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Thailand May Change Visa Policy As Country Fears More Terror


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When Adolf Hitler wanted to exterminate all opposition, he got his stooges to set fire to the Reichstag (parliament building). He then framed a Dutch halfwit called Lubbers as a communist terrorist. The concentration camps & Gestapo torture cells were soon full. When nice president Roosevelt wanted to enter WWII, he set up the Pearl Harbor attack, then pinned the blame on the entirely innocent admiral Kimmel.

Fast forward to 1948: when peace & prosperity looked likely to break out after WWII, the industrial-military complex convinced the West that Russia was poised to attack & take over the 'civilized' world. It was total rollox, yet the sheep believed. Stalin knew his broken-down society could not even feed its own population. Russia had only been able to fight WWII with convoys of US supplies.

President Bojangles has recently passed the NDAA law. It allows arrest & indefinite secret detention w/out trial of anyone. While the mass media frighten the masses with tales of wall-to-wall 'terrorism', governments are preparing police state terrorism, not to mention invasion of Syria & Iran. This is WWIII in the pipeline. If that comes, millions will perish.

D*ckheads blethering about conspiracy theories, please either FO, or read some history. OGT

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Please could you stop the noise, I'm trying to get some rest,

From all the unborn chicken voices in my head

Did you know that half the planet is populated by Martian clones? The only way you can tell them apart is by their green blood. An "informed source" told me this in utmost secrecy. Shhhhhh....

'Iranian terrorists' who carried Iranian passports & air tickets? Actual pros do their dirty work with dodgy passports - as with Mossad, in so many global examples. It's SOP. Then we have the 'underwear bomber'. We sheep are supposed to believe this 'trained terrorist' was so inept he didn't know his stuff would not go off w/out a detonator, & no passport? For all the thousands employed in the US security industry, the only baddies caught have been a few suckers set up by the FBI. Wake up at the back there, people. We are being softened up by Western governments for a police state, & fear is the weapon. OGT

Oh great, and when they come out of the closet, we will be called martianophobes.

The definition of Phobia is an 'irrational fear'

It is not irrational to fear a group that intends to murder you.

It's not paranoia if they ARE out to get you.

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you query -

'How do you know that in the cases where Mossad were reported to be using fake passports to conceal their involvement, that this was the case?'

This was in the media. Sundry govs, including the UK, have made official complaints to Israel about Mossad spooks using stolen passports. After the last NZ earthquake, one dead Mossadian was found in a collapsed multi-storey. AFA I remember, he had a stash of dodgy passports in his squashed vehicle.

Real spooks of all govs do this kind of thing. It's what spooks are for. It's only when the 'opposition' does it that it becomes terrorism. Anyhow, you still fail to counter my point - that it is surreal to suppose that Iranian baddies would go on a terror mission with 'Iran' plastered all over their paperwork. Unfortunately, it is enuf to convince many gullibles. OGT

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And much depends what your definition of terrorism is. It has been estimated that the IMF & World Bank kill tens of thousands of innocent people in the Third World every day. Courtesy of those lovely macro-bankers, the deaths result from malnutrition & a range of illnesses that could easily be prevented by the cheapest remedies. The bankers of the West don't want development in victim countries. They don't want the economic competition. Don't believe me? It's all in 'I Was an Economic Hitman' by John Perkins (downloadable, free). Perkins is a guy who used to help banks rob & destroy, until he got sick at heart with the evil.

And if you think all this has nothing to do with you, being white, affluent, fat & sassy, you should think again. The aristocratic mafia that owns the banks is keen to eliminate 'surplus' people, & that includes you. Do you think the running down of the UK is accidental? Do you consider the ongoing destruction of once rich & democratic America to be a mere mishap? No in both cases. The policy documents behind all this were drawn up in the 1970s, by such 'quackademics' as profs Holdren & Ehrlich. They come on as environmentalists, but they are population-control fanatics. They intend a massive genocide of humanity that will make Hitler, Stalin & Pol Pot fumbling amateurs. So IF this is true, invading Iran & launching WWIII would seem a brilliant means to the desired end. Of course, u/stand, our top mafiosi & aristos are not normal people. They are psychopaths. Don't expect them to reason like normals. OGT

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While fiddling with visas, they might consider a couple of sensible suggestions:

1/ Make the term of you visa start from when you enter the country. Most people buy their visas well before departure and the clock starts ticking from date of purchase. If you buy a double entry Tourist one month before arrival, the second leg will expire before it can be used, or if you use it to visit a 2nd country, the same will happen.

2/ the date your visa expires should be marked as "Expiry Date" not "Use Before." The expressions do not mean the same thing.

Although this contribution is not exactly spot on topic, it might be a good idea to clarify this. My OA One -year visa says "Use before Nov 15." (I received the visa on August 25.) I arrived at BKK on Oct 25. My passport has a stamp that says the visa expires on Oct 24, 2012.

So, clearly, the clock starts ticking the moment you enter the country, not on receipt of the visa in your home country.

Unless, it is a different set of regulations for OA one-yr visas, compared to double-entry Tourist visa.....

Not at all. The stamp in your passport indicates the length of your permitted stay. "Use Before" is the expiry date of the visa, and you were allowed 3 months only to use that visa. With a double entry, you receive a 60 day stay, but the visa expires 90 days from purchase. So if you purchase a visa 2 weeks before travel, stay 60 days then purchase a 30 day extension, or visit Cambodia for 2 weeks, when you try to re-enter the country the 2nd leg of your visa is unusable.

"Use Before" does not give the clear message of "Visa Expires On."

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Hmmm...fear, just as USrael planned. Get the sheeple runn'in scared.

Since Thailand supported Palestinian state its been bombs, fear, travel warnings...Thailand got a long road ahead.

Conspiracy theory much?

My belief is the Iranian government is responsible for the bombings, but they ensured that they would be carried out badly intentionally, in order to convince observers that it was a false flag operation instigated by the Israelis.

Thus the Iranians actually instructed their operatives to trigger the so-called "accidental" explosion at their apartment; to deliberately leave Iranian passports lying around to be discovered once this planned alarm was triggered; and told them to make ostentatiously obvious attempts to "flee to Iran" -- all carefully orchestrated to make it seem plausible that it was a false flag attack and thus attempt to make the blame fall on Israel.

Looks like they succeeded admirably in this very clever plan!

If only the anti-semites are blaming Israel, why go to all that trouble?

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I will exchange views with any rational being, but in your case, I feel inadequate.

Reasonableman is making the point that your conspiracy theories are so ridiculous that they are not worth refuting with facts and logic. Personally, I'm surprised that the stalwart members of the Thai Visa kook community are not "liking them" all over the place, but maybe they are so eaten up with jealousy at your vivid imagination that they can not force themselves to click on the "like this" button.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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'Iranian terrorists' who carried Iranian passports & air tickets? Actual pros do their dirty work with dodgy passports - as with Mossad, in so many global examples. It's SOP. Then we have the 'underwear bomber'. We sheep are supposed to believe this 'trained terrorist' was so inept he didn't know his stuff would not go off w/out a detonator, & no passport? For all the thousands employed in the US security industry, the only baddies caught have been a few suckers set up by the FBI. Wake up at the back there, people. We are being softened up by Western governments for a police state, & fear is the weapon. OGT

How do you know that in the cases where Mossad were reported to be using fake passports to conceal their involvement, that this was the case?

In actual fact I know the passports were genuine and identities of those involved were actually as indicated by those passports.

The idea that they were being used by Mossad was just a deceitful rumour put about after the event by the real instigators: the government of the European Union, the representatives of the Satanic new world order prophesied in the book of Revelations, to cover their tracks as they begin to try to form the World government that signals the End of Days?

For everyone knows that professionals use dodgy passports, so the only way for Mossad to have genuinely been able to avoid being implicated would have been to use Israeli passports and Mossad ID.

Then everyone would have said professionals use dodgy passports so these cannot possibly be Mossad agents!

Don't you see! Don't you see? Burble burble burble etc..

The big players in state sponsored terrorism, use proxies. They rarely send in their own agents and would likely never use their own agents in such a simple mission.

They groom useful idiots all over the world pretty much every day of every week. Iran alone is reported to have 15,000 civilian agents not to mention the military in the Revolutionary Guard who are able to conduct operations in most countries to include the United States.

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Normally is it mentioned in the Passport where you was born so easy to see if it is in a muslim country

Would you include either the UK or Thailand, as being a "muslim country", given that both have sizeable Moslem-minorities ?

The point being that country-of-origin may suggest what colour or religion or ethnic-background one might be, but is by-no-means conclusive, in this gloriously-varied modern-world ! cool.png

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Iran has been never on visa on arrival list , you should apply in Iran for visa and it takes few days until they issue a visa for you. seems thai officials have no idea about their country visa affairs !

also applying such restrictions will only cause problems to ordinary citizens and tourists , terrorists can come from other countries and use other methods as they have strong financial and tactical support.

if you want to resolve this issue , help iranian people to fight and change this rotten islamic rejime. all of the problems of middle east will go away if we can replace this regime with a democratic government.

Won't happen. Look what is happening with the "Arab Spring". You get a "democratic" islamic government which includes sharia. Not really much of an upgrade.

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It's all a load of cobblers. 'World terrorism' is a macro scam controlled by the CIA, aided by MI6. Thailand is a target becoz it tries to stay out of the West's dirty warmongering policies & rackets. As past egs show, if a suicide bomber wants to try, s/he can stuff their underwear with boom-stuff, & get on a plane with a CIA escort. S/he won't even need a passport.

May Thailand continue to peacefully import oil from Iran. It should tell the running dogs of Europe & Washington to stick their noses up their own sois. OGT

Do you have to SCREAM your conspiracy theories?

I know it upsets you that it may be harder to carry out your terrorism, but I am sure you will find a way.

this isn't theory, it's exactly what happened.

If this theory is true it would have no affect on Thais. Terrorists could nuke Bangkok and the authorities would just tighten visa requirements.

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It's all a load of cobblers. 'World terrorism' is a macro scam controlled by the CIA, aided by MI6. Thailand is a target becoz it tries to stay out of the West's dirty warmongering policies & rackets. As past egs show, if a suicide bomber wants to try, s/he can stuff their underwear with boom-stuff, & get on a plane with a CIA escort. S/he won't even need a passport.

May Thailand continue to peacefully import oil from Iran. It should tell the running dogs of Europe & Washington to stick their noses up their own sois. OGT

Do you have to SCREAM your conspiracy theories?

I know it upsets you that it may be harder to carry out your terrorism, but I am sure you will find a way.

this isn't theory, it's exactly what happened.

That's what all the conspiracy nuts say.

“That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

Christopher Hitchens

“Exceptional claims demand exceptional evidence.”

Christopher Hitchens

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These conspiracy theory junkies that support the terrorists, so the terrorists can obfuscate their crimes against humanity and provide them with deniability. Thus, no matter the crime, blame a Jew.

Right up to the sinking of the Titanic. Rosenburg, Goldberg, Greenburg, Iceburg.................all bloody Jews.giggle.gif

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Too late --- the criminals are already here for a long time and will stay as long as they pay their tea money. Making life difficult with visa restrictions means that only the clever ones get in because they work out how to circumvent the new regulations. -- keep out the minnows - let in the sharks,,,

So you would just bury your head in the sand? Or do you have a plan for the sharks?
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Basically there is only one reason why men from the MIddle East come to Bangkok, and it isn't for the culture or shopping; yet, back in their own country, they will say "haram" "haram" (forbidden) to the drinking and night life that they find in the Nana night district.

What? To blow up Israeli diplomats?

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Too late --- the criminals are already here for a long time and will stay as long as they pay their tea money. Making life difficult with visa restrictions means that only the clever ones get in because they work out how to circumvent the new regulations. -- keep out the minnows - let in the sharks,,,

So you would just bury your head in the sand? Or do you have a plan for the sharks?

Far be it from me to tell any government what to do, but it appears that there are a lot of big criminals already in Thailand -- not only middle eastern countries' passport holders. Keeping out minnows is fine, but to keep out the sharks - like the purported "trainer" - a greater degree of screening might help when considering visa applications, and gaining access and making good use of other governments databases of undesireables would also help a lot, since it would appear that several countries knew about the arrival of some of them and had the decency to warn the Thai authorities. Thailand is not perfect, but it is not worse than many countries I have lived in around the world. It's a shame that most contributors here do not show much evidence of first hand experience of anywhere other than their home country and Thailand.

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Too late --- the criminals are already here for a long time and will stay as long as they pay their tea money. Making life difficult with visa restrictions means that only the clever ones get in because they work out how to circumvent the new regulations. -- keep out the minnows - let in the sharks,,,

So you would just bury your head in the sand? Or do you have a plan for the sharks?

Far be it from me to tell any government what to do, but it appears that there are a lot of big criminals already in Thailand -- not only middle eastern countries' passport holders. Keeping out minnows is fine, but to keep out the sharks - like the purported "trainer" - a greater degree of screening might help when considering visa applications, and gaining access and making good use of other governments databases of undesireables would also help a lot, since it would appear that several countries knew about the arrival of some of them and had the decency to warn the Thai authorities. Thailand is not perfect, but it is not worse than many countries I have lived in around the world. It's a shame that most contributors here do not show much evidence of first hand experience of anywhere other than their home country and Thailand.

Sounds like you are suggesting that people should have to produce some sort of criminal record check or police report before being issued a visa or entering the country even - Pattaya will become a ghost town.

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Quite a long while ago, the Pattaya office released news that they had opened a special office and ALL long stayers were going to be screened using international police databases, or something like that. Am I naive to believe they have been doing that? I don't think so as quite regularly wanted back home crims are arrested in Pattaya.

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Quite a long while ago, the Pattaya office released news that they had opened a special office and ALL long stayers were going to be screened using international police databases, or something like that. Am I naive to believe they have been doing that? I don't think so as quite regularly wanted back home crims are arrested in Pattaya.

That does sound familiar - was there not a problem with the Thai authorities been told by the overseas police depts (UK rings a bell) they couldn't have access to the said database on privacy grounds. Of course any international terrorist staying long term in Pattaya would soon be rehabilitated and lose any interest in havoc reeking.

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Too late --- the criminals are already here for a long time and will stay as long as they pay their tea money. Making life difficult with visa restrictions means that only the clever ones get in because they work out how to circumvent the new regulations. -- keep out the minnows - let in the sharks,,,

So you would just bury your head in the sand? Or do you have a plan for the sharks?

Far be it from me to tell any government what to do, but it appears that there are a lot of big criminals already in Thailand -- not only middle eastern countries' passport holders. Keeping out minnows is fine, but to keep out the sharks - like the purported "trainer" - a greater degree of screening might help when considering visa applications, and gaining access and making good use of other governments databases of undesireables would also help a lot, since it would appear that several countries knew about the arrival of some of them and had the decency to warn the Thai authorities. Thailand is not perfect, but it is not worse than many countries I have lived in around the world. It's a shame that most contributors here do not show much evidence of first hand experience of anywhere other than their home country and Thailand.

Sounds like you are suggesting that people should have to produce some sort of criminal record check or police report before being issued a visa or entering the country even - Pattaya will become a ghost town.

It is not unusual to be asked for a criminal record check/polic report when applying for travel visas. Try getting into USA ;)

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