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Can Anyone Explain About The Packages For 3G Phones

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I'm puzzled about how fast True switches to fair usage. I changed my plan for my iPhone with True to the 999 Baht per month which gives me 5Gb data transfer instead of the 2GB with the 899 Baht plan. My month starts on the 10th. So from February 10th on I had 5GB and there after 384KB fair usage. Guess what? Sunday FEB 19 at 23:29 I got a message from True telling me that my Internet fair usage policy has been applied and is in effect until March 9 23:59.


I use my iphone as Internet for my computer, because I have no cable Internet where I live.

I must say that I download movies, documentaries and add-ons for Microsoft Flight Simulator.

I start to believe that if I download 7 movies of each 700 MB, that I would have used up 4'900 MB, say 4.9GB. Am I correct? That would explain that in 8 days and 23 hours all my 5GB "unlimited data" is gone!

Can anyone in the know confirm this or explain it to - I guess - the vast majority of the people who don't know? lamotopo maybe?

Thanks for your valuable input!


Well at least your 3G service is working well. ;)

Yes, if you download seven movies at 700 MB (the same as 0.7 GB) each then 7 x 0.7 GB = 4.9 GB. Further if you are using a program like bit torrent then you are also transmitting (seeding) a lot of data. Your data plan cover BOTH uploaded data and DOWNLOADED data, so with a bit-torrent-like application you may hit your fair-use limit at 5 movies.

You can find a program to monitor your usage.

You may want to consider buy movies in the local market, if available. Or moving somewhere where you can get fixed-line broadband service, or asking someone to DL movies for you, burn DVDs then mail them to you?

I'd save that 5 GB for essential internet usage.


Are there any True WiFi hotspots anywhere near you? The TrueMove-H plans seems to change faster than moon phases, so not sure what your plan includes, but many of the "unlimited" 3G plans at True include unlimited True WiFi, as well.


There's nothing further to explain, you answered your own question (you got the math right). A typical movie at 700mb will use up 5Gb with 7 x 700Mb. A typical tv episode @ 350Mb you'll get about a 14.

Be careful with seeding, though. If you leave something downloading and it ends up seeding, whatever you UPLOAD also counts towards your 5Gb usage (not ONLY while seeding the completed torrent - you're also uploading while downloading).

High Speed 3G data, costs roughly US$6/Gb. This is fairly standard in the industry worldwide in developing countries and is sometimes considerably more in first world countries.

Do note that at the advertised speed (42Mbps) you can consume your 5Gb data allowance in roughly 20 minutes, after which you'll be clamped to 384Kbps. Compared to many countries, where you simply get cut off or clamped at 64kbps, this is actually not a bad deal. 384Kbps has a theoretical throughput of about 100Gb/month. So in Thailand, at least, for your US$33 you're actually getting an allowance of 5Gb (hi-speed) PLUS 100Gb (lo speed) PLUS whatever you can nab off wifi.


Thanks a lot to all of you for your input and your time! You confirmed my fears. Well, at least I know now that I won't be downloading anymore movies and documentaries while on fast 3G. I must say I am spoilt since I had for years TRUE at home in Don Muang and Pattaya with really UNLIMITED high speed Internet for roughly 1'000 Baht a month. What a difference! But at least: soon we'll be able to use 3G high speed mobile practically "anywhere" on the go in Thailand when you travel.

Maybe the mods should make this thread sticky, because I'm sure that the majority of iPhone and Android phone users don't understand the concept of mobile 3G transmission. I didn't ... until last night.

wpcoe: no wifi True spots anywhere near me.

Now: I have a friend in Lamphun who claims that he has never run out of high speed Internetwith his iphone 3G with his 899 Baht plan with True and he listens to overseas radio and uses GPS in his car all the time. In other words: True has never applied fair usage. I wonder why he is favored by True. I know of course his phone number and I will ask True and let you know.


Well at least your 3G service is working well. wink.png

Yes, if you download seven movies at 700 MB (the same as 0.7 GB) each then 7 x 0.7 GB = 4.9 GB. Further if you are using a program like bit torrent then you are also transmitting (seeding) a lot of data. Your data plan cover BOTH uploaded data and DOWNLOADED data, so with a bit-torrent-like application you may hit your fair-use limit at 5 movies.

You can find a program to monitor your usage.

You may want to consider buy movies in the local market, if available. Or moving somewhere where you can get fixed-line broadband service, or asking someone to DL movies for you, burn DVDs then mail them to you?

I'd save that 5 GB for essential internet usage.

Thanks, lomatopo! Sorry, I mistyped your name, it's not an easy one to remember. Could you might tell me what is a good app to monitor my usage on my iphone? And another stupid question: If I just cruise the Internet like being in this forum, how much would I use, say in an hour or 12 hours on average in a day? The speed here is usually around 4-7 MB before fair usage is applied.


Now: I have a friend in Lamphun who claims that he has never run out of high speed Internetwith his iphone 3G with his 899 Baht plan with True and he listens to overseas radio and uses GPS in his car all the time. In other words: True has never applied fair usage. I wonder why he is favored by True. I know of course his phone number and I will ask True and let you know.

He most likely hasn't slipped through the net, he simply hasn't hit the 5Gb ceiling. OR (his phone will still say "H+" even though he's clamped to 384kbps) his apps aren't demanding enough for him to notice.

Radio stations typically broadcast at 28kbps or 32kbps to maximise the number of listeners they can squeeze in. Occasionally you will find one on 64kbps+. At 32kbps, if he was listening to the radio 8 hours every day for a month he'd only consume approximately 2.5Gb of data.


how much would I use, say in an hour or 12 hours on average in a day? The speed here is usually around 4-7 MB before fair usage is applied.

Your "average" user, even with some quite heavy use (EXCLUDING torrents/usenet!smile.png ) would be hard pushed to consume 5Gb in a month. But your question's impossible. If you like to sit on Facebook and click on youtube links, browse through people's photo albums, etc, your usage will be a lot heavier than someone just doing regular casual browsing.

You'll get a much better idea of your average usage if, once a day at around the same time, you sms a B (the letter B ) to 9789 it'll tell you your current usage - then you can graph it daily and get a rough average.

I use Android apps for that but I'm sure there's free "network monitor" or "network usage" apps for the iPhone that'll do automagically work out your usage and average for you.


On the iPhone go to Settings -> General -> Usage -> Cellular Usage

There you can see a data counter for both sent and received. You can reset the counter every billing period (add a calendar event to remind you every 10th of the month). That way you can keep perfect track of your usage.

I think that True adds up sent and received to determine whether you have reached your limit

Another thing you can do is check your balance on True. It works like this: send a text message to the

Number: 9789

Message content: B

that's it - send a 'B' (for "Balance") to 9789.

Shortly thereafter, True will send you a message with your billing period, then another message with your current data usage. It's in Thai but the number is pretty obvious.

Lastly you can buy more data from True if you use a prepaid card, but it will get pretty expensive. Maybe buy movies on DVDs?


For TrueMove/iPhone users there is an app. in the apple store.


Many air-card UIs allow you to originate USSD messages so you can use the 9789 B format with them.

True also has a newer extensive web services platform that allows you to do pretty much everything. http://www.trueiservice.com/home/home_index/

The TrueMove H iSIM has its own webpage for managing your account.

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