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After the shock and awe that was the Chiang Mai Nazi style 'school parade' (not that they were adherents of Nazi ideology, I think ,,,), I got to thinking if there were any Right Wing Associations for farang only here. NOT that I'd want to join any. I know there are Freemasons, who aren't known for their 'left' leanings, but I have a neighbour who drives his car with a Cross of St George sticker on it. A charmless bastard who, together with his equally sadistic Thai wife, gets his jollies from beating shit out of his dogs, (can see any 'lefties' subscribing to that kind of behaviour).

Anyway. Are there any? And, being far from where the usual right wing agendas are implemented Immigration (oh, could be here too), Welfare, well don't have to worry about that too much here etc, why would they bother?

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The Cross of Saint George is the English National Flag. I hope you agree that it is entirely coincidental that he is a charmless bastard! Nor should it be interpreted as a symbol of right wing views, at least no more so than the Scottish Saltire, the Welsh Dragon, the Irish Tricolour or indeed the Stars and Stripes!

I'd be more concerned about the farangs driving motorcycles wearing those WW2 style fake German Army helmets - especially one or two I've seen with certain insignia on them.

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Just have to read the Jokes section in this website to see that racism is thriving in our midst.

Concur wholeheartedly with JAG as well; The cross you are referring to is the English flag and to use it as an example of right wing / fascist style behaviour is absurd as well as frankly insulting.

Shouldn't be surprising, should it?

As these particular political ideologies and identities have their origins and birthplace within a European mindset - this would include the modern day corporatism, which some might contend is an extension of most all establishment circles.


‘silsburyhill’ not…I’ve no doubt that you care, but you not only lost me but also go on my bad side with your comment about the; ‘Cross of St George’ That sort of ‘bed wetting’ liberal thinking is the same that handed the UJJ over to the national front!

It would appear in your eye’s merely sporting the cross of St George makes a person right wing….Well….Am I right…or wrong?


I’m sure that there are some extreme rightists among us.

Sooner or later they always show up. Only requires to the right sorts of topics to bring them to the surface.

Problem is that many of these Nazi groups have adopted the Cross of St George and the Union Jack as their own and now the flags have become synonymous for these groups. It`s all been a rather clever manipulation of the symbols that represent our national heritage, made to signify something completely different.

I dare say that our silsburyhill`s neighbour could well be a member of some right wing association or is a supporter of one.

I mean, there are all kinds of other foreign crap living in Thailand, so why not Nazis.

Lets see how many this thread brings crawling out of the woodwork? The countdown begins now.


Supposed "right-wing" Farang factions here.

They would fit right in, as the nature of the ruling elite establishment has always been favoured by these identities...historically.


The original post got me to thinking, after reading about the charmless bastard and his equally sadistic Thai wife beating their dogs. The comment he couldn't see any lefties doing that made me think of a few lefties that have done it to people, such as Mao, Stalin,Hitler, Pol Pot etc where they were lefties and put down millions of people. I guess people aren't as good as dogs. (although I know a great many good dogs in comparison to good people) :)


The original post got me to thinking, after reading about the charmless bastard and his equally sadistic Thai wife beating their dogs. The comment he couldn't see any lefties doing that made me think of a few lefties that have done it to people, such as Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot etc where they were lefties and put down millions of people. I guess people aren't as good as dogs. (although I know a great many good dogs in comparison to good people) smile.png


Yes, spot the odd one out? Or is this a spot the deliberate mistake quiz?


The original post got me to thinking, after reading about the charmless bastard and his equally sadistic Thai wife beating their dogs. The comment he couldn't see any lefties doing that made me think of a few lefties that have done it to people, such as Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot etc where they were lefties and put down millions of people. I guess people aren't as good as dogs. (although I know a great many good dogs in comparison to good people) smile.png


Yes, spot the odd one out? Or is this a spot the deliberate mistake quiz?

What is so difficult to understand about "National Socialism" ?


It's ironically humurous, though distressing as well, that the BNP and other 'british' extreme right organisations are predominantly English (and, I think, anti-celtic in their opinions) and yet they use our national flag, and NOT the cross of St George.

And equally, I suppose, the Huns as well,

I suppose that all we can do is make sure that we voice our own opinions clearly, where they differ, that we might not be presumed t give tacit support to such loonies that try to hijack our national symbols and our identity.

While I have some affection for him, not least as a class-mate (same year, anyway, if not same topic), I think Alex Salmond is the worst of them (though perhaps at the opposite end of the spectrum from the loonies previously mentioned).

I hope there is neither SNP chapter, nor Rangers or Celtic supporters' clubs here, though I fear in vain.

Interestingly enough, Sean Connery is particularly popular in Taiwan because of his espoused support for Scottish independence, and hence, by implication, for independence from the PRC



The original post got me to thinking, after reading about the charmless bastard and his equally sadistic Thai wife beating their dogs. The comment he couldn't see any lefties doing that made me think of a few lefties that have done it to people, such as Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot etc where they were lefties and put down millions of people. I guess people aren't as good as dogs. (although I know a great many good dogs in comparison to good people) smile.png


Yes, spot the odd one out? Or is this a spot the deliberate mistake quiz?

Hitlers' ideology was very similar to the communists at the time, thus the socialist tag in the party name.

Always makes me laugh when I see American White Power, Illinois Nazi types going on about Hitler, Nazism etc being the way to protect 'Americas freedom'.

Apart from their favourite bit, Nazi's where essentially communists.


As I give it deeper thought, I'm finding that we've been duped and manipulated for generations, for their advantage.

This fancy of a right-wing and left-wing segregation that has been put upon us and repeated time and again, still employs the twisted engeering that feeds their need to keep us of the dream state. An opposition is invented for our convenience.

Far be it for me to suggest, but chances are there truly isn't any difference of said fabricated political philosophies and ideologies, all, mind you, manufactured by and for the establishment of every distinction.

Yet, the redundancy of political extremes is fed towards us throughout our social standing, media, educational modem, and historiographical examinations.

  • Like 1

As I give it deeper thought, I'm finding that we've been duped and manipulated for generations, for their advantage.

This fancy of a right-wing and left-wing segregation that has been put upon us and repeated time and again, still employs the twisted engeering that feeds their need to keep us of the dream state. An opposition is invented for our convenience.

Far be it for me to suggest, but chances are there truly isn't any difference of said fabricated political philosophies and ideologies, all, mind you, manufactured by and for the establishment of every distinction.

Yet, the redundancy of political extremes is fed towards us throughout our social standing, media, educational modem, and historiographical examinations.

We sit in the stands while a never ending steam of clowns stream out of the little car.

While we are busy heatedly arguing about which clowns have the biggest feet and reddest noses, the ringmaster and the midgets are skillfully picking our pockets.

Outside the denizens of freak alley loot, rape and burn our country.

We never realize that the clowns are in fact identical in every respect and outside the big-top, ever more are lining up to pay to see the show...

  • Like 1


Interestingly enough, Sean Connery is particularly popular in Taiwan because of his espoused support for Scottish independence, and hence, by implication, for independence from the PRC


Oh yes.... him. Poster geriatric for the SNP. In the unusual event that Scotland becomes 'free', I wonder how long it will take him to rescind his Bahamian residence and drop his long overdue taxes in the Scottish coffers?


There are far larger right wing organisations in Europe (not the UK), America and all over the western world. It's just a shame that the British ones do a lot of travelling outside of the country want to purify. Being 1/4 jock I will say though that the depth of racism in Scotland taken on average far out weighs that in the rest of the Union (the real one, not this fly by night European Union).

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Still can`t see how this is Thai related?

His neighbor here in Thailand has a St George cross on his car.....It's as least as LOS related as the 70 post sock thread..

This has probably been asked and answered a million times but why don't TV have a genuine open general subforum?

It seems odd that you can come here and meet new people whom you may enjoy bantering with, but if the subject isn't Thailand or one of the selected international news stories (which have nothing to do with Thailand) then you either forego the discussion or have it elsewhere.

I mean, the community is the source of most of the content, so you would like to keep the community actively engaged on the site I would think...

Maybe give posters an OT thread quota..

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‘silsburyhill’ not…I’ve no doubt that you care, but you not only lost me but also go on my bad side with your comment about the; ‘Cross of St George’ That sort of ‘bed wetting’ liberal thinking is the same that handed the UJJ over to the national front!

It would appear in your eye’s merely sporting the cross of St George makes a person right wing….Well….Am I right…or wrong?

‘silsburyhill’ not…I’ve no doubt that you care, but you not only lost me but also go on my bad side with your comment about the; ‘Cross of St George’ That sort of ‘bed wetting’ liberal thinking is the same that handed the UJJ over to the national front!

It would appear in your eye’s merely sporting the cross of St George makes a person right wing….Well….Am I right…or wrong?

Haha! Why is it all you neocon <deleted> call suggest those who dislike their ideology (read agenda), cue cliche 'wet their beds'?

And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a rightwing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?

So yes, you're wrong.


Knew a guy in BKK who would carry a thick ass copy of Mein Kampf around BKK. A pretty bitter former Austalian postie in his mid 30s. He had a fixation on keeping his place super.duper tidy! Everything had to be in its proper place. Weird man! He alsoshowed hints of latent homosexuality.... :)


[sic]...right wing organisations....all over the western world. It's just a shame that the British ones do a lot of travelling outside of the country want to purify.

The European/Western powers have been promoting these activities for centuries.

Imperialism and colonialism still have a reflective value as to what is found throughout their "home countries".

Regardless of these contemporary political factions that exist, keep them at home.

Don't need to export such very domestic philosophies to the non-Western world.


@Beetlejuice - maybe because a lot of those who wave a flag to cover their inadequacies live here?

All of the ideologies from the far right wing groups are, in a mixed up way, part and parcel of average Thai attitudes, although the target is not based on colour of skin, but on being "non-Thai". Look at what the BNP etc actually want?

  • British people above all others (well, that's in the Thai anthem I believe, and ingrained into every law and practice there is here)
  • If you come to our country, you are a guest, work hard, don't complain, don't expect any favours, and you have limited rights (umm, pretty much how life a Farang in Thailand is if you do everything legally)

So to the OP, I would say, yes, there is a Right Wing Group in Thailand. It's called Thailand.

  • Like 1

Still can`t see how this is Thai related?

Still can`t see how this is Thai related?

It pertains to certain groups of expats in Thailand and their still retaining their racist identities/neurosis in a country which is not concerned with them and which they can do nothing about in said adopted country - no vote, for instance, and so is 'Thai related'.

Or would you prefer I start yet another thread on sinsod or where to buy spectacles?


@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

  • Like 1

@Beetlejuice - maybe because a lot of those who wave a flag to cover their inadequacies live here?

All of the ideologies from the far right wing groups are, in a mixed up way, part and parcel of average Thai attitudes, although the target is not based on colour of skin, but on being "non-Thai". Look at what the BNP etc actually want?

  • British people above all others (well, that's in the Thai anthem I believe, and ingrained into every law and practice there is here)
  • If you come to our country, you are a guest, work hard, don't complain, don't expect any favours, and you have limited rights (umm, pretty much how life a Farang in Thailand is if you do everything legally)

So to the OP, I would say, yes, there is a Right Wing Group in Thailand. It's called Thailand.

@Beetlejuice - maybe because a lot of those who wave a flag to cover their inadequacies live here?

All of the ideologies from the far right wing groups are, in a mixed up way, part and parcel of average Thai attitudes, although the target is not based on colour of skin, but on being "non-Thai". Look at what the BNP etc actually want?

  • British people above all others (well, that's in the Thai anthem I believe, and ingrained into every law and practice there is here)
  • If you come to our country, you are a guest, work hard, don't complain, don't expect any favours, and you have limited rights (umm, pretty much how life a Farang in Thailand is if you do everything legally)

So to the OP, I would say, yes, there is a Right Wing Group in Thailand. It's called Thailand.

I might add that during my numerous wanderings around the planet, I've encountered the 'expat' to be the most rabidly right wing, whilst those of us 'passing through' prefer to keep an open mind.

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Field Marshall/Premier Plaek Phibun Songkhram of the 1930's and 1940's Siam/Thailand was a deep romantic of contemporary Fascism. Such contradictory policies, as they applied to Thai culture, were greatly implemented throughout the society.

Would be of great interest to those who might not be familiar with this brief segment of contemporary Thai history.


@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

@Silsburyhill - "And yes, 'sporting' (how quaint) the symbol of the Cross of St George does a right wing dick make. League of St George ring any bells?". I am a Rugby man. I sport the Cross of St George as it is my flag. I am not right wing. I am not a racist. I have 3 lovely unbeaten dogs. It is my flag. Your generalisation of a complete culture and nationality makes you no better than the right wing waste of genetics you were complaining about in the first place.

Um, believe you should re read my post, or you're thinking confused. Where do I refer to any particular nationality (there are expats of many nationalities here, and only time I'd ever seen those few 'sporting (how quaint)' the Cross of St George in England were the BNP, and mercenaries), and any 'generalisation of a 'complete culture'?


If you saw me in the street then you will assume the same then? My point is valid and it stands. You are making an assumption on a nation based on ill formed and narrow views.

I have short cropped hair, because I am balding and men with combeovers are sad, and it keeps my head cool. I am a big lump, but never hit anything or anyone off of a rugby park. I wear a cross of st george on some of my clothes because they are rugby clothes for my country.

Maybe we hang out in different places with a different class of people.

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