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Chuwit Demands Govt Take Action To Stamp Out Prostitution In Thailand


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Seriously...has he lost the plot?

What is really behind this rubbish? For an ex massage king, who clearly made buckets of money from massage (and I am not naive enough to exclude sexual massage), to go on a PC rampage is total nonsense and ridicules this sensless man.

All legal sexual activity should be licenced by any sensible Government and thereby control and exclude many of the ills that infect this industry. Not least the violence towards the women, the spread of debilitating diseases and the unwanted children.

The sex industry will never ever be illegal in Thailand ...far too much rests on it for massive and bottomless coffers of the many who profit from it.

Edited by harleyclarkey
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It occurs to me that due to well-known problem of translating Thai to English (Thai symbols having more than one meaning) that what the headline actually means, is organised prostitution, rather than prostitution in general. If that is indeed the case, his campaign has a much better chance of succeeding, and it is, after all, within that sector, that corruption and other criminal activities thrive, rather than in the majority of most bars. Brothels, operate in a completely different way, and through them, you get human traffiking, drug dealing and other methods used by the Thai Mafia etc. A Thai girl working in a bar, may well not like the work they are doing, but at least, they have considererably greater control over their lives, than those living/locked up in brothels. There may well be difficult to draw a fine line of distinction between one and the other, but nevertheless a line exists.

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Stamping it out is simply impossible, perhaps better to try to discourage under-age prostitution, and to send a stronger message to the world's pedophiles, to go elsewhere ?

Pedophiles like pre-pubescent kids. The underage girls seem to be teenagers, based on news I've seen. These seem to be the ones that are part of the big business. The peds seem to find their victims on their own in the community. Both need to be addressed.

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It will never work.Thailand is and always will be the sexiest place on earth.If it wasnt it would have died years ago.I personally see nothing wrong with that. If i am honest I will have to admit that the sound of it fascinated me and I had to come here. I did have a ball until I realised what a barrow load of money I was wasting.I have since found a wonderful village girl and am settled down In Udon Thani and am now married to her with great friends both Thai and Farang. When Chewit gets bumped off for opening his big mouth I will still be here having a ball and enjoying life. Pity he didnt shout about all the more seedy aspects on sex and drugs and of course corruption,but I suppose the outcome will be the same.

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This guy is incredible. How much longer has he got?

You`re right.

Threatening to distroy an industry worth Bt200 billion a year, he can`t last much longer.

The question is; will he go quitely?

Thailand - and the west - should legalize it, tax it, regulate it.

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Well ThaiVisa Member’s really had a good day on here today been some really good comment’s on this topic also not much bashing going on apart from the truth in my eyes .. You learn something new on here every day what’s good if you ask me but at the end of the day we are all being treated like fools like always what doesn’t change anymore in my eyes...No surprise expats stay at home these days with all this crap going on in the Kingdom... End of the day the Thais make their own beds and have to lay in it they pick who they want in power due to greed no more from me giving them self pity I call it bad karma... coffee1.gif Have a nice evening all ... jap.gif

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It would also be very good to stamp out corruption by Politicians and Departmental Officials, which I estimate would save Thailand a whole lot more than 2 billion baht per year, oh, and if Chuwit was to donate his ill gotten gains to his nearest Wat or Charity, his impotent rantings might have more credability?

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Work on human traficing = good on ya, about dam_n time, work on underage sex workers = good to hear it.

Stamp out prostitution?, never gonna happen, however if you legalised it, it could be controlled. Even in a 3rd world country such as New Zealand, it is legal and controlled and very very few issues.

As long as the bums in parliament and other civic people are involved in it, it's not gonna go away.

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

A great truth - for a free society...

In my observations over the years, such situations are nothing like prostitution in the USA. In America, it is: What do you want? - How much? - WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU MA'AM - no fun allowed - BUSINESS ONLY.

I have never seen it like that here. Even in short time bars & whorehouses in the 60's, the ladies often refused a guy they didn't like and gathered around guys they did like - not money based - personality based... When they liked a guy a lot, they moved in with him. From what I have seen this last decade, it hasn't changed..

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

No problem with that. Prostitution is worldwide where there are legal brothels visited by the desparate and lonely. In Thailand it is out in the open, move it into brothels and behind closed doors away from public view. The sex tourist can enter the brothel, dump his load and move on. The girls won't be druugging the victim inside a brothel where he will pass out for hours as they need the bed for the next punter. The punter won't be fleeced of all the valuables unless he is stupid enough to take them all to the brothel. A brothel would be more controlled

Prostitution is illegal in most counters and here in Thailand most of the girl would not work in bars and go with men a lot do because they need the money to send home to there families you thing about it a girl working in a building site that I know gets 130 baht a day for working 12 hrs I don’t know any flaring that would do that

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I think a lot of good meaning posts on this thread, but some not very realistic, prostitution will never be stopped in any country, some have been trying since the dawn of mankind, the countries that have legal prostitution have less problems than the one that have prostitution illegal, without the sex industry Thailands tourist industry would be a fraction of what it is now, Thailand should make prostitution legal but never will, the politicians, police, and others would lose money, so it will never happen, I find it very hard to belive that any Farang in Thailand has not given money to a Thai lady after having sex at some time or situation or other, it does not matter if the lady in a full time prostitute, street cleaner, nurse, shop assistant or what ever, if they have sex and get money that is prostitution. underage people being forced into the sex trade is bad and everthing should done to stop it but I am afraid it will not happen, for many Thai ladies and their familys prostitution is very necessary and anyone that does not think that is not living in the real world.

Agree. Just want to add that you want to add other non-white foreigners, and, mostly importantly, Thais. It's not only us. In fact, you might find that the Thais and other Asians (particularly East Asians) are heavier 'users' than we are.

The Thais and other asian use much more than Farangs, about 70% more,

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"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

It is where the people get trafficked to. I haven't heard of thai ladies being deported to Turkey, Ghana or Sierra Leone, have you?

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That's the sort of negative attitude that we can do without. Of course it's possible to stamp it out. It will be extremely difficult, but it's possible to clean it up. We need people like Chuvit to make a stand. It takes time to get these things done, but at least he's making a start, which is more than you're doing, which is sniping from the comfort of your armchair.

Who's 'we', Kimosabe? You got a mouse in your pocket?

Really tiresome seeing all the moralists come out of the woodwork.

Chuwit was not only the Massage Parlor Magnate, but the guy who bulldozed an entire block of bars on Sukhumvit in the wee hours, resulting in massive property loss for those who could hardly afford it. And now, the land lies fallow, as "Chuwit Garden". What was the point?

I can only assume he is attempting to be a pain in the ass to those in power, who sanction the very activities he is protesting.

If he were sincere, he'd be saying "Stamp out corruption, and prostitution will take care of itself..."

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There is a reason it's been called the world's longest profession. There is money to be made, it provides entry level jobs even for the unskilled and men will always want to get their rocks off.

I doubt there is a country on the planet today that does not have some kind of "sex in exchange for xxx" unofficial short time relationships.

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I travel to London for a business meeting. I'm early so the office junior offers me a coffee and keeps me amused for a while as I am a good customer for the business. As the meeting draws to a close I enquire of the owner if I may spend the remainder of the day with the office junior. I junior is called and told. After a consultation I agree to pay the days wages of the junior because she needs the money and pay the business to hire an agency worker because they need the staff.

Does this mean she is a prostitute?

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Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.

Or a recovering alcoholic telling his booze buddies to stop drinking.

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"I often hear this from men who are dating bar girls. The girls tell them that they are no longer interested in Thai men because Thai men beat their women. Now the men find it convenient to believe this nonsense, it makes them feel better about themselves. The reality is that low class Thai men beat their women as often as low class white men beat their women."

Beating is not the only form of being abusive.

There are many cases I know (and strongly believe..as I have seen the marks and bruises from "motorcycle accidents" that look suspiciously like the hit of a fist or "rashes" on the neck that look suspiciously like strangle marks") where that happens, but as in the west, it sometimes takes time to get someone convinced that "boxing" by a boyfriend that whores you out to his friends or customers, has got nothing to do with love. These cases of "domestic violence" are very real and often fumed by alcohol and drugs. Some may be [email protected] sure not all are, as the "loving boyfriend" often is some kind of pimp- figure as well.

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the majority of these girls have little to no education, and this is a way of providing sufficient funds for them to survive, and also to send money to family. The thai government needs to encourage the younger generation to try stay in school and also to provide good grants for 3rd level education.

Maybe the government could launch a vocational training school for prostitutes... so as to better enable the local populace to be prepared for entry into the Asian Economic Community...and assisting them in their goals to send money upcountry to the relatives. jerk.gif

BTW, I notice a distinct difference here... Everyone was cheering when Chuwit was going after the illegal casinos and gambling... But now that he's training his spotlight on prostitution, the light seems to be getting a bit glaring for some of the posters here... Hmmm....

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Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.

I agree this is "The kettle calling the pot black" he made his millions peddling sex in his "massage parlors" This guy is the biggest two faced politician currently in office. It was ok for him to get wealthy from sex and gambling, but now it is taboo? What a joke

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