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Purse Snatching!


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My friend was attacked by a mugger last night when walking streets alone in the dark. I'm so proud of her as she fought off the bastard until locals came to screams for help with a stick and beat the hell out of him until cops and paramedics arrived, which according to her took close to an hour. We spent hours inside a police precinct in Jomtien. The cops tried to get her to sign a paper in Thai which she refused. Before that they emptied her bags and took inventory of what was at stake that she fought at the cost of scrapes and bruises, which were promptly photographed, and one of the cops took away her passport then said she would not get it back until the paper was signed and once it was signed she would be taken to a hospital for "only a few thousand baht, maybe one or two, not so much". They had jolly good time until past two AM when they finally handed back the passport and let us go.


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Was the media present? If yes, I would probably read about this unfortunate attack in Pattaya One.

I sure hope not. No one presented themselves as a journo. They could run a story about disgusting cop jokes: "if you don't sign here, we will let him out of the monkey cage then he will grab your bag and run away into the city. You will have to call the police and let us catch him." Pretty much like that. haha

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Being victim of a mugging is bad enough, but to then be hassled at the police station is disgraceful, but unfortunately did not come as a surprise.

If she did not read Thai she was certainly right to not sign. Of course she could have asked the police for a translation.

I'm sure they would have told her truthfully ...NOT .

Also hope she is ok

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I think there might have been some communication errors. I think what they wanted her to sing was a report of the case. Not so good that it was not translated into English but even if it was who says the Thai version would say the same. Better to have a Thai friend read it for you.

About the hospital, the cops might have talked about the cost of the hospital not the transport to there. I have been in an accident and the cops were great. Insisting on me going to the hospital while i was in shock refusing because i wanted to stay with my bike. Did not know i was in shock until later.

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I agree with not signing something you cant read. But to assume the worst is a bit crazy. Just ask for a translation. That is what the tourist police is for let them do something useful.

We feared, among other things, she would not be allowed to leave the country until she testified in court. And having to pay thousands of baht for two knee scrapes is somewhat much. Actually I advised her to sign it but it was her choice. She was right in the end, imho.

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