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Stickers At 'Bomb House' Also Found On Route To Bangkok Hotel: Terror Plot


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"SEJEAL' Stickers Linked to Triple Blasts

BANGKOK: -- The bomb disposal unit of the Metropolitan Police bureau yesterday inspected 'SEJEAL' stickers posted at various spots along the road running parallel to the expressway exit onto the south side of Ploenchit Road all the way to the JW Marriott Hotel, then left onto Sukhumvit Road in front of Q House Building.

The stickers were stuck onto electricity posts, billboard posts, sign posts, and public telephone booths.

Police collected more than 40 stickers from 27 spots.

These stickers were also found in the apartment room rented by fourth Iranian female bomb suspect Leila Rohani and on the motorcycle used by the bomb suspects so police believe they are connected to the bomb plot.

Police suspect it may be placed at potential venues for the placement of a bomb or to indicate the getaway route in a possible assassination attempt of high-ranking Israeli officers by having bombers ride on a motorcycle and placing sticky bombs on the target's vehicle before fleeing.

The bomb disposal unit has reported this to the national police chief already.

The word 'SEJEAL' means surging to the highest point in Persian.

Translated from Daily News


-- Tan Network 2012-02-21


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As stated previously, the Iranians who blew up their own address whilst making and/or handling the ordinances, were only bomb makers. The bombing crew have not been identified, and are most likely not the bomb makers - they are far more effective remaining unidentified, and untraceable to the bombers. This ensures that provided bombers can be supplied for the suicide missions, the bombs will keep coming (this still works well in Baghdad).

The Male who was identified in photos with the black beard at Suvarnabhumi, is the fence who communicates between the bomb factory and the bombing team. This man, as per my last information is still in the Kingdom and therefore may be communicating between other bomb factories and bombing teams, or arranging the setup of a new bomb factory to assist the bombing team.

The stickers likely indicate exchange points, at which the member(s) of the bombing team would meet with the fence who would deliver the ordinances, carried in bags such as which the bomber which blew his legs off was carrying. The bomb makers were never supposed to carry the ordinances out of the property which exploded. The stickers indicate meeting points, multiple as such that multiple members of the team could act as decoys should the team feel they were being watched. I know, others may call me crazy, but please do provide a more plausible explanation and I shall stand humbled.

Edited by TheGhostWithin
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Saw the "police" taking photos and vdo of this near the Ploenchit BTS on the street. Wondering what was going on because didn't think it would be some random gang "investigation" thing. sorry for the use of quotes. giggle.gif

I'm much more offended by your use of the abbreviation vdo.

On a more serious note, I wonder how they are attempting to communicate with these captured Iranian suspects. Do they even have someone on staff who speaks Farsi, or are they relying on the intersection of the English skills of the police, with those of the Iranians? Because, you know, farangs all speak English, right? The picture of the Iranian man in handcuffs in the OP looks like he's trying to explain things with hand gestures.

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Two odd things:

-the stickers are in Roman alphabet, rather than Farsi or Arabic

-why give the suspect body armour?

Perhaps the Thais are afraid of an attempt to silence the chap. I read on the internet that really secret agent types Mossad agent Uzi Glock and his MI6 buddy Simon Fitzmullet-Bovington were being flown in by the US CIA on a specially built spaceship with kilingon cloaking technology , the internet report said that it would be piloted by noted Kentucky Hills hero Bubba McDumpling. I am just waiting on Ron Paul to confirm this is true.

You need to get away from the computer and get out more. You're wasting the remainder of your life with this nonsense.

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As stated previously, the Iranians who blew up their own address whilst making and/or handling the ordinances, were only bomb makers. The bombing crew have not been identified, and are most likely not the bomb makers - they are far more effective remaining unidentified, and untraceable to the bombers. This ensures that provided bombers can be supplied for the suicide missions, the bombs will keep coming (this still works well in Baghdad).

The Male who was identified in photos with the black beard at Suvarnabhumi, is the fence who communicates between the bomb factory and the bombing team. This man, as per my last information is still in the Kingdom and therefore may be communicating between other bomb factories and bombing teams, or arranging the setup of a new bomb factory to assist the bombing team.

The stickers likely indicate exchange points, at which the member(s) of the bombing team would meet with the fence who would deliver the ordinances, carried in bags such as which the bomber which blew his legs off was carrying. The bomb makers were never supposed to carry the ordinances out of the property which exploded. The stickers indicate meeting points, multiple as such that multiple members of the team could act as decoys should the team feel they were being watched. I know, others may call me crazy, but please do provide a more plausible explanation and I shall stand humbled.

Can you say why the stickers are in English, Why they would put many on one post, Why they leave an obvious trail for Investigators and Why trained terrorists would be so Stupid???? This looks even more, at least in Part, to be a False Flag along with the bombings in India and Georgia. Especially in light of the fact Israel want to attack Iran asap and needs as much justification as possible.

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Can you say why the stickers are in English, Why they would put many on one post, Why they leave an obvious trail for Investigators and Why trained terrorists would be so Stupid???? This looks even more, at least in Part, to be a False Flag along with the bombings in India and Georgia. Especially in light of the fact Israel want to attack Iran asap and needs as much justification as possible.

Good question! Considering prior warning from Israeli and American embassies with regards to confirmed terrorist threats in Thailand, anything middle east-oriented, particularly in Thai areas, would likely be under increased levels of surveillance. Mosques, shisha shops, kebab shops, and other places middle eastern and Thai muslims congregate would fall under suspicion, particularly areas in which they could intermingle. Having Farsi writing on newly-erected stickers attached to poles in Thai areas,and particularly Thai muslim areas leading into both areas of Farang and Thai stature (the Bayoke sky tower, Israeli/US embassies, ministry of agriculture) would certainly arouse suspicion. Putting a similar code, though in arabic script (farsi or any other) would only arouse more suspicion by those sniffing the trail. Simply put, its about blending in.

Believe me, Israel nether needs nor will wait for an excuse, when they feel the time is right, they will attack Iran, without prior warning. They see the element of surprise as far superior to the element of advanced planning between allies. This has proven in the past to be successful in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and most recently in the controversial boarding of the "cargo ship" by commandos. Israel has long adopted the strike first, defend later approach.

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Saw the "police" taking photos and vdo of this near the Ploenchit BTS on the street. Wondering what was going on because didn't think it would be some random gang "investigation" thing. sorry for the use of quotes. giggle.gif

I'm much more offended by your use of the abbreviation vdo.

On a more serious note, I wonder how they are attempting to communicate with these captured Iranian suspects. Do they even have someone on staff who speaks Farsi, or are they relying on the intersection of the English skills of the police, with those of the Iranians? Because, you know, farangs all speak English, right? The picture of the Iranian man in handcuffs in the OP looks like he's trying to explain things with hand gestures.

They are expert mimes and masters of charades.

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Can you say why the stickers are in English, Why they would put many on one post, Why they leave an obvious trail for Investigators and Why trained terrorists would be so Stupid????

1) The signs are in English because no one would notice then except the Iranian terrorists if the bomb had not gone off by mistake and exposed them.

2) They put a number on each post, so that their own people would not miss them. No investigators would have noticed them if the bomb had not gone off by mistake and exposed them.

3)The only thing stupid was the the bomb going off by mistake and exposing them. The stickers pale in comparison.

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Can you say why the stickers are in English, Why they would put many on one post, Why they leave an obvious trail for Investigators and Why trained terrorists would be so Stupid???? This looks even more, at least in Part, to be a False Flag along with the bombings in India and Georgia. Especially in light of the fact Israel want to attack Iran asap and needs as much justification as possible.

Good question! Considering prior warning from Israeli and American embassies with regards to confirmed terrorist threats in Thailand, anything middle east-oriented, particularly in Thai areas, would likely be under increased levels of surveillance. Mosques, shisha shops, kebab shops, and other places middle eastern and Thai muslims congregate would fall under suspicion, particularly areas in which they could intermingle. Having Farsi writing on newly-erected stickers attached to poles in Thai areas,and particularly Thai muslim areas leading into both areas of Farang and Thai stature (the Bayoke sky tower, Israeli/US embassies, ministry of agriculture) would certainly arouse suspicion. Putting a similar code, though in arabic script (farsi or any other) would only arouse more suspicion by those sniffing the trail. Simply put, its about blending in.

Believe me, Israel nether needs nor will wait for an excuse, when they feel the time is right, they will attack Iran, without prior warning. They see the element of surprise as far superior to the element of advanced planning between allies. This has proven in the past to be successful in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and most recently in the controversial boarding of the "cargo ship" by commandos. Israel has long adopted the strike first, defend later approach.

They are expert mimes and masters of charade.

Well Sherlock you are as usual a genius! and out doing the two ubiquitous Goebbels twins!

You forgot to mention these bumbling fools did have T-shirt with I am a bomber as well!

Persian is official language of three countries, Iran, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, as well spoken In most parts on Iraq, and former in Iranian Imperial capital is the just outside Baghdad! That word SEJEAL is same in Persian and Arabic!

If you hang out around Soi Nana, you will see 100 of stickers in Arabic alphabet, which are same as Persian and Arabic, both Arabs and Iranian can read them, though some of the words may not be understood.

An intelligence operation is well thought in Advance with massive contingency planning, and secrecy, the real guys wouldn't be hanging out among hooks etc! Such a sticker with that name on it, will trigger massive alert, most Arabs hang around Grace Hotel are from Gulf country and they would raise the alarm, among those are well train intelligence operatives mainly Jordanian and Qataries, as well there is huge Persian speaking prostitutes from Tajikistan and city of Samarkand around that area that work hand in glove with police! This is tantamount to badly scripted horror terror story with some playful monkeys doing odd antics, and going wrong!

There was another case in America, where the Iranian, a second hand car dealer was organizing a hit on Saudi Ambassador , by hiring Mexican drug cartels, a hooded spokesman for the Mexican side told Mexican TV we don't have kiosk in the Air Port arrival launch that represent us and arrange contract killing! The cartel make enough money with out getting few dollars from a second car dealer for a hit in Middle of US capital on a high profile diplomat!

These for media and public opinion manipulation, having said that Iranian regime is and expert in terror work and they would be surgical and deadly! And one thing they don't use; are Iranian passport, their favorite passport are Lebanese Afghanis, or Syrians!

Bangkok has around 10 000 Iranian residence that been there for years and have families etc, they speak read and write Thai language and can translate, the Thai Muslim are Sunni, and they stay away from Iranians are well as the Persian speaking prostitutes from Tajikistan and Uzbekistan despise them as well and will dub the in if they get the chance!

american were stupid in invading Iraq, they should have first finished Iran then Iraq! Iraq was finished during first gulf war .

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Saw the "police" taking photos and vdo of this near the Ploenchit BTS on the street. Wondering what was going on because didn't think it would be some random gang "investigation" thing. sorry for the use of quotes. giggle.gif

I'm much more offended by your use of the abbreviation vdo.

On a more serious note, I wonder how they are attempting to communicate with these captured Iranian suspects. Do they even have someone on staff who speaks Farsi, or are they relying on the intersection of the English skills of the police, with those of the Iranians? Because, you know, farangs all speak English, right? The picture of the Iranian man in handcuffs in the OP looks like he's trying to explain things with hand gestures.

They use the expert female interpretures from soi 3

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Isn't it strange that the printing on those sejeal stickers is in the same green color as the other bigger sticker on top of the pole and that they seem to be placed orderly?

My guess is that the sticker belongs to the company who installed the poles.You know in Thailand left hand doesn't know what right hand does.

Interesting observation.

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Progress Made for the Investigation of Bangkok's Triple Blast Incident

BANGKOK: -- The police took a suspected Iranian bomber of Bangkok's Triple Blast Incident last Tuesday for a crime reenactment at Soi Pridi Banomyong 31 yesterday.

A special squad of the city police's investigation department took Iranian suspect Mohammad Hazai to perform a crime reenactment at the site of explosions at Soi Pridi Banomyong 31 yesterday.

The crime reenactment started at his rented house in Sukhumvit 71's Soi Pridi Panomyong 31, which was the hiding place of his accomplices, when the first bomb exploded.

After that, he was taken to the Suvarnabhumi Airport Rail Link at Ramkhamhaeng Station where he bought a ticket and fled to the airport. Hazai also pointed at the Nasa Vegas Hotel that he used to check in. The Crime Suppression Division police then took Hazai for questioning.

Meanwhile, the Crime Suppression Division Chief Police Major General Supisarn Pakdinarunart stated that he had worked closely with Deputy National Police Chief Police General Pansiri Prapawat, who is heading the investigation team.

Supisarn said the Crime Suppression Division will take Hazai into custody before forwarding him to the previous investigation team for further investigations. He said he instructed 50 officers to keep an eye on him around the clock.

Supisarn added the police is eligible to detain the suspect for 48 hours until today. The police will bring him to the Bangkok South Criminal Court to imprison him on the first round.

Moreover, police revealed the latest piece of evidence in their investigation. Fifty-two stickers bearing the word "Sejeal" were found posted along a road in Klong Toey district.

The stickers were first seen inside the rented house, and on the suspect's motor bike as well as in the Nasa Vegas hotel room where another suspect, Rohani Leila, stayed.

Officials believe the stickers may have been used to mark specific locations in a plot to assassinate high-ranking Israeli officials who use the route.


-- Tan Network 2012-02-21


The Nasa Vegas... Lucky the police found the sticker in the room, the cleaning staff would have taken weeks to find it.

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As stated previously, the Iranians who blew up their own address whilst making and/or handling the ordinances, were only bomb makers. The bombing crew have not been identified, and are most likely not the bomb makers - they are far more effective remaining unidentified, and untraceable to the bombers. This ensures that provided bombers can be supplied for the suicide missions, the bombs will keep coming (this still works well in Baghdad).

The Male who was identified in photos with the black beard at Suvarnabhumi, is the fence who communicates between the bomb factory and the bombing team. This man, as per my last information is still in the Kingdom and therefore may be communicating between other bomb factories and bombing teams, or arranging the setup of a new bomb factory to assist the bombing team.

The stickers likely indicate exchange points, at which the member(s) of the bombing team would meet with the fence who would deliver the ordinances, carried in bags such as which the bomber which blew his legs off was carrying. The bomb makers were never supposed to carry the ordinances out of the property which exploded. The stickers indicate meeting points, multiple as such that multiple members of the team could act as decoys should the team feel they were being watched. I know, others may call me crazy, but please do provide a more plausible explanation and I shall stand humbled.

Okay, crazy. You sure gets lots of inside info on many topics.

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The Koran that tells of a miracle when birds from heaven dropped "sejeal stones" on an army riding elephants from Yemen who were attempting to kill Mohammed, scaring the animals and saving the prophet's life.

By coincidence, the Italian news agency reports that missiles were fired from Gaza including a heavy Grad last Friday..

Other newswires have reported "50 missiles were launched from Gaza at Israel towns. These missiles are often referred to as “Sejeal Stones” by ‘Palestinians’ depicting the story of Yemeni attackers upon Muhammad being repelled by scaring their elephants with stones"

Mr. Blows, you certainly have your eye on the news tongue.png.



"sejael" itself could be phonetic transcription for somekind of a stone/rock or baked clay.

sejael if it is a phonetic transcription of an arabic or persian word at all could mean almost anything. if you just have the sound of one word. two? syllables a translation becomes very difficult.

you can maybe translate whole body of a long text from one language into another. with only one sentence it becomes more difficult to translate. and only one word or the sound of one word its much more impossible.

sejael could be also just a name for a person.


or a name for an iranian missile. and yes the Qur'an has a story where baked clay came from the sky, dropped by birds at elephants. and yes its maybe also a poetic name some Palestinian freedom fighters use for their rockets.

Its also the way arab would make a phonetic transcription of Steven Seagal, the american Aikido instructor.

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Where are those politicians, bureaucrats, and tourism officials who fervently denied that these bombings and bomb making activities had anything to with Tourism. Why would the Iranian terrorist cooperate with a "Thai reenactment" without the benefit of an attorney at his side or why do it at all?

What you think such suspects have any legal rights in practice here? To a lawyer? To refuse to answer questions? Pshaw, dream on! Only if rich or otherwise powerful people are putting pressure on for your side, otherwise you're at the mercy of whatever the BiB/security forces want to do to you, including a very painful death, without consequences to your torturers/murderers.

That's why everyone immediately confesses here, and the re-enactment ritual is just a showpiece victory dance before the media. Don't get on the wrong side of the mafia police. . .

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Can you say why the stickers are in English, Why they would put many on one post, Why they leave an obvious trail for Investigators and Why trained terrorists would be so Stupid???? This looks even more, at least in Part, to be a False Flag along with the bombings in India and Georgia. Especially in light of the fact Israel want to attack Iran asap and needs as much justification as possible.

I suggest you follow your own advice;

You need to get away from the computer and get out more. You're wasting the remainder of your life with this nonsense.

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The stickers don't blend in and I doubt if Israel has any advantage of surprise at all. Netanyahu is constantly saying that Israel must attack Iran asap. Do you think that Iran will be unprepared and taken by surprise? No way. There'll all out massive reprisals from Iran. They will severely damage little Israel. In fact Israelis must have lost there minds. Of course they expect USA and EU backing. But for the sake of World Peace, Let them go it alone and be taught a lesson by Iran.

You over estimate the capabilities of the Iranian military forces by a long measure. If or when Israel attacks Iran, it will be over before the Iranian military can even respond, much less defend against. If it becomes a shooting war, you know as well as I that Iran doesn't stand a chance in hell of surviving.

How about Ahmandinejad's changing his stance on Death to Israel and Death to the USA for the sake of world peace.

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Where are those politicians, bureaucrats, and tourism officials who fervently denied that these bombings and bomb making activities had anything to with Tourism. Why would the Iranian terrorist cooperate with a "Thai reenactment" without the benefit of an attorney at his side or why do it at all?

It is amazing how co-operative a man will become to get the electrical leads disconnected from his testicles.

Yes, but then they wouldn't (or rather, couldn't) parade him around.

Given a few days, most people will break, even without such drastic measures.

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