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What'S With The Yellow Haired Falang Kids Selling Fruit?

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I have not said anything about them being superior or inferior due to them looking 'different' to the general population. There is a big different between noticing someone looks 'different' then saying or thinking that they are inferior because of it.

This has got nothing to do with what we have been talking about anyway, grab a dictionary if you really care and stop trying to make an argument by changing the subject.

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No arguement from me, more of a discussion, but as a former journalist you should no 'racism' is about treating people differently because of their race. Not inherently to do with considering them inferior.

And it really is 'on topic' as you don't seem to share the same feelings towards the tens of Thai children you see doing the same thing every day.

Even your topic title 'fair haired white foreigner kids' reflects this race issue.


Good to hear as discussions are much more fun then arguments!

It's a good point you make luddite and it would be interesting to discuss it in more detail (but on another thread!). Just one point, I did say superior or inferior which really covers just about everything right?

I mean if I had to point out one person out of a group of 50 by describing them and that one person just happened to be Asian while the rest were not there is nothing racist in me simply saying ;the one with an Asian appearance' as opposed to saying 'the female who is about 5ft with straight black hair and brown eyes wearing a blue tee shirt'. I am not implying anything - just that noticed that they appeared to be Asian. Anyway..... carry on! :)


If those kids have an European passport the best would be to contact their embassy. In most European countries you have an obligation to send your kids to school and it'a not legal to make them work. If the father can't take care of them, I'm sure they have a social service that can take care of them. If these kids can have the chance to have a proper education, they should not miss this chance, so many kids don't have this chance.

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It is not really any of your business though is it? Do you post about it on a forum when you see a Thai kid selling fruit on the street... If they seem happy then leave them alone. Posting their pictures and home address GPS co-ordinates on the internet is potentially just as dangerous for them and actually quite wrong. If you concerns are for these kids then I suggest you remove them from your website.

I think you will notice that I did not start this thread and had nothing to do with it. I wrote about it in a personal blog that some people chose to read.

I agree with you about the GPS co-ordinates which were posted anonymously by someone else which I had forgotten all about. I have since deleted them.

Yes, fair enough, it's your blog and you are entitled to write about whatever you like. Good to see you have deleted their personal details from the comments section though. :)


I would hope that everyone here would like the following to happen to any child in any country in the world.

: They are safe

: They are not forced into work to the detriment of their education.

: They do not have to break the law at the request of their parents.

: They have a chance at a decent education

: That they have a loving Father and Mother

It would seem (and I base this on nothing but bits of information so could be totally wrong) that none of those five points currently are happening to the kids in question. Of course, this happens to kids all over the world but that does not stop me wishing it didn't happen or sometimes trying to make sure it doesn't. Is that so bad that I feel this way and care or is it bad that some people think it is a laugh and couldn't give a toss because 'we are in Thailand'.??

I really like the starfish story , based on a story by Loren Eiseley.

An old man had a habit of early morning walks on the beach. One day, after a storm, he saw a human figure in the distance moving like a dancer. As he came closer he saw that it was a young woman and she was not dancing but was reaching down to the sand, picking up a starfish and very gently throwing them into the ocean.

"Young lady," he asked, "Why are you throwing starfish into the ocean?"

"The sun is up, and the tide is going out, and if I do not throw them in they will die."

"But young lady, do you not realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfish all along it? You cannot possibly make a difference."

The young woman listened politely, paused and then bent down, picked up another starfish and threw it into the sea, past the breaking waves,

saying, "It made a difference for that one."

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...... they are talked about because they are different and therefore interesting. (This is not being racist like you tried to insinuate.) I am an ex journalist and I guess old habits die hard. I forgot about them for a while but when one of these expats emailed me the photos I thought I would follow up on my idea.

Different as in skin, eye and hair colour!

I would have thought that was the exact definition of racism?

That is hilarious...you fail to see the simplicity of stupidity.

And before you go dobbing on me again...dibber dobba...I am not calling you stupid, deserved or not.


No racism here. The main theme is trying to figure out if these kids have been abducted and if there are some devastated folks in Scandanavia missing these kids daily. The fact that they are here illegally on a tourist visa and being made to work 10 hours per day at ten years old and that they are free to do as they please at ten years old and do not attend school at ten years old or do not have access to proper medical care because they are here illegally is really secondary to the possible pain being felt by the folks who no longer have these 2 pre-teens in thier lives. Racism? Are you serious? I know 13 year old Thai kids cutting sugar 12 hours per day but I Don't know any Thai ten year olds who are running free like these children.

Mai ben rai. Right?


I also thank the OP for this interesting story, and I hope that those living near these children will be able to make some enquiries leading to positive changes. (helmets for starters?)

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I see these 2 in a market early mornings. They speak very good Issarn with the vendors. They seem to be friendly with one woman in particular. The boy always ' sings ' out of the carpark. Like most Issarn people they seem happy tho I have never seen them working.


I've met them a couple of times in Ubon.Around a year ago, Thai fruit vendors were telling me in front of our school to buy some food for them. I was actually asking the boy and his sister and I think they're Norwegian.

Never seen adults with them and they do go to restaurants/pubs now to sell fruits, peanuts,etc.....

I guess they do not have a visa any more and even speaking three languages doesn't make them to happy kids. Never saw them smiling though.

They don't go to school and I'm just wondering what they'll do-if not get killed in a road accident- later on. Ubon is pretty much dangerous driving on any type of vehicle,

Got a friend from the Tourist police and I'm wondering what he says about them. Will let you know soon. I believe an education in their home country would be more efficient than selling fruits at night. Cheers-jap.gif

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At least there are a few people making sense on this thread now! Cheers Sirchai. The tourist police would know about them for sure so will be interesting to hear what they say when you ask them.


Very good jurgenG, very good. People are always saying how they can't help the whole world, so they don't even try to help one single person. How moronic is that.


Why the over concern?

Yes, the oddity of peasant-appearing Farang might be a strange and eccentric sight here, but not worthy of anything but a curio.

Rather instinctive for us to gather shock, pitty, and dismay when the more than occasional story of the down-and-out Farang struggles, but turn an indifferent and blind eye towards our numerous Thai neighbors who share similar lifestyles.

Not sure where you come from brother but in my parts when some punk hits a woman or a kid that boy's got some instant explaining to do. This form of child abuse is even worse than physical abuse. I get the mai ben rai thing related to a 3rd world peasant being a 3rd world peasant but these kids have most likely been abducted by this deadbeat boy just to spite the falang mom. He obviously could care less about bringing up these kids. This is an extreme case of child abuse and there is most likely a devastated mother somewhere in North Europe crying over these kids daily.

No problem though, right?

<deleted>; there may even be a reward for their return and his arrest, if common decency is not a motivation for you.

Geea, my imagination thought the kids were abducted from Phuket after the Tsunami.

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I've met them a couple of times in Ubon.Around a year ago, Thai fruit vendors were telling me in front of our school to buy some food for them. I was actually asking the boy and his sister and I think they're Norwegian.

Never seen adults with them and they do go to restaurants/pubs now to sell fruits, peanuts,etc.....

I guess they do not have a visa any more and even speaking three languages doesn't make them to happy kids. Never saw them smiling though.

They don't go to school and I'm just wondering what they'll do-if not get killed in a road accident- later on. Ubon is pretty much dangerous driving on any type of vehicle,

Got a friend from the Tourist police and I'm wondering what he says about them. Will let you know soon. I believe an education in their home country would be more efficient than selling fruits at night. Cheers-jap.gif

K. Sirchai, please keep us informed. Thank you


I know a lot about these 2 kids.

Their father is from Denmark & has been in Thailand illegally for about 8 years. His wife died of cancer in Denmark & he came here with the 2 kids & lived in Soi Dao in Eastern Thailand with a local lady he met in Phuket. He is a real loser & drifts around Thailand staying ahead of the dumb authorities. He has sold everything he owned & relies on others for everything.

They went to the local schools & that is why they are fluent in Thai. He gets the kids to seel anything at any fair/carnival market etc.

The boy used to charge thb10 to let the locals touch his hair & fair skin.

I spoke to them many times & the boy was friends with the son of my wife. The girl was very shy but is obviously over that now, “survival of the strongest”. It is sad to see them like this, they were both lovely kids when I saw them 2 years ago.

Hope this clears up some questions


Thankyou robin pattaya for taking the time to post that.

Funny how the people who attacked those people who were concerned about these kids seem to have gone very quiet. I feel very sorry for these two children.


Thankyou robin pattaya for taking the time to post that.

Funny how the people who attacked those people who were concerned about these kids seem to have gone very quiet. I feel very sorry for these two children.

I started to write about self righteous & opinionate people but changed my mind in fear of giving those same people the forum to attack the members who are concerned about the welfare of those poor children



Thankyou robin pattaya for taking the time to post that.

Funny how the people who attacked those people who were concerned about these kids seem to have gone very quiet. I feel very sorry for these two children.

There is only so much you can say when a man shows excessive interest in another persons children.

We said it, we shut up. You read some other meaning into our actions, we explained it.


Throughout this thread MeMock has done nothing more than, along with the OP, express concern over the welfare of two foreign children in our community, two children who are, apparently, not brought up or cared for in the correct manner - be it Thai or Farang.

I personally applaud the fact that someone is out there who is prepared not just to keep his head in the sand but to address an issue of this nature which is exactly the purpose of an expat forum, not just immigration policies or availability of Cumberland sausages in Robinsons.




I've met one of them last evening in "our" restaurant.My friend from TP will contact him soon to check his Isaan speaking skills.... Please be aware that he's a good guy. Will keep you informed soon......jap.gif

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