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Pheu Thai MP Jatuporn: Lese Majeste A Pretext To Topple Govt By April


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I think its important to remind, that clownish as Jatuporn may seem, this are the same lies and liars that caused 91 people to die list year. There's nothing funny about it.

Jatuporn and his ilk, for all their talk about reconciliation keep their followers scared and angry, primed to spring into action when and where they may be needed to flex some muscle for the benefit of their power struggles.

Spot on. Every day on the red shirt channel they continually show scenes from the burn Bangkok campaign. They show the dead in the street, photos of the army with their rifles leveled at the crowd and then they cut to a clip of mothers and wives crying calling the government murderers. Last they show Thaksin in all his glory. It is constant hate messages. Of course they never show the reds shooting (which I have photos of) or them tourching any buildings. Jatuporn and his ilk are nothing but lying scum bags.

Always interested to see your photos of "the reds shooting". Care to share?

Dear ppd, you've been around a few years. Unless your memory starts to fail you there is no need to ask for more photo's. Just search this forum, yahoo/google a bit, look at youtube clips, ask our local expert NickNostritz, etc., etc. Oh and btw the topic is about Phue Thai parly list MP and UDD leader Jatuporn indicating the end of the world is near and a coup may come soon.

I have indeed but I'm always keen to see forum members "own" photographs - not stock photos that have done the rounds like those in Buchholzs library, but "real" photos and especially of red shirts firing at.........whoever.

This is mainly because they are rarer than hens teeth despite the hype. I have seen a stock photo of a guy presumably red shirt pointing a revolver over a road block, I have seen shadowy blurred pictures of presumably black shirt people kneeling down and aiming a rifle. I have seen several photos of red shirts carrying and waving in the air "liberated" army rifles. I have even seen a photo of a red shirt aiming a "pistol" that on closer inspection is clearly a camera.

But Red Shirts firing guns at whoever..............theres not many out there. Now I'm obviously not claiming that the Red Shirts (or someone on behalf of them were) weren't firing guns (obviously there was Sae Daengs man with the RPG, possibly the grenades and definitely the failed bomber who took himself and a couple of innocents out) but I would have expected to see a great deal more photos documenting this - and when a member claims he has photos like this, well, I'd like to see them for one. Otherwise I could claim to having a picture of Suthep going down on Abhisit and if nobody called me up on it, it could become folk law on this forum...........wai.gif

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Lese Majeste should not to discuss openly.

Please close this forum before some good Thai citizen call the police.

And the police MUST investigate if there is a complain. It is the law.

I think you will find that there is no law stopping discussion of LM laws.

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Deputy Agriculture Minister is Nattawut, not Jatuporn. Probably for the very first time I agree with a lot of what he says. As far as I am concerned he is still a loudmouth rabble-rouser though.

Lest you forget, the Nitirat group is not only for revising 112 but also a raft of other issues, some of which are not palatable to a certain group. However, rather than playing up the other issues, they spout on and on about 112 to stir up anti Nitirat feeling. In fact, I believe a lot of those claiming to be against touching 112 are indifferent about the matter, but the best way to avoid the other changes Nitirat is proposing is to focus on this issue alone.

So what are the other issues.

Amending the constitution as it applies to the monarchy, nullification of the 2006 coup, declare sections 36 and 37 of the constitution void, declare decisions of a number of courts and a tribunal void (particularly those resulting from the work of the Assets Examination Committee), etc. A certain person would benefit from some of these proposals should they come to fruition, while others (particularly members of the CDR) may be open to criminal action as the legitimacy of their previous actions would be voided.

As such, any support of Nitirat should be qualified. As far as I go, I simply support the idea that something needs to be done to address the situation where a particular law is being used in an unfair and abusive way, effectively gagging the populace through fear that they may become subject to false allegations under said law. Jatuporn's comments in this regard, I feel, are valid. However, I believe it was just luck and that the infinite monkey theorem applies here. He spouts so much rubbish that eventually he is likely to get something right, no matter how unintentionally.

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