightly more important issues than facebook

not many more important than freedom of expression or freedom of speech is there ??,......... jeeeez !

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she was there to bolster investment and the Thailand brand

With the Chief Operating Officer of Facebook on the same panel, it was disappointing that Yingluck didn't use the opportunity to bolster world understanding of her government's harassment of Facebook users and restrictions that Thailand places on the use of that company.


Not disappointing to those able to accept there may have been slightly more important issues than facebook

not many more important than freedom of expression or freedom of speech is there ??,......... jeeeez !

You could chop facebook today and there are still loads of platforms for freedom of speech......rather unfortunately in some cases.
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You could chop facebook today and there are still loads of platforms for freedom of speech......rather unfortunately in some cases.

Is that the Pol Pot-yard stick? Unless every sole venue of speech is blocked it is still in your eyes 'free' and no actions is of concern?

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"Thai PM Stresses Thailand Is Good Place For Investment"

If you like losing your investment, the only economy that thrives in thailand is the black market economy, funding the police on up to the top politicians. Even Greek bonds would be a better investment than Thailand.

Edited by z12
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You could chop facebook today and there are still loads of platforms for freedom of speech......rather unfortunately in some cases.

Is that the Pol Pot-yard stick? Unless every sole venue of speech is blocked it is still in your eyes 'free' and no actions is of concern?

In my experience Thai people have little difficulty getting their message across without facebook..........it might suit you to disagree, it might suit you to put meaning to my words that is not there, it apparently does not suit you that the freedom of speech in Thailand has allowed for the election of Yingluck, and following her election, her invitation as PM to a prestigious world economic summit, where she did her job well in speaking in soft tones and with sincerity to promote Thailand
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You could chop facebook today and there are still loads of platforms for freedom of speech......rather unfortunately in some cases.

Is that the Pol Pot-yard stick? Unless every sole venue of speech is blocked it is still in your eyes 'free' and no actions is of concern?

I take it then that you missed the announcement from Twitter on Friday?

Twitter announced on Friday it will allow foreign governments to censor tweets within their own countries."As we continue to grow internationally, we will enter countries that have different ideas about the contours of freedom of expression. Some differ so much from our ideas that we will not be able to exist there. Others are similar but, for historical or cultural reasons, restrict certain types of content, such as France or Germany, which ban pro-Nazi content." Until now, the only way Twitter could block content was by deleting it entirely. The new policy allows it to block users in specific countries from seeing certain tweets."Starting today, we give ourselves the ability to reactively withhold content from users in a specific country — while keeping it available in the rest of the world," Twitter wrote.

Source multiple newsfeeds

Now, the question that then arises, what exactly is the issue about Facebook in Thailand that sets it apart from the restrictions other countries have on Facebook? And then there is this announcement from Twitter. Do you plan on blaming Thailand for that as well?

It is not that I disagree with your position that broad censorship raises a bunch of issues, including freedom of speech. I understand your fundamental point, and I do agree with some of your sentiment. However, the Thai approach to Facebook is really no different that Thai Visa's rules in respect to the discussion of certain subjects. Why are you angry at the Thai government on this issue? It has tried to address the LM law but was met with significant resistance from some political groups and the military. Shouldn't you be wagging a finger at those vested interests, rather than the government that wishes to make some changes? Seems to me that your anger is misdirected.

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473geo and GK>> i'm sorry, I was under the impression that all actions against free speech was bad. You two seem to talk from some other kind of perspective. Making excuses of one by pointing at another [bad] set of news etc. Doesn't make anything better in my book.

To make the point clear and avoid misdirection: I object to any actions that limit and prohibit freedom of speech, no-matter what groups, countries or business that are behind it.

Edited by TAWP
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"Thai PM Stresses Thailand Is Good Place For Investment"

If you like losing your investment, the only economy that thrives in thailand is the black market economy, funding the police on up to the top politicians. Even Greek bonds would be a better investment than Thailand.

Thailand exported US$229 billion worth of goods last year, up 17% from the previous year, and that is even with a massive flood wiping out a lot of exports for the last 2 months of the year. Exports have been growing rapidly for years. Sounds like there is a pretty healthy non black economy going on.

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473geo and GK>> i'm sorry, I was under the impression that all actions against free speech was bad. You two seem to talk from some other kind of perspective. Making excuses of one by pointing at another [bad] set of news etc. Doesn't make anything better in my book.

To make the point clear and avoid misdirection: I object to any actions that limit and prohibit freedom of speech, no-matter what groups, countries or business that are behind it.

I accept these days there will be elements of 'control' in most things I do........I like Thailand, it allows me to experience a simple life outside the tramlines. Edited by 473geo
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We have "measures" , everything is under control, we are reshuffling now as we speak, Thailand remains a "hub", we have been removed from the terrorist alert on the US embassy web site, Chinese tourists are coming back in droves, we have declared "friendship" with Palestine and now recognize them, we have no fight with muslims and they promised not to do any bombs in Thailand, there are only 5,000 plus deaths in the insurrection in the muslim south, our Arab community controlling the Soi 3 area right near Bumrungrad Hospital is very happy with our progress, and we have great airport security , just ask our PAD leaders.

For all these reasons, you should see Thailand as a fabulous place to invest. There are no swindles, no corruption, virtually no crime that goes unsolved. Why just today we announced the capture of a never before reported story of an Indian currency trader being robbed of 50 million baht. Our English press is fair and objective and provides comprehensive detailed news and opinion. They follow up on every story and check facts meticulously. You may have read also that I have just appointed a US "blacklisted" business woman to Office Minister. She has only "facilitated" illegal gem, banking, and real estate deals with the Zimbabwe government and not actually "engaged" in these transactions. Everyone in the room loves Robert Mugabe right?

And rest assured, our former PM my older brother, who was removed by a military coup and who is on the run outside Thailand from charges of fraud and securities manipulation, is still pulling the strings on whatever issue we make an announcement about. The military promises that there will be no coup, and therefore, I will see you all in Davos again next year and wish you all good luck with your investments in Thailand.

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"Thai PM Stresses Thailand Is Good Place For Investment"

If you like losing your investment, the only economy that thrives in thailand is the black market economy, funding the police on up to the top politicians. Even Greek bonds would be a better investment than Thailand.

Thailand exported US$229 billion worth of goods last year, up 17% from the previous year, and that is even with a massive flood wiping out a lot of exports for the last 2 months of the year. Exports have been growing rapidly for years. Sounds like there is a pretty healthy non black economy going on.

Not for the farang investors, which is who she is trying to appeal to. The only farang investors that do well here are the triad and the yakuza. It also appears the terrorists are doing a booming business as well. So, unless you are a farang in one of those 3 categories, there is no reason to invest here.

Edited by z12
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