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Thailand Is Caught In The Midst Of A Global Power Play


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The Nation needs to think long and hard and to ask itself whether or not they love Thailand and its culture. it should consider these words by Buhddist writer Dhammajarat and understand that Iran is controlled by people that despise Buddhist Thailand;

I learned how Islam was particularly unkind and brutal to Buddhists, because to Moslems the Buddhist represented the most reprehensible type of human personality: the "atheist" holding no monotheistic God image as their object of worship and veneration. We were worse even than the far more numerous Hindus, with their vast pantheon of multiple gods. The Buddhists, to the Muslims, only worshipped the image of a man, and no God higher.

Apparently they did not bother to look into the philosophies of Buddhism any more deeply. That was enough for the sword to come down and the fire to be applied. And so they have over the centuries until today.

I remember, some years back, before the gripping situations that we face today had quite come in to focus for many of us, I followed the story of the great Buddhas of Bamiyan, in sad and war torn Afghanistan. The Russian war was over, and the rein of the Taliban was in full force, but they were not content to merely rule the people with an iron hand by the strictest applications of Sharia law. They had to physically erase the "infidel" past, as well.

I remember shedding tears as I saw the footage of those magnificent Buddhas, the tallest ancient statues in the world, being reduced to rubble by explosive charges and artillery shells. I remembered hearing on the news footage, that same cry of "Allahu Akbar!" -- as the dust of Bamiyan settled to reveal the emptiness of the destruction. The same cry that destroyed my meditative absorption under the Bodhi Tree.

Now, I pray we never hear this call in this our home, America. Not until and unless Islam totally and completely reforms itself after over a thousand years of ravaging and sweeping all others before it.

I feel, through my direct experiences of it, that Islam has not changed its ways in the least. In fact it has become more aggressive now than at any time since its period of greatest expansion in the 900s to the 1200s. "Modern" Islam seeks to return humanity to those very same times -- a revival of the dark ages of Islamic slaughter, mayhem, and pillage -- all in the name of Allah.

We Buddhists must realize that we, and our cherished practices, would be swept away entirely and crushed utterly, should Islam ever gain ascendancy in this world in which we live. Islam is the only belief that propagates itself thus -- by the sword.

And it is very patient.


By Dhammajarat

FrontPageMagazine.com Dhammajarat is the pen name of a Buddhist author.

The Nation (the newspaper) and the Nation (the Kingdom) doesn't have to consider what that self declared Buddhist with the pen name Dhammajarat writes in an US American front fighter magazine about Muslims.

You have to consider what role Muslims play in the Thai society before coming up with some foreign nonsense.

The Muslim People of Thailand

The Muslim religion has had a significant presence in Thailand for centuries. Today, approximately 10 percent of the entire population, or roughly 6 million people, are Muslim. Obviously, then, they constitute one of the country’s most important minority groups.

Islam, with its roots in the Middle East, made its first appearance in Southeast Asia sometime in the 11th century. By the 13th century, the religion had been adopted by members of the ruling class in a number of islands throughout the Indonesian archipelago, having been introduced by traders arriving by ship from the Middle East. Many of these traders grew rich and, over time, acquired a reputation for honesty and diligence. This helped them to win the acceptance and admiration of the local people. As time went on, some of the Arab traders married local women, started families, and settled permanently in Southeast Asia. As a result, growing numbers of people left Hinduism and Buddhism and adopted the Muslim religion instead.

The history of Islam in Thailand dates back approximately 750 years, before the founding of the Sukhothai kingdom...

read more: http://thailand.prd.go.th/ebook_bak/story.php?idmag=24&idstory=191

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I don't know about Georgia, but the attack on Mumbai in India was done in collaboration with Mossad/CIA, I find it sometimes hard to comprehend the bluntness with which politicians/governments lie.


I reckon the seriously injured Israeli diplomat in India is going to be upset to learn about that from a tin foil hat website. Yes, I know, the blood was ketchup.

If Iran was behind any of these bomb plots it would be in retaliation for the murder of 5 Iranian scientists by Israel, the wife of one was murdered in front of her children.

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I don't know about Georgia, but the attack on Mumbai in India was done in collaboration with Mossad/CIA, I find it sometimes hard to comprehend the bluntness with which politicians/governments lie.


I reckon the seriously injured Israeli diplomat in India is going to be upset to learn about that from a tin foil hat website. Yes, I know, the blood was ketchup.

If Iran was behind any of these bomb plots it would be in retaliation for the murder of 5 Iranian scientists by Israel, the wife of one was murdered in front of her children.

If ...

But Iran isn't behind these terror acts. That is conspiracy nonsense.

There is no reason why they should have done it. Not an objective one, not a practical one.

The conspiracy theory that Iran (as in the Iranian state, gov't, clerics...) is responsible works only for those who are full of hatred and prejudice towards Iran, its culture and its people.

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The Nation needs to think long and hard and to ask itself whether or not they love Thailand and its culture. it should consider these words by Buhddist writer Dhammajarat and understand that Iran is controlled by people that despise Buddhist Thailand;

I learned how Islam was particularly unkind and brutal to Buddhists, because to Moslems the Buddhist represented the most reprehensible type of human personality: the "atheist" holding no monotheistic God image as their object of worship and veneration. We were worse even than the far more numerous Hindus, with their vast pantheon of multiple gods. The Buddhists, to the Muslims, only worshipped the image of a man, and no God higher.

Apparently they did not bother to look into the philosophies of Buddhism any more deeply. That was enough for the sword to come down and the fire to be applied. And so they have over the centuries until today.

I remember, some years back, before the gripping situations that we face today had quite come in to focus for many of us, I followed the story of the great Buddhas of Bamiyan, in sad and war torn Afghanistan. The Russian war was over, and the rein of the Taliban was in full force, but they were not content to merely rule the people with an iron hand by the strictest applications of Sharia law. They had to physically erase the "infidel" past, as well.

I remember shedding tears as I saw the footage of those magnificent Buddhas, the tallest ancient statues in the world, being reduced to rubble by explosive charges and artillery shells. I remembered hearing on the news footage, that same cry of "Allahu Akbar!" -- as the dust of Bamiyan settled to reveal the emptiness of the destruction. The same cry that destroyed my meditative absorption under the Bodhi Tree.

Now, I pray we never hear this call in this our home, America. Not until and unless Islam totally and completely reforms itself after over a thousand years of ravaging and sweeping all others before it.

I feel, through my direct experiences of it, that Islam has not changed its ways in the least. In fact it has become more aggressive now than at any time since its period of greatest expansion in the 900s to the 1200s. "Modern" Islam seeks to return humanity to those very same times -- a revival of the dark ages of Islamic slaughter, mayhem, and pillage -- all in the name of Allah.

We Buddhists must realize that we, and our cherished practices, would be swept away entirely and crushed utterly, should Islam ever gain ascendancy in this world in which we live. Islam is the only belief that propagates itself thus -- by the sword.

And it is very patient.


By Dhammajarat

FrontPageMagazine.com Dhammajarat is the pen name of a Buddhist author.


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But Iran isn't behind these terror acts. That is conspiracy nonsense.


No, that is the conclusion of the mainstream press and analysts globally (some Iranian faction or proxy) who aren't linked to the Iranian propaganda machine. To say that the Israeli government was involved in planting bombs to kill their own diplomats, now that falls under conspiracy theories.
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