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Chiang Mai Harley Rider Killed In Authayya


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I was told tonight by a Thai friend (she owns Doo-Dee Bar) that a friend of her husband had been killed in Authayya. Hans (she thought it was his name) had stopped and parked his harley and while talking to a policeman about directions to pattaya a truck struck several cars and one hit and killed Hans. Evidently the policeman was unharmed. Hans body will be returned to Chiang Mai tomorrow. If I am given more info I will post an update.

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Another biker gone here in LOS... R.I.P.

Time that the Thai authorities introduced stricter requirements for the driving of vehicles.

unfortunately driving for 22 hours a day and a few bottles of m150 is all too common

truck drivers ,taxi drivers ,tuk tuk drivers and anyone who drives for a living should be banned from using stimulants to stay awake but

the police cant enforce most of the other laws so theres no chance of it happening

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Very sad.

Brings back memories of the truck driver in Lampang who hit a pick up then tried to get away, lost control of his truck and wiped out over 10 scooters and their riders that were stopped at a red light. Happened about 2 years ago. Over 10 dead, mainly hospital workers that had just finished a shift I believe. It didn't make the news and was info was only found on a small number of Thai boards.

RiP to Hans.

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Very very sad story. Rest in peace Hans.

Time that the Thai authorities introduced stricter requirements for the driving of vehicles.

As long as there is no one who enforces laws and requirements nothing will change. And it will get worser as more and more vehicles will crowd the streets.

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