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I'M Sick - High Fever (99.8), Whole Body Aches, The "Runs"


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All started at 6a.m. this morning (Mon). For two hours, 15 bathroom sits - I'm totally cleaned out.

Felt/feel bad all day and now in to the night. Just checked temp (100.6). Only ate small bag of chips and a pepsi all day long - not hungry.

I know this may be the flu???

What choices/best:

Go to McCormick

Go to Rajevej

See Dr. Morgan

Self care ( if this, what should I do/take (medications) besides drink liquids and get some rest?

Should I wait till morning?

Thanks all for your thoughts.

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"Whole body aches"? The first thing that springs to mind is Dengue Fever. The Thai government has just warned that it is going to be bad this year. It is probably just the flu, but if you feel really bad, you should check it out with somebody.

IMO Ram is the fastest and most convienient and if you are not hospitalized, it should be fairly cheap, but if you are really sick, you should probably see somebody.


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Whatever you do, don't go looking for advice on the internet. By midnight, you'll have found out you 'have' AIDS, Malaria, Hepatitis (all of them) and a strange disease only previously seen in Somalia. edit: And Dengue Fever.

Get to the shop, buy lots of water and 10 sachets of ENO (10B a pack, to replace salts etc, it tastes of metal and salt, excellent stuff).

But I must repeat, don't look for advice on the internet. You've got AIDS.

Edited by naboo
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Sounds similar symptoms to some friends who were here last week. They have returned to the UK and it has been narrowed down to either Dengue fever or H1N1.

At least out here medics are quite used to both these, but key advice is to get yourself checked out by someone who knows what they are doing asap. Ram probably best bet. No sense in messing about if you are truly sick.

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Isn't ENO for heartburn and similar stomach upsets? I think you mean rehydration salts? (Kluea Rae in Thai, or Gatorade/M Sport, etc.)

Don't get ENO. That's for something else. Get the stuff WTK mentioned. They sell them in packets at every pharmacy and contain stuff like Citric Acid Anhydrous, Glucose Monohydrate, Potassium Chloride, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Citrate Dihydrate. Drink lots of water. See a doctor tomorrow.

Regarding where to go: Rajavej, McCormick, RAM, Dr. Morgan. Any of them will help you. If you still have a fever tomorrow, by all means go somewhere.

Edited by elektrified
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"Whole body aches"? The first thing that springs to mind is Dengue Fever. .

I had Dengue about 10 years ago. Body really ached, high fever, upper body rash. Then it subsided, but returned 24 hours later and I was hospitalised for several days. It's certainly something I don't want again. However, I don't recall having 15 bathroom sits or anything unusual in that area. Sounds more like food poisoning or something related.

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I had dengue fever a year ago ( spent 3 days in San Paulo Hospital Hua Hin) 1 of the first symptoms is a permanent headache for days which no pill will shift then comes the fever/dizzy spells etc.

6 days ago I got a really bad fever and thought it was dengue again, fever went really quickly but still had whole body ache for 2 days but worse was I had the 'runs' for 4 days and bad stomach cramps. Going to the toilet 8/9 times every, and I mean every, hour. Drank only water, no eating, but was still going. Went to hospital and they said it was food poisoning. Gave me a few pills and I started eating again yesterday although with slight stomach pain and going for a poo wasn't normal. Today I'm right as rain. Might be similar?

note I'm not a Dr. and it never hurts to get checked out. Catch it early, stop it early.

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Well, it's the first day, moderately high fever (that's 38 degrees in the civilized world) and a bit of diarrhea.

So take Parcetamol, rehydration salts, activated carbon and if it doesn't get worse then he'll be just fine. If it does get worse, or things stay the same for more than a day or 2-3 then I'd still visit a hospital then.

I had something similar on Monday last week, after eating a hamburger purchased from a road-side vendor that had then spent two days in the fridge. (Tip: don't do that.) That featured expelling stuff from both ends; really fun. Next day I was back to 80% and back to work, day after that 100%.

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Well, it's the first day, moderately high fever (that's 38 degrees in the civilized world) and a bit of diarrhea.

So take Parcetamol, rehydration salts, activated carbon and if it doesn't get worse then he'll be just fine. If it does get worse, or things stay the same for more than a day or 2-3 then I'd still visit a hospital then.

I had something similar on Monday last week, after eating a hamburger purchased from a road-side vendor that had then spent two days in the fridge. (Tip: don't do that.) That featured expelling stuff from both ends; really fun. Next day I was back to 80% and back to work, day after that 100%.

It wasn't those Burgerlicious food carts was it? Those things are rancid, so much potassium nitrate in those the meat stays red even when you cook them.


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Well, it's the first day, moderately high fever (that's 38 degrees in the civilized world) and a bit of diarrhea.

So take Parcetamol, rehydration salts, activated carbon and if it doesn't get worse then he'll be just fine. If it does get worse, or things stay the same for more than a day or 2-3 then I'd still visit a hospital then.

I had something similar on Monday last week, after eating a hamburger purchased from a road-side vendor that had then spent two days in the fridge. (Tip: don't do that.) That featured expelling stuff from both ends; really fun. Next day I was back to 80% and back to work, day after that 100%.

It wasn't those Burgerlicious food carts was it? Those things are rancid, so much potassium nitrate in those the meat stays red even when you cook them.

No it wasn't. ;) I think it was the two days in the fridge followed by only minor warming up in the microwave that did it.

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Well, it's the first day, moderately high fever (that's 38 degrees in the civilized world) and a bit of diarrhea.

So take Parcetamol, rehydration salts, activated carbon and if it doesn't get worse then he'll be just fine. If it does get worse, or things stay the same for more than a day or 2-3 then I'd still visit a hospital then.

I had something similar on Monday last week, after eating a hamburger purchased from a road-side vendor that had then spent two days in the fridge. (Tip: don't do that.) That featured expelling stuff from both ends; really fun. Next day I was back to 80% and back to work, day after that 100%.

It wasn't those Burgerlicious food carts was it? Those things are rancid, so much potassium nitrate in those the meat stays red even when you cook them.

No it wasn't. wink.png I think it was the two days in the fridge followed by only minor warming up in the microwave that did it.

Deathwish or what?

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a very low possibility of Denge fever. It is quite rare in cities, in jungle - yes.

I was recentlysick also with a very high fever and body aches during 5 days! It's normal for a flue.

Only fever reduce pills helpful here, no antibiotics. Wait 5 days- that will gone.

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a very low possibility of Denge fever. It is quite rare in cities, in jungle - yes.

I was recentlysick also with a very high fever and body aches during 5 days! It's normal for a flue.

Only fever reduce pills helpful here, no antibiotics. Wait 5 days- that will gone.

Huh??? Quite rare in the cities??? That is utter nonsense. Dengue Fever carrying mosquitoes are everywhere in the city. Children get bit by them in schools in the center of the city. Adults get bit by them anywhere, anytime.

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a very low possibility of Denge fever. It is quite rare in cities, in jungle - yes.

I was recentlysick also with a very high fever and body aches during 5 days! It's normal for a flue.

Only fever reduce pills helpful here, no antibiotics. Wait 5 days- that will gone.

Huh??? Quite rare in the cities??? That is utter nonsense. Dengue Fever carrying mosquitoes are everywhere in the city. Children get bit by them in schools in the center of the city. Adults get bit by them anywhere, anytime.

I hadn't been out of the city for weeks when I got Dengue!

Maybe Malaria is uncommon in cities, but not Dengue..

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I suggest leaving the body alone. Whatever is irritating it, your body has already healed itself or is in its final stages of healing. Get plenty of rest, fast as long as possible from animal fats and processed foods. If you have a juicer, use it. If you dont, eat the friuts you like as much as possible. Clean drinking water (preferably distilled).

Consider clean water colin enema every other day. Use an enema bag or the bum gun directly if you are more experienced. If you have not done an enema in a while, aim for 3-5 gal, or 15 min of water into colin. Do not use the small saline solution enemas. The clean water enema bags that you fill yourself and can reuse is sufficient. Some come with coffee, no need for it.

Get out of your own way. This is the hard part, because you are already convinced you must do something. If you need something to entertain your mind, start practicing the 4 agreements.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

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a very low possibility of Denge fever. It is quite rare in cities, in jungle - yes.

I was recentlysick also with a very high fever and body aches during 5 days! It's normal for a flue.

Only fever reduce pills helpful here, no antibiotics. Wait 5 days- that will gone.

Huh??? Quite rare in the cities??? That is utter nonsense. Dengue Fever carrying mosquitoes are everywhere in the city. Children get bit by them in schools in the center of the city. Adults get bit by them anywhere, anytime.

AIIZ is correct. Dengue occurs everywhere, and is quite common.

Consider clean water colin enema every other day. Use an enema bag or the bum gun directly if you are more experienced.

Yeah, indeed you should be experienced, and/or gay. Not too easy to get the bum gun in, and then you need to remember to plug your ears or else you have some wall cleaning to do.

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I suggest leaving the body alone. Whatever is irritating it, your body has already healed itself or is in its final stages of healing. Get plenty of rest, fast as long as possible from animal fats and processed foods. If you have a juicer, use it. If you dont, eat the friuts you like as much as possible. Clean drinking water (preferably distilled).

Consider clean water colin enema every other day. Use an enema bag or the bum gun directly if you are more experienced. If you have not done an enema in a while, aim for 3-5 gal, or 15 min of water into colin. Do not use the small saline solution enemas. The clean water enema bags that you fill yourself and can reuse is sufficient. Some come with coffee, no need for it.

Get out of your own way. This is the hard part, because you are already convinced you must do something. If you need something to entertain your mind, start practicing the 4 agreements.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

Where can you get distilled water in Chiang Mai.

I have looked in all he major grocery stores and some of the drug stores.

Bootes drug store didn't even have a clue to what I was looking for.

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Where can you get distilled water in Chiang Mai.

I have looked in all he major grocery stores and some of the drug stores.

Bootes drug store didn't even have a clue to what I was looking for.

Dont sweat it. Clean drinking water is fine. Surprisingly, thailand is lacking in distilled water. usually it will speciically say distilled or steam distilled on bottle. penang, malaysia sold them all over, including 7-11.

Again, clean drinking water is fine. Big c and tesco have their store brand cheap. 7-11 has the "cooly fresh" green bottles. Or the big plastic water cooler jug water that thai people buy for 15 baht.

Dont sweat it.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

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Where can you get distilled water in Chiang Mai.

I have looked in all he major grocery stores and some of the drug stores.

Bootes drug store didn't even have a clue to what I was looking for.

Dont sweat it. Clean drinking water is fine. Surprisingly, thailand is lacking in distilled water. usually it will speciically say distilled or steam distilled on bottle. penang, malaysia sold them all over, including 7-11.

Again, clean drinking water is fine. Big c and tesco have their store brand cheap. 7-11 has the "cooly fresh" green bottles. Or the big plastic water cooler jug water that thai people buy for 15 baht.

Dont sweat it.

"2nd best time to plant a tree is today." Sent from ThaiVisa app.

Actually for myself I don't need it.

But I have a cpac machine and a oxygen concentrator that it is recommended for.

Normal drinking water has already eaten the plastic in one of them.

I now use water that goes into batteries.

Years ago I went on a three day fast and drank nothing but distilled water. At the time I was off work and loafing. It cleaned out a lot of the impurities in my system. My wife at the time said my eyes were just sparkling. That is a diet to be taken when you are idle as you do not produce so much waste.

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