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Are Crumpets Available In Thailand?


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I have this massive urge for hot crumpets with some melted butter... However I have never seen any available anywhere in Thailand.

Has anyone else seen anywhere that sells crumpets? Especially in the Bangkok area? I'm willing to go on a crumpets mission!

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They're in the freezer section of Villa.

...and very expensive

....and not very good either.

I make my own, they're very easy to make. Just flour, milk, yeast and a little salt and sugar - wait half an hour, then cook in a ring on a pan, simple.

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Thanks to theseahorse to make the suggestion of cooking the crumpets at home - That is just what I did.

Expencive or no - despite all kinds of bakery products being available in Chiang Mai, I have never seen crumpets.

If you do give this a try - really it is very simple. A couple of things. I used the Delai Smith recipe which was very easy. You can view this online. The instant yeast that I had in my house was past its sell-by date so worthwhile getting a new bag.. Ensure enough time for the yeast to start to ferment and froth in the milk and water. Also further time for the dough to rise.

Keep a close eye on the heat beneath the frying pan so that the outsides do not burn and the insides cook sufficiently. I discarded the first couple and then got less ambitios with the amount of batter tha I put into each egg cooking ring.

Good luck!

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You can also use tuna cans with the top and bottom removed and (obviously) well washed as crumpet rings.

Yes. That is a good idea SBK. But either have to have a good pair of tongs or asbestos fingers to pick the cans up. The good thing about crumpet (egg) rings is the little wooden handle on them

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  • 2 months later...

The Villa ones are also often mouldy.....expensive with free mould.

Make sure they don't realize that are giving out something for free or you are going to get charged for the extra!

That's SOP for Thailand, just check how much are you paying for a supposedly "free extra" in whatever you buy

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I like crumpets too...(aka 'english muffins')



englishmen in a bar in SE Asia: 'a bit of that brown crumpet would do, wot?...'...the americans: 'I'm gonna plug that one and her friend...whaddaya say?...'

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I like crumpets too...(aka 'english muffins')



englishmen in a bar in SE Asia: 'a bit of that brown crumpet would do, wot?...'...the americans: 'I'm gonna plug that one and her friend...whaddaya say?...'

English Muffins and crumpets and completely different things. An English muffin is a type of bread (goes under your Eggs Benadict), whereas a crumpet is made from a batter mix (like a pancake mix, but with yeast in). The Aussie Drop Scone is similar to a crumpet but is a thicker batter and doesn't need a mould to shape it.

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  • 1 month later...

Crumpets are not muffins.

Crumpets are better than muffins.

A bit of crumpet is better than a crumpet.

I quite enjoy muffin


Both are good smile.png

hey...I just finished a 'Harry Potter' novel in an American edition and it had been edited to read that Harry and his friends were toasting 'english muffins' over a fire...I never did see the UK edition but you get what I'm talkin' about?

I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about with the movie syndication and all...and I haveta admit that JK Rowland spins a good yarn in a way that kids can read easily and enjoy...

btw, has anyone seen these in thai language translation? I was down the local bookstore and found a copy of Crime and Punishment in thai translation but no Harry Potter and I want the kids to read more...

Edited by tutsiwarrior
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