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An Outbreak Of Idiocy In Chiang Mai


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If recent posts on the TV Chiang Mai Forum are anything to go by it would seem that many in the expat community here are suffering from a collective form of idiocy, lunacy, or imbecility. Whatever you want to call it.

Characterized by going gaga over life in Chiang Mai and how wonderful it is.

This unrestrained enthusiasm attracts others to the city who are soon infected by it. Themselves infecting yet others and so on.

This "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" scenario being played out has reached crisis proportions. Action must be taken soon.

Otherwise our obnoxious presence here will provoke a reaction by indigenous Thais that doesn't bear thinking about.

My proposal is this: deal with it the way 18th century Londoners did in their time.

Create here in Chiang Mai a St. Mary's of Bethlehem... that's right, Bedlam!

Confining them for their own good, and hopefully isolating this mental plague before it spreads any farther.

A hospital for farang bah, farang pah-saht.

And who but OldGringo would make a better head of this new Bedlam? A sinister role played to such perfection by Boris Karloff in the old movie.

To sum-up; let us, the few remaining "somboon" types take charge and with hearts full of "tough love" consign these airheads to a true La-La Land.

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I must protest the expression "Outbreak of Idiocy" as it relates to contributors to our Chiang Mai Visa Forum. "Further Proof of Idiocy" or "Manifest Evidence of Continuing Idiocy" would be far more appropriate, as Outbreak suggests that idiocy is not our norm.

Alternatively, Outbreak of Positive Vibes might be accurate, as many, arguably most, of us contibutors are sardonic, cynical, sarcastic, or hostile. This burst of happy is the exception.

And what fundamentally is wrong with wearing rose colored glasses in the land of smileys?coffee1.gif

After all, it might be argued that we live in Bedlam already, the planet, human behaviours, wars to come.

Finding the good in an urban garbage dump might be well worthwhile. We call us pollyannaish.clap2.gif

Edited by CMX
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Well, you know, one point for trying to make a joke. But then, don't forget that when you point at someone, there's still four more fingers pointing back at you. You're in the complainer basket now, dude. Can't see how anyone could stay on the cheery side with weather and air like's come on in recent weeks, anyway.

Overall, I just roll with it. If I'm in a crabby mood, I go hang out with the gripe-about-it crowd. If I want a laugh, I go hang out with the sunny side-of-life crowd.

Cheers to the cheery respondents who've run with it n made lemonade out of this topic !

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What a wonderful idea!

Bedlam in Chiang Mai.

Thais have co-opted our pop-culture already, so why not give them a taste of our classics?

Old mental hospitals would be just the start.

From there we could go on to building workhouses to get their shiftless layabouts out of sight of the quality tourists.

Oliver Twist era orphanages for the kiddies.

Prisons like old Newgate and New York's Tombs to raise mortality rates and reduce overcrowding.

The possibilities are almost endless.

We've only just begun to share the bounty from the cornucopia of Western Civilization.

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Hallelujah Brothers and Sisters we've reached the Promised Land!

Is this a farrago of nonsense or do you have some message you want to get across?

I can't make head nor tail of it.

Peace and spiritual repletion are what we should be seeking and not be beguiled by Angel trumpets and Devil trombones into thinking we are living in a land of milk and honey.

Edited by DeaconJohn
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Hallelujah Brothers and Sisters we've reached the Promised Land!

Is this a farrago of nonsense or do you have some message you want to get across?

I can't make head nor tail of it.

Peace and spiritual repletion are what we should be seeking and not be beguiled by Angel trumpets and Devil trombones into thinking we are living in a land of milk and honey.

Either you get it at once or you won't get it at all...

Humour, that is.

Amen, Bro.

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Homeboy, your proposal to nominate me as head of this new Chiang Mai Bedlam is humbling indeed.

Never one to shirk my public duty, I can do nothing but accept.

But with profound humility.

My long experience with Chiang Mai farangs both resident and transient will no doubt be of use in the custody and treatment of those intrusted to my care.

No effort will be spared to reform the behaviour of these lambs who have strayed from the flock.

Like Alex in A Clockwork Orange they will be subjected to a strict regimen of remedial education.

The phrase "I am only a guest in Thailand" will be inculcated in various ways until it is an integral part of their psyche. With them repeating it, often spontaneously, several times a day.

After that primary lesson, behaviour modification can begin in earnest.

The Spanish Inquisition, the Elizabethan torturers of Catholics, Stalin, today's Waterboarders, none will seem harsh compared to the tender loving care that I will lavish on my charges.

Their return to normalcy and Chiang Mai society with the sobriquet "Farang Poo-Dee" will be the object and shining light at the end of this long tunnel.

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Hobby bobby

Hobby Bobby?? What the hell does that mean and exactly how old are you? You sound about 12 years old!

In the UK what is colloquially known as a 'Hobby Bobby' is a part time / volunteer / special constable of the local constabulary.

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d b 218

re .. In the UK what is colloquially known as a 'Hobby Bobby' is a part time / volunteer / special constable of the local constabulary.

bugger ... i didnt know that and im a brit

ive obviously been in ch m too long .. and enjoying it

dave2 .... : )


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The poster and all the newbies will get over their infatuation with Chiangmai when the honeymoon is over and reality sets in. Enough people coming to Chiangmai already.

For an object lesson to illustrate your point just follow the "I Loooove Chiang Mai" thread from the start.

His Pilgrim's Progress has taken him through Vanity Fair out onto a road that is starting to get a little rocky.

The Slough of Despond lies up ahead.

Certainly almost all of us who have been here any length of time still love it. In spite of all the negative changes that have taken place over the years Chiang Mai still has a lot going for it.

Plus... it's not the USA, it's not the UK, it's not Australia, etc.,etc.

But unfortunately it's becoming more and more like those places all the time.

Chiang Mai has always had many farangs. But they tended to be a diverse lot. The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, certainly, but at least they were interesting.

The flood of humanity coming in now could have arrived enmass from a suburban housing development in the US or a council block in England.

They are the very people that travellers were always glad to leave behind in their own countries.

Now they've followed us here.

Eager to socialize and so out of place and culturally isolated that they will try to befriend you everywhere. In supermarkets, while waiting on Immigration lines, remote trails in the mountains.

Like some lost tribe condemned to eternal wandering.

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Chiang Mai already has three major bedlams: The Night Bazaar, Thapae Gate, and the first 100 meters of Loy Kroh road from the moat headed east. I considered adding in the Immigration Office, but I think that is more like an out-patient clinic.

I think these are adequate. I see no evidence of an increasing percentage of Americans in Chiang Mai.


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This topic although a spoof, addresses an important point.

Simply put, there are just too many farangs coming to Chiang Mai.

Immigration when it becomes massive tends to destroy the very things the immigrants came for in the first place.

It has been true in the US and Europe.

It will be true in Chiang Mai.

Wait and see.

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