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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

I'd be more worried for 40000 rockets iran / Hezbollah directed at Israel.

I'm sure they are there to try out new techniques to beat down the opposition.

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Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

That was planed a year ago, one is a supply ship, the other one is crappy corvette with a pea shooter on it! wonder how did it get that far! Bit of a rusty information!

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Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

I'd be more worried for 40000 rockets iran / Hezbollah directed at Israel.

I'm sure they are there to try out new techniques to beat down the opposition.

does Hezbollah have a rocket that can reach Tel Aviv, or surface to air missiles

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Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

I'd be more worried for 40000 rockets iran / Hezbollah directed at Israel.

I'm sure they are there to try out new techniques to beat down the opposition.

does Hezbollah have a rocket that can reach Tel Aviv, or surface to air missiles

well if post#214 is correct they probably do now!

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Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

I'd be more worried for 40000 rockets iran / Hezbollah directed at Israel.

I'm sure they are there to try out new techniques to beat down the opposition.

does Hezbollah have a rocket that can reach Tel Aviv, or surface to air missiles

Although the article source is old (2009) it appears that they do have the capability of hitting Israel.




MISSILES: - In a 2007 parade to mark the anniversary of 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, Iran showed its Shahab 3 missile, saying it could travel 2,000 km -- enabling it to hit Israel and U.S. bases in the region. Another missile at the parade, the Ghadr 1, can reach targets 1,800 km away. It was believed to be the first time it has been shown publicly. In November 2008, Iran said it test-fired a Sejjil missile with a range of close to 2,000 km.

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And the need for such capability is.... ?

Does anybody read anything into the fact that two Iranian warships passed through the Suez canal into the Med and have now docked in Syria,

I'd be more worried for 40000 rockets iran / Hezbollah directed at Israel.

I'm sure they are there to try out new techniques to beat down the opposition.

does Hezbollah have a rocket that can reach Tel Aviv, or surface to air missiles

Although the article source is old (2009) it appears that they do have the capability of hitting Israel.




MISSILES: - In a 2007 parade to mark the anniversary of 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war, Iran showed its Shahab 3 missile, saying it could travel 2,000 km -- enabling it to hit Israel and U.S. bases in the region. Another missile at the parade, the Ghadr 1, can reach targets 1,800 km away. It was believed to be the first time it has been shown publicly. In November 2008, Iran said it test-fired a Sejjil missile with a range of close to 2,000 km.

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This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

They did not know that one of their bombs was going to blow up and did not intend to get caught.

A spy or agent always think worst case scenario.

They can be caught. They can die

Hence the visit to Pattaya, before making their "minor symbolic act", and 'muffing' it ? rolleyes.gif

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Don't buy this "it must be Iran thing" not even in the slightest!

Iran are in the mists of this nuklear program that people are realy trying hard to shut down, why give them more fuel?

They need all the friends they can get why burn bridges with places like Thailand, that believe it or not have a bit of a fan club if you go to the right parts of town.

This would be the most piss pore evert of terrorism in history from a government.

Even if they where to succeed thay stand to lose more than gain.

Again they are in the middle of naval monovers that are already attracting attention, they don't need more over such a small possible achievement.

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If they where going to plan such event, then it would have been wise to use people of a different nationality, then if you where a government and attempting to pull somthing like this of make shore you find people who are committed to making shore they die, there are a lot of people out there who are very, naive and stupid or just desperate to find a way to support the once that would be left behind, it would not be dificalt for the most ignorant pathetic pore nation to find and recruit such people.

Now look at Israels (I'm not pointing the finger just evening the speculations) Israel have a much chance of being believed if they played the you did it not me card, just need to read most of these baseless posts and claims already. It was mighty convenient finding those Irani passports wasn't it? like I said if you where a government planing such a attach wouldn't you use someone who was a national of you enemy? Iran like most if not all country's has citizens that hate there county and national politics.

It was very handy having all these attacks against Israel very unsuccessful. How come a terrorist cell like the Taliban can bring the twin towers down but This horrifically scary county like Iran can't even blow up a embassy or blow up a car?

What a most continent time for Iran to start blowing things up in country's where they have never had problem before?

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Iran is not wholly governed by radical Islamists, that time is almost over and has been thing out for some time. They seem to be doing very well for a country that can't use the most simple basic Logic, production, education and internal stability is at a record braking high in Iran.

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Don't buy this "it must be Iran thing" not even in the slightest!

Iran are in the mists of this nuklear program that people are realy trying hard to shut down, why give them more fuel?

They need all the friends they can get why burn bridges with places like Thailand, that believe it or not have a bit of a fan club if you go to the right parts of town.

This would be the most piss pore evert of terrorism in history from a government.

Even if they where to succeed thay stand to lose more than gain.

Again they are in the middle of naval monovers that are already attracting attention, they don't need more over such a small possible achievement.

In my view, the bumbling wanna-be terrorists are either some small group (independent or affiliated with a group like Hezbollah) or the bumblers are connected to Iranian gov't. Either way, it's got 'IRAN' written all over it.

The woman suspect, Leila Rohani, who quickly fled to Teheran, could be a key component in the investigation. Iranian authorities pretend they want to 'get the facts' on the case, but of course they won't allow the woman to be interrogated by non-Iranians. Indeed, she's probably been hidden away in Iran, similar to the Lockerbie bomber who was hidden away by Libyan authorities - when int'l sleuths wanted to question them. Will Ms Rohani become a hero in Iran, as one of the Lockerbie bombers became in Libya?

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Iran is not wholly governed by radical Islamists

What a bunch of hooey. Playing devil's advocate is one thing, but all of this attempted spin on Iran is convincing no one. I will admit that "internal security" probably is at "an all time high" as they have their boot firmly on the neck of their own people.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Iran is not wholly governed by radical Islamists

What a bunch of hooey. Playing devil's advocate is one thing, but all of this attempted spin on Iran is convincing no one. I will admit that "internal security" probably is at "an all time high" as they have their boot firmly on the neck of their own people.

How many times have you been to Iran?

Mabe you've been many times and spoken to hundreds of Irani's, thus are speaking out of personal experience and on the behalf of many repressed personal friends of yours that are stuck under this ferocious dictatorship.

Or mabe your speaking from a educated view of the news and economic reviews that have educated so many people on this rothlus iron clad, but I like to go buy what I experience personally or remain mutual until near solid evidence and I have spoken to many Iranians both muslim and jews who have told me they have never seen things so positive in Iran. I believe there are many terrible things that happen in Iran and a great many arias of government, it's departments and policies that are very disgusting and are in need of either eradicating or changing, I'll find out for my self when I visit next year, but I also think the country is improving and there aren't many countries out there that seem to care about people a whole lot more, they just do a very good job of appearing as they do.

This certainty that Iran have orchestrated this attack with such frugal evidence except for a Irani citizen (that I hope is found and turned over) is the exact reason I say it would suit israel perfectly and at the best time.

This certainty is as ignorant as the statement under your comment box and so sad as buy such a academic acclaimed man.

Edited by Fantastic5
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I think Iran should deal with this exactly the same way Israel and the US deals with things.

Refuse to comment as with the Iranian scientists murders.

Refuse to allow any of your citizens to be extradited, as with the US operatives charged for kidnapping in Italy.

Iran should just say they regret it happened but they have a policy of no comment.

If it is good enough for Israel/US then it's good enough for them.

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This question is for those who claim that Iran is behind the bombings.

Why did they use Iranian passports? Could Iranian MISIRI not buy / make fake passports from other countries?

OK, lets look at that scenario; Iran decides to send 3 assassins to Thailand to do the bombing BUT gives them fake passports and when they get to the airport, security notices their passports are fake. Whole operation collapses.

They were not expecting the job to go "Mr Bean" style, hence why they had their real passports on them.

People will go to extroardanary lengths to try and find a conspiracy theory in something that isn't there. My favourite being that the planes that flew into the towers shot lazers into the buildings or were really, C.G.I.

Seems like there are a lot of people who just blindly refuse to accept that there ARE terrorist organisations out there and refuse to believe any media outlets. They instead get their info from a 'truther' website and believe everything from a made-up documentary made by a teenage nerd and think it must be true instead.

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They were not expecting the job to go "Mr Bean" style, hence why they had their real passports on them.

People will go to extroardanary lengths to try and find a conspiracy theory in something that isn't there. My favourite being that the planes that flew into the towers shot lazers into the buildings or were really, C.G.I.

Seems like there are a lot of people who just blindly refuse to accept that there ARE terrorist organisations out there and refuse to believe any media outlets. They instead get their info from a 'truther' website and believe everything from a made-up documentary made by a teenage nerd and think it must be true instead.

Very perceptive. wai.gif

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Are the anti-Israel terror events in Asia false-flag operations? It will be interesting to see how the Thai investigation develops. Don't assume right away that the Iranian govt put them up to it. It should be remembered that Israeli intelligence is known to operate and fund terror cells within Iran. Who recruited the Iranians to do the job is the question--and it's definitely not beyond the stretch of the imagination that Israel's mossad agents set it up.

American journalist named Geneive Abdo pointed out in an interview on Australia's ABC national radio network the very strong possibility that these recent attacks were Israeli false-flag operations.


When the King David hotel was bombed, the Israeli terrorists dressed as arabs. The same thing occurred in the Lavon Affair. These are historical events that can easily be researched if you want to learn more.

Terror is theatre... Theatre's a con trick. Do you know what that means? Con trick? You've been deceived.

- John Le Carré, The Little Drummer Girl, 1983

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I wonder if the Israelis dressed as Arabs flew to Iran afterwards. laugh.png

I am sure an Israeli would escape to the loving arms of Malaysia, a known safe haven for all Zionists.

It cannot be that there is no other way. 1.3 billion Muslims cannot be defeated by a few million Jews. There must be a way. And we can only find a way if we stop to think, to assess our weaknesses and our strength, to plan, to strategise and then to counter attack.

Speech by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad of Malaysia

to the Tenth Islamic Summit Conference

Putrajaya, Malaysia, October 16, 2003


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Are the anti-Israel terror events in Asia false-flag operations? It will be interesting to see how the Thai investigation develops. Don't assume right away that the Iranian govt put them up to it. It should be remembered that Israeli intelligence is known to operate and fund terror cells within Iran. Who recruited the Iranians to do the job is the question--and it's definitely not beyond the stretch of the imagination that Israel's mossad agents set it up.

American journalist named Geneive Abdo pointed out in an interview on Australia's ABC national radio network the very strong possibility that these recent attacks were Israeli false-flag operations.


When the King David hotel was bombed, the Israeli terrorists dressed as arabs. The same thing occurred in the Lavon Affair. These are historical events that can easily be researched if you want to learn more.

Terror is theatre... Theatre's a con trick. Do you know what that means? Con trick? You've been deceived.

- John Le Carré, The Little Drummer Girl, 1983

You watch too many Arab movies lah...

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Can we get everything in perspective here. By voicing an opinion that the yet unproven case of the Thai bombings was carried out by Israeli's as part of a false flag operation is not conspiracy. Occams razor itself would state that the Israeli's are responsible for this in some way. Yes there are lots of terrorist organizations and the BKK bombers were part of one of them, but whether an Iranian Government run one or an Israeli funded one such as the MEK/MEO remains to be seen.

We are being asked to stick to the subject of the OP, but judging by all the posts that have been deleted on this and other threads on the subject, this very topic is itself a conspiracy thread.

The whole worlds media took it's stories on BKK straight from the BKK media and news agencies, and therein lies the danger. We are effectively working off one story, yet there are many people out there with a far more qualified judgement on this subject than some journo's in Thailand.

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