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Rant over.


Have you been drinking Mrs H/Ms coffee again or did you have an early G&T as I don't understand the message.

Sorry abut that but I thought it was self explanatory. If you put to many posts in the same list used to be 5, TV wont let you post same. They don't tell you it cant be done before you start tapping just wait till the end then it rebuffs all.

This has been the same since time immortal. It happened to me yet again today after I had spent time putting in a post having prechecked the No: of posts 4 and I got rebuffed now it seems that the 5 has gone out of the window and now it's 4.

I put it in large script hoping that something will be done about it.

I shall try yet again later to put in my original post.

Have just reread my post and yes it is a trite baffling in my defence H/M was very peed off.



Aahhh, now I understand.


Right original post well something like it.

They Bill did have Lamb in Makro yesterday not a huge amount and only shoulders and knuckles alas not legs.

We/I have gone for Duck this year reason Mrs H/M doesn't in her words do big Chicken. As I tap it is in the fridge drying out the skin Should be all set by the 25.

I'm sure that it'll go down well I have planned to carve it in Mrs H/M fashion. The neck head feet will be for Mrs H/M no doubt with copious quantities of rice & chillies not forgetting fish sauce. Daughter an I will have the delish bit's and Pepsi my Irish Wolf hound will have the leftovers bones ETC. I'm sure that when you pop in Bill provided you don't smell of Duck you will be safe this time from her teeth.

K.P.P News.

Paul our IT guru is now in Blighty only been there for 3 days and already has a virus.

Had an email from him followed by a phone call, seems he's peed orf big time what with the prices there not forgetting the weather.

H/M cant wait for his next trip to N/S Visa office in the new year.

I do as most peeps know like to put a Joke in my posts the above line was it.

That was not the full post just a pra'se of same. Only hope it's allowed to go in this time.



Note to self don't put in but when it should be by. Pre read the post before putting it in.

Sorry I dont get the joke are you feeling deprived of noodles or something? I will let the girls in Immigration know you are coming................Look out for twerp in a red jacket and jodpurs from over the border who eats duck instead of turkey and has funny look in his eye! Also trying to flog copies of old dvd's from the UK esp the Sound of Music!
It was for peeps like you Dave that I put in it's a joke as I knew that you wouldn't get it.

If you read my post you would see that Mrs H/M doesn't eat BIG Chicken. Talking of Chicken aren't you having one for Christmas??? Cant it seems get a Turkey cut in half at your Makro's.

I don't normally have a funny look in my Regal eye's, well except when I get there and all the fumes get at me. But I might well have my Hunting gear on got to keep the locals on their toes.

Little tip.

Don't forget to leave Santa his mince pies and the odd drink, if he's like Buddha he wont consume any of it and it'll all be left for you. What have you asked for not another train set.

I've just settled for a new Lady, Royal of cause, evidently that seems to be easy to obtain here so not asking for the world.

I was thinking of leaving the Duck neck and bit's out for him then I thought what would Mrs H/M be have to eat. As it's the festive season cant leave her out like I normally do.



Re your little tip, if Buddha has got anything to do with the tip I can see whatever drinks are left about will end up back in the buddha shop to re sold just like at the temple! Oi I just bought them you thief!!!!!


I have thought of a cunning plan for the turkey next year at Makro. This year you will remember I asked for the turkey to be cut in half and they "no can do" next year I will ask for them to cut it two and will advise them I will take both, not sure yet whether to ask for 2 for the price of 1giggle.gif .

Well have all the goodies ready, chicken, stuffing, cauli, brocolli, carrots and potatoes. Gravy and noodles all washed down with a vat of yadong, cant wait for the films either, anyone know if Willy and the noodle factory is on?


Send me a PM and I'll meet you in the parking lot with my chain saw! I'm only volunteering because I live 95 kilometers southwest and can get to Makro without crossing the bridge and entering the amazing noodle hub. If you buy it before 9 Novemebr, the day my extension is up for renewal, I can do the the extension and half your turkey on the same trip, killing "two birds: with on trip. I'm doing my monthly shopping run to Tesco in Chainat today so I'll most likly have Christmas dinner(lunch) in the Japanese restaurant with the coveyor belt or MK. I prefer Dairy Queen but the other half is tagging along!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!


Send me a PM and I'll meet you in the parking lot with my chain saw! I'm only volunteering because I live 95 kilometers southwest and can get to Makro without crossing the bridge and entering the amazing noodle hub. If you buy it before 9 Novemebr, the day my extension is up for renewal, I can do the the extension and half your turkey on the same trip, killing "two birds: with on trip. I'm doing my monthly shopping run to Tesco in Chainat today so I'll most likly have Christmas dinner(lunch) in the Japanese restaurant with the coveyor belt or MK. I prefer Dairy Queen but the other half is tagging along!

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good day!

Question Wayne, The Japanese restaurant.

I'm not a great lover of said cuisine, no problem with the fish and bit's on top, but I find their rice somewhat sweet, (I don't do sweet) have I just been to the wrong places or is that the norm.

Mrs H/M dislikes it as well (she doesn't do sweet either) only eats the toppings so within an hour it's orf to eat Thai for a top up.

For everyone my Christmas Lunch/Dinner of Duck went well the head neck offal were consumed with glee by Mrs H/M the feet went to the dog.

Father Christmas came My daughter received lots of goodies Mrs H/M got a couple of pares of shoes, Don't panic only 100bt a go 'her choice' and as per norm H/M got bugger all.

New year to go then it's all over till the Thai new year.

Oh nearly forgot I phoned a chum yesterday who lives in Blighty. Just happened to ask if the Sound of Music or the likes were on seems not, but they did have lots of stuff dating back to the 70s some were even before that looks like we missed out on all the delights yet again.




Well the Christmas lunch went down jolly well, I think more Thais be round to try my wonderful creations, if only I had the time and inclination to open a string of restaurants, but I am just to busy relaxing, come to think of it its begining to sound like a Thai restaurant with all the relaxing by owner and staff!

I understand that the current incumbents are giving serious consideration to a new law which allows non-Thais to buy half a turkey provided they take both halves at the same time, dont laugh at the staff who halve to perform the cutting and it is purchased between the hours of 1100 and 1400. A copy of your visa will be required to attach to the purchase along with 2 copies of your passport page, a copy of your latest electricity bill would also speed things along.


Well the Christmas lunch went down jolly well, I think more Thais be round to try my wonderful creations, if only I had the time and inclination to open a string of restaurants, but I am just to busy relaxing, come to think of it its begining to sound like a Thai restaurant with all the relaxing by owner and staff!

I understand that the current incumbents are giving serious consideration to a new law which allows non-Thais to buy half a turkey provided they take both halves at the same time, dont laugh at the staff who halve to perform the cutting and it is purchased between the hours of 1100 and 1400. A copy of your visa will be required to attach to the purchase along with 2 copies of your passport page, a copy of your latest electricity bill would also speed things along.

Next time you buy a turkey and want it cut in half bring your own machete, samurai sword or Swiss Army penknife and chop it in front of them. A visual demontration is worth a thousand words.


I think perhaps a bevy of farang arriving at the counter, all with a Butterball turkey and creating a fuss might also do the trick!


Confuzion Bar was closed today.. Despite the recent post it was now open in the daytime midweek.

Yes, "dashed pore show" as Fredo might say. I was caught out the same day at 11.05 a.m. being confronted by a cleaning lady who indicated I was down for nowt. Feeling a bit miffed I gave her a bit of the culed lip as I had been looking forward to a morning coffee outside overlooking the park while I did the easy Monday Sudoku. Meant to post on here to warn you but thought you weren't due till late January and I have been away for a few days. Don't know what the score is, but am having a few weeks off the ale anyway.


Confuzion Bar was closed today.. Despite the recent post it was now open in the daytime midweek.

Yes, "dashed pore show" as Fredo might say. I was caught out the same day at 11.05 a.m. being confronted by a cleaning lady who indicated I was down for nowt. Feeling a bit miffed I gave her a bit of the culed lip as I had been looking forward to a morning coffee outside overlooking the park while I did the easy Monday Sudoku. Meant to post on here to warn you but thought you weren't due till late January and I have been away for a few days. Don't know what the score is, but am having a few weeks off the ale anyway.
Thanks. Iam down in NS most weeks so as I was passing thought id give it a try again. Im still down late Jan for 90 day anyway and will try again. Mercy Coffee on the other side of the lake looks good if you fancy a coffee by the lake. Past the walk on the left. Sign outside so cant miss it. :)

Confuzion Bar was closed today.. Despite the recent post it was now open in the daytime midweek.

Yes, "dashed pore show" as Fredo might say. I was caught out the same day at 11.05 a.m. being confronted by a cleaning lady who indicated I was down for nowt. Feeling a bit miffed I gave her a bit of the culed lip as I had been looking forward to a morning coffee outside overlooking the park while I did the easy Monday Sudoku. Meant to post on here to warn you but thought you weren't due till late January and I have been away for a few days. Don't know what the score is, but am having a few weeks off the ale anyway.
Seems to H/M that you mob had better make the most of ConfuZion bar ASAP as I cant see it being open much longer, only opening night times it seems.

Either the peeps that run it have to much cash lying about or they don't mind running at a loss. No way can anyone run a business to earn monies by opening a few short hour during the evening.

And yes H/M would use the terminology Dash (Note not Dashed) pore show, but I certainly wouldn't follow it up with down for nowt.

I see that there is another Article just started in this section, Martinkb is requiring info on what's going on over the New Year in the Hub N/S.

I'm leaving that to you locals to come up with some suggestions, as all I can think of is visit the bridge works, viewing the flotsam flowing down the river, obtain a few cans of beer and sit on the pavement traffic watching loads of fun with the last bit.

Could of cause pop along to ConfuZion bar if that is still open.

There's an Idea for you Dave how about having a train set open evening.

Set up the British rail Tea urn Pre order some soggy bun Big Mick's accompanied with Noodles and you'll be away.



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Big New Years eve party in my village as usual. Twenty five to thirty 8 person tables set up on the basketball court (another story as I've never seen a basket ball since I've lived here). Dinner Thai style properly catered with a 5 to 6 course meal and a bottle of Hong Thong in the middle of each table. After the normal speaches, there's a drawing for prises as all of the tickets are numbered. I could actually win a case of Leo but more likely a case of cheap cooking oil. After the drawing the entertainment starts, you guessed it, Karaoke accompanied by children throwing firecrackers and howling frighten dogs. Oh what fun! The noise goes on well past midnight and is usually terminated when a fight breaks out. I'm long gone and fast asleep by then.

Tickets are olyt 230 baht each for the whole experience!

Happy New Year to all and to all a good day!


Big New Years eve party in my village as usual. Twenty five to thirty 8 person tables set up on the basketball court (another story as I've never seen a basket ball since I've lived here). Dinner Thai style properly catered with a 5 to 6 course meal and a bottle of Hong Thong in the middle of each table. After the normal speaches, there's a drawing for prises as all of the tickets are numbered. I could actually win a case of Leo but more likely a case of cheap cooking oil. After the drawing the entertainment starts, you guessed it, Karaoke accompanied by children throwing firecrackers and howling frighten dogs. Oh what fun! The noise goes on well past midnight and is usually terminated when a fight breaks out. I'm long gone and fast asleep by then.

Tickets are olyt 230 baht each for the whole experience!

Happy New Year to all and to all a good day!

Sounds just the thing and only having to pay 230bt, Oh what joy.

We aren't doing anything a visit to the local bar for me well maybe, then back early like you I don't do late ones.

Maybe you can put in a post for Martinkb looks like he could do with a few tickets, anything's got to be an improvement on doing the bugger all that he seems to be left with.

I haven't looked in the last hour or two but so far he hasn't had a reply on Things to do in N/S over the new year.

Chose the wrong place to be over the festive season H/M thinks.

What ever you mob are up to, hope you have a good one during the night of the 30th. That's of cause if your up to something and not just Down for Nowt.

A Happy new Year to you all.




The world and their uncle are about to descend upon Nakhon Sawan, hub of Thailand, home of Tieness, where the Nan meets the Ping and the pong from KPP, the city that never sleeps, where chaps from KPP are drawn by the aroma of finely cooked pork from a Fortuner Grill, where the smell of freshly cooked BBQ chicken wafts across the roof tops drawing in ever more tourists, I could go on but my noodles have just arrived!

The sound is increasing and the fireworks are all in place( I have my sparklers) for the big bash tomorrow night by the lake, by the riverside and all the way to the borders of the city and beyond ( thats Asean)!

Oh come all ye faithful to the centre of the known world ( not far from BIG C)! All welcome. please bring a bottle ( full ones can be safely left at my gate). I expect to be on all good tv channels and stations tomorrow night.

Have a happy new year's eve and keep off the roads, you know it makes sense. If you have to travel make sure you take a clean spare pair of underpants with you just in case.

Happy new year to all my subjects.


The world and their uncle are about to descend upon Nakhon Sawan, hub of Thailand, home of Tieness, where the Nan meets the Ping and the pong from KPP, the city that never sleeps, where chaps from KPP are drawn by the aroma of finely cooked pork from a Fortuner Grill, where the smell of freshly cooked BBQ chicken wafts across the roof tops drawing in ever more tourists, I could go on but my noodles have just arrived!

The sound is increasing and the fireworks are all in place( I have my sparklers) for the big bash tomorrow night by the lake, by the riverside and all the way to the borders of the city and beyond ( thats Asean)!

Oh come all ye faithful to the centre of the known world ( not far from BIG C)! All welcome. please bring a bottle ( full ones can be safely left at my gate). I expect to be on all good tv channels and stations tomorrow night.

Have a happy new year's eve and keep off the roads, you know it makes sense. If you have to travel make sure you take a clean spare pair of underpants with you just in case.

Happy new year to all my subjects.

I can see the hoards descending as I tap, only hope that the traffic is a trite less than the stuff that was on the 1 going north yesterday.

As luck would have it in the not Hub K.P.P thank Buddha here it passes us by. But we do seem to get a few more Farang here over the festive season only hope they have their K.P.P Visas.

H/M did notice that there were several outsiders wandering around Big C the other day dash pore show as I like the place all to myself. Last thing I want is to have peeps wandering about not speaking the local upper class language. Just wouldn't be Cricket.

Local news.

I went out last night to one of our local Restaurants to celebrate the new year. Only this morning after my BKK Post arrived did I find out that it's tonight. Silly Billy. Have put the loss of memory down to having to visit N/S a few weeks ago, and having the fumes still in between my ears.

Whilst on the subject of food/Restaurants we have a new one that's opened not had time to visit yet but it seems that they serve live crab's and prawns cooked of cause. It's besides the bus station bridge if any of the local upper class would like to know.

Before I crack up altogether.

May I take the opportunity of wishing all that abound a very Happy New Year. H/M one started last night but you already know that.




Reports of many road blocks coming in and out fo town by the heroic Nakhon Sawan Police, cars with NS plates are being waived through. Several U turns springing up by the Police, not all are understanding the new temporary solution to traffic management and checking of the cars has ended up with a few prangs, so if you coming into heartbeat of the country over the next few days, it might take longer and watch out for drivers with an dependent driving knowledge.

Right now I can hear the fireworks, dont you love it? You wont see my money going up in smoke!


H/M has just been watching Sky News better for thing's happening in Blighty than BBC.

Right the reason for this post.

Last night if you wanted to watch the 15 minutes of fireworks in London you had to pay a Tenner that's £10 or 500bt to the colonists. I ask you what country do they demand monies to do such a thing.

Well done London on making monies from peeps wanting to see in the new year.

Oh and no reduction for kids.

I wont go down the small fortune route/rout AM it would have cost peeps to get there in the first place.

Update sorry it wasn't 15 minutes it was only 11 Min:

I very rarely use bad language but this time H/M will make an exception. Taking the piss comes to mind.




Well someone has got to pay for the champagne party afterwards!!!

Have to agree on that one.

They sold a maximum of 100th tickets = £1 mil: the vat on that alone equates to £200th must have been some party.

Just wondering how many true English were there??? Whatever I bet that there were hundreds of illegal immigrants.

I'm still disgusted, Na ashamed at what they did.

By the way it's going there they will stop hunting for us upper classes soon.




What are your requirements of being "true English"?

Well I made it through the day after Christmas, your "boxing day" without anyone trying to pick a fight and want to "box"! I then read that it had something to do with taking another day off from work to play with the empty boxes left over from all of your Christmas day gifts.

Today is the day after New Years, do you have a special name for it? I'll be watching the NCAA football semi-finals today, the Rose and Sugar bowls. American football played with the ball that looks somewhat like a rugby ball and forward passes are a plus, not a penalty.

The local village New Years eve party still continued well into yesterday with sports and free food at the temple, spirits being sold from carts by local vendors. I actually won a case of Leo in the drawing and my wife won a large plastic wash tub. I'm glad that it was plastic, when I told her that it was a fitting prize, it nicely bounced off my head when she threw it at me. Glad she didn't win a set of knives!

I have to go to the bank on Monday to transfer some funds to the US to buy new clothes for the beast. I imagine that will be fun after 5 days off at the end of the month and I have to go to Krung Thai as it's the only bank in town, one of three government banks, that will do international transfers. His bigger brother just got a new set of frpnt shoes, the cost of a pair was 164000 baht.

I guess that the next big holiday is Songkran and the rest of the mob of migrants are due to come on Monday to get the burning and cutting of the cane into full swing so that it can be completed before then.


What are your requirements of being "true English"?

Well I made it through the day after Christmas, your "boxing day" without anyone trying to pick a fight and want to "box"! I then read that it had something to do with taking another day off from work to play with the empty boxes left over from all of your Christmas day gifts.

Today is the day after New Years, do you have a special name for it? I'll be watching the NCAA football semi-finals today, the Rose and Sugar bowls. American football played with the ball that looks somewhat like a rugby ball and forward passes are a plus, not a penalty.

The local village New Years eve party still continued well into yesterday with sports and free food at the temple, spirits being sold from carts by local vendors. I actually won a case of Leo in the drawing and my wife won a large plastic wash tub. I'm glad that it was plastic, when I told her that it was a fitting prize, it nicely bounced off my head when she threw it at me. Glad she didn't win a set of knives!

I have to go to the bank on Monday to transfer some funds to the US to buy new clothes for the beast. I imagine that will be fun after 5 days off at the end of the month and I have to go to Krung Thai as it's the only bank in town, one of three government banks, that will do international transfers. His bigger brother just got a new set of frpnt shoes, the cost of a pair was 164000 baht.

I guess that the next big holiday is Songkran and the rest of the mob of migrants are due to come on Monday to get the burning and cutting of the cane into full swing so that it can be completed before then.

H/M requirements for being English, is Not taking the pee as they seem to be doing lately there.

Glad you had a good time over the festive season.

A case of Leo A that's a bonus.

Right the name for the day after New Years eve is New years Day. Sometimes you worry me.

We haven't had any Black rain at all not to sure how much if any we will get but there does seem to be a lot less cane being grown locally.

So the beast has started to cost never mind you'll soon recoup same.

News. At Chateau H/M.

There I was last night sorting out some bit's in the Thai Kitchen when I espied something moving out of the corner of my eye, what was it well a bloody great big black/blue Scorpion.

I sped in with my Irish wolf hound in close pursuit.

Having donned my Hunting gear, out with the horn and with the sound of Tally HO set to it.

Right what's to do first, as it's the Thai kitchen and not my Farang one it was a job for Mrs H/M.

Out she went after a small push from H/M. It took one look raised it's pointed thing then realising that it was ill equipped to deal with her tried to scamper orf to late Mrs H/M had dealt it a fatal blow.

You'll all be glad to hear I did help somewhat by shouting out words of encouragement followed by a few toots on the horn, through the Closed Locked Window of cause, I'm not stupid, anyway it is her Kitchen after all.

An extremely brave.




I think that you need new glasses. My post was "Today is the day after New Years,", I know the day after New years Eve is New years day but what about the next day. Do you have a special name for it like "Boxing Day" after Christmas?

Black rain hasn't started yet here either since there's been no rain, but every morning there's ash in the back yard and the outside counter tops have a black film on them. The burning gets into full swing next week.

Ah you had local Thai prawns for dinner last night. Did you wonder why there was only one and it was smashed flat?

So, when you say true Englishman are you're actually referring to people from Great Britain, not just England; Irishmen, Scotsmen, etc. all inclusive?


I think that you need new glasses. My post was "Today is the day after New Years,", I know the day after New years Eve is New years day but what about the next day. Do you have a special name for it like "Boxing Day" after Christmas?

Black rain hasn't started yet here either since there's been no rain, but every morning there's ash in the back yard and the outside counter tops have a black film on them. The burning gets into full swing next week.

Ah you had local Thai prawns for dinner last night. Did you wonder why there was only one and it was smashed flat?

So, when you say true Englishman are you're actually referring to people from Great Britain, not just England; Irishmen, Scotsmen, etc. all inclusive?

Sorry about that must try and learn Colonist.

No there's no name that I know of anyway.

Come to think of it I don't know why it's called Boxing day either, could be that that's the day everyone has a punch up with their Wife's.

I did read once that Christmas was the most stressful time between partners.

Black rain is what the G/L calls the black bit's 'ash' that float down after burning. We sometimes get 3/4 weeks of that all dependent on the wind.

Thai Prawns yes so far only 1 and Mrs M/H did do a good job of sending it to meet Buddha.

English are peeps that as the word says English born from peeps going back many generations not Scottish Irish Welsh they are all proud to called what they are.

It seems now that you cant use the word English or from any other place Scott's ETC anymore we have all been clumped together including illegal immigrants into that fine word British something to do with political correctness.

I won't go down that road as there isn't enough room on TV to put my remarks in.

Suffice to say I'm one of many that give the customs peeps at the airport when I arrive loads of stick when they ask if I have any contraband in my case.

Little idea I did wander over to Customs officers last time I was there, as they lined up all dressed in Black waiting for us to get our cases, and just casually mentioned in a loud voice to them, that all they needed was Jack boots and a Swastika and they would resemble Hitler's mob.

Must say they didn't seem to see the funny side of my repartee. Several other peeps did so I didn't waste my banter.

Oh they did stop me and went through everything. So maybe not a good idea if your in a hurry whilst trying to enter the police state Blighty has now become.




I think that you need new glasses. My post was "Today is the day after New Years,", I know the day after New years Eve is New years day but what about the next day. Do you have a special name for it like "Boxing Day" after Christmas?

Black rain hasn't started yet here either since there's been no rain, but every morning there's ash in the back yard and the outside counter tops have a black film on them. The burning gets into full swing next week.

Ah you had local Thai prawns for dinner last night. Did you wonder why there was only one and it was smashed flat?

So, when you say true Englishman are you're actually referring to people from Great Britain, not just England; Irishmen, Scotsmen, etc. all inclusive?

Sorry about that must try and learn Colonist.

No there's no name that I know of anyway.

Come to think of it I don't know why it's called Boxing day either, could be that that's the day everyone has a punch up with their Wife's.

I did read once that Christmas was the most stressful time between partners.

Black rain is what the G/L calls the black bit's 'ash' that float down after burning. We sometimes get 3/4 weeks of that all dependent on the wind.

Thai Prawns yes so far only 1 and Mrs M/H did do a good job of sending it to meet Buddha.

English are peeps that as the word says English born from peeps going back many generations not Scottish Irish Welsh they are all proud to called what they are.

It seems now that you cant use the word English or from any other place Scott's ETC anymore we have all been clumped together including illegal immigrants into that fine word British something to do with political correctness.

I won't go down that road as there isn't enough room on TV to put my remarks in.

Suffice to say I'm one of many that give the customs peeps at the airport when I arrive loads of stick when they ask if I have any contraband in my case.

Little idea I did wander over to Customs officers last time I was there, as they lined up all dressed in Black waiting for us to get our cases, and just casually mentioned in a loud voice to them, that all they needed was Jack boots and a Swastika and they would resemble Hitler's mob.

Must say they didn't seem to see the funny side of my repartee. Several other peeps did so I didn't waste my banter.

Oh they did stop me and went through everything. So maybe not a good idea if your in a hurry whilst trying to enter the police state Blighty has now become.



Out of interest I have just looked up boxing day. Seems it come from Christmas Box, the day after Christmas day when all the tradesmen and staff used to get their boxes from us upper class.

Only hope that my staff don't get any ideas about same, last thing I want to do is cut down on the 1 small 20bt thing I get for Mrs H/M.




Anyone coming into Immigration this month might like to be aware of the buy 1 get one free Pizza from the Pizza Stand in Sawanvittee, jusr go down to the side of the Police Station and trun left past the University, same side as the University is a 7-11 and its upstairs, car park at the back open 0700-1100 plenty of western fare if you fancy otherwise.

No room for horses or blokes with monacles and jodphurs!

  • Like 1

Anyone coming into Immigration this month might like to be aware of the buy 1 get one free Pizza from the Pizza Stand in Sawanvittee, jusr go down to the side of the Police Station and trun left past the University, same side as the University is a 7-11 and its upstairs, car park at the back open 0700-1100 plenty of western fare if you fancy otherwise.

No room for horses or blokes with monacles and jodphurs!

That is handy. I am trying to meet up with a couple of out of city guys in a couple of weeks time and I had thought we could meet at that place by the lake but it doesn't seem to open for lunch. Perhaps we could all order monster pizzas and doggie bags to take the rest home.


Anyone coming into Immigration this month might like to be aware of the buy 1 get one free Pizza from the Pizza Stand in Sawanvittee, jusr go down to the side of the Police Station and trun left past the University, same side as the University is a 7-11 and its upstairs, car park at the back open 0700-1100 plenty of western fare if you fancy otherwise.

No room for horses or blokes with monacles and jodphurs!

That is handy. I am trying to meet up with a couple of out of city guys in a couple of weeks time and I had thought we could meet at that place by the lake but it doesn't seem to open for lunch. Perhaps we could all order monster pizzas and doggie bags to take the rest home.

H/M did eat there some time a go was with a chum, cant tell you what the pizzas are like as we both ate Thai that I must say was very nice. I didn't get my first choice a mixed vegetable dish with NOODLES as they as usual didn't have mushrooms. Why they couldn't do it minus those I don't know but there you are.

Oh H/M is doing a Dave 'Nong' on Monday the 12th will be going to Pattaya, it's the annual fishing trip for us upper class. My fishing Jodhpurs are being readied by my minion as I tap.




Oh yer, "fishing trip" that's a new one!!!

Most guys tell the wife they're off on a "golfing" trip when they head off to Sin City!!!

Last time I went down there I told my wife I was going to buy a motorbike.

She told me to enjoy myself.

I did, I bought a motorbike but not the one I went to buy.

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