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Two People Are Dead Because They Unfriended Woman On Facebook


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Two people are dead because they unfriended woman on Facebook


Marvin Potter, 60, (on the right), is in custody and is being charged with two counts of first degree murder. He is accused of having shot a couple that had both unfriended his 30-year-old daughter Jenelle on the social site Facebook,

Johnson County Sheriff Mike Reece said Wednesday.

Full story: http://www.nettechbl...an-on-facebook/

-- nettechblog.com 2012-02-10


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....it can't be as simple as reported.......it's just unbelievable.....

Sorry to say it can be that simple. My home in the US was not too far from there. It is believable. There are a lot of wonderful salt of the earth people there and then you have your crazies also.

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I was bored and watching some television program in the wee small hours where some expert was extolling the virtues of social networking in the context of it enabling the socially challenged community of the world to take a more active part in normal society.

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Slightly off topic but I believe relevant....

Facebook or Facebore.......???

A site where most of the following occurs.....

1. a FB member posts their own photo onto their page....and then comments on it.

2. 50 other FB members push the "like" tab on the photo.

3. 10 of those folk might already be "friends" of 1. above....so 1. spends the next 2 hours replying to the 10 folk with comments like.....thanks you are cool.....thanks for being my friend......you are awesome.

4. The remaining 40 folk (2 above)...are not 1.'s friends yet......so 1. then spends the next 3 evenings "checking out their profiles" to establish whether to "invite" them to be friends.

5. 1. completes the task of checking the 40 profiles and invites them all to be "friends"

6. This new lot of "friends" then post "like" on 1's photo (see 1. above)

7. 1 then spends the next 3 evenings telling this new bunch of 40 friends....that they are "awesome"..."cool"...."thanks for being my friend"......

8. Then 1 notices that with several of the 40 new "friends"....that some of them have the same "mutual friends" as her/him.

....the excitement grows with 1......wow....!!!

9 1. then spends the next 2 evenings posting comments onto each of the "mutual friends" pages......"wow I thinks its awesome you and me are both friends of......."........"hey I didnt realise you were a friend of........ guess what so am I"

....and on it goes........

Yes I was a FB member....as a result of my Thai school manager asking that I please "sign up" as the thai students "spend alot of time on FB" and it would be "nice to see me on it"

In one week I received no less than 223 "friend requests" from the total 800 thai students at my school.

I then received a further 83 "friend requests" from "mutual friends" of the 223 thai students

(all written in thai...which unfortunately I cannot read....yet)

I received 56 "invitations" to participate in one of those games on FB...where you build a virtual supermarket

and then started receiving "friend requests"......from folk spread all over the world.

Not lets make it very clear...I am a friendly kiwi bloke and a gregarious person, happy to become friends with almost anyone......

I closed my account on FB yesterday without answering anyone....simply I really dont have the time nor the notion to sit in front of my computer and decided it is just not for me....and yes I acknowledge...it may have disappointed the 223 students.....but......I really wonder at times just exactly what is the purpose of FB....perhaps there does not need to be a purpose. It is simply just the world we live in....Twitter, FB, and no doubt many others. Long may they continue....but as I say....not for me.

For those of you interested.....A new movie (I believe it has only just been released in the USA) called "The Social Network" is becoming available.

I have been told it is a "must watch" and it shows the impact now and in the future of the social networking sites such as FB and Twitter etc.

I have been told its a real eye-opener in respect of the use of the social networking sites, and what effect they are having on normal face to face communication and conversation world-wide.

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Headline is inaccurate, Should read "Two people are dead because there are some crazies in the world."

+1 I was going to say the same thing. Facebook context = link bait. They could have squeezed Apple in there too, maybe they got unfriended on an iPhone... How's that for a headline: "Apple and Facebook kill people!!"

Hmm... how to fit in Justin Bieber....

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Slightly off topic but I believe relevant....

Facebook or Facebore.......???

A site where most of the following occurs.....

1. a FB member posts their own photo onto their page....and then comments on it.

2. 50 other FB members push the "like" tab on the photo.

3. 10 of those folk might already be "friends" of 1. above....so 1. spends the next 2 hours replying to the 10 folk with comments like.....thanks you are cool.....thanks for being my friend......you are awesome.

4. The remaining 40 folk (2 above)...are not 1.'s friends yet......so 1. then spends the next 3 evenings "checking out their profiles" to establish whether to "invite" them to be friends.

5. 1. completes the task of checking the 40 profiles and invites them all to be "friends"

6. This new lot of "friends" then post "like" on 1's photo (see 1. above)

7. 1 then spends the next 3 evenings telling this new bunch of 40 friends....that they are "awesome"..."cool"...."thanks for being my friend"......

8. Then 1 notices that with several of the 40 new "friends"....that some of them have the same "mutual friends" as her/him.

....the excitement grows with 1......wow....!!!

9 1. then spends the next 2 evenings posting comments onto each of the "mutual friends" pages......"wow I thinks its awesome you and me are both friends of......."........"hey I didnt realise you were a friend of........ guess what so am I"

....and on it goes........

Yes I was a FB member....as a result of my Thai school manager asking that I please "sign up" as the thai students "spend alot of time on FB" and it would be "nice to see me on it"

In one week I received no less than 223 "friend requests" from the total 800 thai students at my school.

I then received a further 83 "friend requests" from "mutual friends" of the 223 thai students

(all written in thai...which unfortunately I cannot read....yet)

I received 56 "invitations" to participate in one of those games on FB...where you build a virtual supermarket

and then started receiving "friend requests"......from folk spread all over the world.

Not lets make it very clear...I am a friendly kiwi bloke and a gregarious person, happy to become friends with almost anyone......

I closed my account on FB yesterday without answering anyone....simply I really dont have the time nor the notion to sit in front of my computer and decided it is just not for me....and yes I acknowledge...it may have disappointed the 223 students.....but......I really wonder at times just exactly what is the purpose of FB....perhaps there does not need to be a purpose. It is simply just the world we live in....Twitter, FB, and no doubt many others. Long may they continue....but as I say....not for me.

For those of you interested.....A new movie (I believe it has only just been released in the USA) called "The Social Network" is becoming available.

I have been told it is a "must watch" and it shows the impact now and in the future of the social networking sites such as FB and Twitter etc.

I have been told its a real eye-opener in respect of the use of the social networking sites, and what effect they are having on normal face to face communication and conversation world-wide.

Good story :)

But dude, The Social Network has been out for ages, it's now not even stocked at the DVD shop anymore. Good movie but hardly that insightful. One thing that Facebook does right is that it "gets" social networks - just look at the mess that is MySpace or Hi5 to see what I mean. Those social networks that are based on fantasy personas and playing games with who has the mostest friends all lose - they become irrelevant very quickly.

For all those students, you can just press the "ignore" button, no one forces you to be "friends" on FB. My rule is to accept everyone I know and have actually in real life spoken to at least once. The annoying games - hide then until they're all gone. People who post way too much or who you don't actually know real well or don't care about - hide them as well. I have some work acquaintances like that.

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Slightly off topic but I believe relevant....

Facebook or Facebore.......???

A site where most of the following occurs.....

1. a FB member posts their own photo onto their page....and then comments on it.

2. 50 other FB members push the "like" tab on the photo.

3. 10 of those folk might already be "friends" of 1. above....so 1. spends the next 2 hours replying to the 10 folk with comments like.....thanks you are cool.....thanks for being my friend......you are awesome.

4. The remaining 40 folk (2 above)...are not 1.'s friends yet......so 1. then spends the next 3 evenings "checking out their profiles" to establish whether to "invite" them to be friends.

5. 1. completes the task of checking the 40 profiles and invites them all to be "friends"

6. This new lot of "friends" then post "like" on 1's photo (see 1. above)

7. 1 then spends the next 3 evenings telling this new bunch of 40 friends....that they are "awesome"..."cool"...."thanks for being my friend"......

8. Then 1 notices that with several of the 40 new "friends"....that some of them have the same "mutual friends" as her/him.

....the excitement grows with 1......wow....!!!

9 1. then spends the next 2 evenings posting comments onto each of the "mutual friends" pages......"wow I thinks its awesome you and me are both friends of......."........"hey I didnt realise you were a friend of........ guess what so am I"

....and on it goes........

Yes I was a FB member....as a result of my Thai school manager asking that I please "sign up" as the thai students "spend alot of time on FB" and it would be "nice to see me on it"

In one week I received no less than 223 "friend requests" from the total 800 thai students at my school.

I then received a further 83 "friend requests" from "mutual friends" of the 223 thai students

(all written in thai...which unfortunately I cannot read....yet)

I received 56 "invitations" to participate in one of those games on FB...where you build a virtual supermarket

and then started receiving "friend requests"......from folk spread all over the world.

Not lets make it very clear...I am a friendly kiwi bloke and a gregarious person, happy to become friends with almost anyone......

I closed my account on FB yesterday without answering anyone....simply I really dont have the time nor the notion to sit in front of my computer and decided it is just not for me....and yes I acknowledge...it may have disappointed the 223 students.....but......I really wonder at times just exactly what is the purpose of FB....perhaps there does not need to be a purpose. It is simply just the world we live in....Twitter, FB, and no doubt many others. Long may they continue....but as I say....not for me.

For those of you interested.....A new movie (I believe it has only just been released in the USA) called "The Social Network" is becoming available.

I have been told it is a "must watch" and it shows the impact now and in the future of the social networking sites such as FB and Twitter etc.

I have been told its a real eye-opener in respect of the use of the social networking sites, and what effect they are having on normal face to face communication and conversation world-wide.

You have too much time on your hands.

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