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Iran Envoy Claims 'Zionist Regime' Behind Bangkok Blasts


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Even funnier. Cant stop laughing.

Fars News Agency (FNA) is Iran's leading independent news agency, covering a wide variety of subjects in different, political, economic, cultural, social, legal, sports, military and other areas with the most up-to-date, independent, unbiased and reliable news and reports in Persian and English.

Ever since its establishment in early 2003, it has been making its way towards daily progress and gaining reputation as a trustworthy source of information [...]


So you are accusing an Iran based news agency of spreading lies to damage the reputation of "the Islamic Republic of the Iran"? Time for the Iranian authorities to close them down.

So stop laughing and do your duty as loyal supporter of the mullah regime!

A bit difficult to play the mis-translation defense when it came from an Iranian source, besides which there isn't much room for nuance in the word annihilate.

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It is disturbing to see so many pro terrorists,

I dont think its pro terrorists. Iran are not terrorists? Who are terrorists?.

Who are terrorists?.Hezbollah and Hamas which are controlled by IRAN.

And.....the MEK/MKO which are controlled and funded by Israel and the USA. (there is a much bigger list but I can't be bothered)

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Hardly a day goes by without more threats from 'innocent' Iran. Here is yet another example.


This just in from the Department of Non-Ambiguous Iranian Threats to Wipe Out The Jews: A regime-linked website, Alef, has produced an article calling on Iran to use its missile arsenal to kill all of Israel's Jews, and describes just how this could be done. The author, Alireza Forghani, is linked to office of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and the article's release coincided with Khamenei's latest "Israel is a cancerous tumor" speech.

But I'm sure a lot of our peaceful leftist friends will also find this funny.

And that's produced on the same day that Khamenei tells the IAEA that Iran would never develop nuclear weapons as it would be a sin....

But I can't be sure he *really* said that, because it's via presstv.ir who tell whoppers every day....http://www.presstv.ir/detail/228014.html

50/50 anyone?

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Except my theory is backed up by facts such as the Iranian film about the coming of the Mahdi, which caused severe internal ructions within Iran as it gave the game away. Then you have Iranian nuclear scientists who in their own words wanted to destroy Israel.


The wife of Martyr Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan Behdast, who was assassinated by Mossad agents in Tehran in January, reiterated on Tuesday that her husband sought the annihilation of the Zionist regime wholeheartedly.

Well I imagine Mrs Behdast is pretty pissed off right now with anyone Western, and the cute photo of the kid needs keeping as one day he will be nurtured into an aggressive young man wanting to avenge the death of his father.

As you have quoted the Fars News Agency, and using their text as part of your 'evidence', I assume you also agree in the validity of the following comments made in exactly the same article.

A series of CIA reports revealed that Israeli Mossad agents, posing as American spies, have recruited members of the terrorist organization Jundollah to stage terrorist operations against Iran.

Foreign Policy magazine cites CIA memos from 2007-2008 that Mossad recruited members of Jundollah terror group to fight a covert war against Tehran.

and if that is not enough food for thought

Buried deep in the archives of America's intelligence services are a series of memos, written during the last years of President George W. Bush's administration, that describe how Israeli Mossad officers recruited operatives belonging to the terrorist group Jundollah by passing themselves off as American agents. According to two US intelligence officials, the Israelis, flush with American dollars and toting US passports, posed as CIA officers in recruiting Jundollah operatives - what is commonly referred to as a "false flag" operation.

You see the thing is you just can't trust Mossad, they are a bad bunch and "through deception, thou shalt do war". I mean they even deceive their closest ally. It will all come out in the wash one day.

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Hardly a day goes by without more threats from 'innocent' Iran. Here is yet another example.


This just in from the Department of Non-Ambiguous Iranian Threats to Wipe Out The Jews: A regime-linked website, Alef, has produced an article calling on Iran to use its missile arsenal to kill all of Israel's Jews, and describes just how this could be done. The author, Alireza Forghani, is linked to office of the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, and the article's release coincided with Khamenei's latest "Israel is a cancerous tumor" speech.

But I'm sure a lot of our peaceful leftist friends will also find this funny.

And that's produced on the same day that Khamenei tells the IAEA that Iran would never develop nuclear weapons as it would be a sin....

But I can't be sure he *really* said that, because it's via presstv.ir who tell whoppers every day....http://www.presstv.i...ail/228014.html

50/50 anyone?

Presstv is owned and run by a retired Israeli Defence Force Colonel, and the staff are mostly all ex Israeli military. It is widely criticized for inaccurate and biased information. As to whether their information is reliable for your purposes....Your call!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Some nasty, racist posts have been removed. Please remember that when it comes to uncomplimentary stereotypes, the knife cuts both ways.

Your opinion is welcomed, but please be civil and reasonably diplomatic in your posts.

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Presstv is owned and run by a retired Israeli Defence Force Colonel, and the staff are mostly all ex Israeli military. It is widely criticized for inaccurate and biased information. As to whether their information is reliable for your purposes....Your call!

I think you mean Debka, but got your cut & pasting mixed up, unless of course you really do mean Press TV the Iranian state owned broadcasting station has been infiltrated by Mossad to make Iran look bad.

Anyway as for trusting the Iranian regime more in some cases than your own government I can't really help you as I'm not a qualified psychiatrist, but would observe there is an Islamic term known as Taqqiya, which means lying to try and gain advantage. I note that some posters have taken to this concept like ducks to water.

I apologize to you and airconsult unreservedly. I did indeed get cuts and pastes mixed up and i was looking at MEMRI. My fault, no excuses.

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Presstv is owned and run by a retired Israeli Defence Force Colonel, and the staff are mostly all ex Israeli military. It is widely criticized for inaccurate and biased information. As to whether their information is reliable for your purposes....Your call!

I think you mean Debka, but got your cut & pasting mixed up, unless of course you really do mean Press TV the Iranian state owned broadcasting station has been infiltrated by Mossad to make Iran look bad.

Anyway as for trusting the Iranian regime more in some cases than your own government I can't really help you as I'm not a qualified psychiatrist, but would observe there is an Islamic term known as Taqqiya, which means lying to try and gain advantage. I note that some posters have taken to this concept like ducks to water.

I apologize to you and airconsult unreservedly. I did indeed get cuts and pastes mixed up and i was looking at MEMRI. My fault, no excuses.

No problem - I was just confused.... IRIB is the ownership - they have been pulled up by Ofcom in the UK for not having a local editor's office as per UK broadcasting regulations. Though that does surprise me in this day of satellite news broadcasting.....

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I apologize to you and airconsult unreservedly. I did indeed get cuts and pastes mixed up and i was looking at MEMRI. My fault, no excuses.

No problem, indeed the thought made me laugh out loud. There will no doubt be someone somewhere who believes it though; indeed the other day I read that someone argued that Boko Haram the Nigerian Islamist faction were a western invention designed to make Islam look bad.

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I imagine, no matter what iraq or iran did wrong, you would say the same thing. Which one was wrong in the iraq / iran war?

Iraq of course as they were the aggressor...albeit on behalf of the US...What does that have to do with the topic?

Also why not be big enough to post in your name/login? You either believe in what you say or you dont.

I'm sure he believes in what he says. Signed up a week ago and more than 170 posts already. Hasbara?
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I apologize to you and airconsult unreservedly. I did indeed get cuts and pastes mixed up and i was looking at MEMRI. My fault, no excuses.

No problem, indeed the thought made me laugh out loud. There will no doubt be someone somewhere who believes it though; indeed the other day I read that someone argued that Boko Haram the Nigerian Islamist faction were a western invention designed to make Islam look bad.

The west do not need invention designed to make Islam look bad. Already, as is.

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Yes they did, they made up the story. "American and Israeli sources said the bombs were to be used against Israeli targets". Nice presumption right there with no proof whatsoever that those were the targets. Assumption only. Typical MSM reporting

If the Iranians were not targeting Israeli targets, who do you think they were targeting?

It's clear that Israeli and American targets are of interest to the radical Islamic regime in Iran:
The Iranian supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, also issued an unusually blunt warning that Iran would support militant groups opposing Israel, in what some analysts said could be held up by Israel as a casus belli. Khamenei's remarks, delivered from Tehran University, were his most public response to the mounting tensions between Western powers and Iran in recent weeks.


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Here is more opinion about Iran from someone who was a CIA agent inside Iran's revolutionary guards, which fact alone should make this a required read for our esteemed tinfoilers.

For many years, I have tried to raise awareness not only of the threat posed by the fanatics ruling Iran, but also of the injustices done to the Iranian people. This has drawn the ire of the mullah-appeasers and those in alliance with the criminal Islamic regime in Iran.

Hmmm, I wonder if he reads this forum? whistling.gif

Edited by Steely Dan
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Well just my opinion and a few million others.


There may be some merit to your view. There are hard targets and soft targets and terrorists do know the difference. In today's view, jetliners are the hardest target so it is obvious to pretty much anyone that the success rate is going to be low. The simple fact that anyone would try and bring down an airliner with an underwear bomb is pretty laughable but we are now checking underwear at the various airports. We are funny folks and our reactions to various terrorist acts defy many kinds of logic.

The softest targets that would cause the most pain are obviously elementary schools but they, for some reason, do not get attacked. Possibly a religious motive but who knows, many children get killed in terrorist attacks. Hard to make a moral argument here.

There are 7 million Muslims in the US alone and you would certainly expect many more attacks based upon what you see in the middle east alone.

I have always thought somebody would try and hit a cruise ship with a small attack boat similar to what was done with the USS Cole, but our terrorists seem to be fixated on hard targets. Cruise ships in international waters are virtually unprotected and can carry over 5,000. Hard to sink the ship but it is the terror that is the message, not the number of deaths necessarily.

There are hundreds of different agendas among the various groups and the Shia/Sunni is often confused with western terrorism when it is a tribal conflict that is not going away any time soon.

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I wonder if the Iranians are planning on blaming their nuclear weapons program on the MEK/MKO too.

“There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”

They want to own you and everything you have. Nothing more, nothing less. And they will take it from your stone cold dead hands, if you let them."

Ayatollah Khamenei

February 23, 2012

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Even funnier. Cant stop laughing.

Fars News Agency (FNA) is Iran's leading independent news agency, covering a wide variety of subjects in different, political, economic, cultural, social, legal, sports, military and other areas with the most up-to-date, independent, unbiased and reliable news and reports in Persian and English.

Ever since its establishment in early 2003, it has been making its way towards daily progress and gaining reputation as a trustworthy source of information [...]


So you are accusing an Iran based news agency of spreading lies to damage the reputation of "the Islamic Republic of the Iran"? Time for the Iranian authorities to close them down.

So stop laughing and do your duty as loyal supporter of the mullah regime!

A bit difficult to play the mis-translation defense when it came from an Iranian source, besides which there isn't much room for nuance in the word annihilate.

First, let me apologize for my attempt at humor in a previous post regarding Netanyahu's Facebook page.. It is the 2nd time I have tried that in 6 years and apparently I am not good at it. Those that do not like my posts and i certainly respect the right to disagree, know that regardless of my leanings, I try and avoid attempts to bolster my posts with condescending rhetoric and/sarcasm.

Secondly, the source game is a tough one. First of all, if we believe in the democratic process, that commits us to press freedom. You really can't have one without the other. I have no problem considering anyone's opinion or source. If I don't agree with it, I simply ignore it.

It is my opinion that all of the alternate news sites have grown up around the belief that the Mainstream Media are censored to the point of bias. I would say that the proof in that presumption is the way virtually all these sites actually lean. They lean fringe right. To change this, something needs to happen and I do not know what it has to be. The "I don't like your source" war suggests fascist leanings and I don't really think that is what we are after. I expect we need to welcome all sources and those that violate some international law will have to be ferreted out by the authorities, not us posters.

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The "I don't like your source" war suggests fascist leanings and I don't really think that is what we are after. I expect we need to welcome all sources

Excuse me. I agree that you are quite polite about your beliefs, but allowing any old source would just fill the forum with unsubstantiated lies and false propaganda. There is too much already that slips through the cracks.

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First, let me apologize for my attempt at humor in a previous post regarding Netanyahu's Facebook page.. It is the 2nd time I have tried that in 6 years and apparently I am not good at it. Those that do not like my posts and i certainly respect the right to disagree, know that regardless of my leanings, I try and avoid attempts to bolster my posts with condescending rhetoric and/sarcasm.

Secondly, the source game is a tough one. First of all, if we believe in the democratic process, that commits us to press freedom. You really can't have one without the other. I have no problem considering anyone's opinion or source. If I don't agree with it, I simply ignore it.

It is my opinion that all of the alternate news sites have grown up around the belief that the Mainstream Media are censored to the point of bias. I would say that the proof in that presumption is the way virtually all these sites actually lean. They lean fringe right. To change this, something needs to happen and I do not know what it has to be. The "I don't like your source" war suggests fascist leanings and I don't really think that is what we are after. I expect we need to welcome all sources and those that violate some international law will have to be ferreted out by the authorities, not us posters.

Firstly, apology accepted, I don't suffer from hurt feelings but untruths can cause harm if they fuel existing prejudices. Actually in a black humor sort of way it is actually funny that some people believe the most far fetched theories without a scrap of evidence other than motive.

All in all I would agree that the mainstream press has it's limitations, just as some people complain that the press tows the government line in one respect I would complain that it engages in suppression of truth and misreports things in other ways. Indeed it is as if we live in a post news age where the internet allows us to choose a la carte what we read.

I have no problem with speculation as long as it has some verifiable basis in truth, but alas the truth seems to be an endangered commodity at the moment, whatever standpoint you view things from.

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I wonder if the Iranians are planning on blaming their nuclear weapons program on the MEK/MKO too.

“There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”

They want to own you and everything you have. Nothing more, nothing less. And they will take it from your stone cold dead hands, if you let them."

Ayatollah Khamenei

February 23, 2012

Yeah, let's just accept what Kharmenei says as literal truth. After all, he's a holy man, isn't he? coffee1.gif

Iran has denied inspectors from the United Nations' nuclear watchdog access to a key military site - ratcheting up tensions between Tehran and the West and effectively ending a working dialogue.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors were turned away from a base in Parchin, south east of the capital, where intelligence suggests nuclear weapons could be in development.

Edited by Jingthing
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I wonder if the Iranians are planning on blaming their nuclear weapons program on the MEK/MKO too.

“There is no doubt that the decision makers in the countries opposing us know well that Iran is not after nuclear weapons because the Islamic Republic, logically, religiously and theoretically, considers the possession of nuclear weapons a grave sin and believes the proliferation of such weapons is senseless, destructive and dangerous.”

They want to own you and everything you have. Nothing more, nothing less. And they will take it from your stone cold dead hands, if you let them."

Ayatollah Khamenei

February 23, 2012

Yeah, let's just accept what Kharmenei says as literal truth. After all, he's a holy man, isn't he? coffee1.gif

Iran has denied inspectors from the United Nations' nuclear watchdog access to a key military site - ratcheting up tensions between Tehran and the West and effectively ending a working dialogue.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors were turned away from a base in Parchin, south east of the capital, where intelligence suggests nuclear weapons could be in development.

Daily mail???

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Same difference. It's objective news:

In the wake of the collapse of the mission, Friday's report will almost certainly give a negative assessment of Iranian co-operation while noting the progress of the country's nuclear programme and uranium enrichment, which the UN security council has demanded Tehran suspend.


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The woman suspect; Leila Rohani, could be key to unlocking who is behind this. She's in Iran, and you can bet your Led Zeppelin cassette that Iranian officialdom won't be letting any non-Iranians near her.

Just because the prime suspects all have Iranian passports and fly back and forth to Iran, doesn't mean that Iranian government is orchestrating the bombings. It could be an independent group, or perhaps entwined with some lower down Iranian officials. We may never know for sure because Iranian authorities, though pretending to want a thorough investigation, are not going to cooperative in meaningful ways - particularly in allowing the woman suspect to be extradited and/or interrogated by non-Iranians.

I would think back by "lower down Iranian officials" is good nuff to constitue back by Iran. Seriously, does something have to be ordered by the president himself to constitute backed by that country. Regardless, none of us know or will ever know for sure.

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