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Bout Of 'Flu


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I am feeling thoroughly miserable and am just inquiring whether there are many others or others you may have heard of who are suffering from 'flu. My symptoms - aches in the joints, headaches, hot with a temperature of 37.8C, started on Wednesday night and have been with me since. During the night I sweated quite a lot, so I thought I might be on the mend, but this morning I have an "attractive" dose of spots and a rash on my face. I'm just lying low and drinking plenty of water. Taking nurofen occasionally. Rather hoping I'm getting to the end of it - it leaving me, rather than me leaving the planet!

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Most likely not the flu and perhaps more serious. Symptoms to look out for which may mean that you have a different and more severe illness include:

  • Rash - in particular if dark red spots develop that do not fade when pressed.
  • Stiff neck - particularly if you cannot bend your neck forward.
  • A headache that becomes worse and worse.
  • Dislike of bright lights - if you need to shut your eyes and turn away from the light.

As previous poster mentioned if you are well enough to spend time on the internet your time may be better spent at the doctors office.

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Early January I had some kind of flu virus. Started off with aches everywhere, headache, feeling like death etc. But then it developed into a cold and a cough - one of the worse I have had in years. I didn't get no rash on my face though... That doesn't sound very flu-like to me.

Hope you feel better soon, whatever it is!

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As much as I may not have appreciated it at the time - I want to say thanks to those of you who goaded me to go and see the doctor, which I finally did on Monday. Frankly, I wasn't feeling well enough to go before that. Like you, my doctor was most concerned about the rash, and after blood tests which were negative to 'flu and dengue fever, she hospitalised me. I have only just returned home. The test results for measles, which she and her colleagues think it is, have not yet returned. But indeed, I have all the characteristics and symptoms of measles. The rash has moved from my face and is now largely on my torso and legs. The physical experience was very painful, (especially headaches and swollen lymphs below my ears).

The surprise is of course how I may have acquired the virus, as I'm a 54 year male, fit, and I had measles as a child. (The latter I gather does not provide lifelong immunity). But I think my immune system may have been low, and this may be a virulent strain.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Sheryl. I thought I had measles as a child, but my brother tells me I did not. I had the full HIV test, and I am negative, so I think I was just unlucky, and thankfully I am fully recovered now. I have to say my confidence was quite jolted, as I thought of myself as fit and invincible. The measles was pretty horrid and it lasted quite a long time, and recovery too. I hope I will not be troubled by it again.

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